import sys # Copyright 2018 Datawire. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License import datetime import json import logging import os import socket __version__ = '0.0.14' logging.basicConfig( level=logging.DEBUG if os.environ.get('STATSD_TEST_DEBUG') else logging.INFO, format="%%(asctime)s stats-test %s %%(levelname)s: %%(message)s" % __version__, datefmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" ) UDP_IP = "" UDP_PORT = 8125 sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, # Internet socket.SOCK_DGRAM) # UDP sock.bind((UDP_IP, UDP_PORT))"Listening on %d" % UDP_PORT) interesting_clusters = { cname for cname in os.environ.get('STATSD_TEST_CLUSTER').split(":") }"Interesting clusters: {interesting_clusters}") interesting = {} last_summary = def summary(): r = "" for cluster_name in interesting_clusters: cluster = interesting.get(cluster_name, {}) trq = cluster.get(f'upstream_rq_total', -1) grq = cluster.get(f'upstream_rq_2xx', -1) ttm = cluster.get(f'upstream_rq_time', -1) if (trq > 0) and (trq > 0): ttm = ", %.1f ms avg" % (ttm / trq) r += f'{cluster_name}: {trq} req, {grq} good{ttm}\n' return r while True: now = if (now - last_summary) > datetime.timedelta(seconds=30):"30sec\n{summary()}") last_summary = data, addr = sock.recvfrom(1024) # buffer size is 1024 bytes data = data.decode('utf-8').strip() peer_ip, peer_port = addr logging.debug(f"data: {data}") if data == 'RESET':'RESETTING') interesting = {} sock.sendto(bytes('RESET', 'utf-8'), addr) elif data == 'DUMP':'DUMP') contents = json.dumps(interesting).encode("utf-8")"SEND {contents}") sock.sendto(contents, addr) elif data == 'SUMMARY': contents = summary().encode("utf-8")'SUMMARY:\n{contents}') sock.sendto(contents, addr) else: # Here's a sample 'normal' line: # envoy.cluster.cluster_http___statsdtest_http.upstream_rq_200:310|c # envoy.cluster.cluster_http___statsdtest_http.upstream_rq_2xx:310|c # envoy.cluster.cluster_http___statsdtest_http.upstream_rq_time:3|ms # # and here's the dogstatsd equivalent: # envoy.cluster.upstream_rq:363|c|#envoy.response_code:200,envoy.cluster_name:cluster_http___dogstatsdtest_http # envoy.cluster.upstream_rq_xx:363|c|#envoy.response_code_class:2,envoy.cluster_name:cluster_http___dogstatsdtest_http # envoy.cluster.upstream_rq_time:2|ms|#envoy.cluster_name:cluster_http___dogstatsdtest_http # # So first, it needs to start with 'envoy.cluster.'. if not data.startswith('envoy.cluster.'): #"SKIP: {data}") continue"CLUSTER: {data}") # Strip the leading 'envoy.cluster.'... data = data[len('envoy.cluster.'):] # Next up, split fields out. fields = data.split('|') if (len(fields) < 2) or (len(fields) > 3): logging.debug(f'bad fields {fields}') continue key_and_value = fields[0] data_type = fields[1] dog_elements = {} if len(fields) > 2: dog_stuff = fields[2] if not dog_stuff.startswith('#'): logging.debug(f'bad dog_stuff {dog_stuff}') continue dog_stuff = dog_stuff[1:] for dog_element in dog_stuff.split(','): dog_key, dog_value = dog_element.split(':', 1) dog_elements[dog_key] = dog_value key, value = key_and_value.split(':', 1) cluster_name = None if not dog_elements: # No datadog stuff, so we should be able to grab the cluster name # from the key. cluster_name, key = key.split('.', 1) else: cluster_name = dog_elements.get('envoy.cluster_name') if not cluster_name: logging.debug('no cluster_name') continue # Is this an interesting cluster? if cluster_name not in interesting_clusters: logging.debug(f'{cluster_name} is uninteresting') continue # Finally, fix up the dogstatsd stat keys. if dog_elements: if key.endswith('_rq') and ('envoy.response_code' in dog_elements): key = f'{key}_{dog_elements["envoy.response_code"]}' elif key.endswith('_xx') and ('envoy.response_code_class' in dog_elements): rclass = dog_elements["envoy.response_code_class"] key = key.replace('_xx', f'_{rclass}xx') #'{cluster_name}: {key} += {value} {data_type}') cluster_stats = interesting.setdefault(cluster_name, {}) if key not in cluster_stats: cluster_stats[key] = 0 cluster_stats[key] += int(value)