### # This dockerfile builds the base image for the builder container. See # the main Dockerfile for more information about what the builder # container is and how code in this repo is built. # # Originally this base was built as part of the builder container's # bootstrap process. We discovered that minor network interruptions # would break these steps, and such interruptions were common on our # cloud CI system. We decided to separate out these steps so that any # one of them is much less likely to be the cause of a network-related # failure, i.e. a flake. # # See the comment before the build_builder_base() function in builder.sh # to see when and how often this base image is built and pushed. ## ######################################## # Third-party code ######################################## FROM docker.io/frolvlad/alpine-glibc:alpine-3.17_glibc-2.34 WORKDIR /buildroot ENV PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/local/go/bin:/buildroot/bin # For the most-part, you should not pin specific versions in this # `apk` command; it will always choose the latest version being # shipped by pinned version of Alpine. This will automatically pull # in any patches, but not breaking changes. # # Because of how we cache the base image # (`docker/base-python.docker.gen`), it'll keep selected versions # around for a week. If there's a security patch that we want to pull # in without waiting a week for the cache to roll over, instead of # fussing with pinning a specific package version, simply make an # inconsequential change that changes the file's checksum (such as # bumping this comment): # # forced-bumps: 0 # # The exception to this is that we pin 'python3' and 'py3-pip' because # the 'pip-tools' version below will also need to change if those # versions change. And even then, don't get more precise with the # version number than we need to ensure that the pip-tools version # agrees. RUN apk --no-cache add \ bash \ gcc \ make \ musl-dev \ curl \ cython \ docker-cli \ git \ iptables \ jq \ libcap \ libcap-dev \ libffi-dev \ ncurses \ openssl-dev \ py3-pip=~22.3 \ python3=~3.10 \ python3-dev \ rust \ cargo \ patchelf \ rsync \ sudo \ yaml-dev \ && chmod u+s $(which docker) # Consult # https://github.com/jazzband/pip-tools/#versions-and-compatibility to # select a pip-tools version that corresponds to the 'py3-pip' and # 'python3' versions above. # Pinning build version due to missing license info from pip show in newer versions RUN pip3 install pip-tools==6.12.1 build==0.9.0 RUN curl --fail -L https://dl.google.com/go/go1.20.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz | tar -C /usr/local -xzf - # The YAML parser is... special. To get the C version, we need to install Cython and libyaml, then # build it locally -- just using pip won't work. # # Download, build, and install PyYAML. RUN mkdir /tmp/pyyaml && \ cd /tmp/pyyaml && \ curl -o pyyaml- -L https://github.com/yaml/pyyaml/archive/refs/tags/ && \ tar xzf pyyaml- && \ cd pyyaml- && \ python3 setup.py --with-libyaml install # orjson is also special. The wheels on PyPI rely on glibc, so we # need to use cargo/rustc/patchelf to build a musl-compatible version. RUN pip3 install orjson==3.6.6