package entrypoint_test import ( "strings" "testing" "" "" "" v3bootstrap "" v3cluster "" "" ) // This predicate is used to check k8s snapshots for an RateLimitService matching the provided name and // namespace. func HasRateLimitService(namespace, name string) func(snapshot *snapshot.Snapshot) bool { return func(snapshot *snapshot.Snapshot) bool { for _, m := range snapshot.Kubernetes.RateLimitServices { if m.Namespace == namespace && m.Name == name { return true } } return false } } // Tests the synthetic rateLimit generation when a valid RateLimitService is created. This RateLimitService has // `protocol_version: v3` and should not be replaced by the synthetic RateLimitService. func TestSyntheticRateLimitValid(t *testing.T) { for _, apiVersion := range []string{"v2", "v3alpha1"} { apiVersion := apiVersion // capture loop variable t.Run(apiVersion, func(t *testing.T) { t.Setenv("EDGE_STACK", "true") f := entrypoint.RunFake(t, entrypoint.FakeConfig{EnvoyConfig: true}, nil) err := f.UpsertYAML(` --- apiVersion:` + apiVersion + ` kind: RateLimitService metadata: name: edge-stack-ratelimit-test namespace: foo spec: protocol_version: "v3" service: `) assert.NoError(t, err) f.Flush() // Use the predicate above to check that the snapshot contains the // RateLimitService defined above. The RateLimitService has `protocol_version: v3` so // it should not be removed/replaced by the synthetic RateLimitService injected // by syntheticratelimit.go snap, err := f.GetSnapshot(HasRateLimitService("foo", "edge-stack-ratelimit-test")) assert.NoError(t, err) assert.NotNil(t, snap) // In edge-stack we should only ever have 1 RateLimitService. assert.Equal(t, 1, len(snap.Kubernetes.RateLimitServices)) assert.Equal(t, "edge-stack-ratelimit-test", snap.Kubernetes.RateLimitServices[0].Name) // Check for a cluster name matching the provided RateLimitService isRateLimitCluster := func(c *v3cluster.Cluster) bool { return strings.Contains(c.Name, "cluster_127_0_0_1_8500_foo") } // Grab the next Envoy config that has an Edge Stack ratelimit cluster on // envoyConfig, err := f.GetEnvoyConfig(func(envoy *v3bootstrap.Bootstrap) bool { return FindCluster(envoy, isRateLimitCluster) != nil }) require.NoError(t, err) // Make sure an Envoy Config containing a cluster for the // RateLimitService that was defined. assert.NotNil(t, envoyConfig) }) } } // This tests with a provided RateLimitService that has no protocol_version (which defaults to v2). It // should get forcibly overridden to be v3. func TestSyntheticRateLimitReplace(t *testing.T) { for _, apiVersion := range []string{"v2", "v3alpha1"} { apiVersion := apiVersion // capture loop variable t.Run(apiVersion, func(t *testing.T) { t.Setenv("EDGE_STACK", "true") f := entrypoint.RunFake(t, entrypoint.FakeConfig{EnvoyConfig: true}, nil) err := f.UpsertYAML(` --- apiVersion:` + apiVersion + ` kind: RateLimitService metadata: name: edge-stack-ratelimit-test namespace: foo spec: service: `) assert.NoError(t, err) f.Flush() // The RateLimitService does not have `protocol_version: v3` so it should be // forcibly edited to say `protocol_version: v3` by syntheticratelimit.go snap, err := f.GetSnapshot(HasRateLimitService("foo", "edge-stack-ratelimit-test")) assert.NoError(t, err) assert.NotNil(t, snap) // In edge-stack we should only ever have 1 RateLimitService. assert.Equal(t, 1, len(snap.Kubernetes.RateLimitServices)) // The snapshot should only have the one defined above. assert.Equal(t, "edge-stack-ratelimit-test", snap.Kubernetes.RateLimitServices[0].Name) // The protocol version should be forcibly set to v3. assert.Equal(t, "v3", snap.Kubernetes.RateLimitServices[0].Spec.ProtocolVersion) // Check for a cluster name matching the provided RateLimitService isRateLimitCluster := func(c *v3cluster.Cluster) bool { return strings.Contains(c.Name, "cluster_127_0_0_1_8500_foo") } // Grab the next Envoy config that has an Edge Stack rateLimit cluster on // envoyConfig, err := f.GetEnvoyConfig(func(envoy *v3bootstrap.Bootstrap) bool { return FindCluster(envoy, isRateLimitCluster) != nil }) require.NoError(t, err) // Make sure an Envoy Config containing a cluster for the // RateLimitService that was defined. assert.NotNil(t, envoyConfig) }) } } // Tests the synthetic rateLimit generation when an invalid RateLimitService is created. This RateLimitService has // `protocol_version: v3` and should not be replaced by the synthetic RateLimitService even though it has // a bogus value because the bogus field will be dropped when it is loaded, and we will be left with // a valid RateLimitService. func TestSyntheticRateLimitBogusField(t *testing.T) { for _, apiVersion := range []string{"v2", "v3alpha1"} { apiVersion := apiVersion // capture loop variable t.Run(apiVersion, func(t *testing.T) { t.Setenv("EDGE_STACK", "true") f := entrypoint.RunFake(t, entrypoint.FakeConfig{EnvoyConfig: true}, nil) err := f.UpsertYAML(` --- apiVersion:` + apiVersion + ` kind: RateLimitService metadata: name: edge-stack-ratelimit-test namespace: foo spec: service: bogus_field: "foo" `) assert.NoError(t, err) f.Flush() // Use the predicate above to check that the snapshot contains the // RateLimitService defined above. The RateLimitService has `protocol_version: v3` so // it should not be removed/replaced by the synthetic RateLimitService injected // by syntheticratelimit.go snap, err := f.GetSnapshot(HasRateLimitService("foo", "edge-stack-ratelimit-test")) assert.NoError(t, err) assert.NotNil(t, snap) // In edge-stack we should only ever have 1 RateLimitService. assert.Equal(t, 1, len(snap.Kubernetes.RateLimitServices)) assert.Equal(t, "edge-stack-ratelimit-test", snap.Kubernetes.RateLimitServices[0].Name) // Check for a cluster name matching the provided RateLimitService isRateLimitCluster := func(c *v3cluster.Cluster) bool { return strings.Contains(c.Name, "cluster_127_0_0_1_8500_foo") } // Grab the next Envoy config that has an Edge Stack rateLimit cluster on // envoyConfig, err := f.GetEnvoyConfig(func(envoy *v3bootstrap.Bootstrap) bool { return FindCluster(envoy, isRateLimitCluster) != nil }) require.NoError(t, err) // Make sure an Envoy Config containing a cluster for the // RateLimitService that was defined. assert.NotNil(t, envoyConfig) }) } } // Tests the synthetic rateLimit generation when an invalid RateLimitService (because the protocol_version is // invalid for the supported enums). This RateLimitService should be tossed out and the synthetic // RateLimitService should be injected. func TestSyntheticRateLimitInvalidProtocolVer(t *testing.T) { t.Setenv("EDGE_STACK", "true") f := entrypoint.RunFake(t, entrypoint.FakeConfig{EnvoyConfig: true}, nil) err := f.UpsertYAML(` --- apiVersion: kind: RateLimitService metadata: name: edge-stack-ratelimit-test namespace: foo spec: protocol_version: "vBogus" bogus_field: "foo" `) assert.NoError(t, err) f.Flush() // Use the predicate above to check that the snapshot contains the synthetic RateLimitService. // The RateLimitService has `protocol_version: v3`, but it has a bogus field, so it should not be // validated, and instead we inject the synthetic RateLimitService. snap, err := f.GetSnapshot(HasRateLimitService("default", "synthetic_edge_stack_rate_limit")) assert.NoError(t, err) assert.NotNil(t, snap) // In edge-stack we should only ever have 1 RateLimitService. assert.Equal(t, 1, len(snap.Kubernetes.RateLimitServices)) // The snapshot should only have the synthetic RateLimitService and not the one defined above. assert.Equal(t, "synthetic_edge_stack_rate_limit", snap.Kubernetes.RateLimitServices[0].Name) // Check for a cluster name matching the provided RateLimitService isRateLimitCluster := func(c *v3cluster.Cluster) bool { return strings.Contains(c.Name, "cluster_127_0_0_1_8500_default") } // Grab the next Envoy config that has an Edge Stack rateLimit cluster on // envoyConfig, err := f.GetEnvoyConfig(func(envoy *v3bootstrap.Bootstrap) bool { return FindCluster(envoy, isRateLimitCluster) != nil }) require.NoError(t, err) // Make sure an Envoy Config containing a cluster for the // RateLimitService that was defined. assert.NotNil(t, envoyConfig) } // Tests the synthetic rateLimit generation when an invalid RateLimitService is created and edited several // times in succession. After the config is edited several times, we should see that the final // result is our provided valid RateLimitService. There should not be any duplicate RateLimitService // resources, and the synthetic RateLimitService that gets created when the first invalid RateLimitService is // applied should be removed when the final edit makes it a valid RateLimitService. func TestSyntheticRateLimitChurn(t *testing.T) { t.Setenv("EDGE_STACK", "true") f := entrypoint.RunFake(t, entrypoint.FakeConfig{EnvoyConfig: true}, nil) f.AutoFlush(true) err := f.UpsertYAML(` --- apiVersion: kind: RateLimitService metadata: name: edge-stack-ratelimit-test namespace: foo spec: service: `) assert.NoError(t, err) err = f.UpsertYAML(` --- apiVersion: kind: RateLimitService metadata: name: edge-stack-ratelimit-test namespace: foo spec: service: protocol_version: "v3" `) assert.NoError(t, err) err = f.UpsertYAML(` --- apiVersion: kind: RateLimitService metadata: name: edge-stack-ratelimit-test namespace: foo spec: service: `) assert.NoError(t, err) err = f.UpsertYAML(` --- apiVersion: kind: RateLimitService metadata: name: edge-stack-ratelimit-test namespace: foo spec: service: protocol_version: "v3" `) assert.NoError(t, err) // Use the predicate above to check that the snapshot contains the RateLimitService defined // above. The RateLimitService has `protocol_version: v3` so it should not be removed/replaced // by the synthetic RateLimitService injected by syntheticratelimit.go snap, err := f.GetSnapshot(HasRateLimitService("foo", "edge-stack-ratelimit-test")) assert.NoError(t, err) assert.NotNil(t, snap) // In edge-stack we should only ever have 1 RateLimitService. assert.Equal(t, 1, len(snap.Kubernetes.RateLimitServices)) // The snapshot should only have the synthetic RateLimitService and not the one defined above. assert.Equal(t, "edge-stack-ratelimit-test", snap.Kubernetes.RateLimitServices[0].Name) // Check for a cluster name matching the provided RateLimitService isRateLimitCluster := func(c *v3cluster.Cluster) bool { return strings.Contains(c.Name, "cluster_127_0_0_1_8500_foo") } // Grab the next Envoy config that has an Edge Stack rateLimit cluster on // envoyConfig, err := f.GetEnvoyConfig(func(envoy *v3bootstrap.Bootstrap) bool { return FindCluster(envoy, isRateLimitCluster) != nil }) require.NoError(t, err) // Make sure an Envoy Config containing a cluster for the // RateLimitService that was defined. assert.NotNil(t, envoyConfig) } // Tests the synthetic rateLimit generation by first creating an invalid RateLimitService and confirming that // the synthetic RateLimitService gets injected. Afterwards, a valid RateLimitService is applied and we // expect the synthetic RateLimitService to be removed in favor of the new valid RateLimitService. func TestSyntheticRateLimitInjectAndRemove(t *testing.T) { t.Setenv("EDGE_STACK", "true") f := entrypoint.RunFake(t, entrypoint.FakeConfig{EnvoyConfig: true}, nil) f.AutoFlush(true) // This will cause a synthethic RateLimitService to be injected. err := f.UpsertYAML(` --- apiVersion: kind: RateLimitService metadata: name: edge-stack-ratelimit-test namespace: foo spec: service: protocol_version: "vBogus" `) assert.NoError(t, err) // Use the predicate above to check that the snapshot contains the synthetic RateLimitService. // The user-provided RateLimitService is invalid and so it should be ignored and instead we // inject the synthetic RateLimitService. snap, err := f.GetSnapshot(HasRateLimitService("default", "synthetic_edge_stack_rate_limit")) assert.NoError(t, err) assert.NotNil(t, snap) // We should only have 1 RateLimitService. assert.Equal(t, 1, len(snap.Kubernetes.RateLimitServices)) // The snapshot should only have the synthetic RateLimitService and not the one defined above. assert.Equal(t, "synthetic_edge_stack_rate_limit", snap.Kubernetes.RateLimitServices[0].Name) // Check for a cluster name matching the provided RateLimitService isRateLimitCluster := func(c *v3cluster.Cluster) bool { return strings.Contains(c.Name, "cluster_127_0_0_1_8500_default") } // Grab the next Envoy config that has an Edge Stack rateLimit cluster on // envoyConfig, err := f.GetEnvoyConfig(func(envoy *v3bootstrap.Bootstrap) bool { return FindCluster(envoy, isRateLimitCluster) != nil }) require.NoError(t, err) // Make sure an Envoy Config containing a cluster for the // RateLimitService that was defined. assert.NotNil(t, envoyConfig) // Updating the yaml for that RateLimitService to include `protocol_version: v3` should make it // valid and then remove our synthetic RateLimitService and allow the now valid RateLimitService to be // used. err = f.UpsertYAML(` --- apiVersion: kind: RateLimitService metadata: name: edge-stack-ratelimit-test namespace: foo spec: service: protocol_version: "v3" `) assert.NoError(t, err) // Use the predicate above to check that the snapshot contains the RateLimitService defined // above. The RateLimitService has `protocol_version: v3` so it should not be removed/replaced // by the synthetic RateLimitService injected by syntheticratelimit.go snap, err = f.GetSnapshot(HasRateLimitService("foo", "edge-stack-ratelimit-test")) assert.NoError(t, err) assert.NotNil(t, snap) // In edge-stack we should only ever have 1 RateLimitService. assert.Equal(t, 1, len(snap.Kubernetes.RateLimitServices)) assert.Equal(t, "edge-stack-ratelimit-test", snap.Kubernetes.RateLimitServices[0].Name) // Check for a cluster name matching the provided RateLimitService isRateLimitCluster = func(c *v3cluster.Cluster) bool { return strings.Contains(c.Name, "cluster_127_0_0_1_8500_foo") } // Grab the next Envoy config that has an Edge Stack rateLimit cluster on // envoyConfig, err = f.GetEnvoyConfig(func(envoy *v3bootstrap.Bootstrap) bool { return FindCluster(envoy, isRateLimitCluster) != nil }) require.NoError(t, err) // Make sure an Envoy Config containing a cluster for the // RateLimitService that was defined. assert.NotNil(t, envoyConfig) } // This RateLimitService points at, but it does not have `protocol_version: v3`. It also // has additional fields set. The correct action is to edit the RateLimitService to say // `protocol_version: v3`. func TestSyntheticRateLimitCopyFields(t *testing.T) { t.Setenv("EDGE_STACK", "true") f := entrypoint.RunFake(t, entrypoint.FakeConfig{EnvoyConfig: true}, nil) err := f.UpsertYAML(` --- apiVersion: kind: RateLimitService metadata: name: edge-stack-ratelimit-test namespace: foo spec: service: timeout_ms: 12345 `) assert.NoError(t, err) f.Flush() // Use the predicate above to check that the snapshot contains the RateLimitService. snap, err := f.GetSnapshot(HasRateLimitService("foo", "edge-stack-ratelimit-test")) assert.NoError(t, err) assert.NotNil(t, snap) // In edge-stack we should only ever have 1 RateLimitService. assert.Equal(t, 1, len(snap.Kubernetes.RateLimitServices)) // It should be that user-provided RateLimitService... assert.Equal(t, "edge-stack-ratelimit-test", snap.Kubernetes.RateLimitServices[0].Name) assert.Equal(t, int64(12345), snap.Kubernetes.RateLimitServices[0].Spec.Timeout.Duration.Milliseconds()) // ... but with `protocol_version: v3` set. assert.Equal(t, "v3", snap.Kubernetes.RateLimitServices[0].Spec.ProtocolVersion) // Check for a cluster name matching the provided RateLimitService isRateLimitCluster := func(c *v3cluster.Cluster) bool { return strings.Contains(c.Name, "cluster_127_0_0_1_8500_foo") } // Grab the next Envoy config that has an Edge Stack rateLimit cluster on // envoyConfig, err := f.GetEnvoyConfig(func(envoy *v3bootstrap.Bootstrap) bool { return FindCluster(envoy, isRateLimitCluster) != nil }) require.NoError(t, err) // Make sure an Envoy Config containing a cluster for the // RateLimitService that was defined. assert.NotNil(t, envoyConfig) }