
Text file src/github.com/emissary-ingress/emissary/v3/.golangci.yml

Documentation: github.com/emissary-ingress/emissary/v3

     1# Start with a very conservative configuration, and slowly turn things
     2# back on.
     4  disable-all: true
     5  enable:
     6    - gofmt
     7    - govet
     8    - depguard
     9    - unused
    10    - errcheck
    12  gofmt:
    13    simplify: true
    14  depguard:
    15    list-type: blacklist
    16    include-go-root: true
    17    packages-with-error-message:
    18      - log:                            "Use `github.com/datawire/dlib/dlog` instead of `log`"
    19      - github.com/sirupsen/logrus:     "Use `github.com/datawire/dlib/dlog` instead of `github.com/sirupsen/logrus`"
    20      - github.com/datawire/dlib/dutil: "Use either `github.com/datawire/dlib/derror` or `github.com/datawire/dlib/dhttp` instead of `github.com/datawire/dlib/dutil`"
    21      - github.com/gogo/protobuf:       "Use `google.golang.org/protobuf` instead of `github.com/gogo/protobuf`"
    22      - github.com/golang/protobuf:     "Use `google.golang.org/protobuf` instead of `github.com/golang/protobuf`"
    23      - github.com/google/shlex:        "Use `github.com/kballard/go-shellquote` instead of `github.com/google/shlex`"
    24      - golang.org/x/net/http2/h2c:     "Use `github.com/datawire/dlib/dhttp` instead of `golang.org/x/net/http2/h2c`"
    25  unused:
    26    # treat code as a program (not a library) and report unused
    27    # exported identifiers
    28    check-exported: true
    29  errcheck:
    30    exclude-functions:
    31      - "(net/http.ResponseWriter).Write"
    33  exclude-rules:
    34    - linters: [govet, errcheck, unused]
    35      path: pkg/envoy-control-plane/
    36    - linters: [depguard]
    37      path: "pkg/envoy-control-plane/(test/|.*_test\\.go)"
    38    - linters: [depguard]
    39      path: "pkg/envoy-control-plane/"
    40      source: '"github\.com/golang/protobuf'
    41    - linters: [govet]
    42      text: "^tests: .* should return nothing$"
    44  timeout: 9m # CircleCI is slow?
    46# I don't know of a linter that lets you blacklist specific functions
    47# and variables within a package, but if one exists, I would like to
    48# blacklist all of the following for the reason "Don't use globals!":
    50# - net/http.DefaultServeMux
    51#   * net/http.Handle()
    52#   * net/http.HandleFunc()
    53# - flag.CommandLine
    54#   * flag.VisitAll()
    55#   * flag.Visit()
    56#   * flag.Lookup()
    57#   * flag.Set()
    58#   * flag.PrintDefaults()
    59#   * flag.Usage()
    60#   * flag.NFlag()
    61#   * flag.Arg()
    62#   * flag.NArg()
    63#   * flag.Args()
    64#   * flag.BoolVar()
    65#   * flag.Bool()
    66#   * flag.IntVar()
    67#   * flag.Int()
    68#   * flag.Int64Var()
    69#   * flag.Int64()
    70#   * flag.UintVar()
    71#   * flag.Uint()
    72#   * flag.Uint64Var()
    73#   * flag.Uint64()
    74#   * flag.StringVar()
    75#   * flag.String()
    76#   * flag.Float64Var()
    77#   * flag.Float64()
    78#   * flag.DurationVar()
    79#   * flag.Duration()
    80#   * flag.Var()
    81#   * flag.Parse()
    82#   * flag.Parsed()
    84# I'd also like to blacklist parts of net/http to enforce using dhttp:
    86# - net/http.Server // use dhttp.ServerConfig instead!
    87#   * net/http.Serve()
    88#   * net/http.ServeTLS()
    89#   * net/http.ListenAndServe()
    90#   * net/http.ListenAndServeTLS()
    91# - google.golang.org/grpc.Server.Serve // use dhttp.ServerConfig{Handler: grpcServer}.Serve instead!
    93# The old configuration, that hasn't been used for many months:
    96#  enable-all: true
    97#  disable:
    98#    - errcheck
    99#    - gochecknoglobals
   100#    - gochecknoinits
   101#    - golint
   102#    - interfacer # author says it's deprecated, gives very subjective advice
   103#    - lll
   104#    - maligned
   105#    - prealloc
   106#    - scopelint
   107#    - stylecheck
   108#    - unparam
   110#  goimports:
   111#    # put imports beginning with prefix after 3rd-party packages;
   112#    # it's a comma-separated list of prefixes
   113#    local-prefixes: github.com/datawire/apro,github.com/lyft/ratelimit
   114#  depguard:
   115#    list-type: blacklist
   116#    include-go-root: true
   117#    packages:
   118#      - errors                              # use "github.com/pkg/errors"
   119#      - golang.org/x/net/context            # use "context"
   120#      - github.com/datawire/teleproxy       # use "github.com/datawire/ambassador/pkg"
   121#      - github.com/datawire/ambassador/go   # use "github.com/datawire/ambassador/pkg"
   122#      - github.com/datawire/kat-backend/xds # use "github.com/datawire/ambassador/pkg/api/envoy"
   123#      - github.com/lyft/ratelimit/proto     # use "github.com/datawire/ambassador/pkg/api/envoy"
   124#      #- github.com/russross/blackfriday     # use "github.com/russross/blackfriday/v2" # can't turn off prefix-matching
   125#      - gopkg.in/russross/blackfriday.v2    # use "github.com/russross/blackfriday/v2"
   126#  goconst:
   127#    min-len: 12
   129#  new-from-rev: a72c53cbcd05c806b1838d95146d049b09a51ffb
   131#  build-tags:
   132#    - test
   133#    - integration
   134#    - lint

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