/build-output/ /vendor/ *.tgz *.img.tar *.layer.tar .*.stamp /docker/kat-server/server.crt /docker/kat-server/server.key *.pyc *~ .cache .coverage .dmypy .dmypy.json .python-version .DS_Store .skip_test_warning venv .venv __pycache__ .pytest_cache .mypy_cache .envrc # local files *.local *.local.sh # binaries /charts/docgen # helm chart charts/emissary-ingress/ci/tests/values charts/emissary-ingress/artifacts charts/emissary-ingress/k3dconfig charts/yq /docker/images.sh /docker/images.tar /docker/volume.tar *.docker *.docker.stamp *.docker.tag.* *.docker.push.* *.egg-info /build /python/build dist # kubeapply *.yaml.o # misc *.out *.log *.tmp *.bak *.orig *.rej log.txt # From `make update-aws` /stable.txt /app.json docs/_book docs/_site docs/Gemfile.lock docs/node_modules package-lock.json .netlify node_modules unused-e2e .forge forge.yaml # Editor nonsense .vscode .idea *.iml tags # Test outputs no-such-file envoy.json intermediate.json v1.json check-*.json stats.json ambassador-deployment-*.yaml ambassador-secrets-deployment.yaml *failures.txt *.swp .ambassador_ignore_ingress_class /test-chart-values.yaml # `.coverage.HOSTNAME.PID.NNN` - I'm not sure what causes these to get written, but `make pytest-kat` does it .coverage.*.*.* # --- Files ignored by older versions --- # Remove the tail of this list when the commit making the change gets # far enough in to the past. # 2023-02-20 gold.no_yaml.json # 2022-05-19 /bin /bin_*/ # 2022-04-18 /build-aux/version-hack.stamp.mk /manifests/emissary/*.yaml /docs/yaml/versions.yml # 2022-01-31 /docker/container.txt /docker/container.txt.stamp # telepresence emissary-agent.env