
Text file src/github.com/emissary-ingress/emissary/v3/.github/workflows/execute-tests-and-promote.yml

Documentation: github.com/emissary-ingress/emissary/v3/.github/workflows

     1name: job-promote-to-passed
     4  push:
     5    branches:
     6      - master
     7      - release/v*
     8  pull_request: {}
     9  workflow_dispatch:
    12  lint: ########################################################################
    13    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    14    env:
    15      # See docker/base-python.docker.gen
    16      BASE_PYTHON_REPO: ${{ secrets.BASE_PYTHON_REPO }}
    17    steps:
    18      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
    19        with:
    20          fetch-depth: 0
    21      - name: Install Deps
    22        uses: ./.github/actions/setup-deps
    23      - shell: bash
    24        run: |
    25          make lint-deps
    26      - shell: bash
    27        run: |
    28          make lint
    29      - uses: ./.github/actions/after-job
    30        if: always()
    32  generate: ####################################################################
    33    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    34    env:
    35      # See docker/base-python.docker.gen
    36      BASE_PYTHON_REPO: ${{ secrets.BASE_PYTHON_REPO }}
    37    steps:
    38      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
    39        with:
    40          fetch-depth: 0
    41      - name: Install Deps
    42        uses: ./.github/actions/setup-deps
    43      - name: "Git Login"
    44        run: |
    45          if [[ -n '${{ secrets.GHA_SSH_KEY }}' ]]; then
    46            install -m700 -d ~/.ssh
    47            install -m600 /dev/stdin ~/.ssh/id_rsa <<<'${{ secrets.GHA_SSH_KEY }}'
    48          fi
    49      - name: "Docker Login"
    50        uses: docker/login-action@v2
    51        with:
    52          registry: ${{ (!startsWith(secrets.RELEASE_REGISTRY, 'docker.io/')) && secrets.RELEASE_REGISTRY || null }}
    53          username: ${{ secrets.GH_DOCKER_RELEASE_USERNAME }}
    54          password: ${{ secrets.GH_DOCKER_RELEASE_TOKEN }}
    55      - name: "'make generate'"
    56        shell: bash
    57        run: |
    58          make generate
    59      - name: "Update dependency information after dependabot change"
    60        uses: datawire/go-mkopensource/actions/save-dependabot-changes@v0.0.7
    61        id: changed-by-dependabot
    62        with:
    63          branches_to_skip: master
    64      - name: "Abort if dependencies changed"
    65        if: steps.changed-by-dependabot.outputs.is_dirty == 'true'
    66        run: |
    67          echo "Dependabot triggered a dependency update. Aborting workflow."
    68          exit 1
    69      - uses: ./.github/actions/git-dirty-check
    70        name: "Check Git not dirty from 'make generate'"
    71      - name: "'make generate' (again!)"
    72        shell: bash
    73        run: |
    74          make generate
    75      - uses: ./.github/actions/git-dirty-check
    76        name: "Check Git not dirty from 'make generate' (again!)"
    77      - uses: ./.github/actions/after-job
    78        if: always()
    80  check-envoy-version: #########################################################
    81    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    82    env:
    83      # See docker/base-python.docker.gen
    84      BASE_PYTHON_REPO: ${{ secrets.BASE_PYTHON_REPO }}
    85    steps:
    86      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
    87        with:
    88          fetch-depth: 0
    89      - name: Install Deps
    90        uses: ./.github/actions/setup-deps
    91      - name: "Git Login"
    92        run: |
    93          if [[ -n '${{ secrets.GHA_SSH_KEY }}' ]]; then
    94            install -m700 -d ~/.ssh
    95            install -m600 /dev/stdin ~/.ssh/id_rsa <<<'${{ secrets.GHA_SSH_KEY }}'
    96          fi
    97      - name: "Docker Login"
    98        # This is important if ENVOY_DOCKER_REPO is a private repo.
    99        uses: docker/login-action@v2
   100        with:
   101          registry: ${{ (!startsWith(secrets.DEV_REGISTRY, 'docker.io/')) && secrets.DEV_REGISTRY || null }}
   102          username: ${{ secrets.GH_DOCKER_BUILD_USERNAME }}
   103          password: ${{ secrets.GH_DOCKER_BUILD_TOKEN }}
   104      - run: make check-envoy-version
   105      - uses: ./.github/actions/after-job
   106        if: always()
   108  # Tests ######################################################################
   109  check-gotest:
   110    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
   111    env:
   112      # See docker/base-python.docker.gen
   113      BASE_PYTHON_REPO: ${{ secrets.BASE_PYTHON_REPO }}
   114    steps:
   115      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
   116        with:
   117          fetch-depth: 0
   118      - name: Install Deps
   119        uses: ./.github/actions/setup-deps
   120      - name: "Docker Login"
   121        uses: docker/login-action@v2
   122        with:
   123          registry: ${{ (!startsWith(secrets.DEV_REGISTRY, 'docker.io/')) && secrets.DEV_REGISTRY || null }}
   124          username: ${{ secrets.GH_DOCKER_BUILD_USERNAME }}
   125          password: ${{ secrets.GH_DOCKER_BUILD_TOKEN }}
   126      - name: make gotest
   127        shell: bash
   128        run: |
   129          export DEV_KUBE_NO_PVC=yes
   130          export KAT_REQ_LIMIT=900
   131          make gotest
   132      - uses: ./.github/actions/after-job
   133        if: always()
   134  check-pytest:
   135    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
   136    env:
   137      # See docker/base-python.docker.gen
   138      BASE_PYTHON_REPO: ${{ secrets.BASE_PYTHON_REPO }}
   139      # See pkg/kubeapply/resource_kubeapply.go
   143    strategy:
   144      fail-fast: false
   145      matrix:
   146        test:
   147          - integration
   148          - kat-envoy3-1-of-5
   149          - kat-envoy3-2-of-5
   150          - kat-envoy3-3-of-5
   151          - kat-envoy3-4-of-5
   152          - kat-envoy3-5-of-5
   153    name: pytest-${{ matrix.test }}
   154    steps:
   155      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
   156        with:
   157          fetch-depth: 0
   158      - name: Install Deps
   159        uses: ./.github/actions/setup-deps
   160      - name: "Docker Login"
   161        uses: docker/login-action@v2
   162        with:
   163          registry: ${{ (!startsWith(secrets.DEV_REGISTRY, 'docker.io/')) && secrets.DEV_REGISTRY || null }}
   164          username: ${{ secrets.GH_DOCKER_BUILD_USERNAME }}
   165          password: ${{ secrets.GH_DOCKER_BUILD_TOKEN }}
   166      - name: make pytest-${{ matrix.test }}
   167        run: |
   168          export USE_LOCAL_K3S_CLUSTER=1
   169          sudo sysctl -w fs.file-max=1600000
   170          sudo sysctl -w fs.inotify.max_user_instances=4096
   172          make ci/setup-k3d
   174          export DEV_KUBE_NO_PVC=yes
   175          export KAT_REQ_LIMIT=900
   176          export DEV_KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/config
   177          export DEV_REGISTRY=${{ secrets.DEV_REGISTRY }}
   178          make pytest-${{ matrix.test }}
   179      - uses: ./.github/actions/after-job
   180        if: always()
   181        with:
   182          jobname: check-pytest-${{ matrix.test }}
   183  check-pytest-unit:
   184    # pytest-unit is separate from pytests (above) because we know for certain that no cluster is needed.
   185    # XXX This is pretty much a crock.
   186    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
   187    env:
   188      # See docker/base-python.docker.gen
   189      BASE_PYTHON_REPO: ${{ secrets.BASE_PYTHON_REPO }}
   190    strategy:
   191      matrix:
   192        test:
   193          - unit
   194    name: pytest-${{ matrix.test }}
   195    steps:
   196      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
   197        with:
   198          fetch-depth: 0
   199      - name: Install Deps
   200        uses: ./.github/actions/setup-deps
   201      - name: "Docker Login"
   202        uses: docker/login-action@v2
   203        with:
   204          registry: ${{ (!startsWith(secrets.DEV_REGISTRY, 'docker.io/')) && secrets.DEV_REGISTRY || null }}
   205          username: ${{ secrets.GH_DOCKER_BUILD_USERNAME }}
   206          password: ${{ secrets.GH_DOCKER_BUILD_TOKEN }}
   207      - name: make pytest-${{ matrix.test }}
   208        run: |
   209          sudo sysctl -w fs.file-max=1600000
   210          sudo sysctl -w fs.inotify.max_user_instances=4096
   212          export DEV_KUBE_NO_PVC=yes
   213          export KAT_REQ_LIMIT=900
   214          export DEV_KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/config
   215          export DEV_REGISTRY=${{ secrets.DEV_REGISTRY }}
   216          export PYTEST_ARGS=' --cov-branch --cov=ambassador --cov-report html:/tmp/cov_html '
   217          make pytest-${{ matrix.test }}
   218      - uses: ./.github/actions/after-job
   219        if: always()
   220        with:
   221          jobname: check-pytest-${{ matrix.test }}
   222  check-chart:
   223    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
   224    env:
   225      DEV_REGISTRY: ${{ secrets.DEV_REGISTRY }}
   226      # See docker/base-python.docker.gen
   227      BASE_PYTHON_REPO: ${{ secrets.BASE_PYTHON_REPO }}
   228      # See pkg/kubeapply/resource_kubeapply.go
   232    steps:
   233      - uses: docker/login-action@v2
   234        with:
   235          registry: ${{ (!startsWith(secrets.DEV_REGISTRY, 'docker.io/')) && secrets.DEV_REGISTRY || null }}
   236          username: ${{ secrets.GH_DOCKER_BUILD_USERNAME }}
   237          password: ${{ secrets.GH_DOCKER_BUILD_TOKEN }}
   238      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
   239        with:
   240          fetch-depth: 0
   241          ref: ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }}
   242      - name: Install Deps
   243        uses: ./.github/actions/setup-deps
   244      - name: make test-chart
   245        run: |
   246          make ci/setup-k3d
   247          export DEV_KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/config
   249          make test-chart
   250      - uses: ./.github/actions/after-job
   251        if: always()
   253  build: #######################################################################
   254    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
   255    env:
   256      DEV_REGISTRY: ${{ secrets.DEV_REGISTRY }}
   257      # See docker/base-python.docker.gen
   258      BASE_PYTHON_REPO: ${{ secrets.BASE_PYTHON_REPO }}
   259    outputs:
   260      image-tag: ${{ steps.build-image.outputs.image-tag }}
   261    steps:
   262      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
   263        with:
   264          fetch-depth: 0
   265          ref: ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }}
   266      - name: Install Deps
   267        uses: ./.github/actions/setup-deps
   268      - name: "Docker Login"
   269        uses: docker/login-action@v2
   270        with:
   271          registry: ${{ (!startsWith(secrets.DEV_REGISTRY, 'docker.io/')) && secrets.DEV_REGISTRY || null }}
   272          username: ${{ secrets.GH_DOCKER_BUILD_USERNAME }}
   273          password: ${{ secrets.GH_DOCKER_BUILD_TOKEN }}
   274      - name: "make push"
   275        shell: bash
   276        run: |
   277          make push
   278      - name: "capture image tag"
   279        id: build-image
   280        shell: bash
   281        run: |
   282          echo "image-tag=$(build-aux/version.sh)" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
   283      - name: "make push-dev"
   284        shell: bash
   285        run: |
   286          make push-dev
   287      - uses: ./.github/actions/after-job
   288        if: always()
   290  ######################################################################
   291  ######################### CVE Scanning ###############################
   292  trivy-container-scan:
   293    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
   294    needs: [build]
   295    steps:
   296      # upload of results to github uses git so checkout of code is needed
   297      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
   298        with:
   299          fetch-depth: 0
   300          ref: ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }}
   301      - name: "Log image-tag"
   302        shell: bash
   303        run: echo ${{needs.build.outputs.image-tag}}
   304      - name: Scan
   305        uses: aquasecurity/trivy-action@master
   306        with:
   307          image-ref: "${{secrets.DEV_REGISTRY}}/emissary:${{needs.build.outputs.image-tag}}"
   308          format: "sarif"
   309          exit-code: 0 # only warn for now until we have backed it into our processes
   310          output: "trivy-results.sarif"
   311          ignore-unfixed: true
   312          vuln-type: "os,library"
   313          severity: "CRITICAL,HIGH"
   314      - name: Upload Scan to GitHub Security Tab
   315        uses: github/codeql-action/upload-sarif@v2
   316        with:
   317          sarif_file: "trivy-results.sarif"
   319  ##############################################################################
   320  pass:
   321    name: "job-promote-to-passed" # This is the job name that the branch protection looks for
   322    needs:
   323      - lint
   324      - build
   325      - generate
   326      - check-envoy-version
   327      - check-gotest
   328      - check-pytest
   329      - check-pytest-unit
   330      - check-chart
   331      - trivy-container-scan
   332    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
   333    steps:
   334      - name: No-Op
   335        if: ${{ false }}
   336        run: "echo Pass"

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