package sqlgen import ( "fmt" "time" "" ) type ( SQLFragmentType int SQLDialectOptions struct { // Set to true if the dialect supports ORDER BY expressions in DELETE statements (DEFAULT=false) SupportsOrderByOnDelete bool // Set to true if the dialect supports table hint for DELETE statements (DELETE t FROM t ...), DEFAULT=false SupportsDeleteTableHint bool // Set to true if the dialect supports ORDER BY expressions in UPDATE statements (DEFAULT=false) SupportsOrderByOnUpdate bool // Set to true if the dialect supports LIMIT expressions in DELETE statements (DEFAULT=false) SupportsLimitOnDelete bool // Set to true if the dialect supports LIMIT expressions in UPDATE statements (DEFAULT=false) SupportsLimitOnUpdate bool // Set to true if the dialect supports RETURN expressions (DEFAULT=true) SupportsReturn bool // Set to true if the dialect supports Conflict Target (DEFAULT=true) SupportsConflictTarget bool // Set to true if the dialect supports Conflict Target (DEFAULT=true) SupportsConflictUpdateWhere bool // Set to true if the dialect supports Insert Ignore syntax (DEFAULT=false) SupportsInsertIgnoreSyntax bool // Set to true if the dialect supports Common Table Expressions (DEFAULT=true) SupportsWithCTE bool // Set to true if the dialect supports recursive Common Table Expressions (DEFAULT=true) SupportsWithCTERecursive bool // Set to true if multiple tables are supported in UPDATE statement. (DEFAULT=true) SupportsMultipleUpdateTables bool // Set to true if DISTINCT ON is supported (DEFAULT=true) SupportsDistinctOn bool // Set to true if LATERAL queries are supported (DEFAULT=true) SupportsLateral bool // Set to false if the dialect does not require expressions to be wrapped in parens (DEFAULT=true) WrapCompoundsInParens bool // Set to true if window function are supported in SELECT statement. (DEFAULT=true) SupportsWindowFunction bool // Set to true if the dialect requires join tables in UPDATE to be in a FROM clause (DEFAULT=true). UseFromClauseForMultipleUpdateTables bool // Surround LIMIT parameter with parentheses, like in MSSQL: SELECT TOP (10) ... SurroundLimitWithParentheses bool // The UPDATE fragment to use when generating sql. (DEFAULT=[]byte("UPDATE")) UpdateClause []byte // The INSERT fragment to use when generating sql. (DEFAULT=[]byte("INSERT INTO")) InsertClause []byte // The INSERT IGNORE INTO fragment to use when generating sql. (DEFAULT=[]byte("INSERT IGNORE INTO")) InsertIgnoreClause []byte // The SELECT fragment to use when generating sql. (DEFAULT=[]byte("SELECT")) SelectClause []byte // The DELETE fragment to use when generating sql. (DEFAULT=[]byte("DELETE")) DeleteClause []byte // The TRUNCATE fragment to use when generating sql. (DEFAULT=[]byte("TRUNCATE")) TruncateClause []byte // The WITH fragment to use when generating sql. (DEFAULT=[]byte("WITH ")) WithFragment []byte // The RECURSIVE fragment to use when generating sql (after WITH). (DEFAULT=[]byte("RECURSIVE ")) RecursiveFragment []byte // The CASCADE fragment to use when generating sql. (DEFAULT=[]byte(" CASCADE")) CascadeFragment []byte // The RESTRICT fragment to use when generating sql. (DEFAULT=[]byte(" RESTRICT")) RestrictFragment []byte // The SQL fragment to use when generating insert sql and using // DEFAULT VALUES (e.g. postgres="DEFAULT VALUES", mysql="", sqlite3=""). (DEFAULT=[]byte(" DEFAULT VALUES")) DefaultValuesFragment []byte // The SQL fragment to use when generating insert sql and listing columns using a VALUES clause // (DEFAULT=[]byte(" VALUES ")) ValuesFragment []byte // The SQL fragment to use when generating truncate sql and using the IDENTITY clause // (DEFAULT=[]byte(" IDENTITY")) IdentityFragment []byte // The SQL fragment to use when generating update sql and using the SET clause (DEFAULT=[]byte(" SET ")) SetFragment []byte // The SQL DISTINCT keyword (DEFAULT=[]byte(" DISTINCT ")) DistinctFragment []byte // The SQL RETURNING clause (DEFAULT=[]byte(" RETURNING ")) ReturningFragment []byte // The SQL FROM clause fragment (DEFAULT=[]byte(" FROM")) FromFragment []byte // The SQL USING join clause fragment (DEFAULT=[]byte(" USING ")) UsingFragment []byte // The SQL ON join clause fragment (DEFAULT=[]byte(" ON ")) OnFragment []byte // The SQL WHERE clause fragment (DEFAULT=[]byte(" WHERE ")) WhereFragment []byte // The SQL GROUP BY clause fragment(DEFAULT=[]byte(" GROUP BY ")) GroupByFragment []byte // The SQL HAVING clause fragment(DEFAULT=[]byte(" HAVING ")) HavingFragment []byte // The SQL WINDOW clause fragment(DEFAULT=[]byte(" WINDOW ")) WindowFragment []byte // The SQL WINDOW clause PARTITION BY fragment(DEFAULT=[]byte("PARTITION BY ")) WindowPartitionByFragment []byte // The SQL WINDOW clause ORDER BY fragment(DEFAULT=[]byte("ORDER BY ")) WindowOrderByFragment []byte // The SQL WINDOW clause OVER fragment(DEFAULT=[]byte(" OVER ")) WindowOverFragment []byte // The SQL ORDER BY clause fragment(DEFAULT=[]byte(" ORDER BY ")) OrderByFragment []byte // The SQL FETCH fragment(DEFAULT=[]byte(" ")) FetchFragment []byte // The SQL LIMIT BY clause fragment(DEFAULT=[]byte(" LIMIT ")) LimitFragment []byte // The SQL OFFSET BY clause fragment(DEFAULT=[]byte(" OFFSET ")) OffsetFragment []byte // The SQL FOR UPDATE fragment(DEFAULT=[]byte(" FOR UPDATE ")) ForUpdateFragment []byte // The SQL FOR NO KEY UPDATE fragment(DEFAULT=[]byte(" FOR NO KEY UPDATE ")) ForNoKeyUpdateFragment []byte // The SQL FOR SHARE fragment(DEFAULT=[]byte(" FOR SHARE ")) ForShareFragment []byte // The SQL OF fragment(DEFAULT=[]byte("OF ")) OfFragment []byte // The SQL FOR KEY SHARE fragment(DEFAULT=[]byte(" FOR KEY SHARE ")) ForKeyShareFragment []byte // The SQL NOWAIT fragment(DEFAULT=[]byte("NOWAIT")) NowaitFragment []byte // The SQL SKIP LOCKED fragment(DEFAULT=[]byte("SKIP LOCKED")) SkipLockedFragment []byte // The SQL AS fragment when aliasing an Expression(DEFAULT=[]byte(" AS ")) AsFragment []byte // The SQL LATERAL fragment used for LATERAL joins LateralFragment []byte // The quote rune to use when quoting identifiers(DEFAULT='"') QuoteRune rune // The NULL literal to use when interpolating nulls values (DEFAULT=[]byte("NULL")) Null []byte // The TRUE literal to use when interpolating bool true values (DEFAULT=[]byte("TRUE")) True []byte // The FALSE literal to use when interpolating bool false values (DEFAULT=[]byte("FALSE")) False []byte // The ASC fragment when specifying column order (DEFAULT=[]byte(" ASC")) AscFragment []byte // The DESC fragment when specifying column order (DEFAULT=[]byte(" DESC")) DescFragment []byte // The NULLS FIRST fragment when specifying column order (DEFAULT=[]byte(" NULLS FIRST")) NullsFirstFragment []byte // The NULLS LAST fragment when specifying column order (DEFAULT=[]byte(" NULLS LAST")) NullsLastFragment []byte // The AND keyword used when joining ExpressionLists (DEFAULT=[]byte(" AND ")) AndFragment []byte // The OR keyword used when joining ExpressionLists (DEFAULT=[]byte(" OR ")) OrFragment []byte // The UNION keyword used when creating compound statements (DEFAULT=[]byte(" UNION ")) UnionFragment []byte // The UNION ALL keyword used when creating compound statements (DEFAULT=[]byte(" UNION ALL ")) UnionAllFragment []byte // The INTERSECT keyword used when creating compound statements (DEFAULT=[]byte(" INTERSECT ")) IntersectFragment []byte // The INTERSECT ALL keyword used when creating compound statements (DEFAULT=[]byte(" INTERSECT ALL ")) IntersectAllFragment []byte // The CAST keyword to use when casting a value (DEFAULT=[]byte("CAST")) CastFragment []byte // The CASE keyword to use when when creating a CASE statement (DEFAULT=[]byte("CASE ")) CaseFragment []byte // The WHEN keyword to use when when creating a CASE statement (DEFAULT=[]byte(" WHEN ")) WhenFragment []byte // The THEN keyword to use when when creating a CASE statement (DEFAULT=[]byte(" THEN ")) ThenFragment []byte // The ELSE keyword to use when when creating a CASE statement (DEFAULT=[]byte(" ELSE ")) ElseFragment []byte // The End keyword to use when when creating a CASE statement (DEFAULT=[]byte(" END")) EndFragment []byte // The quote rune to use when quoting string literals (DEFAULT='\'') StringQuote rune // The operator to use when setting values in an update statement (DEFAULT='=') SetOperatorRune rune // The placeholder fragment to use when generating a non interpolated statement (DEFAULT=[]byte"?") PlaceHolderFragment []byte // Empty string (DEFAULT="") EmptyString string // Comma rune (DEFAULT=',') CommaRune rune // Space rune (DEFAULT=' ') SpaceRune rune // Left paren rune (DEFAULT='(') LeftParenRune rune // Right paren rune (DEFAULT=')') RightParenRune rune // Star rune (DEFAULT='*') StarRune rune // Period rune (DEFAULT='.') PeriodRune rune // Set to true to include positional argument numbers when creating a prepared statement (Default=false) IncludePlaceholderNum bool // The time format to use when serializing time.Time (DEFAULT=time.RFC3339Nano) TimeFormat string // A map used to look up BooleanOperations and their SQL equivalents // (Default= map[exp.BooleanOperation][]byte{ // exp.EqOp: []byte("="), // exp.NeqOp: []byte("!="), // exp.GtOp: []byte(">"), // exp.GteOp: []byte(">="), // exp.LtOp: []byte("<"), // exp.LteOp: []byte("<="), // exp.InOp: []byte("IN"), // exp.NotInOp: []byte("NOT IN"), // exp.IsOp: []byte("IS"), // exp.IsNotOp: []byte("IS NOT"), // exp.LikeOp: []byte("LIKE"), // exp.NotLikeOp: []byte("NOT LIKE"), // exp.ILikeOp: []byte("ILIKE"), // exp.NotILikeOp: []byte("NOT ILIKE"), // exp.RegexpLikeOp: []byte("~"), // exp.RegexpNotLikeOp: []byte("!~"), // exp.RegexpILikeOp: []byte("~*"), // exp.RegexpNotILikeOp: []byte("!~*"), // }) BooleanOperatorLookup map[exp.BooleanOperation][]byte // A map used to look up BitwiseOperations and their SQL equivalents // (Default=map[exp.BitwiseOperation][]byte{ // exp.BitwiseInversionOp: []byte("~"), // exp.BitwiseOrOp: []byte("|"), // exp.BitwiseAndOp: []byte("&"), // exp.BitwiseXorOp: []byte("#"), // exp.BitwiseLeftShiftOp: []byte("<<"), // exp.BitwiseRightShiftOp: []byte(">>"), // }), BitwiseOperatorLookup map[exp.BitwiseOperation][]byte // A map used to look up RangeOperations and their SQL equivalents // (Default=map[exp.RangeOperation][]byte{ // exp.BetweenOp: []byte("BETWEEN"), // exp.NotBetweenOp: []byte("NOT BETWEEN"), // }) RangeOperatorLookup map[exp.RangeOperation][]byte // A map used to look up JoinTypes and their SQL equivalents // (Default= map[exp.JoinType][]byte{ // exp.InnerJoinType: []byte(" INNER JOIN "), // exp.FullOuterJoinType: []byte(" FULL OUTER JOIN "), // exp.RightOuterJoinType: []byte(" RIGHT OUTER JOIN "), // exp.LeftOuterJoinType: []byte(" LEFT OUTER JOIN "), // exp.FullJoinType: []byte(" FULL JOIN "), // exp.RightJoinType: []byte(" RIGHT JOIN "), // exp.LeftJoinType: []byte(" LEFT JOIN "), // exp.NaturalJoinType: []byte(" NATURAL JOIN "), // exp.NaturalLeftJoinType: []byte(" NATURAL LEFT JOIN "), // exp.NaturalRightJoinType: []byte(" NATURAL RIGHT JOIN "), // exp.NaturalFullJoinType: []byte(" NATURAL FULL JOIN "), // exp.CrossJoinType: []byte(" CROSS JOIN "), // }) JoinTypeLookup map[exp.JoinType][]byte // Whether or not boolean data type is supported BooleanDataTypeSupported bool // Whether or not to use literal TRUE or FALSE for IS statements (e.g. IS TRUE or IS 0) UseLiteralIsBools bool // EscapedRunes is a map of a rune and the corresponding escape sequence in bytes. Used when escaping text // types. // (Default= map[rune][]byte{ // '\'': []byte("''"), // }) EscapedRunes map[rune][]byte // The SQL fragment to use for CONFLICT (Default=[]byte(" ON CONFLICT")) ConflictFragment []byte // The SQL fragment to use for CONFLICT DO NOTHING (Default=[]byte(" DO NOTHING")) ConflictDoNothingFragment []byte // The SQL fragment to use for CONFLICT DO UPDATE (Default=[]byte(" DO UPDATE SET")) ConflictDoUpdateFragment []byte // The order of SQL fragments when creating a SELECT statement // (Default=[]SQLFragmentType{ // CommonTableSQLFragment, // SelectSQLFragment, // FromSQLFragment, // JoinSQLFragment, // WhereSQLFragment, // GroupBySQLFragment, // HavingSQLFragment, // CompoundsSQLFragment, // OrderSQLFragment, // LimitSQLFragment, // OffsetSQLFragment, // ForSQLFragment, // }) SelectSQLOrder []SQLFragmentType // The order of SQL fragments when creating an UPDATE statement // (Default=[]SQLFragmentType{ // CommonTableSQLFragment, // UpdateBeginSQLFragment, // SourcesSQLFragment, // UpdateSQLFragment, // WhereSQLFragment, // OrderSQLFragment, // LimitSQLFragment, // ReturningSQLFragment, // }) UpdateSQLOrder []SQLFragmentType // The order of SQL fragments when creating an INSERT statement // (Default=[]SQLFragmentType{ // CommonTableSQLFragment, // InsertBeingSQLFragment, // SourcesSQLFragment, // InsertSQLFragment, // ReturningSQLFragment, // }) InsertSQLOrder []SQLFragmentType // The order of SQL fragments when creating a DELETE statement // (Default=[]SQLFragmentType{ // CommonTableSQLFragment, // DeleteBeginSQLFragment, // FromSQLFragment, // WhereSQLFragment, // OrderSQLFragment, // LimitSQLFragment, // ReturningSQLFragment, // }) DeleteSQLOrder []SQLFragmentType // The order of SQL fragments when creating a TRUNCATE statement // (Default=[]SQLFragmentType{ // TruncateSQLFragment, // }) TruncateSQLOrder []SQLFragmentType } ) const ( CommonTableSQLFragment = iota SelectSQLFragment SelectWithLimitSQLFragment FromSQLFragment JoinSQLFragment WhereSQLFragment GroupBySQLFragment HavingSQLFragment CompoundsSQLFragment OrderSQLFragment OrderWithOffsetFetchSQLFragment LimitSQLFragment OffsetSQLFragment ForSQLFragment UpdateBeginSQLFragment SourcesSQLFragment IntoSQLFragment UpdateSQLFragment UpdateFromSQLFragment ReturningSQLFragment InsertBeingSQLFragment InsertSQLFragment DeleteBeginSQLFragment TruncateSQLFragment WindowSQLFragment ) // nolint:gocyclo // simple type to string conversion func (sf SQLFragmentType) String() string { switch sf { case CommonTableSQLFragment: return "CommonTableSQLFragment" case SelectSQLFragment: return "SelectSQLFragment" case FromSQLFragment: return "FromSQLFragment" case JoinSQLFragment: return "JoinSQLFragment" case WhereSQLFragment: return "WhereSQLFragment" case GroupBySQLFragment: return "GroupBySQLFragment" case HavingSQLFragment: return "HavingSQLFragment" case CompoundsSQLFragment: return "CompoundsSQLFragment" case OrderSQLFragment: return "OrderSQLFragment" case LimitSQLFragment: return "LimitSQLFragment" case OffsetSQLFragment: return "OffsetSQLFragment" case ForSQLFragment: return "ForSQLFragment" case UpdateBeginSQLFragment: return "UpdateBeginSQLFragment" case SourcesSQLFragment: return "SourcesSQLFragment" case IntoSQLFragment: return "IntoSQLFragment" case UpdateSQLFragment: return "UpdateSQLFragment" case UpdateFromSQLFragment: return "UpdateFromSQLFragment" case ReturningSQLFragment: return "ReturningSQLFragment" case InsertBeingSQLFragment: return "InsertBeingSQLFragment" case DeleteBeginSQLFragment: return "DeleteBeginSQLFragment" case TruncateSQLFragment: return "TruncateSQLFragment" case WindowSQLFragment: return "WindowSQLFragment" } return fmt.Sprintf("%d", sf) } //nolint:funlen func DefaultDialectOptions() *SQLDialectOptions { return &SQLDialectOptions{ SupportsOrderByOnDelete: false, SupportsDeleteTableHint: false, SupportsOrderByOnUpdate: false, SupportsLimitOnDelete: false, SupportsLimitOnUpdate: false, SupportsReturn: true, SupportsConflictUpdateWhere: true, SupportsInsertIgnoreSyntax: false, SupportsConflictTarget: true, SupportsWithCTE: true, SupportsWithCTERecursive: true, SupportsDistinctOn: true, WrapCompoundsInParens: true, SupportsWindowFunction: true, SupportsLateral: true, SupportsMultipleUpdateTables: true, UseFromClauseForMultipleUpdateTables: true, UpdateClause: []byte("UPDATE"), InsertClause: []byte("INSERT INTO"), InsertIgnoreClause: []byte("INSERT IGNORE INTO"), SelectClause: []byte("SELECT"), DeleteClause: []byte("DELETE"), TruncateClause: []byte("TRUNCATE"), WithFragment: []byte("WITH "), RecursiveFragment: []byte("RECURSIVE "), CascadeFragment: []byte(" CASCADE"), RestrictFragment: []byte(" RESTRICT"), DefaultValuesFragment: []byte(" DEFAULT VALUES"), ValuesFragment: []byte(" VALUES "), IdentityFragment: []byte(" IDENTITY"), SetFragment: []byte(" SET "), DistinctFragment: []byte("DISTINCT"), ReturningFragment: []byte(" RETURNING "), FromFragment: []byte(" FROM"), UsingFragment: []byte(" USING "), OnFragment: []byte(" ON "), WhereFragment: []byte(" WHERE "), GroupByFragment: []byte(" GROUP BY "), HavingFragment: []byte(" HAVING "), WindowFragment: []byte(" WINDOW "), WindowPartitionByFragment: []byte("PARTITION BY "), WindowOrderByFragment: []byte("ORDER BY "), WindowOverFragment: []byte(" OVER "), OrderByFragment: []byte(" ORDER BY "), FetchFragment: []byte(" "), LimitFragment: []byte(" LIMIT "), OffsetFragment: []byte(" OFFSET "), ForUpdateFragment: []byte(" FOR UPDATE "), ForNoKeyUpdateFragment: []byte(" FOR NO KEY UPDATE "), ForShareFragment: []byte(" FOR SHARE "), ForKeyShareFragment: []byte(" FOR KEY SHARE "), OfFragment: []byte("OF "), NowaitFragment: []byte("NOWAIT"), SkipLockedFragment: []byte("SKIP LOCKED"), LateralFragment: []byte("LATERAL "), AsFragment: []byte(" AS "), AscFragment: []byte(" ASC"), DescFragment: []byte(" DESC"), NullsFirstFragment: []byte(" NULLS FIRST"), NullsLastFragment: []byte(" NULLS LAST"), AndFragment: []byte(" AND "), OrFragment: []byte(" OR "), UnionFragment: []byte(" UNION "), UnionAllFragment: []byte(" UNION ALL "), IntersectFragment: []byte(" INTERSECT "), IntersectAllFragment: []byte(" INTERSECT ALL "), ConflictFragment: []byte(" ON CONFLICT"), ConflictDoUpdateFragment: []byte(" DO UPDATE SET "), ConflictDoNothingFragment: []byte(" DO NOTHING"), CastFragment: []byte("CAST"), CaseFragment: []byte("CASE "), WhenFragment: []byte(" WHEN "), ThenFragment: []byte(" THEN "), ElseFragment: []byte(" ELSE "), EndFragment: []byte(" END"), Null: []byte("NULL"), True: []byte("TRUE"), False: []byte("FALSE"), PlaceHolderFragment: []byte("?"), QuoteRune: '"', StringQuote: '\'', SetOperatorRune: '=', CommaRune: ',', SpaceRune: ' ', LeftParenRune: '(', RightParenRune: ')', StarRune: '*', PeriodRune: '.', EmptyString: "", BooleanOperatorLookup: map[exp.BooleanOperation][]byte{ exp.EqOp: []byte("="), exp.NeqOp: []byte("!="), exp.GtOp: []byte(">"), exp.GteOp: []byte(">="), exp.LtOp: []byte("<"), exp.LteOp: []byte("<="), exp.InOp: []byte("IN"), exp.NotInOp: []byte("NOT IN"), exp.IsOp: []byte("IS"), exp.IsNotOp: []byte("IS NOT"), exp.LikeOp: []byte("LIKE"), exp.NotLikeOp: []byte("NOT LIKE"), exp.ILikeOp: []byte("ILIKE"), exp.NotILikeOp: []byte("NOT ILIKE"), exp.RegexpLikeOp: []byte("~"), exp.RegexpNotLikeOp: []byte("!~"), exp.RegexpILikeOp: []byte("~*"), exp.RegexpNotILikeOp: []byte("!~*"), }, BitwiseOperatorLookup: map[exp.BitwiseOperation][]byte{ exp.BitwiseInversionOp: []byte("~"), exp.BitwiseOrOp: []byte("|"), exp.BitwiseAndOp: []byte("&"), exp.BitwiseXorOp: []byte("#"), exp.BitwiseLeftShiftOp: []byte("<<"), exp.BitwiseRightShiftOp: []byte(">>"), }, RangeOperatorLookup: map[exp.RangeOperation][]byte{ exp.BetweenOp: []byte("BETWEEN"), exp.NotBetweenOp: []byte("NOT BETWEEN"), }, JoinTypeLookup: map[exp.JoinType][]byte{ exp.InnerJoinType: []byte(" INNER JOIN "), exp.FullOuterJoinType: []byte(" FULL OUTER JOIN "), exp.RightOuterJoinType: []byte(" RIGHT OUTER JOIN "), exp.LeftOuterJoinType: []byte(" LEFT OUTER JOIN "), exp.FullJoinType: []byte(" FULL JOIN "), exp.RightJoinType: []byte(" RIGHT JOIN "), exp.LeftJoinType: []byte(" LEFT JOIN "), exp.NaturalJoinType: []byte(" NATURAL JOIN "), exp.NaturalLeftJoinType: []byte(" NATURAL LEFT JOIN "), exp.NaturalRightJoinType: []byte(" NATURAL RIGHT JOIN "), exp.NaturalFullJoinType: []byte(" NATURAL FULL JOIN "), exp.CrossJoinType: []byte(" CROSS JOIN "), }, TimeFormat: time.RFC3339Nano, BooleanDataTypeSupported: true, UseLiteralIsBools: true, EscapedRunes: map[rune][]byte{ '\'': []byte("''"), }, SelectSQLOrder: []SQLFragmentType{ CommonTableSQLFragment, SelectSQLFragment, FromSQLFragment, JoinSQLFragment, WhereSQLFragment, GroupBySQLFragment, HavingSQLFragment, WindowSQLFragment, CompoundsSQLFragment, OrderSQLFragment, LimitSQLFragment, OffsetSQLFragment, ForSQLFragment, }, UpdateSQLOrder: []SQLFragmentType{ CommonTableSQLFragment, UpdateBeginSQLFragment, SourcesSQLFragment, UpdateSQLFragment, UpdateFromSQLFragment, WhereSQLFragment, OrderSQLFragment, LimitSQLFragment, ReturningSQLFragment, }, InsertSQLOrder: []SQLFragmentType{ CommonTableSQLFragment, InsertBeingSQLFragment, IntoSQLFragment, InsertSQLFragment, ReturningSQLFragment, }, DeleteSQLOrder: []SQLFragmentType{ CommonTableSQLFragment, DeleteBeginSQLFragment, FromSQLFragment, WhereSQLFragment, OrderSQLFragment, LimitSQLFragment, ReturningSQLFragment, }, TruncateSQLOrder: []SQLFragmentType{ TruncateSQLFragment, }, } }