1 package exp_test
3 import (
4 "testing"
6 "github.com/doug-martin/goqu/v9/exp"
7 "github.com/stretchr/testify/suite"
8 )
10 type testAppendableExpression struct {
11 exp.AppendableExpression
12 sql string
13 args []interface{}
14 clauses exp.SelectClauses
15 }
17 func newTestAppendableExpression(sql string, args []interface{}) exp.AppendableExpression {
18 return &testAppendableExpression{sql: sql, args: args}
19 }
21 func (tae *testAppendableExpression) Expression() exp.Expression {
22 return tae
23 }
25 func (tae *testAppendableExpression) GetClauses() exp.SelectClauses {
26 return tae.clauses
27 }
29 func (tae *testAppendableExpression) Clone() exp.Expression {
30 return tae
31 }
33 type insertExpressionTestSuite struct {
34 suite.Suite
35 }
37 func (iets *insertExpressionTestSuite) TestNewInsertExpression_withDifferentRecordTypes() {
38 type testRecord struct {
39 C string `db:"c"`
40 }
41 type testRecord2 struct {
42 C string `db:"c"`
43 }
44 _, err := exp.NewInsertExpression(
45 testRecord{C: "v1"},
46 exp.Record{"c": "v2"},
47 )
48 iets.EqualError(err, "goqu: rows must be all the same type expected exp_test.testRecord got exp.Record")
49 _, err = exp.NewInsertExpression(
50 testRecord{C: "v1"},
51 testRecord2{C: "v2"},
52 )
53 iets.EqualError(err, "goqu: rows must be all the same type expected exp_test.testRecord got exp_test.testRecord2")
54 }
56 func (iets *insertExpressionTestSuite) TestNewInsertExpression_withInvalidValue() {
57 _, err := exp.NewInsertExpression(true)
58 iets.EqualError(err, "goqu: unsupported insert must be map, goqu.Record, or struct type got: bool")
59 }
61 func (iets *insertExpressionTestSuite) TestNewInsertExpression_withDifferentTypes() {
62 _, err := exp.NewInsertExpression(exp.Record{"a": "a1"}, true)
63 iets.EqualError(err, "goqu: rows must be all the same type expected exp.Record got bool")
64 }
66 func (iets *insertExpressionTestSuite) TestNewInsertExpression_withNoValues() {
67 ie, err := exp.NewInsertExpression()
68 iets.NoError(err)
69 iets.Nil(ie.Cols())
70 iets.Nil(ie.Vals())
71 iets.True(ie.IsEmpty())
72 iets.False(ie.IsInsertFrom())
73 }
75 func (iets *insertExpressionTestSuite) TestNewInsertExpression_Vals() {
76 ie, err := exp.NewInsertExpression()
77 iets.NoError(err)
78 vals := [][]interface{}{
79 {"a", "b"},
80 }
81 ie = ie.SetCols(exp.NewColumnListExpression("a", "b")).SetVals(vals)
82 iets.False(ie.IsEmpty())
83 iets.False(ie.IsInsertFrom())
84 iets.Equal(vals, ie.Vals())
85 }
87 func (iets *insertExpressionTestSuite) TestNewInsertExpression_Cols() {
88 ie, err := exp.NewInsertExpression()
89 iets.NoError(err)
90 vals := [][]interface{}{
91 {"a", "b"},
92 }
93 ce := exp.NewColumnListExpression("a", "b")
94 ie = ie.SetCols(ce).SetVals(vals)
95 iets.False(ie.IsEmpty())
96 iets.False(ie.IsInsertFrom())
97 iets.Equal(vals, ie.Vals())
98 iets.Equal(ce, ie.Cols())
99 }
101 func (iets *insertExpressionTestSuite) TestNewInsertExpression_From() {
102 ae := newTestAppendableExpression("select * from test", []interface{}{})
103 ie, err := exp.NewInsertExpression(ae)
104 iets.NoError(err)
105 iets.False(ie.IsEmpty())
106 iets.True(ie.IsInsertFrom())
107 iets.Equal(ae, ie.From())
108 }
110 func (iets *insertExpressionTestSuite) TestNewInsertExpression_appendableExpression() {
111 ae := newTestAppendableExpression("test ae", nil)
113 ie, err := exp.NewInsertExpression(ae)
114 iets.NoError(err)
115 iets.False(ie.IsEmpty())
116 iets.True(ie.IsInsertFrom())
117 }
119 func (iets *insertExpressionTestSuite) TestNewInsertExpression_withRecords() {
120 ie, err := exp.NewInsertExpression(exp.Record{"c": "a"}, exp.Record{"c": "b"})
121 iets.NoError(err)
122 iets.Equal(exp.NewColumnListExpression("c"), ie.Cols())
123 iets.Equal([][]interface{}{{"a"}, {"b"}}, ie.Vals())
124 iets.False(ie.IsEmpty())
125 iets.False(ie.IsInsertFrom())
126 }
128 func (iets *insertExpressionTestSuite) TestNewInsertExpression_withRecordsSlice() {
129 ie, err := exp.NewInsertExpression([]exp.Record{{"c": "a"}, {"c": "b"}})
130 iets.NoError(err)
131 iets.Equal(exp.NewColumnListExpression("c"), ie.Cols())
132 iets.Equal([][]interface{}{{"a"}, {"b"}}, ie.Vals())
133 iets.False(ie.IsEmpty())
134 iets.False(ie.IsInsertFrom())
135 }
137 func (iets *insertExpressionTestSuite) TestNewInsertExpression_withRecordOfDifferentLength() {
138 _, err := exp.NewInsertExpression(exp.Record{"c": "a"}, exp.Record{"c": "b", "c2": "d"})
139 iets.EqualError(err, "goqu: rows with different value length expected 1 got 2")
140 }
142 func (iets *insertExpressionTestSuite) TestNewInsertExpression_withRecordWithDifferentkeys() {
143 _, err := exp.NewInsertExpression(exp.Record{"c1": "a"}, exp.Record{"c2": "b"})
144 iets.EqualError(err, `goqu: rows with different keys expected ["c1"] got ["c2"]`)
145 }
147 func (iets *insertExpressionTestSuite) TestNewInsertExpression_withMap() {
148 ie, err := exp.NewInsertExpression(
149 map[string]interface{}{"c": "a"},
150 map[string]interface{}{"c": "b"},
151 )
152 iets.NoError(err)
153 iets.Equal(exp.NewColumnListExpression("c"), ie.Cols())
154 iets.Equal([][]interface{}{{"a"}, {"b"}}, ie.Vals())
155 iets.False(ie.IsEmpty())
156 iets.False(ie.IsInsertFrom())
157 }
159 func (iets *insertExpressionTestSuite) TestNewInsertExpression_withStructs() {
160 type testRecord struct {
161 C string `db:"c"`
162 }
163 ie, err := exp.NewInsertExpression(
164 testRecord{C: "a"},
165 testRecord{C: "b"},
166 )
167 iets.NoError(err)
168 iets.Equal(exp.NewColumnListExpression("c"), ie.Cols())
169 iets.Equal([][]interface{}{{"a"}, {"b"}}, ie.Vals())
170 iets.False(ie.IsEmpty())
171 iets.False(ie.IsInsertFrom())
172 }
174 func (iets *insertExpressionTestSuite) TestNewInsertExpression_withStructSlice() {
175 type testRecord struct {
176 C string `db:"c"`
177 }
178 ie, err := exp.NewInsertExpression([]testRecord{
179 {C: "a"},
180 {C: "b"},
181 })
182 iets.NoError(err)
183 iets.Equal(exp.NewColumnListExpression("c"), ie.Cols())
184 iets.Equal([][]interface{}{{"a"}, {"b"}}, ie.Vals())
185 iets.False(ie.IsEmpty())
186 iets.False(ie.IsInsertFrom())
187 }
189 func (iets *insertExpressionTestSuite) TestNewInsertExpression_withStructsWithoutTags() {
190 type testRecord struct {
191 FieldA int64
192 FieldB bool
193 FieldC string
194 }
195 ie, err := exp.NewInsertExpression(
196 testRecord{FieldA: 1, FieldB: true, FieldC: "a"},
197 testRecord{FieldA: 2, FieldB: false, FieldC: "b"},
198 )
199 iets.NoError(err)
200 iets.Equal(exp.NewColumnListExpression("fielda", "fieldb", "fieldc"), ie.Cols())
201 iets.Equal([][]interface{}{{int64(1), true, "a"}, {int64(2), false, "b"}}, ie.Vals())
202 iets.False(ie.IsEmpty())
203 iets.False(ie.IsInsertFrom())
204 }
206 func (iets *insertExpressionTestSuite) TestNewInsertExpression_withStructsIgnoredDbTag() {
207 type testRecord struct {
208 FieldA int64 `db:"-"`
209 FieldB bool
210 FieldC string
211 }
212 ie, err := exp.NewInsertExpression(
213 testRecord{FieldA: 1, FieldB: true, FieldC: "a"},
214 testRecord{FieldA: 2, FieldB: false, FieldC: "b"},
215 )
216 iets.NoError(err)
217 iets.Equal(exp.NewColumnListExpression("fieldb", "fieldc"), ie.Cols())
218 iets.Equal([][]interface{}{{true, "a"}, {false, "b"}}, ie.Vals())
219 iets.False(ie.IsEmpty())
220 iets.False(ie.IsInsertFrom())
221 }
223 func (iets *insertExpressionTestSuite) TestNewInsertExpression_withStructsWithGoquSkipInsert() {
224 type testRecord struct {
225 FieldA int64
226 FieldB bool `goqu:"skipupdate"`
227 FieldC string `goqu:"skipinsert"`
228 }
229 ie, err := exp.NewInsertExpression(
230 testRecord{FieldA: 1, FieldB: true, FieldC: "a"},
231 testRecord{FieldA: 2, FieldB: false, FieldC: "b"},
232 )
233 iets.NoError(err)
234 iets.Equal(exp.NewColumnListExpression("fielda", "fieldb"), ie.Cols())
235 iets.Equal([][]interface{}{{int64(1), true}, {int64(2), false}}, ie.Vals())
236 iets.False(ie.IsEmpty())
237 iets.False(ie.IsInsertFrom())
238 }
240 func (iets *insertExpressionTestSuite) TestNewInsertExpression_withStructPointers() {
241 type testRecord struct {
242 C string `db:"c"`
243 }
244 ie, err := exp.NewInsertExpression(
245 &testRecord{C: "a"},
246 &testRecord{C: "b"},
247 )
248 iets.NoError(err)
249 iets.Equal(exp.NewColumnListExpression("c"), ie.Cols())
250 iets.Equal([][]interface{}{{"a"}, {"b"}}, ie.Vals())
251 iets.False(ie.IsEmpty())
252 iets.False(ie.IsInsertFrom())
253 }
255 func (iets *insertExpressionTestSuite) TestNewInsertExpression_withStructsWithEmbeddedStructs() {
256 type Phone struct {
257 Primary string `db:"primary_phone"`
258 Home string `db:"home_phone"`
259 }
260 type item struct {
261 Phone
262 Address string `db:"address"`
263 Name string `db:"name"`
264 }
265 ie, err := exp.NewInsertExpression(
266 item{Address: "111 Test Addr", Name: "Test1", Phone: Phone{Home: "123123", Primary: "456456"}},
267 item{Address: "211 Test Addr", Name: "Test2", Phone: Phone{Home: "123123", Primary: "456456"}},
268 item{Address: "311 Test Addr", Name: "Test3", Phone: Phone{Home: "123123", Primary: "456456"}},
269 item{Address: "411 Test Addr", Name: "Test4", Phone: Phone{Home: "123123", Primary: "456456"}},
270 )
271 iets.NoError(err)
272 iets.Equal(exp.NewColumnListExpression("address", "home_phone", "name", "primary_phone"), ie.Cols())
273 iets.Equal([][]interface{}{
274 {"111 Test Addr", "123123", "Test1", "456456"},
275 {"211 Test Addr", "123123", "Test2", "456456"},
276 {"311 Test Addr", "123123", "Test3", "456456"},
277 {"411 Test Addr", "123123", "Test4", "456456"},
278 }, ie.Vals())
279 iets.False(ie.IsEmpty())
280 iets.False(ie.IsInsertFrom())
281 }
283 func (iets *insertExpressionTestSuite) TestNewInsertExpression_withStructsWithEmbeddedStructPointers() {
284 type Phone struct {
285 Primary string `db:"primary_phone"`
286 Home string `db:"home_phone"`
287 }
288 type item struct {
289 *Phone
290 Address string `db:"address"`
291 Name string `db:"name"`
292 }
293 ie, err := exp.NewInsertExpression(
294 item{Address: "111 Test Addr", Name: "Test1", Phone: &Phone{Home: "123123", Primary: "456456"}},
295 item{Address: "211 Test Addr", Name: "Test2", Phone: &Phone{Home: "123123", Primary: "456456"}},
296 item{Address: "311 Test Addr", Name: "Test3", Phone: &Phone{Home: "123123", Primary: "456456"}},
297 item{Address: "411 Test Addr", Name: "Test4", Phone: &Phone{Home: "123123", Primary: "456456"}},
298 )
299 iets.NoError(err)
300 iets.Equal(exp.NewColumnListExpression("address", "home_phone", "name", "primary_phone"), ie.Cols())
301 iets.Equal([][]interface{}{
302 {"111 Test Addr", "123123", "Test1", "456456"},
303 {"211 Test Addr", "123123", "Test2", "456456"},
304 {"311 Test Addr", "123123", "Test3", "456456"},
305 {"411 Test Addr", "123123", "Test4", "456456"},
306 }, ie.Vals())
307 iets.False(ie.IsEmpty())
308 iets.False(ie.IsInsertFrom())
309 }
311 func (iets *insertExpressionTestSuite) TestNewInsertExpression_withNilEmbeddedStructPointers() {
312 type Phone struct {
313 Primary string `db:"primary_phone"`
314 Home string `db:"home_phone"`
315 }
316 type item struct {
317 *Phone
318 Address string `db:"address"`
319 Name string `db:"name"`
320 }
321 ie, err := exp.NewInsertExpression(
322 item{Address: "111 Test Addr", Name: "Test1"},
323 item{Address: "211 Test Addr", Name: "Test2"},
324 item{Address: "311 Test Addr", Name: "Test3"},
325 item{Address: "411 Test Addr", Name: "Test4"},
326 )
327 iets.NoError(err)
328 iets.Equal(exp.NewColumnListExpression("address", "name"), ie.Cols())
329 iets.Equal([][]interface{}{
330 {"111 Test Addr", "Test1"},
331 {"211 Test Addr", "Test2"},
332 {"311 Test Addr", "Test3"},
333 {"411 Test Addr", "Test4"},
334 }, ie.Vals())
335 iets.False(ie.IsEmpty())
336 iets.False(ie.IsInsertFrom())
337 }
339 func (iets *insertExpressionTestSuite) TestNewInsertExpression_withDifferentStructTypes() {
340 type Phone struct {
341 Primary string `db:"primary_phone"`
342 Home string `db:"home_phone"`
343 }
344 type item struct {
345 *Phone
346 Address string `db:"address"`
347 Name string `db:"name"`
348 }
349 _, err := exp.NewInsertExpression(
350 item{Address: "111 Test Addr", Name: "Test1"},
351 Phone{Home: "123123", Primary: "456456"},
352 item{Address: "311 Test Addr", Name: "Test3"},
353 Phone{Home: "123123", Primary: "456456"},
354 )
355 iets.EqualError(err, "goqu: rows must be all the same type expected exp_test.item got exp_test.Phone")
356 }
358 func (iets *insertExpressionTestSuite) TestNewInsertExpression_withDifferentColumnLengths() {
359 type Phone struct {
360 Primary string `db:"primary_phone"`
361 Home string `db:"home_phone"`
362 }
363 type Phone2 struct {
364 Primary string `db:"primary_phone2"`
365 Home string `db:"home_phone2"`
366 }
367 type item struct {
368 *Phone
369 *Phone2
370 Address string `db:"address"`
371 Name string `db:"name"`
372 }
373 _, err := exp.NewInsertExpression(
374 item{Address: "111 Test Addr", Name: "Test1", Phone2: &Phone2{Home: "123123", Primary: "456456"}},
375 item{Address: "311 Test Addr", Name: "Test3", Phone: &Phone{Home: "123123", Primary: "456456"}},
376 )
377 iets.EqualError(err, `goqu: rows with different keys expected `+
378 `["address","home_phone2","name","primary_phone2"] got ["address","home_phone","name","primary_phone"]`)
379 }
381 func TestInsertExpressionSuite(t *testing.T) {
382 suite.Run(t, new(insertExpressionTestSuite))
383 }
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