
Source file src/github.com/doug-martin/goqu/v9/dialect/sqlite3/sqlite3_test.go

Documentation: github.com/doug-martin/goqu/v9/dialect/sqlite3

     1  package sqlite3_test
     3  import (
     4  	"database/sql"
     5  	"fmt"
     6  	"testing"
     7  	"time"
     9  	"github.com/doug-martin/goqu/v9"
    10  	"github.com/doug-martin/goqu/v9/dialect/mysql"
    11  	"github.com/doug-martin/goqu/v9/dialect/sqlite3"
    12  	_ "github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3"
    14  	"github.com/stretchr/testify/suite"
    15  )
    17  const (
    18  	dropTable   = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `entry`;"
    19  	createTable = "CREATE  TABLE `entry` (" +
    20  		"`id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY," +
    21  		"`int` INT NOT NULL ," +
    22  		"`float` FLOAT NOT NULL ," +
    23  		"`string` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL ," +
    24  		"`time` DATETIME NOT NULL ," +
    25  		"`bool` TINYINT NOT NULL ," +
    26  		"`bytes` BLOB NOT NULL" +
    27  		");"
    28  	insertDefaultRecords = "INSERT INTO `entry` (`int`, `float`, `string`, `time`, `bool`, `bytes`) VALUES" +
    29  		"(0, 0.000000, '0.000000', '2015-02-22T18:19:55.000000000-00:00', 1,  '0.000000')," +
    30  		"(1, 0.100000, '0.100000', '2015-02-22T19:19:55.000000000-00:00', 0, '0.100000')," +
    31  		"(2, 0.200000, '0.200000', '2015-02-22T20:19:55.000000000-00:00', 1,  '0.200000')," +
    32  		"(3, 0.300000, '0.300000', '2015-02-22T21:19:55.000000000-00:00', 0, '0.300000')," +
    33  		"(4, 0.400000, '0.400000', '2015-02-22T22:19:55.000000000-00:00', 1,  '0.400000')," +
    34  		"(5, 0.500000, '0.500000', '2015-02-22T23:19:55.000000000-00:00', 0, '0.500000')," +
    35  		"(6, 0.600000, '0.600000', '2015-02-23T00:19:55.000000000-00:00', 1,  '0.600000')," +
    36  		"(7, 0.700000, '0.700000', '2015-02-23T01:19:55.000000000-00:00', 0, '0.700000')," +
    37  		"(8, 0.800000, '0.800000', '2015-02-23T02:19:55.000000000-00:00', 1,  '0.800000')," +
    38  		"(9, 0.900000, '0.900000', '2015-02-23T03:19:55.000000000-00:00', 0, '0.900000');"
    39  )
    41  var dbURI = ":memory:"
    43  type (
    44  	sqlite3Suite struct {
    45  		suite.Suite
    46  		db *goqu.Database
    47  	}
    48  	entry struct {
    49  		ID     uint32    `db:"id" goqu:"skipinsert,skipupdate"`
    50  		Int    int       `db:"int"`
    51  		Float  float64   `db:"float"`
    52  		String string    `db:"string"`
    53  		Time   time.Time `db:"time"`
    54  		Bool   bool      `db:"bool"`
    55  		Bytes  []byte    `db:"bytes"`
    56  	}
    57  	entryTestCase struct {
    58  		ds    *goqu.SelectDataset
    59  		len   int
    60  		check func(entry entry, index int)
    61  		err   string
    62  	}
    63  )
    65  func (st *sqlite3Suite) SetupSuite() {
    66  	db, err := sql.Open("sqlite3", dbURI)
    67  	if err != nil {
    68  		panic(err.Error())
    69  	}
    70  	st.db = goqu.New("sqlite3", db)
    71  }
    73  func (st *sqlite3Suite) assertSQL(cases ...sqlTestCase) {
    74  	for i, c := range cases {
    75  		actualSQL, actualArgs, err := c.ds.ToSQL()
    76  		if c.err == "" {
    77  			st.NoError(err, "test case %d failed", i)
    78  		} else {
    79  			st.EqualError(err, c.err, "test case %d failed", i)
    80  		}
    81  		st.Equal(c.sql, actualSQL, "test case %d failed", i)
    82  		if c.isPrepared && c.args != nil || len(c.args) > 0 {
    83  			st.Equal(c.args, actualArgs, "test case %d failed", i)
    84  		} else {
    85  			st.Empty(actualArgs, "test case %d failed", i)
    86  		}
    87  	}
    88  }
    90  func (st *sqlite3Suite) assertEntries(cases ...entryTestCase) {
    91  	for i, c := range cases {
    92  		var entries []entry
    93  		err := c.ds.ScanStructs(&entries)
    94  		if c.err == "" {
    95  			st.NoError(err, "test case %d failed", i)
    96  		} else {
    97  			st.EqualError(err, c.err, "test case %d failed", i)
    98  		}
    99  		st.Len(entries, c.len)
   100  		for index, entry := range entries {
   101  			c.check(entry, index)
   102  		}
   103  	}
   104  }
   106  func (st *sqlite3Suite) SetupTest() {
   107  	if _, err := st.db.Exec(dropTable); err != nil {
   108  		panic(err)
   109  	}
   110  	if _, err := st.db.Exec(createTable); err != nil {
   111  		panic(err)
   112  	}
   113  	if _, err := st.db.Exec(insertDefaultRecords); err != nil {
   114  		panic(err)
   115  	}
   116  }
   118  func (st *sqlite3Suite) TestSelectSQL() {
   119  	ds := st.db.From("entry")
   120  	st.assertSQL(
   121  		sqlTestCase{ds: ds.Select("id", "float", "string", "time", "bool"), sql: "SELECT `id`, `float`, `string`, `time`, `bool` FROM `entry`"},
   122  		sqlTestCase{ds: ds.Where(goqu.C("int").Eq(10)), sql: "SELECT * FROM `entry` WHERE (`int` = 10)"},
   123  		sqlTestCase{
   124  			ds:   ds.Prepared(true).Where(goqu.L("? = ?", goqu.C("int"), 10)),
   125  			sql:  "SELECT * FROM `entry` WHERE `int` = ?",
   126  			args: []interface{}{int64(10)},
   127  		},
   128  	)
   129  }
   131  func (st *sqlite3Suite) TestCompoundQueries() {
   132  	ds1 := st.db.From("entry").Select("int").Where(goqu.C("int").Gt(0))
   133  	ds2 := st.db.From("entry").Select("int").Where(goqu.C("int").Gt(5))
   135  	var ids []int64
   136  	err := ds1.Union(ds2).ScanVals(&ids)
   137  	st.NoError(err)
   138  	st.Equal([]int64{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}, ids)
   140  	ids = ids[0:0]
   141  	err = ds1.UnionAll(ds2).ScanVals(&ids)
   142  	st.NoError(err)
   143  	st.Equal([]int64{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 6, 7, 8, 9}, ids)
   145  	ids = ids[0:0]
   146  	err = ds1.Intersect(ds2).ScanVals(&ids)
   147  	st.NoError(err)
   148  	st.Equal([]int64{6, 7, 8, 9}, ids)
   149  }
   151  func (st *sqlite3Suite) TestQuery() {
   152  	ds := st.db.From("entry")
   153  	floatVal := float64(0)
   154  	baseDate, err := time.Parse(sqlite3.DialectOptions().TimeFormat, "2015-02-22T18:19:55.000000000-00:00")
   155  	st.NoError(err)
   156  	st.assertEntries(
   157  		entryTestCase{ds: ds.Order(goqu.C("id").Asc()), len: 10, check: func(entry entry, index int) {
   158  			f := fmt.Sprintf("%f", floatVal)
   159  			st.Equal(uint32(index+1), entry.ID)
   160  			st.Equal(index, entry.Int)
   161  			st.Equal(f, fmt.Sprintf("%f", entry.Float))
   162  			st.Equal(f, entry.String)
   163  			st.Equal([]byte(f), entry.Bytes)
   164  			st.Equal(index%2 == 0, entry.Bool)
   165  			st.Equal(baseDate.Add(time.Duration(index)*time.Hour).Unix(), entry.Time.Unix())
   166  			floatVal += float64(0.1)
   167  		}},
   168  		entryTestCase{ds: ds.Where(goqu.C("bool").IsTrue()).Order(goqu.C("id").Asc()), len: 5, check: func(entry entry, _ int) {
   169  			st.True(entry.Bool)
   170  		}},
   171  		entryTestCase{ds: ds.Where(goqu.C("int").Gt(4)).Order(goqu.C("id").Asc()), len: 5, check: func(entry entry, _ int) {
   172  			st.True(entry.Int > 4)
   173  		}},
   174  		entryTestCase{ds: ds.Where(goqu.C("int").Gte(5)).Order(goqu.C("id").Asc()), len: 5, check: func(entry entry, _ int) {
   175  			st.True(entry.Int >= 5)
   176  		}},
   177  		entryTestCase{ds: ds.Where(goqu.C("int").Lt(5)).Order(goqu.C("id").Asc()), len: 5, check: func(entry entry, _ int) {
   178  			st.True(entry.Int < 5)
   179  		}},
   180  		entryTestCase{ds: ds.Where(goqu.C("int").Lte(4)).Order(goqu.C("id").Asc()), len: 5, check: func(entry entry, _ int) {
   181  			st.True(entry.Int <= 4)
   182  		}},
   183  		entryTestCase{ds: ds.Where(goqu.C("int").Between(goqu.Range(3, 6))).Order(goqu.C("id").Asc()), len: 4, check: func(entry entry, _ int) {
   184  			st.True(entry.Int >= 3)
   185  			st.True(entry.Int <= 6)
   186  		}},
   187  		entryTestCase{ds: ds.Where(goqu.C("string").Eq("0.100000")).Order(goqu.C("id").Asc()), len: 1, check: func(entry entry, _ int) {
   188  			st.Equal(entry.String, "0.100000")
   189  		}},
   190  		entryTestCase{ds: ds.Where(goqu.C("string").Like("0.1%")).Order(goqu.C("id").Asc()), len: 1, check: func(entry entry, _ int) {
   191  			st.Equal(entry.String, "0.100000")
   192  		}},
   193  		entryTestCase{ds: ds.Where(goqu.C("string").NotLike("0.1%")).Order(goqu.C("id").Asc()), len: 9, check: func(entry entry, _ int) {
   194  			st.NotEqual(entry.String, "0.100000")
   195  		}},
   196  		entryTestCase{ds: ds.Where(goqu.C("string").IsNull()).Order(goqu.C("id").Asc()), len: 0, check: func(entry entry, _ int) {
   197  			st.Fail("Should not have returned any records")
   198  		}},
   199  	)
   200  }
   202  func (st *sqlite3Suite) TestQuery_Prepared() {
   203  	ds := st.db.From("entry").Prepared(true)
   204  	floatVal := float64(0)
   205  	baseDate, err := time.Parse(sqlite3.DialectOptions().TimeFormat, "2015-02-22T18:19:55.000000000-00:00")
   206  	st.NoError(err)
   207  	st.assertEntries(
   208  		entryTestCase{ds: ds.Order(goqu.C("id").Asc()), len: 10, check: func(entry entry, index int) {
   209  			f := fmt.Sprintf("%f", floatVal)
   210  			st.Equal(uint32(index+1), entry.ID)
   211  			st.Equal(index, entry.Int)
   212  			st.Equal(f, fmt.Sprintf("%f", entry.Float))
   213  			st.Equal(f, entry.String)
   214  			st.Equal([]byte(f), entry.Bytes)
   215  			st.Equal(index%2 == 0, entry.Bool)
   216  			st.Equal(baseDate.Add(time.Duration(index)*time.Hour).Unix(), entry.Time.Unix())
   217  			floatVal += float64(0.1)
   218  		}},
   219  		entryTestCase{ds: ds.Where(goqu.C("bool").IsTrue()).Order(goqu.C("id").Asc()), len: 5, check: func(entry entry, _ int) {
   220  			st.True(entry.Bool)
   221  		}},
   222  		entryTestCase{ds: ds.Where(goqu.C("int").Gt(4)).Order(goqu.C("id").Asc()), len: 5, check: func(entry entry, _ int) {
   223  			st.True(entry.Int > 4)
   224  		}},
   225  		entryTestCase{ds: ds.Where(goqu.C("int").Gte(5)).Order(goqu.C("id").Asc()), len: 5, check: func(entry entry, _ int) {
   226  			st.True(entry.Int >= 5)
   227  		}},
   228  		entryTestCase{ds: ds.Where(goqu.C("int").Lt(5)).Order(goqu.C("id").Asc()), len: 5, check: func(entry entry, _ int) {
   229  			st.True(entry.Int < 5)
   230  		}},
   231  		entryTestCase{ds: ds.Where(goqu.C("int").Lte(4)).Order(goqu.C("id").Asc()), len: 5, check: func(entry entry, _ int) {
   232  			st.True(entry.Int <= 4)
   233  		}},
   234  		entryTestCase{ds: ds.Where(goqu.C("int").Between(goqu.Range(3, 6))).Order(goqu.C("id").Asc()), len: 4, check: func(entry entry, _ int) {
   235  			st.True(entry.Int >= 3)
   236  			st.True(entry.Int <= 6)
   237  		}},
   238  		entryTestCase{ds: ds.Where(goqu.C("string").Eq("0.100000")).Order(goqu.C("id").Asc()), len: 1, check: func(entry entry, _ int) {
   239  			st.Equal(entry.String, "0.100000")
   240  		}},
   241  		entryTestCase{ds: ds.Where(goqu.C("string").Like("0.1%")).Order(goqu.C("id").Asc()), len: 1, check: func(entry entry, _ int) {
   242  			st.Equal(entry.String, "0.100000")
   243  		}},
   244  		entryTestCase{ds: ds.Where(goqu.C("string").NotLike("0.1%")).Order(goqu.C("id").Asc()), len: 9, check: func(entry entry, _ int) {
   245  			st.NotEqual(entry.String, "0.100000")
   246  		}},
   247  		entryTestCase{ds: ds.Where(goqu.C("string").IsNull()).Order(goqu.C("id").Asc()), len: 0, check: func(entry entry, _ int) {
   248  			st.Fail("Should not have returned any records")
   249  		}},
   250  	)
   251  }
   253  func (st *sqlite3Suite) TestQuery_ValueExpressions() {
   254  	type wrappedEntry struct {
   255  		entry
   256  		BoolValue bool `db:"bool_value"`
   257  	}
   258  	expectedDate, err := time.Parse("2006-01-02T15:04:05.000000000-00:00", "2015-02-22T19:19:55.000000000-00:00")
   259  	st.NoError(err)
   260  	ds := st.db.From("entry").Select(goqu.Star(), goqu.V(true).As("bool_value")).Where(goqu.Ex{"int": 1})
   261  	var we wrappedEntry
   262  	found, err := ds.ScanStruct(&we)
   263  	st.NoError(err)
   264  	st.True(found)
   265  	st.Equal(we, wrappedEntry{
   266  		entry{2, 1, 0.100000, "0.100000", expectedDate, false, []byte("0.100000")},
   267  		true,
   268  	})
   269  }
   271  func (st *sqlite3Suite) TestCount() {
   272  	ds := st.db.From("entry")
   273  	count, err := ds.Count()
   274  	st.NoError(err)
   275  	st.Equal(int64(10), count)
   276  	count, err = ds.Where(goqu.C("int").Gt(4)).Count()
   277  	st.NoError(err)
   278  	st.Equal(int64(5), count)
   279  	count, err = ds.Where(goqu.C("int").Gte(4)).Count()
   280  	st.NoError(err)
   281  	st.Equal(int64(6), count)
   282  	count, err = ds.Where(goqu.C("string").Like("0.1%")).Count()
   283  	st.NoError(err)
   284  	st.Equal(int64(1), count)
   285  	count, err = ds.Where(goqu.C("string").IsNull()).Count()
   286  	st.NoError(err)
   287  	st.Equal(int64(0), count)
   288  }
   290  func (st *sqlite3Suite) TestInsert() {
   291  	ds := st.db.From("entry")
   292  	now := time.Now()
   293  	e := entry{Int: 10, Float: 1.000000, String: "1.000000", Time: now, Bool: true, Bytes: []byte("1.000000")}
   294  	_, err := ds.Insert().Rows(e).Executor().Exec()
   295  	st.NoError(err)
   297  	var insertedEntry entry
   298  	found, err := ds.Where(goqu.C("int").Eq(10)).ScanStruct(&insertedEntry)
   299  	st.NoError(err)
   300  	st.True(found)
   301  	st.True(insertedEntry.ID > 0)
   303  	entries := []entry{
   304  		{Int: 11, Float: 1.100000, String: "1.100000", Time: now, Bool: false, Bytes: []byte("1.100000")},
   305  		{Int: 12, Float: 1.200000, String: "1.200000", Time: now, Bool: true, Bytes: []byte("1.200000")},
   306  		{Int: 13, Float: 1.300000, String: "1.300000", Time: now, Bool: false, Bytes: []byte("1.300000")},
   307  		{Int: 14, Float: 1.400000, String: "1.400000", Time: now, Bool: true, Bytes: []byte("1.400000")},
   308  		{Int: 14, Float: 1.400000, String: `abc'd"e"f\\gh\n\ri\x00`, Time: now, Bool: true, Bytes: []byte("1.400000")},
   309  	}
   310  	_, err = ds.Insert().Rows(entries).Executor().Exec()
   311  	st.NoError(err)
   313  	var newEntries []entry
   314  	st.NoError(ds.Where(goqu.C("int").In([]uint32{11, 12, 13, 14})).ScanStructs(&newEntries))
   315  	for i, e := range newEntries {
   316  		st.Equal(entries[i].Int, e.Int)
   317  		st.Equal(entries[i].Float, e.Float)
   318  		st.Equal(entries[i].String, e.String)
   319  		st.Equal(entries[i].Time.UTC().Format(mysql.DialectOptions().TimeFormat), e.Time.Format(mysql.DialectOptions().TimeFormat))
   320  		st.Equal(entries[i].Bool, e.Bool)
   321  		st.Equal(entries[i].Bytes, e.Bytes)
   322  	}
   324  	_, err = ds.Insert().Rows(
   325  		entry{Int: 15, Float: 1.500000, String: "1.500000", Time: now, Bool: false, Bytes: []byte("1.500000")},
   326  		entry{Int: 16, Float: 1.600000, String: "1.600000", Time: now, Bool: true, Bytes: []byte("1.600000")},
   327  		entry{Int: 17, Float: 1.700000, String: "1.700000", Time: now, Bool: false, Bytes: []byte("1.700000")},
   328  		entry{Int: 18, Float: 1.800000, String: "1.800000", Time: now, Bool: true, Bytes: []byte("1.800000")},
   329  		entry{Int: 18, Float: 1.800000, String: `abc'd"e"f\\gh\n\ri\x00`, Time: now, Bool: true, Bytes: []byte("1.800000")},
   330  	).Executor().Exec()
   331  	st.NoError(err)
   333  	newEntries = newEntries[0:0]
   334  	st.NoError(ds.Where(goqu.C("int").In([]uint32{15, 16, 17, 18})).ScanStructs(&newEntries))
   335  	st.Len(newEntries, 5)
   336  }
   338  func (st *sqlite3Suite) TestInsert_returning() {
   339  	ds := st.db.From("entry")
   340  	now := time.Now()
   341  	e := entry{Int: 10, Float: 1.000000, String: "1.000000", Time: now, Bool: true, Bytes: []byte("1.000000")}
   342  	_, err := ds.Insert().Rows(e).Returning(goqu.Star()).Executor().ScanStruct(&e)
   343  	st.Error(err)
   344  }
   346  func (st *sqlite3Suite) TestUpdate() {
   347  	ds := st.db.From("entry")
   348  	var e entry
   349  	found, err := ds.Where(goqu.C("int").Eq(9)).Select("id").ScanStruct(&e)
   350  	st.NoError(err)
   351  	st.True(found)
   352  	e.Int = 11
   353  	_, err = ds.Where(goqu.C("id").Eq(e.ID)).Update().Set(e).Executor().Exec()
   354  	st.NoError(err)
   356  	count, err := ds.Where(goqu.C("int").Eq(11)).Count()
   357  	st.NoError(err)
   358  	st.Equal(int64(1), count)
   359  }
   361  func (st *sqlite3Suite) TestUpdateReturning() {
   362  	ds := st.db.From("entry")
   363  	var id uint32
   364  	_, err := ds.
   365  		Where(goqu.C("int").Eq(11)).
   366  		Update().
   367  		Set(map[string]interface{}{"int": 9}).
   368  		Returning("id").
   369  		Executor().ScanVal(&id)
   370  	st.Error(err)
   371  	st.EqualError(err, "goqu: dialect does not support RETURNING clause [dialect=sqlite3]")
   372  }
   374  func (st *sqlite3Suite) TestDelete() {
   375  	ds := st.db.From("entry")
   376  	var e entry
   377  	found, err := ds.Where(goqu.C("int").Eq(9)).Select("id").ScanStruct(&e)
   378  	st.NoError(err)
   379  	st.True(found)
   380  	_, err = ds.Where(goqu.C("id").Eq(e.ID)).Delete().Executor().Exec()
   381  	st.NoError(err)
   383  	count, err := ds.Count()
   384  	st.NoError(err)
   385  	st.Equal(int64(9), count)
   387  	var id uint32
   388  	found, err = ds.Where(goqu.C("id").Eq(e.ID)).ScanVal(&id)
   389  	st.NoError(err)
   390  	st.False(found)
   392  	e = entry{}
   393  	found, err = ds.Where(goqu.C("int").Eq(8)).Select("id").ScanStruct(&e)
   394  	st.NoError(err)
   395  	st.True(found)
   396  	st.NotEqual(int64(0), e.ID)
   398  	id = 0
   399  	_, err = ds.Where(goqu.C("id").Eq(e.ID)).Delete().Returning("id").Executor().ScanVal(&id)
   400  	st.EqualError(err, "goqu: dialect does not support RETURNING clause [dialect=sqlite3]")
   401  }
   403  func (st *sqlite3Suite) TestInsert_OnConflict() {
   404  	ds := st.db.From("entry")
   405  	now := time.Now()
   407  	// insert new record with ID = 11
   408  	e := entry{Int: 11, Float: 1.100000, String: "1.100000", Time: now, Bool: false, Bytes: []byte("1.100000")}
   409  	_, err := ds.Insert().Rows(e).OnConflict(goqu.DoNothing()).Executor().Exec()
   410  	st.NoError(err)
   412  	var entryActual entry
   413  	_, err = ds.Where(goqu.C("id").Eq(11)).ScanStruct(&entryActual)
   414  	st.NoError(err)
   415  	st.Equal("1.100000", entryActual.String)
   417  	// duplicate with ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING should not be actually inserted
   418  	_, err = ds.Insert().Rows(
   419  		goqu.Record{
   420  			"id":     11,
   421  			"int":    99999999,
   422  			"float":  "0.99999999",
   423  			"string": "99999999",
   424  			"time":   now,
   425  			"bool":   true,
   426  			"bytes":  []byte("0.99999999"),
   427  		},
   428  	).OnConflict(goqu.DoNothing()).Executor().Exec()
   429  	st.NoError(err)
   431  	_, err = ds.Where(goqu.C("id").Eq(11)).ScanStruct(&entryActual)
   432  	st.NoError(err)
   433  	st.Equal("1.100000", entryActual.String)
   435  	// UPSERT record with ID primary key value conflict
   436  	_, err = ds.Insert().Rows(
   437  		goqu.Record{
   438  			"id":     11,
   439  			"int":    11,
   440  			"float":  "1.100000",
   441  			"string": "1.100000",
   442  			"time":   now,
   443  			"bool":   true,
   444  			"bytes":  []byte("1.100000"),
   445  		},
   446  	).OnConflict(goqu.DoUpdate("id", goqu.Record{"string": "upsert"})).Executor().Exec()
   447  	st.NoError(err)
   449  	_, err = ds.Where(goqu.C("id").Eq(11)).ScanStruct(&entryActual)
   450  	st.NoError(err)
   451  	st.Equal("upsert", entryActual.String)
   453  	// UPDATE ... ON CONFLICT (...) WHERE ... SET ... should result in error for now
   454  	entries := []entry{
   455  		{Int: 8, Float: 6.100000, String: "6.100000", Time: now, Bytes: []byte("6.100000")},
   456  		{Int: 9, Float: 7.200000, String: "7.200000", Time: now, Bytes: []byte("7.200000")},
   457  	}
   458  	_, err = ds.Insert().
   459  		Rows(entries).
   460  		OnConflict(goqu.DoUpdate("id", goqu.Record{"string": "upsert"}).Where(goqu.C("id").Eq(9))).
   461  		Executor().Exec()
   462  	st.EqualError(err, "goqu: dialect does not support upsert with where clause [dialect=sqlite3]")
   463  }
   465  func TestSqlite3Suite(t *testing.T) {
   466  	suite.Run(t, new(sqlite3Suite))
   467  }

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