
Source file src/github.com/docker/distribution/registry/storage/paths.go

Documentation: github.com/docker/distribution/registry/storage

     1  package storage
     3  import (
     4  	"fmt"
     5  	"path"
     6  	"strings"
     8  	"github.com/opencontainers/go-digest"
     9  )
    11  const (
    12  	storagePathVersion = "v2"                // fixed storage layout version
    13  	storagePathRoot    = "/docker/registry/" // all driver paths have a prefix
    15  	// TODO(stevvooe): Get rid of the "storagePathRoot". Initially, we though
    16  	// storage path root would configurable for all drivers through this
    17  	// package. In reality, we've found it simpler to do this on a per driver
    18  	// basis.
    19  )
    21  // pathFor maps paths based on "object names" and their ids. The "object
    22  // names" mapped by are internal to the storage system.
    23  //
    24  // The path layout in the storage backend is roughly as follows:
    25  //
    26  //	<root>/v2
    27  //		-> repositories/
    28  //			-><name>/
    29  //				-> _manifests/
    30  //					revisions
    31  //						-> <manifest digest path>
    32  //							-> link
    33  //					tags/<tag>
    34  //						-> current/link
    35  //						-> index
    36  //							-> <algorithm>/<hex digest>/link
    37  //				-> _layers/
    38  //					<layer links to blob store>
    39  //				-> _uploads/<id>
    40  //					data
    41  //					startedat
    42  //					hashstates/<algorithm>/<offset>
    43  //		-> blob/<algorithm>
    44  //			<split directory content addressable storage>
    45  //
    46  // The storage backend layout is broken up into a content-addressable blob
    47  // store and repositories. The content-addressable blob store holds most data
    48  // throughout the backend, keyed by algorithm and digests of the underlying
    49  // content. Access to the blob store is controlled through links from the
    50  // repository to blobstore.
    51  //
    52  // A repository is made up of layers, manifests and tags. The layers component
    53  // is just a directory of layers which are "linked" into a repository. A layer
    54  // can only be accessed through a qualified repository name if it is linked in
    55  // the repository. Uploads of layers are managed in the uploads directory,
    56  // which is key by upload id. When all data for an upload is received, the
    57  // data is moved into the blob store and the upload directory is deleted.
    58  // Abandoned uploads can be garbage collected by reading the startedat file
    59  // and removing uploads that have been active for longer than a certain time.
    60  //
    61  // The third component of the repository directory is the manifests store,
    62  // which is made up of a revision store and tag store. Manifests are stored in
    63  // the blob store and linked into the revision store.
    64  // While the registry can save all revisions of a manifest, no relationship is
    65  // implied as to the ordering of changes to a manifest. The tag store provides
    66  // support for name, tag lookups of manifests, using "current/link" under a
    67  // named tag directory. An index is maintained to support deletions of all
    68  // revisions of a given manifest tag.
    69  //
    70  // We cover the path formats implemented by this path mapper below.
    71  //
    72  //	Manifests:
    73  //
    74  //	manifestRevisionsPathSpec:      <root>/v2/repositories/<name>/_manifests/revisions/
    75  //	manifestRevisionPathSpec:      <root>/v2/repositories/<name>/_manifests/revisions/<algorithm>/<hex digest>/
    76  //	manifestRevisionLinkPathSpec:  <root>/v2/repositories/<name>/_manifests/revisions/<algorithm>/<hex digest>/link
    77  //
    78  //	Tags:
    79  //
    80  //	manifestTagsPathSpec:                  <root>/v2/repositories/<name>/_manifests/tags/
    81  //	manifestTagPathSpec:                   <root>/v2/repositories/<name>/_manifests/tags/<tag>/
    82  //	manifestTagCurrentPathSpec:            <root>/v2/repositories/<name>/_manifests/tags/<tag>/current/link
    83  //	manifestTagIndexPathSpec:              <root>/v2/repositories/<name>/_manifests/tags/<tag>/index/
    84  //	manifestTagIndexEntryPathSpec:         <root>/v2/repositories/<name>/_manifests/tags/<tag>/index/<algorithm>/<hex digest>/
    85  //	manifestTagIndexEntryLinkPathSpec:     <root>/v2/repositories/<name>/_manifests/tags/<tag>/index/<algorithm>/<hex digest>/link
    86  //
    87  //	Blobs:
    88  //
    89  //	layerLinkPathSpec:            <root>/v2/repositories/<name>/_layers/<algorithm>/<hex digest>/link
    90  //
    91  //	Uploads:
    92  //
    93  //	uploadDataPathSpec:             <root>/v2/repositories/<name>/_uploads/<id>/data
    94  //	uploadStartedAtPathSpec:        <root>/v2/repositories/<name>/_uploads/<id>/startedat
    95  //	uploadHashStatePathSpec:        <root>/v2/repositories/<name>/_uploads/<id>/hashstates/<algorithm>/<offset>
    96  //
    97  //	Blob Store:
    98  //
    99  //	blobsPathSpec:                  <root>/v2/blobs/
   100  //	blobPathSpec:                   <root>/v2/blobs/<algorithm>/<first two hex bytes of digest>/<hex digest>
   101  //	blobDataPathSpec:               <root>/v2/blobs/<algorithm>/<first two hex bytes of digest>/<hex digest>/data
   102  //	blobMediaTypePathSpec:               <root>/v2/blobs/<algorithm>/<first two hex bytes of digest>/<hex digest>/data
   103  //
   104  // For more information on the semantic meaning of each path and their
   105  // contents, please see the path spec documentation.
   106  func pathFor(spec pathSpec) (string, error) {
   108  	// Switch on the path object type and return the appropriate path. At
   109  	// first glance, one may wonder why we don't use an interface to
   110  	// accomplish this. By keep the formatting separate from the pathSpec, we
   111  	// keep separate the path generation componentized. These specs could be
   112  	// passed to a completely different mapper implementation and generate a
   113  	// different set of paths.
   114  	//
   115  	// For example, imagine migrating from one backend to the other: one could
   116  	// build a filesystem walker that converts a string path in one version,
   117  	// to an intermediate path object, than can be consumed and mapped by the
   118  	// other version.
   120  	rootPrefix := []string{storagePathRoot, storagePathVersion}
   121  	repoPrefix := append(rootPrefix, "repositories")
   123  	switch v := spec.(type) {
   125  	case manifestRevisionsPathSpec:
   126  		return path.Join(append(repoPrefix, v.name, "_manifests", "revisions")...), nil
   128  	case manifestRevisionPathSpec:
   129  		components, err := digestPathComponents(v.revision, false)
   130  		if err != nil {
   131  			return "", err
   132  		}
   134  		return path.Join(append(append(repoPrefix, v.name, "_manifests", "revisions"), components...)...), nil
   135  	case manifestRevisionLinkPathSpec:
   136  		root, err := pathFor(manifestRevisionPathSpec(v))
   138  		if err != nil {
   139  			return "", err
   140  		}
   142  		return path.Join(root, "link"), nil
   143  	case manifestTagsPathSpec:
   144  		return path.Join(append(repoPrefix, v.name, "_manifests", "tags")...), nil
   145  	case manifestTagPathSpec:
   146  		root, err := pathFor(manifestTagsPathSpec{
   147  			name: v.name,
   148  		})
   150  		if err != nil {
   151  			return "", err
   152  		}
   154  		return path.Join(root, v.tag), nil
   155  	case manifestTagCurrentPathSpec:
   156  		root, err := pathFor(manifestTagPathSpec(v))
   158  		if err != nil {
   159  			return "", err
   160  		}
   162  		return path.Join(root, "current", "link"), nil
   163  	case manifestTagIndexPathSpec:
   164  		root, err := pathFor(manifestTagPathSpec(v))
   166  		if err != nil {
   167  			return "", err
   168  		}
   170  		return path.Join(root, "index"), nil
   171  	case manifestTagIndexEntryLinkPathSpec:
   172  		root, err := pathFor(manifestTagIndexEntryPathSpec(v))
   174  		if err != nil {
   175  			return "", err
   176  		}
   178  		return path.Join(root, "link"), nil
   179  	case manifestTagIndexEntryPathSpec:
   180  		root, err := pathFor(manifestTagIndexPathSpec{
   181  			name: v.name,
   182  			tag:  v.tag,
   183  		})
   185  		if err != nil {
   186  			return "", err
   187  		}
   189  		components, err := digestPathComponents(v.revision, false)
   190  		if err != nil {
   191  			return "", err
   192  		}
   194  		return path.Join(root, path.Join(components...)), nil
   195  	case layerLinkPathSpec:
   196  		components, err := digestPathComponents(v.digest, false)
   197  		if err != nil {
   198  			return "", err
   199  		}
   201  		// TODO(stevvooe): Right now, all blobs are linked under "_layers". If
   202  		// we have future migrations, we may want to rename this to "_blobs".
   203  		// A migration strategy would simply leave existing items in place and
   204  		// write the new paths, commit a file then delete the old files.
   206  		blobLinkPathComponents := append(repoPrefix, v.name, "_layers")
   208  		return path.Join(path.Join(append(blobLinkPathComponents, components...)...), "link"), nil
   209  	case blobsPathSpec:
   210  		blobsPathPrefix := append(rootPrefix, "blobs")
   211  		return path.Join(blobsPathPrefix...), nil
   212  	case blobPathSpec:
   213  		components, err := digestPathComponents(v.digest, true)
   214  		if err != nil {
   215  			return "", err
   216  		}
   218  		blobPathPrefix := append(rootPrefix, "blobs")
   219  		return path.Join(append(blobPathPrefix, components...)...), nil
   220  	case blobDataPathSpec:
   221  		components, err := digestPathComponents(v.digest, true)
   222  		if err != nil {
   223  			return "", err
   224  		}
   226  		components = append(components, "data")
   227  		blobPathPrefix := append(rootPrefix, "blobs")
   228  		return path.Join(append(blobPathPrefix, components...)...), nil
   230  	case uploadDataPathSpec:
   231  		return path.Join(append(repoPrefix, v.name, "_uploads", v.id, "data")...), nil
   232  	case uploadStartedAtPathSpec:
   233  		return path.Join(append(repoPrefix, v.name, "_uploads", v.id, "startedat")...), nil
   234  	case uploadHashStatePathSpec:
   235  		offset := fmt.Sprintf("%d", v.offset)
   236  		if v.list {
   237  			offset = "" // Limit to the prefix for listing offsets.
   238  		}
   239  		return path.Join(append(repoPrefix, v.name, "_uploads", v.id, "hashstates", string(v.alg), offset)...), nil
   240  	case repositoriesRootPathSpec:
   241  		return path.Join(repoPrefix...), nil
   242  	default:
   243  		// TODO(sday): This is an internal error. Ensure it doesn't escape (panic?).
   244  		return "", fmt.Errorf("unknown path spec: %#v", v)
   245  	}
   246  }
   248  // pathSpec is a type to mark structs as path specs. There is no
   249  // implementation because we'd like to keep the specs and the mappers
   250  // decoupled.
   251  type pathSpec interface {
   252  	pathSpec()
   253  }
   255  // manifestRevisionsPathSpec describes the directory path for
   256  // a manifest revision.
   257  type manifestRevisionsPathSpec struct {
   258  	name string
   259  }
   261  func (manifestRevisionsPathSpec) pathSpec() {}
   263  // manifestRevisionPathSpec describes the components of the directory path for
   264  // a manifest revision.
   265  type manifestRevisionPathSpec struct {
   266  	name     string
   267  	revision digest.Digest
   268  }
   270  func (manifestRevisionPathSpec) pathSpec() {}
   272  // manifestRevisionLinkPathSpec describes the path components required to look
   273  // up the data link for a revision of a manifest. If this file is not present,
   274  // the manifest blob is not available in the given repo. The contents of this
   275  // file should just be the digest.
   276  type manifestRevisionLinkPathSpec struct {
   277  	name     string
   278  	revision digest.Digest
   279  }
   281  func (manifestRevisionLinkPathSpec) pathSpec() {}
   283  // manifestTagsPathSpec describes the path elements required to point to the
   284  // manifest tags directory.
   285  type manifestTagsPathSpec struct {
   286  	name string
   287  }
   289  func (manifestTagsPathSpec) pathSpec() {}
   291  // manifestTagPathSpec describes the path elements required to point to the
   292  // manifest tag links files under a repository. These contain a blob id that
   293  // can be used to look up the data and signatures.
   294  type manifestTagPathSpec struct {
   295  	name string
   296  	tag  string
   297  }
   299  func (manifestTagPathSpec) pathSpec() {}
   301  // manifestTagCurrentPathSpec describes the link to the current revision for a
   302  // given tag.
   303  type manifestTagCurrentPathSpec struct {
   304  	name string
   305  	tag  string
   306  }
   308  func (manifestTagCurrentPathSpec) pathSpec() {}
   310  // manifestTagCurrentPathSpec describes the link to the index of revisions
   311  // with the given tag.
   312  type manifestTagIndexPathSpec struct {
   313  	name string
   314  	tag  string
   315  }
   317  func (manifestTagIndexPathSpec) pathSpec() {}
   319  // manifestTagIndexEntryPathSpec contains the entries of the index by revision.
   320  type manifestTagIndexEntryPathSpec struct {
   321  	name     string
   322  	tag      string
   323  	revision digest.Digest
   324  }
   326  func (manifestTagIndexEntryPathSpec) pathSpec() {}
   328  // manifestTagIndexEntryLinkPathSpec describes the link to a revisions of a
   329  // manifest with given tag within the index.
   330  type manifestTagIndexEntryLinkPathSpec struct {
   331  	name     string
   332  	tag      string
   333  	revision digest.Digest
   334  }
   336  func (manifestTagIndexEntryLinkPathSpec) pathSpec() {}
   338  // blobLinkPathSpec specifies a path for a blob link, which is a file with a
   339  // blob id. The blob link will contain a content addressable blob id reference
   340  // into the blob store. The format of the contents is as follows:
   341  //
   342  //	<algorithm>:<hex digest of layer data>
   343  //
   344  // The following example of the file contents is more illustrative:
   345  //
   346  //	sha256:96443a84ce518ac22acb2e985eda402b58ac19ce6f91980bde63726a79d80b36
   347  //
   348  // This  indicates that there is a blob with the id/digest, calculated via
   349  // sha256 that can be fetched from the blob store.
   350  type layerLinkPathSpec struct {
   351  	name   string
   352  	digest digest.Digest
   353  }
   355  func (layerLinkPathSpec) pathSpec() {}
   357  // blobAlgorithmReplacer does some very simple path sanitization for user
   358  // input. Paths should be "safe" before getting this far due to strict digest
   359  // requirements but we can add further path conversion here, if needed.
   360  var blobAlgorithmReplacer = strings.NewReplacer(
   361  	"+", "/",
   362  	".", "/",
   363  	";", "/",
   364  )
   366  // blobsPathSpec contains the path for the blobs directory
   367  type blobsPathSpec struct{}
   369  func (blobsPathSpec) pathSpec() {}
   371  // blobPathSpec contains the path for the registry global blob store.
   372  type blobPathSpec struct {
   373  	digest digest.Digest
   374  }
   376  func (blobPathSpec) pathSpec() {}
   378  // blobDataPathSpec contains the path for the registry global blob store. For
   379  // now, this contains layer data, exclusively.
   380  type blobDataPathSpec struct {
   381  	digest digest.Digest
   382  }
   384  func (blobDataPathSpec) pathSpec() {}
   386  // uploadDataPathSpec defines the path parameters of the data file for
   387  // uploads.
   388  type uploadDataPathSpec struct {
   389  	name string
   390  	id   string
   391  }
   393  func (uploadDataPathSpec) pathSpec() {}
   395  // uploadDataPathSpec defines the path parameters for the file that stores the
   396  // start time of an uploads. If it is missing, the upload is considered
   397  // unknown. Admittedly, the presence of this file is an ugly hack to make sure
   398  // we have a way to cleanup old or stalled uploads that doesn't rely on driver
   399  // FileInfo behavior. If we come up with a more clever way to do this, we
   400  // should remove this file immediately and rely on the startetAt field from
   401  // the client to enforce time out policies.
   402  type uploadStartedAtPathSpec struct {
   403  	name string
   404  	id   string
   405  }
   407  func (uploadStartedAtPathSpec) pathSpec() {}
   409  // uploadHashStatePathSpec defines the path parameters for the file that stores
   410  // the hash function state of an upload at a specific byte offset. If `list` is
   411  // set, then the path mapper will generate a list prefix for all hash state
   412  // offsets for the upload identified by the name, id, and alg.
   413  type uploadHashStatePathSpec struct {
   414  	name   string
   415  	id     string
   416  	alg    digest.Algorithm
   417  	offset int64
   418  	list   bool
   419  }
   421  func (uploadHashStatePathSpec) pathSpec() {}
   423  // repositoriesRootPathSpec returns the root of repositories
   424  type repositoriesRootPathSpec struct {
   425  }
   427  func (repositoriesRootPathSpec) pathSpec() {}
   429  // digestPathComponents provides a consistent path breakdown for a given
   430  // digest. For a generic digest, it will be as follows:
   431  //
   432  //	<algorithm>/<hex digest>
   433  //
   434  // If multilevel is true, the first two bytes of the digest will separate
   435  // groups of digest folder. It will be as follows:
   436  //
   437  //	<algorithm>/<first two bytes of digest>/<full digest>
   438  func digestPathComponents(dgst digest.Digest, multilevel bool) ([]string, error) {
   439  	if err := dgst.Validate(); err != nil {
   440  		return nil, err
   441  	}
   443  	algorithm := blobAlgorithmReplacer.Replace(string(dgst.Algorithm()))
   444  	hex := dgst.Hex()
   445  	prefix := []string{algorithm}
   447  	var suffix []string
   449  	if multilevel {
   450  		suffix = append(suffix, hex[:2])
   451  	}
   453  	suffix = append(suffix, hex)
   455  	return append(prefix, suffix...), nil
   456  }
   458  // Reconstructs a digest from a path
   459  func digestFromPath(digestPath string) (digest.Digest, error) {
   461  	digestPath = strings.TrimSuffix(digestPath, "/data")
   462  	dir, hex := path.Split(digestPath)
   463  	dir = path.Dir(dir)
   464  	dir, next := path.Split(dir)
   466  	// next is either the algorithm OR the first two characters in the hex string
   467  	var algo string
   468  	if next == hex[:2] {
   469  		algo = path.Base(dir)
   470  	} else {
   471  		algo = next
   472  	}
   474  	dgst := digest.NewDigestFromHex(algo, hex)
   475  	return dgst, dgst.Validate()
   476  }

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