1# Roadmap
3The Distribution Project consists of several components, some of which are
4still being defined. This document defines the high-level goals of the
5project, identifies the current components, and defines the release-
6relationship to the Docker Platform.
8* [Distribution Goals](#distribution-goals)
9* [Distribution Components](#distribution-components)
10* [Project Planning](#project-planning): release-relationship to the Docker Platform.
12This road map is a living document, providing an overview of the goals and
13considerations made in respect of the future of the project.
15## Distribution Goals
17- Replace the existing [docker registry](github.com/docker/docker-registry)
18 implementation as the primary implementation.
19- Replace the existing push and pull code in the docker engine with the
20 distribution package.
21- Define a strong data model for distributing docker images
22- Provide a flexible distribution tool kit for use in the docker platform
23- Unlock new distribution models
25## Distribution Components
27Components of the Distribution Project are managed via github [milestones](https://github.com/docker/distribution/milestones). Upcoming
28features and bugfixes for a component will be added to the relevant milestone. If a feature or
29bugfix is not part of a milestone, it is currently unscheduled for
32* [Registry](#registry)
33* [Distribution Package](#distribution-package)
37### Registry
39The new Docker registry is the main portion of the distribution repository.
40Registry 2.0 is the first release of the next-generation registry. This was
41primarily focused on implementing the [new registry
43with a focus on security and performance.
45Following from the Distribution project goals above, we have a set of goals
46for registry v2 that we would like to follow in the design. New features
47should be compared against these goals.
49#### Data Storage and Distribution First
51The registry's first goal is to provide a reliable, consistent storage
52location for Docker images. The registry should only provide the minimal
53amount of indexing required to fetch image data and no more.
55This means we should be selective in new features and API additions, including
56those that may require expensive, ever growing indexes. Requests should be
57servable in "constant time".
59#### Content Addressability
61All data objects used in the registry API should be content addressable.
62Content identifiers should be secure and verifiable. This provides a secure,
63reliable base from which to build more advanced content distribution systems.
65#### Content Agnostic
67In the past, changes to the image format would require large changes in Docker
68and the Registry. By decoupling the distribution and image format, we can
69allow the formats to progress without having to coordinate between the two.
70This means that we should be focused on decoupling Docker from the registry
71just as much as decoupling the registry from Docker. Such an approach will
72allow us to unlock new distribution models that haven't been possible before.
74We can take this further by saying that the new registry should be content
75agnostic. The registry provides a model of names, tags, manifests and content
76addresses and that model can be used to work with content.
78#### Simplicity
80The new registry should be closer to a microservice component than its
81predecessor. This means it should have a narrower API and a low number of
82service dependencies. It should be easy to deploy.
84This means that other solutions should be explored before changing the API or
85adding extra dependencies. If functionality is required, can it be added as an
86extension or companion service.
88#### Extensibility
90The registry should provide extension points to add functionality. By keeping
91the scope narrow, but providing the ability to add functionality.
93Features like search, indexing, synchronization and registry explorers fall
94into this category. No such feature should be added unless we've found it
95impossible to do through an extension.
97#### Active Feature Discussions
99The following are feature discussions that are currently active.
101If you don't see your favorite, unimplemented feature, feel free to contact us
102via IRC or the mailing list and we can talk about adding it. The goal here is
103to make sure that new features go through a rigid design process before
104landing in the registry.
106##### Proxying to other Registries
108A _pull-through caching_ mode exists for the registry, but is restricted from
109within the docker client to only mirror the official Docker Hub. This functionality
110can be expanded when image provenance has been specified and implemented in the
111distribution project.
113##### Metadata storage
115Metadata for the registry is currently stored with the manifest and layer data on
116the storage backend. While this is a big win for simplicity and reliably maintaining
117state, it comes with the cost of consistency and high latency. The mutable registry
118metadata operations should be abstracted behind an API which will allow ACID compliant
119storage systems to handle metadata.
121##### Peer to Peer transfer
123Discussion has started here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rYDpSpJiQWmCQy8Cuiaa3NH-Co33oK_SC9HeXYo87QA/edit
125##### Indexing, Search and Discovery
127The original registry provided some implementation of search for use with
128private registries. Support has been elided from V2 since we'd like to both
129decouple search functionality from the registry. The makes the registry
130simpler to deploy, especially in use cases where search is not needed, and
131let's us decouple the image format from the registry.
133There are explorations into using the catalog API and notification system to
134build external indexes. The current line of thought is that we will define a
135common search API to index and query docker images. Such a system could be run
136as a companion to a registry or set of registries to power discovery.
138The main issue with search and discovery is that there are so many ways to
139accomplish it. There are two aspects to this project. The first is deciding on
140how it will be done, including an API definition that can work with changing
141data formats. The second is the process of integrating with `docker search`.
142We expect that someone attempts to address the problem with the existing tools
143and propose it as a standard search API or uses it to inform a standardization
144process. Once this has been explored, we integrate with the docker client.
146Please see the following for more detail:
148- https://github.com/docker/distribution/issues/206
150##### Deletes
152> __NOTE:__ Deletes are a much asked for feature. Before requesting this
153feature or participating in discussion, we ask that you read this section in
154full and understand the problems behind deletes.
156While, at first glance, implementing deleting seems simple, there are a number
157mitigating factors that make many solutions not ideal or even pathological in
158the context of a registry. The following paragraph discuss the background and
159approaches that could be applied to arrive at a solution.
161The goal of deletes in any system is to remove unused or unneeded data. Only
162data requested for deletion should be removed and no other data. Removing
163unintended data is worse than _not_ removing data that was requested for
164removal but ideally, both are supported. Generally, according to this rule, we
165err on holding data longer than needed, ensuring that it is only removed when
166we can be certain that it can be removed. With the current behavior, we opt to
167hold onto the data forever, ensuring that data cannot be incorrectly removed.
169To understand the problems with implementing deletes, one must understand the
170data model. All registry data is stored in a filesystem layout, implemented on
171a "storage driver", effectively a _virtual file system_ (VFS). The storage
172system must assume that this VFS layer will be eventually consistent and has
173poor read- after-write consistency, since this is the lower common denominator
174among the storage drivers. This is mitigated by writing values in reverse-
175dependent order, but makes wider transactional operations unsafe.
177Layered on the VFS model is a content-addressable _directed, acyclic graph_
178(DAG) made up of blobs. Manifests reference layers. Tags reference manifests.
179Since the same data can be referenced by multiple manifests, we only store
180data once, even if it is in different repositories. Thus, we have a set of
181blobs, referenced by tags and manifests. If we want to delete a blob we need
182to be certain that it is no longer referenced by another manifest or tag. When
183we delete a manifest, we also can try to delete the referenced blobs. Deciding
184whether or not a blob has an active reference is the crux of the problem.
186Conceptually, deleting a manifest and its resources is quite simple. Just find
187all the manifests, enumerate the referenced blobs and delete the blobs not in
188that set. An astute observer will recognize this as a garbage collection
189problem. As with garbage collection in programming languages, this is very
190simple when one always has a consistent view. When one adds parallelism and an
191inconsistent view of data, it becomes very challenging.
193A simple example can demonstrate this. Let's say we are deleting a manifest
194_A_ in one process. We scan the manifest and decide that all the blobs are
195ready for deletion. Concurrently, we have another process accepting a new
196manifest _B_ referencing one or more blobs from the manifest _A_. Manifest _B_
197is accepted and all the blobs are considered present, so the operation
198proceeds. The original process then deletes the referenced blobs, assuming
199they were unreferenced. The manifest _B_, which we thought had all of its data
200present, can no longer be served by the registry, since the dependent data has
201been deleted.
203Deleting data from the registry safely requires some way to coordinate this
204operation. The following approaches are being considered:
206- _Reference Counting_ - Maintain a count of references to each blob. This is
207 challenging for a number of reasons: 1. maintaining a consistent consensus
208 of reference counts across a set of Registries and 2. Building the initial
209 list of reference counts for an existing registry. These challenges can be
210 met with a consensus protocol like Paxos or Raft in the first case and a
211 necessary but simple scan in the second..
212- _Lock the World GC_ - Halt all writes to the data store. Walk the data store
213 and find all blob references. Delete all unreferenced blobs. This approach
214 is very simple but requires disabling writes for a period of time while the
215 service reads all data. This is slow and expensive but very accurate and
216 effective.
217- _Generational GC_ - Do something similar to above but instead of blocking
218 writes, writes are sent to another storage backend while reads are broadcast
219 to the new and old backends. GC is then performed on the read-only portion.
220 Because writes land in the new backend, the data in the read-only section
221 can be safely deleted. The main drawbacks of this approach are complexity
222 and coordination.
223- _Centralized Oracle_ - Using a centralized, transactional database, we can
224 know exactly which data is referenced at any given time. This avoids
225 coordination problem by managing this data in a single location. We trade
226 off metadata scalability for simplicity and performance. This is a very good
227 option for most registry deployments. This would create a bottleneck for
228 registry metadata. However, metadata is generally not the main bottleneck
229 when serving images.
231Please let us know if other solutions exist that we have yet to enumerate.
232Note that for any approach, implementation is a massive consideration. For
233example, a mark-sweep based solution may seem simple but the amount of work in
234coordination offset the extra work it might take to build a _Centralized
235Oracle_. We'll accept proposals for any solution but please coordinate with us
236before dropping code.
238At this time, we have traded off simplicity and ease of deployment for disk
239space. Simplicity and ease of deployment tend to reduce developer involvement,
240which is currently the most expensive resource in software engineering. Taking
241on any solution for deletes will greatly effect these factors, trading off
242very cheap disk space for a complex deployment and operational story.
244Please see the following issues for more detail:
246- https://github.com/docker/distribution/issues/422
247- https://github.com/docker/distribution/issues/461
248- https://github.com/docker/distribution/issues/462
250### Distribution Package
252At its core, the Distribution Project is a set of Go packages that make up
253Distribution Components. At this time, most of these packages make up the
254Registry implementation.
256The package itself is considered unstable. If you're using it, please take care to vendor the dependent version.
258For feature additions, please see the Registry section. In the future, we may break out a
259separate Roadmap for distribution-specific features that apply to more than
260just the registry.
264### Project Planning
266An [Open-Source Planning Process](https://github.com/docker/distribution/wiki/Open-Source-Planning-Process) is used to define the Roadmap. [Project Pages](https://github.com/docker/distribution/wiki) define the goals for each Milestone and identify current progress.
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