1#!/usr/bin/env sh
2set -eu
6if [ -z "${DISABLE_WARN_OUTSIDE_CONTAINER:-}" ]; then
7 case $target in
8 clean|dev|help|shell)
9 # no warning needed for these targets
10 ;;
11 *)
12 (
13 echo
14 echo "\033[1mWARNING\033[0m: you are not in a container."
15 echo
16 echo 'Use "\033[1mmake dev\033[0m" to start an interactive development container,'
17 echo "use \"\033[1mmake -f docker.Makefile $target\033[0m\" to execute this target"
18 echo "in a container, or set \033[1mDISABLE_WARN_OUTSIDE_CONTAINER=1\033[0m to"
19 echo "disable this warning."
20 echo
21 echo "Press \033[1mCtrl+C\033[0m now to abort, or wait for the script to continue.."
22 echo
23 ) >&2
24 sleep 5
25 ;;
26 esac
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