1name: e2e
4 group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.ref }}
5 cancel-in-progress: true
8 workflow_dispatch:
9 push:
10 branches:
11 - 'master'
12 - '[0-9]+.[0-9]+'
13 tags:
14 - 'v*'
15 pull_request:
18 e2e:
19 runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
20 strategy:
21 fail-fast: false
22 matrix:
23 target:
24 - non-experimental
25 - experimental
26 - connhelper-ssh
27 base:
28 - alpine
29 - debian
30 engine-version:
31 - 25.0 # latest
32 - 24.0 # latest - 1
33 - 23.0 # mirantis lts
34 # TODO(krissetto) 19.03 needs a look, doesn't work ubuntu 22.04 (cgroup errors).
35 # we could have a separate job that tests it against ubuntu 20.04
36 steps:
37 -
38 name: Checkout
39 uses: actions/checkout@v4
40 -
41 name: Update daemon.json
42 run: |
43 sudo jq '.experimental = true' < /etc/docker/daemon.json > /tmp/docker.json
44 sudo mv /tmp/docker.json /etc/docker/daemon.json
45 sudo cat /etc/docker/daemon.json
46 sudo service docker restart
47 docker version
48 docker info
49 -
50 name: Set up Docker Buildx
51 uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v3
52 -
53 name: Run ${{ matrix.target }}
54 run: |
55 make -f docker.Makefile test-e2e-${{ matrix.target }}
56 env:
57 BASE_VARIANT: ${{ matrix.base }}
58 ENGINE_VERSION: ${{ matrix.engine-version }}
59 TESTFLAGS: -coverprofile=/tmp/coverage/coverage.txt
60 -
61 name: Send to Codecov
62 uses: codecov/codecov-action@v4
63 with:
64 file: ./build/coverage/coverage.txt
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