1name: build
4 group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.ref }}
5 cancel-in-progress: true
8 VERSION: ${{ github.ref }}
11 workflow_dispatch:
12 push:
13 branches:
14 - 'master'
15 - '[0-9]+.[0-9]+'
16 tags:
17 - 'v*'
18 pull_request:
21 prepare:
22 runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
23 outputs:
24 matrix: ${{ steps.platforms.outputs.matrix }}
25 steps:
26 -
27 name: Checkout
28 uses: actions/checkout@v4
29 -
30 name: Create matrix
31 id: platforms
32 run: |
33 echo "matrix=$(docker buildx bake cross --print | jq -cr '.target."cross".platforms')" >>${GITHUB_OUTPUT}
34 -
35 name: Show matrix
36 run: |
37 echo ${{ steps.platforms.outputs.matrix }}
39 build:
40 runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
41 needs:
42 - prepare
43 strategy:
44 fail-fast: false
45 matrix:
46 target:
47 - binary
48 - dynbinary
49 platform: ${{ fromJson(needs.prepare.outputs.matrix) }}
50 use_glibc:
51 - ""
52 - glibc
53 steps:
54 -
55 name: Checkout
56 uses: actions/checkout@v4
57 with:
58 fetch-depth: 0
59 -
60 name: Set up Docker Buildx
61 uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v3
62 -
63 name: Build
64 uses: docker/bake-action@v4
65 with:
66 targets: ${{ matrix.target }}
67 set: |
68 *.platform=${{ matrix.platform }}
69 env:
70 USE_GLIBC: ${{ matrix.use_glibc }}
71 -
72 name: Create tarball
73 working-directory: ./build
74 run: |
75 mkdir /tmp/out
76 platform=${{ matrix.platform }}
77 platformPair=${platform//\//-}
78 tar -cvzf "/tmp/out/docker-${platformPair}.tar.gz" .
79 if [ -z "${{ matrix.use_glibc }}" ]; then
80 echo "ARTIFACT_NAME=${{ matrix.target }}" >> $GITHUB_ENV
81 else
82 echo "ARTIFACT_NAME=${{ matrix.target }}-glibc" >> $GITHUB_ENV
83 fi
84 -
85 name: Upload artifacts
86 uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
87 with:
88 name: ${{ env.ARTIFACT_NAME }}
89 path: /tmp/out/*
90 if-no-files-found: error
92 bin-image:
93 runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
94 if: ${{ github.event_name != 'pull_request' && github.repository == 'docker/cli' }}
95 steps:
96 -
97 name: Checkout
98 uses: actions/checkout@v4
99 -
100 name: Set up QEMU
101 uses: docker/setup-qemu-action@v3
102 -
103 name: Set up Docker Buildx
104 uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v3
105 -
106 name: Docker meta
107 id: meta
108 uses: docker/metadata-action@v5
109 with:
110 images: dockereng/cli-bin
111 tags: |
112 type=semver,pattern={{version}}
113 type=ref,event=branch
114 type=ref,event=pr
115 type=sha
116 -
117 name: Login to DockerHub
118 if: github.event_name != 'pull_request'
119 uses: docker/login-action@v3
120 with:
121 username: ${{ secrets.DOCKERHUB_CLIBIN_USERNAME }}
122 password: ${{ secrets.DOCKERHUB_CLIBIN_TOKEN }}
123 -
124 name: Build and push image
125 uses: docker/bake-action@v4
126 with:
127 files: |
128 ./docker-bake.hcl
129 ${{ steps.meta.outputs.bake-file }}
130 targets: bin-image-cross
131 push: ${{ github.event_name != 'pull_request' }}
132 set: |
133 *.cache-from=type=gha,scope=bin-image
134 *.cache-to=type=gha,scope=bin-image,mode=max
136 prepare-plugins:
137 runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
138 outputs:
139 matrix: ${{ steps.platforms.outputs.matrix }}
140 steps:
141 -
142 name: Checkout
143 uses: actions/checkout@v4
144 -
145 name: Create matrix
146 id: platforms
147 run: |
148 echo "matrix=$(docker buildx bake plugins-cross --print | jq -cr '.target."plugins-cross".platforms')" >>${GITHUB_OUTPUT}
149 -
150 name: Show matrix
151 run: |
152 echo ${{ steps.platforms.outputs.matrix }}
154 plugins:
155 runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
156 needs:
157 - prepare-plugins
158 strategy:
159 fail-fast: false
160 matrix:
161 platform: ${{ fromJson(needs.prepare-plugins.outputs.matrix) }}
162 steps:
163 -
164 name: Checkout
165 uses: actions/checkout@v4
166 -
167 name: Set up Docker Buildx
168 uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v3
169 -
170 name: Build
171 uses: docker/bake-action@v4
172 with:
173 targets: plugins-cross
174 set: |
175 *.platform=${{ matrix.platform }}
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