1name: Bug report
2description: Create a report to help us improve!
4 - kind/bug
5 - status/0-triage
7 - type: markdown
8 attributes:
9 value: |
10 Thank you for taking the time to report a bug!
11 If this is a security issue please report it to the [Docker Security team](mailto:security@docker.com).
12 - type: textarea
13 id: description
14 attributes:
15 label: Description
16 description: Please give a clear and concise description of the bug
17 validations:
18 required: true
19 - type: textarea
20 id: repro
21 attributes:
22 label: Reproduce
23 description: Steps to reproduce the bug
24 placeholder: |
25 1. docker run ...
26 2. docker kill ...
27 3. docker rm ...
28 validations:
29 required: true
30 - type: textarea
31 id: expected
32 attributes:
33 label: Expected behavior
34 description: What is the expected behavior?
35 placeholder: |
36 E.g. "`docker rm` should remove the container and cleanup all associated data"
37 - type: textarea
38 id: version
39 attributes:
40 label: docker version
41 description: Output of `docker version`
42 render: bash
43 placeholder: |
44 Client:
45 Version: 20.10.17
46 API version: 1.41
47 Go version: go1.17.11
48 Git commit: 100c70180fde3601def79a59cc3e996aa553c9b9
49 Built: Mon Jun 6 21:36:39 UTC 2022
50 OS/Arch: linux/amd64
51 Context: default
52 Experimental: true
54 Server:
55 Engine:
56 Version: 20.10.17
57 API version: 1.41 (minimum version 1.12)
58 Go version: go1.17.11
59 Git commit: a89b84221c8560e7a3dee2a653353429e7628424
60 Built: Mon Jun 6 22:32:38 2022
61 OS/Arch: linux/amd64
62 Experimental: true
63 containerd:
64 Version: 1.6.6
65 GitCommit: 10c12954828e7c7c9b6e0ea9b0c02b01407d3ae1
66 runc:
67 Version: 1.1.2
68 GitCommit: a916309fff0f838eb94e928713dbc3c0d0ac7aa4
69 docker-init:
70 Version: 0.19.0
71 GitCommit:
72 validations:
73 required: true
74 - type: textarea
75 id: info
76 attributes:
77 label: docker info
78 description: Output of `docker info`
79 render: bash
80 placeholder: |
81 Client:
82 Context: default
83 Debug Mode: false
84 Plugins:
85 buildx: Docker Buildx (Docker Inc., 0.8.2)
86 compose: Docker Compose (Docker Inc., 2.6.0)
88 Server:
89 Containers: 4
90 Running: 2
91 Paused: 0
92 Stopped: 2
93 Images: 80
94 Server Version: 20.10.17
95 Storage Driver: overlay2
96 Backing Filesystem: xfs
97 Supports d_type: true
98 Native Overlay Diff: false
99 userxattr: false
100 Logging Driver: local
101 Cgroup Driver: cgroupfs
102 Cgroup Version: 1
103 Plugins:
104 Volume: local
105 Network: bridge host ipvlan macvlan null overlay
106 Log: awslogs fluentd gcplogs gelf journald json-file local logentries splunk syslog
107 Swarm: inactive
108 Runtimes: runc io.containerd.runc.v2 io.containerd.runtime.v1.linux
109 Default Runtime: runc
110 Init Binary: docker-init
111 containerd version: 10c12954828e7c7c9b6e0ea9b0c02b01407d3ae1
112 runc version: a916309fff0f838eb94e928713dbc3c0d0ac7aa4
113 init version:
114 Security Options:
115 apparmor
116 seccomp
117 Profile: default
118 Kernel Version: 5.13.0-1031-azure
119 Operating System: Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS
120 OSType: linux
121 Architecture: x86_64
122 CPUs: 4
123 Total Memory: 15.63GiB
124 Name: dev
126 Docker Root Dir: /var/lib/docker
127 Debug Mode: true
128 File Descriptors: 46
129 Goroutines: 134
130 System Time: 2022-07-06T18:07:54.812439392Z
131 EventsListeners: 0
132 Registry: https://index.docker.io/v1/
133 Labels:
134 Experimental: true
135 Insecure Registries:
137 Live Restore Enabled: true
138 validations:
139 required: true
140 - type: textarea
141 id: additional
142 attributes:
143 label: Additional Info
144 description: Additional info you want to provide such as logs, system info, environment, etc.
145 validations:
146 required: false
View as plain text