import json import logging import os import subprocess import tempfile from base64 import b64encode from collections import namedtuple from OpenSSL import crypto from ambassador import IR, Cache from ambassador.compile import Compile from ambassador.utils import NullSecretHandler logger = logging.getLogger("ambassador") ENVOY_PATH = os.environ.get("ENVOY_PATH", "/usr/local/bin/envoy") SUPPORTED_ENVOY_VERSIONS = ["V2", "V3"] def zipkin_tracing_service_manifest(): return """ --- apiVersion: kind: TracingService metadata: name: tracing namespace: ambassador spec: service: zipkin:9411 driver: zipkin config: {} """ def default_listener_manifests(): return """ --- apiVersion: kind: Listener metadata: name: listener-8080 namespace: default spec: port: 8080 protocol: HTTPS securityModel: XFP hostBinding: namespace: from: ALL --- apiVersion: kind: Listener metadata: name: listener-8443 namespace: default spec: port: 8443 protocol: HTTPS securityModel: XFP hostBinding: namespace: from: ALL """ def module_and_mapping_manifests(module_confs, mapping_confs): yaml = ( default_listener_manifests() + """ --- apiVersion: kind: Module metadata: name: ambassador namespace: default spec: config:""" ) if module_confs: for module_conf in module_confs: yaml = ( yaml + """ {} """.format( module_conf ) ) else: yaml = yaml + " {}\n" yaml = ( yaml + """ --- apiVersion: kind: Mapping metadata: name: ambassador namespace: default spec: hostname: "*" prefix: /httpbin/ service: httpbin""" ) if mapping_confs: for mapping_conf in mapping_confs: yaml = ( yaml + """ {}""".format( mapping_conf ) ) return yaml def _require_no_errors(ir: IR): assert ir.aconf.errors == {} def _secret_handler(): source_root = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(prefix="null-secret-", suffix="-source") cache_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(prefix="null-secret-", suffix="-cache") return NullSecretHandler(logger,,, "fake") def compile_with_cachecheck(yaml, envoy_version="V3", errors_ok=False): # Compile with and without a cache. Neither should produce errors. cache = Cache(logger) secret_handler = _secret_handler() r1 = Compile(logger, yaml, k8s=True, secret_handler=secret_handler, envoy_version=envoy_version) r2 = Compile( logger, yaml, k8s=True, secret_handler=secret_handler, cache=cache, envoy_version=envoy_version, ) if not errors_ok: _require_no_errors(r1["ir"]) _require_no_errors(r2["ir"]) # Both should produce equal Envoy config as sorted json. r1j = json.dumps(r1[envoy_version.lower()].as_dict(), sort_keys=True, indent=2) r2j = json.dumps(r2[envoy_version.lower()].as_dict(), sort_keys=True, indent=2) assert r1j == r2j # All good. return r1 EnvoyFilterInfo = namedtuple("EnvoyFilterInfo", ["name", "type"]) EnvoyHCMInfo = { "V2": EnvoyFilterInfo( name="", type="", ), "V3": EnvoyFilterInfo( name="", type="", ), } EnvoyTCPInfo = { "V2": EnvoyFilterInfo( name="", type="", ), "V3": EnvoyFilterInfo( name="", type="", ), } def econf_compile(yaml, envoy_version="V2"): compiled = compile_with_cachecheck(yaml, envoy_version=envoy_version) return compiled[envoy_version.lower()].as_dict() def econf_foreach_listener(econf, fn, envoy_version="V3", listener_count=1): listeners = econf["static_resources"]["listeners"] wanted_plural = "" if (listener_count == 1) else "s" assert ( len(listeners) == listener_count ), f"Expected {listener_count} listener{wanted_plural}, got {len(listeners)}" for listener in listeners: fn(listener, envoy_version) def econf_foreach_listener_chain( listener, fn, chain_count=2, need_name=None, need_type=None, dump_info=None ): # We need a specific number of filter chains. Normally it's 2, # since the compiler tests don't generally supply Listeners or Hosts, # so we get secure and insecure chains. filter_chains = listener["filter_chains"] if dump_info: dump_info(filter_chains) wanted_plural = "" if (chain_count == 1) else "s" assert ( len(filter_chains) == chain_count ), f"Expected {chain_count} filter chain{wanted_plural}, got {len(filter_chains)}" for chain in filter_chains: # We expect one filter on this chain. filters = chain["filters"] got_count = len(filters) got_plural = "" if (got_count == 1) else "s" assert got_count == 1, f"Expected just one filter, got {got_count} filter{got_plural}" # The http connection manager is the only filter on the chain from the one and only vhost. filter = filters[0] if need_name: assert filter["name"] == need_name typed_config = filter["typed_config"] if need_type: assert typed_config["@type"] == need_type, f"bad type: {typed_config['@type']}" fn(typed_config) def econf_foreach_hcm(econf, fn, envoy_version="V3", chain_count=2): for listener in econf["static_resources"]["listeners"]: hcm_info = EnvoyHCMInfo[envoy_version] econf_foreach_listener_chain( listener, fn, chain_count=chain_count,, need_type=hcm_info.type ) def econf_foreach_cluster(econf, fn, name="cluster_httpbin_default"): for cluster in econf["static_resources"]["clusters"]: if cluster["name"] != name: continue found_cluster = True r = fn(cluster) if not r: break assert found_cluster def assert_valid_envoy_config(config_dict, v2=False): with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as temp: temp.write(bytes(json.dumps(config_dict), encoding="utf-8")) temp.flush() f_name = cmd = [ENVOY_PATH, "--config-path", f_name, "--mode", "validate"] if v2: cmd.append("--bootstrap-version 2") p =, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) if p.returncode != 0: print(p.stdout) p.check_returncode() def create_crl_pem_b64(issuerCert, issuerKey, revokedCerts): when = b"20220516010101Z" crl = crypto.CRL() crl.set_lastUpdate(when) for revokedCert in revokedCerts: clientCert = crypto.load_certificate(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, bytes(revokedCert, "utf-8")) r = crypto.Revoked() r.set_serial(bytes("{:x}".format(clientCert.get_serial_number()), "ascii")) r.set_rev_date(when) r.set_reason(None) crl.add_revoked(r) cert = crypto.load_certificate(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, bytes(issuerCert, "utf-8")) key = crypto.load_privatekey(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, bytes(issuerKey, "utf-8")) crl.sign(cert, key, b"sha256") return b64encode( (crypto.dump_crl(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, crl).decode("utf-8") + "\n").encode("utf-8") ).decode("utf-8")