import difflib import json import logging import os import random import re import sys from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, OrderedDict, Tuple import pytest import yaml logging.basicConfig( level=logging.DEBUG, format="%(asctime)s test %(levelname)s: %(message)s", datefmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", ) logger = logging.getLogger("ambassador") logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) from ambassador import IR, Cache, Config, EnvoyConfig from ambassador.fetch import ResourceFetcher from ambassador.utils import NullSecretHandler class Builder: def __init__(self, logger: logging.Logger, yaml_file: str, enable_cache=True) -> None: self.logger = logger self.test_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "testdata") self.cache: Optional[Cache] = None if enable_cache: self.cache = Cache(logger) # This is a brutal hack: we load all the YAML, store it as objects, then # build IR and econf from the re-serialized YAML from these resources. # The reason is that it's kind of the only way we can apply deltas in # a meaningful way. self.resources: Dict[str, Any] = {} self.deltas: Dict[str, Any] = {} # Load the initial YAML. self.apply_yaml(yaml_file, allow_updates=False) self.secret_handler = NullSecretHandler( logger, "/tmp/secrets/src", "/tmp/secrets/cache", "0" ) # Save builds to make this simpler to call. self.builds: List[Tuple[IR, EnvoyConfig]] = [] def current_yaml(self) -> str: return yaml.safe_dump_all(list(self.resources.values())) def apply_yaml(self, yaml_file: str, allow_updates=True) -> None: yaml_data = open(os.path.join(self.test_dir, yaml_file), "r").read() self.apply_yaml_string(yaml_data, allow_updates) def apply_yaml_string(self, yaml_data: str, allow_updates=True) -> None: for rsrc in yaml.safe_load_all(yaml_data): # We require kind,, and metadata.namespace here. kind = rsrc["kind"] metadata = rsrc["metadata"] name = metadata["name"] namespace = metadata["namespace"] key = f"{kind}-v2-{name}-{namespace}" dtype = "add" if key in self.resources: # This is an attempted update. if not allow_updates: raise RuntimeError(f"Cannot update {key}") dtype = "update" # if self.cache is not None: # self.cache.invalidate(key) self.resources[key] = rsrc self.deltas[key] = { "kind": kind, "apiVersion": rsrc["apiVersion"], "metadata": { "name": name, "namespace": namespace, "creationTimestamp": metadata.get("creationTimestamp", "2021-11-19T15:11:45Z"), }, "deltaType": dtype, } def delete_yaml(self, yaml_file: str) -> None: yaml_data = open(os.path.join(self.test_dir, yaml_file), "r").read() self.delete_yaml_string(yaml_data) def delete_yaml_string(self, yaml_data: str) -> None: for rsrc in yaml.safe_load_all(yaml_data): # We require kind,, and metadata.namespace here. kind = rsrc["kind"] metadata = rsrc["metadata"] name = metadata["name"] namespace = metadata["namespace"] key = f"{kind}-v2-{name}-{namespace}" if key in self.resources: del self.resources[key] # if self.cache is not None: # self.cache.invalidate(key) self.deltas[key] = { "kind": kind, "apiVersion": rsrc["apiVersion"], "metadata": { "name": name, "namespace": namespace, "creationTimestamp": metadata.get( "creationTimestamp", "2021-11-19T15:11:45Z" ), }, "deltaType": "delete", } def build(self, version="V2") -> Tuple[IR, EnvoyConfig]: # Do a build, return IR & econf, but also stash them in self.builds. watt: Dict[str, Any] = {"Kubernetes": {}, "Deltas": list(self.deltas.values())} # Clear deltas for the next build. self.deltas = {} # The Ambassador resource types are all valid keys in the Kubernetes dict. # Other things (e.g. if this test gets expanded to cover Ingress or Secrets) # may not be. for rsrc in self.resources.values(): kind = rsrc["kind"] if kind not in watt["Kubernetes"]: watt["Kubernetes"][kind] = [] watt["Kubernetes"][kind].append(rsrc) watt_json = json.dumps(watt, sort_keys=True, indent=4) self.logger.debug(f"Watt JSON:\n{watt_json}") # OK, we have the WATT-formatted JSON. This next bit of code largely duplicates # _load_ir from diagd. # # XXX That obviously means that it should be factored out for reuse. # Grab a new aconf, and use a new ResourceFetcher to load it up. aconf = Config() fetcher = ResourceFetcher(self.logger, aconf) fetcher.parse_watt(watt_json) aconf.load_all(fetcher.sorted()) # Next up: What kind of reconfiguration are we doing? config_type, reset_cache, invalidate_groups_for = IR.check_deltas( self.logger, fetcher, self.cache ) # For the tests in this file, we should see cache resets and full reconfigurations # IFF we have no cache. if self.cache is None: assert ( config_type == "complete" ), "check_deltas wants an incremental reconfiguration with no cache, which it shouldn't" assert ( reset_cache ), "check_deltas with no cache does not want to reset the cache, but it should" else: assert ( config_type == "incremental" ), "check_deltas with a cache wants a complete reconfiguration, which it shouldn't" assert ( not reset_cache ), "check_deltas with a cache wants to reset the cache, which it shouldn't" # Once that's done, compile the IR. ir = IR( aconf, logger=self.logger, cache=self.cache, invalidate_groups_for=invalidate_groups_for, file_checker=lambda path: True, secret_handler=self.secret_handler, ) assert ir, "could not create an IR" econf = EnvoyConfig.generate(ir, version, cache=self.cache) assert econf, "could not create an econf" self.builds.append((ir, econf)) return ir, econf def invalidate(self, key) -> None: if self.cache is not None: assert self.cache[key] is not None, f"key {key} is not cached" self.cache.invalidate(key) def check( self, what: str, b1: Tuple[IR, EnvoyConfig], b2: Tuple[IR, EnvoyConfig], strip_cache_keys=False, ) -> bool: for kind, idx in [("IR", 0), ("econf", 1)]: if strip_cache_keys and (idx == 0): x1 = self.strip_cache_keys(b1[idx].as_dict()) j1 = json.dumps(x1, sort_keys=True, indent=4) x2 = self.strip_cache_keys(b2[idx].as_dict()) j2 = json.dumps(x2, sort_keys=True, indent=4) else: j1 = b1[idx].as_json() j2 = b2[idx].as_json() match = j1 == j2 output = "" if not match: l1 = j1.split("\n") l2 = j2.split("\n") n1 = f"{what} {kind} 1" n2 = f"{what} {kind} 2" output += "\n--------\n" for line in difflib.context_diff(l1, l2, fromfile=n1, tofile=n2): line = line.rstrip() output += line output += "\n" assert match, output return match def check_last(self, what: str) -> None: build_count = len(self.builds) b1 = self.builds[build_count - 2] b2 = self.builds[build_count - 1] self.check(what, b1, b2) def strip_cache_keys(self, node: Any) -> Any: if isinstance(node, dict): output = {} for k, v in node.items(): if k == "_cache_key": continue output[k] = self.strip_cache_keys(v) return output elif isinstance(node, list): return [self.strip_cache_keys(x) for x in node] return node @pytest.mark.compilertest def test_circular_link(): builder = Builder(logger, "cache_test_1.yaml") # This Can't Happen(tm) in Ambassador, but it's important that it not go # off the rails. Find a Mapping... mapping_key = "Mapping-v2-foo-4-default" m = builder.cache[mapping_key] # ...then walk the link chain until we get to a V2-Cluster. worklist = [m.cache_key] cluster_key: Optional[str] = None while worklist: key = worklist.pop(0) if key.startswith("V2-Cluster"): cluster_key = key break if key in builder.cache.links: for owned in builder.cache.links[key]: worklist.append(owned) assert cluster_key is not None, f"No V2-Cluster linked from {m}?" c = builder.cache[cluster_key] assert c is not None, f"No V2-Cluster in the cache for {c}", m) builder.cache.invalidate(mapping_key) builder.check_last("after invalidating circular links") @pytest.mark.compilertest def test_multiple_rebuilds(): builder = Builder(logger, "cache_test_1.yaml") for i in range(10): if i > 0: builder.check_last(f"rebuild {i-1} -> {i}") @pytest.mark.compilertest def test_simple_targets(): builder = Builder(logger, "cache_test_1.yaml") builder.check_last("immediate rebuild") builder.invalidate("Mapping-v2-foo-4-default") builder.check_last("after delete foo-4") @pytest.mark.compilertest def test_smashed_targets(): builder = Builder(logger, "cache_test_2.yaml") builder.check_last("immediate rebuild") # Invalidate two things that share common links. builder.invalidate("Mapping-v2-foo-4-default") builder.invalidate("Mapping-v2-foo-6-default") builder.check_last("after invalidating foo-4 and foo-6") @pytest.mark.compilertest def test_delta_1(): builder1 = Builder(logger, "cache_test_1.yaml") builder2 = Builder(logger, "cache_test_1.yaml", enable_cache=False) b1 = b2 = builder1.check("baseline", b1, b2, strip_cache_keys=True) builder1.apply_yaml("cache_delta_1.yaml") builder2.apply_yaml("cache_delta_1.yaml") b1 = b2 = builder1.check("after delta", b1, b2, strip_cache_keys=True) builder3 = Builder(logger, "cache_result_1.yaml") b3 = builder3.check("final", b3, b1) @pytest.mark.compilertest def test_delta_2(): builder1 = Builder(logger, "cache_test_2.yaml") builder2 = Builder(logger, "cache_test_2.yaml", enable_cache=False) b1 = b2 = builder1.check("baseline", b1, b2, strip_cache_keys=True) builder1.apply_yaml("cache_delta_2.yaml") builder2.apply_yaml("cache_delta_2.yaml") b1 = b2 = builder1.check("after delta", b1, b2, strip_cache_keys=True) builder3 = Builder(logger, "cache_result_2.yaml") b3 = builder3.check("final", b3, b1) @pytest.mark.compilertest def test_delta_3(): builder1 = Builder(logger, "cache_test_1.yaml") builder2 = Builder(logger, "cache_test_1.yaml", enable_cache=False) b1 = b2 = builder1.check("baseline", b1, b2, strip_cache_keys=True) # Load up five delta files and apply them in a random order. deltas = [f"cache_random_{i}.yaml" for i in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]] random.shuffle(deltas) for delta in deltas: builder1.apply_yaml(delta) builder2.apply_yaml(delta) b1 = b2 = builder1.check("after deltas", b1, b2, strip_cache_keys=True) builder3 = Builder(logger, "cache_result_3.yaml") b3 = builder3.check("final", b3, b1) @pytest.mark.compilertest def test_delete_4(): builder1 = Builder(logger, "cache_test_1.yaml") builder2 = Builder(logger, "cache_test_1.yaml", enable_cache=False) b1 = b2 = builder1.check("baseline", b1, b2, strip_cache_keys=True) # Delete a resource. builder1.delete_yaml("cache_delta_1.yaml") builder2.delete_yaml("cache_delta_1.yaml") b1 = b2 = builder1.check("after deletion", b1, b2, strip_cache_keys=True) builder3 = Builder(logger, "cache_result_4.yaml") b3 = builder3.check("final", b3, b1) @pytest.mark.compilertest def test_long_cluster_1(): # Create a cache for Mappings whose cluster names are too long # to be envoy cluster names and must be truncated. builder1 = Builder(logger, "cache_test_3.yaml") builder2 = Builder(logger, "cache_test_3.yaml", enable_cache=False) b1 = b2 = print("checking baseline...") builder1.check("baseline", b1, b2, strip_cache_keys=True) # Apply the second Mapping, make sure we use the same cached cluster builder1.apply_yaml("cache_delta_3.yaml") builder2.apply_yaml("cache_delta_3.yaml") b1 = b2 = print("checking after apply...") builder1.check("after apply", b1, b2, strip_cache_keys=True) print("test_long_cluster_1 done") @pytest.mark.compilertest def test_mappings_same_name_delta(): # Tests that multiple Mappings with the same name (but in different namespaces) # are properly added/removed from the cache when they are updated. builder = Builder(logger, "cache_test_4.yaml") b = econf = b[1] econf = econf.as_dict() # loop through all the clusters in the resulting envoy config and pick out two Mappings from our test set (first and lase) # to ensure their clusters were generated properly. cluster1_ok = False cluster2_ok = False for cluster in econf["static_resources"]["clusters"]: cname = cluster.get("name", None) assert cname is not None, f"Error, cluster missing cluster name in econf" # The 6666 in the cluster name comes from the Mapping.spec.service's port if cname == "cluster_bar_0_example_com_6666_bar0": cluster1_ok = True elif cname == "cluster_bar_9_example_com_6666_bar9": cluster2_ok = True if cluster1_ok and cluster2_ok: break assert cluster1_ok and cluster2_ok, "clusters could not be found with the correct envoy config" # Update the yaml for these Mappings to simulate a reconfiguration # We should properly remove the cache entries for these clusters when that happens. builder.apply_yaml("cache_test_5.yaml") b = econf = b[1] econf = econf.as_dict() cluster1_ok = False cluster2_ok = False for cluster in econf["static_resources"]["clusters"]: cname = cluster.get("name", None) assert cname is not None, f"Error, cluster missing cluster name in econf" # We can check the cluster name to identify if the clusters were updated properly # because in the deltas for the yaml we applied, we changed the port to 7777 # If there was an issue removing the initial ones from the cache then we should see # 6666 in this field and not find the cluster names below. if cname == "cluster_bar_0_example_com_7777_bar0": cluster1_ok = True elif cname == "cluster_bar_9_example_com_7777_bar9": cluster2_ok = True if cluster1_ok and cluster2_ok: break assert ( cluster1_ok and cluster2_ok ), "clusters could not be found with the correct econf after updating their config" MadnessVerifier = Callable[[Tuple[IR, EnvoyConfig]], bool] class MadnessMapping: name: str pfx: str service: str def __init__(self, name, pfx, svc) -> None: = name self.pfx = pfx self.service = svc # This is only OK for service names without any weirdnesses. self.cluster = "cluster_" + re.sub(r"[^0-9A-Za-z_]", "_", self.service) + "_default" def __str__(self) -> str: return f"MadnessMapping {}: {self.pfx} => {self.service}" def yaml(self) -> str: return f""" apiVersion: kind: Mapping metadata: name: {} namespace: default spec: prefix: {self.pfx} service: {self.service} """ class MadnessOp: name: str op: str mapping: MadnessMapping verifiers: List[MadnessVerifier] def __init__( self, name: str, op: str, mapping: MadnessMapping, verifiers: List[MadnessVerifier] ) -> None: = name self.op = op self.mapping = mapping self.verifiers = verifiers def __str__(self) -> str: return def exec(self, builder1: Builder, builder2: Builder, dumpfile: Optional[str] = None) -> bool: verifiers: List[MadnessVerifier] = [] if self.op == "apply": builder1.apply_yaml_string(self.mapping.yaml()) builder2.apply_yaml_string(self.mapping.yaml()) verifiers.append(self._cluster_present) elif self.op == "delete": builder1.delete_yaml_string(self.mapping.yaml()) builder2.delete_yaml_string(self.mapping.yaml()) verifiers.append(self._cluster_absent) else: raise Exception(f"Unknown op {self.op}")"======== builder1:")"INPUT: %s" % builder1.current_yaml()) b1 ="IR: %s" % json.dumps(b1[0].as_dict(), indent=2, sort_keys=True))"======== builder2:")"INPUT: %s" % builder2.current_yaml()) b2 ="IR: %s" % json.dumps(b2[0].as_dict(), indent=2, sort_keys=True)) if dumpfile: json.dump( b1[0].as_dict(), open(f"/tmp/{dumpfile}-1.json", "w"), indent=2, sort_keys=True ) json.dump( b2[0].as_dict(), open(f"/tmp/{dumpfile}-2.json", "w"), indent=2, sort_keys=True ) if not builder1.check(, b1, b2, strip_cache_keys=True): return False verifiers += self.verifiers for v in verifiers: # for b in [ b1 ]: for b in [b1, b2]: # The verifiers are meant to do assertions. The return value is # about short-circuiting the loop, not logging the errors. if not v(b): return False return True def _cluster_present(self, b: Tuple[IR, EnvoyConfig]) -> bool: ir, econf = b ir_has_cluster = ir.has_cluster(self.mapping.cluster) assert ( ir_has_cluster ), f"{}: needed IR cluster {self.mapping.cluster}, have only {', '.join(ir.clusters.keys())}" return ir_has_cluster def _cluster_absent(self, b: Tuple[IR, EnvoyConfig]) -> bool: ir, econf = b ir_has_cluster = ir.has_cluster(self.mapping.cluster) assert ( not ir_has_cluster ), f"{}: needed no IR cluster {self.mapping.cluster}, but found it" return not ir_has_cluster def check_group( self, b: Tuple[IR, EnvoyConfig], current_mappings: Dict[MadnessMapping, bool] ) -> bool: ir, econf = b match = False group = ir.groups.get("3644d75eb336f323bec43e48d4cfd8a950157607", None) if current_mappings: # There are some active mappings. Make sure that the group exists, that it has the # correct mappings, and that the mappings have sane weights. assert ( group ), f"{}: needed group 3644d75eb336f323bec43e48d4cfd8a950157607, but none found" # We expect the mappings to be sorted in the group, because every change to the # mappings that are part of the group should result in the whole group being torn # down and recreated. wanted_services = sorted([m.service for m in current_mappings.keys()]) found_services = [m.service for m in group.mappings] match1 = wanted_services == found_services assert ( match1 ), f"{}: wanted services {wanted_services}, but found {found_services}" weight_delta = 100 // len(current_mappings) wanted_weights: List[int] = [ (i + 1) * weight_delta for i in range(len(current_mappings)) ] wanted_weights[-1] = 100 found_weights: List[int] = [m._weight for m in group.mappings] match2 = wanted_weights == found_weights assert ( match2 ), f"{}: wanted weights {wanted_weights}, but found {found_weights}" return match1 and match2 else: # There are no active mappings, so make sure that the group doesn't exist. assert ( not group ), f"{}: needed no group 3644d75eb336f323bec43e48d4cfd8a950157607, but found one" match = True return match @pytest.mark.compilertest def test_cache_madness(): builder1 = Builder(logger, "/dev/null") builder2 = Builder(logger, "/dev/null", enable_cache=False)"======== builder1:")"INPUT: %s" % builder1.current_yaml()) b1 ="IR: %s" % json.dumps(b1[0].as_dict(), indent=2, sort_keys=True))"======== builder2:")"INPUT: %s" % builder2.current_yaml()) b2 ="IR: %s" % json.dumps(b2[0].as_dict(), indent=2, sort_keys=True)) builder1.check("baseline", b1, b2, strip_cache_keys=True) # We're going to mix and match some changes to the config, # in a random order. all_mappings = [ MadnessMapping("mapping1", "/foo/", "service1"), MadnessMapping("mapping2", "/foo/", "service2"), MadnessMapping("mapping3", "/foo/", "service3"), MadnessMapping("mapping4", "/foo/", "service4"), MadnessMapping("mapping5", "/foo/", "service5"), ] current_mappings: OrderedDict[MadnessMapping, bool] = {} # grunge = [ all_mappings[i] for i in [ 0, 3, 2 ] ] # for i in range(len(grunge)): # mapping = grunge[i] for i in range(0, 100): mapping = random.choice(all_mappings) op: MadnessOp if mapping in current_mappings: del current_mappings[mapping] op = MadnessOp( name=f"delete {mapping.pfx} -> {mapping.service}", op="delete", mapping=mapping, verifiers=[lambda b: op.check_group(b, current_mappings)], ) else: current_mappings[mapping] = True op = MadnessOp( name=f"apply {mapping.pfx} -> {mapping.service}", op="apply", mapping=mapping, verifiers=[lambda b: op.check_group(b, current_mappings)], ) print( "==== EXEC %d: %s => %s" % (i, op, sorted([m.service for m in current_mappings.keys()])) )"======== EXEC %d: %s", i, op) # if not op.exec(builder1, None, dumpfile=f"ir{i}"): if not op.exec(builder1, builder2, dumpfile=f"ir{i}"): break if __name__ == "__main__": pytest.main(sys.argv)