from typing import ClassVar, Generator, Tuple, Union from abstract_tests import HTTP, AmbassadorTest, MappingTest, Node, ServiceType from kat.harness import Query class ShadowBackend(ServiceType): skip_variant: ClassVar[bool] = True def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: kwargs[ "service_manifests" ] = """ --- apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: {self.path.k8s} spec: selector: backend: {self.path.k8s} ports: - port: 80 name: http targetPort: http type: ClusterIP --- apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: {self.path.k8s} spec: selector: matchLabels: backend: {self.path.k8s} replicas: 1 strategy: type: RollingUpdate template: metadata: labels: backend: {self.path.k8s} spec: containers: - name: shadow image: {images[test-shadow]} ports: - name: http containerPort: 3000 """ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def requirements(self): yield ("url", Query(f"http://{self.path.fqdn}/clear/")) class ShadowTestCANFLAKE(MappingTest): shadow: ServiceType # XXX This type: ignore is here because we're deliberately overriding the # parent's init to have a different signature... but it's also intimately # (nay, incestuously) related to the variant()'s yield() above, and I really # don't want to deal with that right now. So. We'll deal with it later. def init(self) -> None: # type: ignore MappingTest.init(self, HTTP(name="target")) self.shadow = ShadowBackend() def config(self) -> Generator[Union[str, Tuple[Node, str]], None, None]: yield, self.format( """ --- apiVersion: kind: Mapping name: {}-target hostname: "*" prefix: /{}/mark/ rewrite: /mark/ service: https://{} --- apiVersion: kind: Mapping name: {}-weighted-target hostname: "*" prefix: /{}/weighted-mark/ rewrite: /mark/ service: https://{} --- apiVersion: kind: Mapping name: {}-shadow hostname: "*" prefix: /{}/mark/ rewrite: /mark/ service: {self.shadow.path.fqdn} shadow: true --- apiVersion: kind: Mapping name: {}-weighted-shadow hostname: "*" prefix: /{}/weighted-mark/ rewrite: /mark/ service: {self.shadow.path.fqdn} weight: 10 shadow: true --- apiVersion: kind: Mapping name: {}-checkshadow hostname: "*" prefix: /{}/check/ rewrite: /check/ service: {self.shadow.path.fqdn} """ ) def queries(self): # There should be no Ambassador errors. At all. yield Query(self.parent.url("ambassador/v0/diag/?json=true&filter=errors"), phase=1) for i in range(100): # First query marks one bucket from 0 - 9. The main target service is just a # normal KAT backend so nothing funky happens there, but it's also shadowed # to our shadow service that's tallying calls by bucket. So, basically, each # shadow bucket 0-9 should end up with 10 call.s bucket = i % 10 yield Query(self.parent.url(f"{}/mark/{bucket}")) for i in range(500): # We also do a call to weighted-mark, which is exactly the same _but_ the # shadow is just 20%. So instead of 50 calls per bucket, we should expect # 10. # # We use different bucket numbers so we can tell which call was which # shadow. bucket = (i % 10) + 100 yield Query(self.parent.url(f"{}/weighted-mark/{bucket}")) # Finally, in phase 2, grab the bucket counts. yield Query(self.parent.url("%s/check/" %, phase=2) def check(self): # XXX Ew. If self.results[0].json is empty, the harness won't convert it to a response. errors = self.results[0].json or {} # We shouldn't have any missing-CRD-types errors any more. for source, error in errors: if ("could not find" in error) and ("CRD definitions" in error): assert False, f"Missing CRDs: {error}" if "Ingress resources" in error: assert False, f"Ingress resource error: {error}" # The default errors assume that we have missing CRDs, and that's not correct any more, # so don't try to use assert_default_errors here. for result in self.results: if "mark" in result.query.url: assert not result.headers.get("X-Shadowed", False) elif "check" in result.query.url: data = result.json weighted_total = 0 for i in range(10): # Buckets 0-9 should have 10 per bucket. We'll actually check these values # pretty carefully, because this bit of routing isn't probabilistic. value = data.get(str(i), -1) error = abs(value - 10) assert error <= 2, f"bucket {i} should have 10 calls, got {value}" # Buckets 100-109 should also have 10 per bucket... but honestly, this is # a pretty small sample size, and Envoy's randomization seems to kinda suck # at small sample sizes. Since we're here to test Ambassador's ability to # configure Envoy, rather than trying to test Envoy's ability to properly # weight things, we'll just make sure that _some_ calls got into the shadow # buckets, and not worry about how many it was exactly. wi = i + 100 value = data.get(str(wi), 0) # error = abs(value - 10) # assert error <= 2, f'bucket {wi} should have 10 calls, got {value}' weighted_total += value # See above for why we're just doing a >0 check here. # assert abs(weighted_total - 50) <= 10, f'weighted buckets should have 50 total calls, got {weighted_total}' assert ( weighted_total > 0 ), f"weighted buckets should have 50 total calls but got zero"