import logging import os import sys import pytest import tests.integration.manifests as integration_manifests from ambassador import IR, Config from ambassador.fetch import ResourceFetcher from ambassador.utils import NullSecretHandler, parse_bool from kat.harness import is_knative_compatible from tests.integration.utils import create_qotm_mapping, get_code_with_retry, install_ambassador from tests.kubeutils import apply_kube_artifacts from tests.manifests import qotm_manifests from tests.runutils import run_and_assert logger = logging.getLogger("ambassador") # knative_service_example gets applied to the cluster with `kubectl --namespace=knative-testing # apply`; we therefore DO NOT explicitly set the 'namespace:' because --namespace will imply it, and # explicitly setting anything only adds room for something else to go wrong. knative_service_example = """ --- apiVersion: kind: Service metadata: name: helloworld-go spec: template: spec: containers: - image: env: - name: TARGET value: "Ambassador is Awesome" """ # knative_ingress_example is not applied to the cluster, but is instead fed directly to the # ResourceFetcher; so we MUST explicitly set the namespace, because we can't rely on kubectl and/or # the apiserver to auto-populate it for us. knative_ingress_example = """ apiVersion: kind: Ingress metadata: name: helloworld-go namespace: default spec: rules: - hosts: - helloworld-go.default.svc.cluster.local http: paths: - retries: attempts: 3 perTryTimeout: 10m0s splits: - percent: 100 serviceName: helloworld-go-qf94m servicePort: 80 timeout: 10m0s visibility: ClusterLocal visibility: ExternalIP """ class KnativeTesting: def test_knative(self): namespace = "knative-testing" # Install Knative apply_kube_artifacts( namespace=None, artifacts=integration_manifests.load("knative_serving_crds") ) apply_kube_artifacts( namespace="knative-serving", artifacts=integration_manifests.load("knative_serving_0.18.0"), ) run_and_assert( [ "tools/bin/kubectl", "patch", "configmap/config-network", "--type", "merge", "--patch", r'{"data": {"ingress.class": ""}}', "-n", "knative-serving", ] ) # Wait for Knative to become ready run_and_assert( [ "tools/bin/kubectl", "wait", "--timeout=90s", "--for=condition=Ready", "pod", "-l", "app=activator", "-n", "knative-serving", ] ) run_and_assert( [ "tools/bin/kubectl", "wait", "--timeout=90s", "--for=condition=Ready", "pod", "-l", "app=controller", "-n", "knative-serving", ] ) run_and_assert( [ "tools/bin/kubectl", "wait", "--timeout=90s", "--for=condition=Ready", "pod", "-l", "app=webhook", "-n", "knative-serving", ] ) run_and_assert( [ "tools/bin/kubectl", "wait", "--timeout=90s", "--for=condition=Ready", "pod", "-l", "app=autoscaler", "-n", "knative-serving", ] ) # Install Ambassador install_ambassador( namespace=namespace, envs=[{"name": "AMBASSADOR_KNATIVE_SUPPORT", "value": "true"}] ) # Install QOTM apply_kube_artifacts(namespace=namespace, artifacts=qotm_manifests) create_qotm_mapping(namespace=namespace) # Now let's wait for ambassador and QOTM pods to become ready run_and_assert( [ "tools/bin/kubectl", "wait", "--timeout=90s", "--for=condition=Ready", "pod", "-l", "service=ambassador", "-n", namespace, ] ) run_and_assert( [ "tools/bin/kubectl", "wait", "--timeout=90s", "--for=condition=Ready", "pod", "-l", "service=qotm", "-n", namespace, ] ) # Create kservice apply_kube_artifacts(namespace=namespace, artifacts=knative_service_example) # Assume we can reach Ambassador through telepresence qotm_host = "ambassador." + namespace # Assert 200 OK at /qotm/ endpoint qotm_url = f"http://{qotm_host}/qotm/" code = get_code_with_retry(qotm_url) assert code == 200, f"Expected 200 OK, got {code}" print(f"{qotm_url} is ready") # Assert 200 OK at / with Knative Host header and 404 with other/no header kservice_url = f"http://{qotm_host}/" code = get_code_with_retry(kservice_url) assert code == 404, f"Expected 404, got {code}" print(f"{kservice_url} returns 404 with no host") code = get_code_with_retry(kservice_url, headers={"Host": ""}) assert code == 404, f"Expected 404, got {code}" print(f"{kservice_url} returns 404 with a random host") # Wait for kservice run_and_assert( [ "tools/bin/kubectl", "wait", "--timeout=90s", "--for=condition=Ready", "ksvc", "helloworld-go", "-n", namespace, ] ) # kservice pod takes some time to spin up, so let's try a few times code = 000 host = f"helloworld-go.{namespace}" for _ in range(5): code = get_code_with_retry(kservice_url, headers={"Host": host}) if code == 200: break assert code == 200, f"Expected 200, got {code}" print(f"{kservice_url} returns 200 OK with host helloworld-go.{namespace}") def test_knative_counters(): aconf = Config() fetcher = ResourceFetcher(logger, aconf) fetcher.parse_yaml(knative_ingress_example, k8s=True) aconf.load_all(fetcher.sorted()) secret_handler = NullSecretHandler(logger, None, None, "0") ir = IR(aconf, secret_handler=secret_handler) feats = ir.features() assert feats["knative_ingress_count"] == 1, f"Expected a Knative ingress, did not find one" assert ( feats["cluster_ingress_count"] == 0 ), f"Expected no Knative cluster ingresses, found at least one" @pytest.mark.flaky(reruns=1, reruns_delay=10) def test_knative(): if not parse_bool(os.environ.get("AMBASSADOR_PYTEST_KNATIVE_TEST", "false")): pytest.xfail("AMBASSADOR_PYTEST_KNATIVE_TEST is not set, xfailing...") if is_knative_compatible(): knative_test = KnativeTesting() knative_test.test_knative() else: pytest.xfail("Knative is not supported") if __name__ == "__main__": pytest.main(sys.argv)