Ambassador Unit Tests ===================== Ambassador is tested with [KAT](../../kat/ **You are strongly encouraged to add tests when you add features.** However, KAT is fairly complex, and how you actually add will depend a bit on what kind of thing you're adding. Here we'll talk a bit about how Ambassador uses KAT, and how to work within that The Ambassador KAT class hierarchy looks a bit like this: ``` Node ServiceType ( HTTP -- generic HTTP echo backend ( AHTTP -- authentication service using HTTP ( etc. Test AmbassadorTest ( TCP ( Plain ( TracingTest ( etc. MappingTest ( SimpleMapping ( OptionTest ( AddRequestHeaders ( AddResponseHeaders ( etc. ``` Broadly speaking: - an `AmbassadorTest` is a test that instantiates its own Ambassador, and can therefore safely modify things like the Ambassador `Module` and such; - a `MappingTest` defines a `Mapping` that will be added to both the `Plain` and `TCP` `AmbassadorTests`; - an `OptionTest` defines an option that will be added to all `MappingTests`; and - a `ServiceType` is a kind of backend service you can talk to. Historically, we started with all the tests lumped into ``. As this has become more and more unwieldy, we've split out into the `t_*.py` files. If you want to create a new file for your test, great! but don't give it a name starting with `test_` because that can confuse things. All the way at the bottom of `` you'll find ``` main = Runner(AmbassadorTest) ``` which is what actually uses KAT to instantiate and run all subclasses of `AmbassadorTest` as tests. ### `OptionTest` If you're lucky, your test can be an `OptionTest`: this is appropriate if you're adding an option to the `Mapping` class. Just check out an existing test (like `AddRequestHeaders`) and you'll be good to go. Within an `OptionTest`: - the `config` method should just `yield` the string you want to be added to the `Mapping` configuration for your option - the `queries` method only needs to `yield` queries that the parent `MappingTest` won't already be doing. So, for example, the `AddRequestHeader` test doesn't have a `queries` method -- it will have an effect on all the queries that the parent is already performing. - the `check` method can assert about `self.parent.results` to check things about queries made by the parent, or about `self.results` if the `queries` method added more queries. ### `MappingTest` A `MappingTest` adds an entirely new `Mapping` to an `AmbassadorTest`'s Ambassador. `MappingTest`s are a bit more challenging to work with than `OptionTest`s. - To initialize a `MappingTest`, you must pass it a `target`, which must be an instance of (a subclass of) `ServiceType` at minimum, and you may also pass it a tuple of `OptionTest`s (and of course a `name`). The minimal instantiation is something like `MappingTest(HTTP())` to create a `MappingTest` with our generic HTTP echo service for its `target`. The `target` is accessible in the `MappingTest` as ``. - The `variants` class method must `yield` valid instances of the `MappingTest`. The `WebSocketMapping` test is a good example: ``` class WebSocketMapping(MappingTest): ... @classmethod def variants(cls): for st in variants(ServiceType): yield cls(st, name="{}") ``` Here we define `WebSocketMapping` as a subclass of `MappingTest`. It varies with `ServiceType`s -- for every kind of `ServiceType` out there, we take the instantiated `ServiceType` and instantiate a new `WebSocketMapping` with the instantiated `ServiceType` as the `target`. We need to change the `name` of our new instance, too, so that we don't have duplicates. - `queries` and `check` should generate and check a new set of queries. Again, it's OK to look at `self.parent.results` in `check`. ### `AmbassadorTest` An `AmbassadorTest` is the place that new Ambassadors actually get created. If your test doesn't need a new Ambassador, don't create a new `AmbassadorTest`! Each of these requires a new pod in the test cluster; they're somewhat expensive. On the other hand, you _need_ an `AmbassadorTest` if you need to play with the `Ambassador` `Module`, or TLS contexts, or things like that. - By default, an `AmbassadorTest` uses an `ambassador_id` of its name. You can override this by setting `ambassador_id` on your instance, but why bother? - By default, an `AmbassadorTest` will appear in namespace `default`. You can override this by setting `namespace` on your instance. - If you set `single_namespace` on your instance, that will restrict your Ambassador to only looking in its namespace. - The `config` method will likely need to `yield` tuples: `yield self, configstr` to set configuration on the Ambassador itself, or `yield, configstr` to set configuration on a service you've saved as ``. - If you need to change `manifests`, you will almost certainly need to include a call to `super().manifests()` too. The common pattern here is def manifests(self): return manifeststr + super().manifests() so that you can be that the manifest in `manifeststr` takes effect before the Ambassador is created. - A fairly common pattern for a single-purpose `AmbassadorTest` is to create a target as `` in the `init` method (not `__init__` -- leave that alone!). ### More coming soon!