#!python # Copyright 2018 Datawire. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License import concurrent.futures import copy import datetime import difflib import functools import json import logging import multiprocessing import os import queue import re import signal import subprocess import sys import threading import time import traceback import uuid from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Type, Union from typing import cast as typecast import click import gunicorn.app.base import jsonpatch import requests from expiringdict import ExpiringDict from flask import Flask, Response from flask import json as flask_json from flask import jsonify, render_template, request, send_from_directory from pkg_resources import Requirement, resource_filename from prometheus_client import CollectorRegistry, Gauge, Info, ProcessCollector, generate_latest from pythonjsonlogger import jsonlogger from ambassador import IR, Cache, Config, Diagnostics, EnvoyConfig, Scout, Version from ambassador.constants import Constants from ambassador.diagnostics import EnvoyStats, EnvoyStatsMgr from ambassador.fetch import ResourceFetcher from ambassador.ir.irambassador import IRAmbassador from ambassador.reconfig_stats import ReconfigStats from ambassador.utils import ( FSSecretHandler, PeriodicTrigger, SecretHandler, SystemInfo, Timer, dump_json, load_url_contents, parse_bool, parse_json, ) if TYPE_CHECKING: from ambassador.ir.irtlscontext import IRTLSContext # pragma: no cover __version__ = Version boot_time = datetime.datetime.now() # allows 10 concurrent users, with a request timeout of 60 seconds tvars_cache = ExpiringDict(max_len=10, max_age_seconds=60) logHandler = None if parse_bool(os.environ.get("AMBASSADOR_JSON_LOGGING", "false")): jsonFormatter = jsonlogger.JsonFormatter( "%%(asctime)s %%(filename)s %%(lineno)d %%(process)d (threadName)s %%(levelname)s %%(message)s" ) logHandler = logging.StreamHandler() logHandler.setFormatter(jsonFormatter) # Set the root logger to INFO level and tell it to use the new log handler. logger = logging.getLogger() logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) logger.addHandler(logHandler) # Update all of the other loggers to also use the new log handler. loggingManager = getattr(logging.root, "manager", None) if loggingManager is not None: for name in loggingManager.loggerDict: logging.getLogger(name).addHandler(logHandler) else: print("Could not find a logging manager. Some logging may not be properly JSON formatted!") else: # Default log level level = logging.INFO # Check for env var log level if level_name := os.getenv("AES_LOG_LEVEL"): level_number = logging.getLevelName(level_name.upper()) if isinstance(level_number, int): level = level_number # Set defauts for all loggers logging.basicConfig( level=level, format="%%(asctime)s diagd %s [P%%(process)dT%%(threadName)s] %%(levelname)s: %%(message)s" % __version__, datefmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", ) # Shut up Werkzeug's standard request logs -- they're just too noisy. logging.getLogger("werkzeug").setLevel(logging.CRITICAL) # Likewise make requests a bit quieter. logging.getLogger("urllib3").setLevel(logging.WARNING) logging.getLogger("requests").setLevel(logging.WARNING) ambassador_targets = { "mapping": "https://www.getambassador.io/reference/configuration#mappings", "module": "https://www.getambassador.io/reference/configuration#modules", } # envoy_targets = { # 'route': 'https://envoyproxy.github.io/envoy/configuration/http_conn_man/route_config/route.html', # 'cluster': 'https://envoyproxy.github.io/envoy/configuration/cluster_manager/cluster.html', # } def number_of_workers(): return (multiprocessing.cpu_count() * 2) + 1 class DiagApp(Flask): cache: Optional[Cache] ambex_pid: int kick: Optional[str] estatsmgr: EnvoyStatsMgr config_path: Optional[str] snapshot_path: str bootstrap_path: str ads_path: str clustermap_path: str health_checks: bool no_envoy: bool debugging: bool allow_fs_commands: bool report_action_keys: bool verbose: bool notice_path: str logger: logging.Logger aconf: Config ir: Optional[IR] econf: Optional[EnvoyConfig] # self.diag is actually a property _diag: Optional[Diagnostics] notices: "Notices" scout: Scout watcher: "AmbassadorEventWatcher" stats_updater: Optional[PeriodicTrigger] scout_checker: Optional[PeriodicTrigger] last_request_info: Dict[str, int] last_request_time: Optional[datetime.datetime] latest_snapshot: str banner_endpoint: Optional[str] metrics_endpoint: Optional[str] # Reconfiguration stats reconf_stats: ReconfigStats # Custom metrics registry to weed-out default metrics collectors because the # default collectors can't be prefixed/namespaced with ambassador_. # Using the default metrics collectors would lead to name clashes between the Python and Go instrumentations. metrics_registry: CollectorRegistry config_lock: threading.Lock diag_lock: threading.Lock def setup( self, snapshot_path: str, bootstrap_path: str, ads_path: str, config_path: Optional[str], ambex_pid: int, kick: Optional[str], banner_endpoint: Optional[str], metrics_endpoint: Optional[str], k8s=False, do_checks=True, no_envoy=False, reload=False, debug=False, verbose=False, notices=None, validation_retries=5, allow_fs_commands=False, local_scout=False, report_action_keys=False, enable_fast_reconfigure=False, clustermap_path=None, ): self.health_checks = do_checks self.no_envoy = no_envoy self.debugging = reload self.verbose = verbose self.notice_path = notices self.notices = Notices(self.notice_path) self.notices.reset() self.k8s = k8s self.validation_retries = validation_retries self.allow_fs_commands = allow_fs_commands self.local_scout = local_scout self.report_action_keys = report_action_keys self.banner_endpoint = banner_endpoint self.metrics_endpoint = metrics_endpoint self.metrics_registry = CollectorRegistry(auto_describe=True) self.enable_fast_reconfigure = enable_fast_reconfigure # Init logger, inherits settings from default self.logger = logging.getLogger("ambassador.diagd") # Initialize the Envoy stats manager... self.estatsmgr = EnvoyStatsMgr(self.logger) # ...and the incremental-reconfigure stats. self.reconf_stats = ReconfigStats(self.logger) # This will raise an exception and crash if you pass it a string. That's intentional. self.ambex_pid = int(ambex_pid) self.kick = kick # Initialize the cache if we're allowed to. if self.enable_fast_reconfigure: self.logger.info("AMBASSADOR_FAST_RECONFIGURE enabled, initializing cache") self.cache = Cache(self.logger) else: self.logger.info("AMBASSADOR_FAST_RECONFIGURE disabled, not initializing cache") self.cache = None # Use Timers to keep some stats on reconfigurations self.config_timer = Timer("reconfiguration", self.metrics_registry) self.fetcher_timer = Timer("Fetcher", self.metrics_registry) self.aconf_timer = Timer("AConf", self.metrics_registry) self.ir_timer = Timer("IR", self.metrics_registry) self.econf_timer = Timer("EConf", self.metrics_registry) self.diag_timer = Timer("Diagnostics", self.metrics_registry) # Use gauges to keep some metrics on active config self.diag_errors = Gauge( f"diagnostics_errors", f"Number of configuration errors", namespace="ambassador", registry=self.metrics_registry, ) self.diag_notices = Gauge( f"diagnostics_notices", f"Number of configuration notices", namespace="ambassador", registry=self.metrics_registry, ) self.diag_log_level = Gauge( f"log_level", f"Debug log level enabled or not", ["level"], namespace="ambassador", registry=self.metrics_registry, ) if debug: self.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.diag_log_level.labels("debug").set(1) logging.getLogger("ambassador").setLevel(logging.DEBUG) else: self.diag_log_level.labels("debug").set(0) # Assume that we will NOT update Mapping status. ksclass: Type[KubeStatus] = KubeStatusNoMappings if os.environ.get("AMBASSADOR_UPDATE_MAPPING_STATUS", "false").lower() == "true": self.logger.info("WILL update Mapping status") ksclass = KubeStatus else: self.logger.info("WILL NOT update Mapping status") self.kubestatus = ksclass(self) self.config_path = config_path self.bootstrap_path = bootstrap_path self.ads_path = ads_path self.snapshot_path = snapshot_path self.clustermap_path = clustermap_path or os.path.join( os.path.dirname(self.bootstrap_path), "clustermap.json" ) # You must hold config_lock when updating config elements (including diag!). self.config_lock = threading.Lock() # When generating new diagnostics, there's a dance around config_lock and # diag_lock -- see the diag() property. self.diag_lock = threading.Lock() # Why are we doing this? Aren't we sure we're singlethreaded here? # Well, yes. But self.diag is actually a property, and it will raise an # assertion failure if we're not holding self.config_lock... and once # the lock is in play at all, we're gonna time it, in case my belief # that grabbing the lock here is always effectively free turns out to # be wrong. with self.config_lock: self.ir = None # don't update unless you hold config_lock self.econf = None # don't update unless you hold config_lock self.diag = None # don't update unless you hold config_lock self.stats_updater = None self.scout_checker = None self.last_request_info = {} self.last_request_time = None # self.scout = Scout(update_frequency=datetime.timedelta(seconds=10)) self.scout = Scout(local_only=self.local_scout) ProcessCollector(namespace="ambassador", registry=self.metrics_registry) metrics_info = Info( name="diagnostics", namespace="ambassador", documentation="Ambassador diagnostic info", registry=self.metrics_registry, ) metrics_info.info( { "version": __version__, "ambassador_id": Config.ambassador_id, "cluster_id": os.environ.get( "AMBASSADOR_CLUSTER_ID", os.environ.get("AMBASSADOR_SCOUT_ID", "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"), ), "single_namespace": str(Config.single_namespace), } ) @property def diag(self) -> Optional[Diagnostics]: """ It turns out to be expensive to generate the Diagnostics class, so app.diag is a property that does it on demand, handling Timers and the config lock for you. You MUST NOT already hold the config_lock or the diag_lock when trying to read app.diag. You MUST already have loaded an IR. """ # The config_lock is meant to make sure that we don't ever update # self.diag in two places at once, so grab that first. with self.config_lock: # If we've already generated diagnostics... if app._diag: # ...then we're good to go. return app._diag # If here, we have _not_ generated diagnostics, and we've dropped the # config lock so as not to block anyone else. Next up: grab the diag # lock, because we'd rather not have two diag generations happening at # once. with self.diag_lock: # Did someone else sneak in between releasing the config lock and # grabbing the diag lock? if app._diag: # Yup. Use their work. return app._diag # OK, go generate diagnostics. _diag = self._generate_diagnostics() # If that didn't work, no point in messing with the config lock. if not _diag: return None # Once here, we need to - once again - grab the config lock to update # app._diag. This is safe because this is the only place we ever mess # with the diag lock, so nowhere else will try to grab the diag lock # while holding the config lock. with app.config_lock: app._diag = _diag # Finally, we can return app._diag to our caller. return app._diag @diag.setter def diag(self, diag: Optional[Diagnostics]) -> None: """ It turns out to be expensive to generate the Diagnostics class, so app.diag is a property that does it on demand, handling Timers and the config lock for you. You MUST already hold the config_lock when trying to update app.diag. You MUST NOT hold the diag_lock. """ self._diag = diag def _generate_diagnostics(self) -> Optional[Diagnostics]: """ Do the heavy lifting of generating Diagnostics for our current configuration. Really, only the diag() property should be calling this method, but if you are convinced that you need to call it from elsewhere: 1. You're almost certainly wrong about needing to call it from elsewhere. 2. You MUST hold the diag_lock when calling this method. 3. You MUST NOT hold the config_lock when calling this method. 4. No, really, you're wrong. Don't call this method from anywhere but the diag() property. """ # Make sure we have an IR and econf to work with. if not app.ir or not app.econf: # Nope, bail. return None # OK, go ahead and generate diagnostics. Use the diag_timer to time # this. with self.diag_timer: _diag = Diagnostics(app.ir, app.econf) # Update some metrics data points given the new generated Diagnostics diag_dict = _diag.as_dict() self.diag_errors.set(len(diag_dict.get("errors", []))) self.diag_notices.set(len(diag_dict.get("notices", []))) # Note that we've updated diagnostics, since that might trigger a # timer log. self.reconf_stats.mark("diag") return _diag def check_scout(self, what: str) -> None: self.watcher.post("SCOUT", (what, self.ir)) def post_timer_event(self) -> None: # Post an event to do a timer check. self.watcher.post("TIMER", None) def check_timers(self) -> None: # Actually do the timer check. if self.reconf_stats.needs_timers(): # OK! Log the timers... for t in [ self.config_timer, self.fetcher_timer, self.aconf_timer, self.ir_timer, self.econf_timer, self.diag_timer, ]: if t: self.logger.info(t.summary()) # ...and the cache statistics, if we can. if self.cache: self.cache.dump_stats() # Always dump the reconfiguration stats... self.reconf_stats.dump() # ...and mark that the timers have been logged. self.reconf_stats.mark_timers_logged() # In this case we need to check to see if it's time to do a configuration # check, too. if self.reconf_stats.needs_check(): result = False try: result = self.check_cache() except Exception as e: tb = "\n".join(traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info())) self.logger.error("CACHE: CHECK FAILED: %s\n%s" % (e, tb)) # Mark that the check has happened. self.reconf_stats.mark_checked(result) @staticmethod def json_diff(what: str, j1: str, j2: str) -> str: output = "" l1 = j1.split("\n") l2 = j2.split("\n") n1 = f"{what} incremental" n2 = f"{what} nonincremental" output += "\n--------\n" for line in difflib.context_diff(l1, l2, fromfile=n1, tofile=n2): line = line.rstrip() output += line output += "\n" return output def check_cache(self) -> bool: # We're going to build a shiny new IR and econf from our existing aconf, and make # sure everything matches. We will _not_ use the existing cache for this. # # For this, make sure we have an IR already... assert self.aconf assert self.ir assert self.econf # Compute this IR/econf with a new empty cache. It saves a lot of trouble with # having to delete cache keys from the JSON. self.logger.debug("CACHE: starting check") cache = Cache(self.logger) scc = SecretHandler(app.logger, "check_cache", app.snapshot_path, "check") ir = IR(self.aconf, secret_handler=scc, cache=cache) econf = EnvoyConfig.generate(ir, Config.envoy_api_version, cache=cache) # This is testing code. # name = list(ir.clusters.keys())[0] # del(ir.clusters[name]) i1 = self.ir.as_json() i2 = ir.as_json() e1 = self.econf.as_json() e2 = econf.as_json() result = True errors = "" if i1 != i2: result = False self.logger.error("CACHE: IR MISMATCH") errors += "IR diffs:\n" errors += self.json_diff("IR", i1, i2) if e1 != e2: result = False self.logger.error("CACHE: ENVOY CONFIG MISMATCH") errors += "econf diffs:\n" errors += self.json_diff("econf", i1, i2) if not result: err_path = os.path.join(self.snapshot_path, "diff-tmp.txt") open(err_path, "w").write(errors) snapcount = int(os.environ.get("AMBASSADOR_SNAPSHOT_COUNT", "4")) snaplist: List[Tuple[str, str]] = [] if snapcount > 0: # If snapcount is 4, this range statement becomes range(-4, -1) # which gives [ -4, -3, -2 ], which the list comprehension turns # into [ ( "-3", "-4" ), ( "-2", "-3" ), ( "-1", "-2" ) ]... # which is the list of suffixes to rename to rotate the snapshots. snaplist += [(str(x + 1), str(x)) for x in range(-1 * snapcount, -1)] # After dealing with that, we need to rotate the current file into -1. snaplist.append(("", "-1")) # Whether or not we do any rotation, we need to cycle in the '-tmp' file. snaplist.append(("-tmp", "")) for from_suffix, to_suffix in snaplist: from_path = os.path.join(app.snapshot_path, "diff{}.txt".format(from_suffix)) to_path = os.path.join(app.snapshot_path, "diff{}.txt".format(to_suffix)) try: self.logger.debug("rotate: %s -> %s" % (from_path, to_path)) os.rename(from_path, to_path) except IOError as e: self.logger.debug("skip %s -> %s: %s" % (from_path, to_path, e)) except Exception as e: self.logger.debug("could not rename %s -> %s: %s" % (from_path, to_path, e)) self.logger.info("CACHE: check %s" % ("succeeded" if result else "failed")) return result # get the "templates" directory, or raise "FileNotFoundError" if not found def get_templates_dir(): res_dir = None try: # this will fail when not in a distribution res_dir = resource_filename(Requirement.parse("ambassador"), "templates") except: pass maybe_dirs = [res_dir, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "templates")] for d in maybe_dirs: if d and os.path.isdir(d): return d raise FileNotFoundError # Get the Flask app defined early. Setup happens later. app = DiagApp(__name__, template_folder=get_templates_dir()) ######## DECORATORS def standard_handler(f): func_name = getattr(f, "__name__", "") @functools.wraps(f) def wrapper(*args, **kwds): reqid = str(uuid.uuid4()).upper() prefix = '%s: %s "%s %s"' % (reqid, request.remote_addr, request.method, request.path) app.logger.debug("%s START" % prefix) start = datetime.datetime.now() app.logger.debug("%s handler %s" % (prefix, func_name)) # Getting elements in the `tvars_cache` will make sure eviction happens on `max_age_seconds` TTL # for removed patch_client rather than waiting to fill `max_len`. # Looping over a copied list of keys, to prevent mutating tvars_cache while iterating. for k in list(tvars_cache.keys()): tvars_cache.get(k) # Default to the exception case result_to_log = "server error" status_to_log = 500 result_log_level = logging.ERROR result = Response(result_to_log, status_to_log) try: result = f(*args, reqid=reqid, **kwds) if not isinstance(result, Response): result = Response(f"Invalid handler result {result}", status_to_log) status_to_log = result.status_code if (status_to_log // 100) == 2: result_log_level = logging.INFO result_to_log = "success" else: result_log_level = logging.ERROR result_to_log = "failure" except Exception as e: app.logger.exception(e) end = datetime.datetime.now() ms = int(((end - start).total_seconds() * 1000) + 0.5) app.logger.log( result_log_level, "%s %dms %d %s" % (prefix, ms, status_to_log, result_to_log) ) return result return wrapper def internal_handler(f): """ Reject requests where the remote address is not localhost. See the docstring for _is_local_request() for important caveats! """ func_name = getattr(f, "__name__", "") @functools.wraps(f) def wrapper(*args, **kwds): if not _is_local_request(): return "Forbidden\n", 403 return f(*args, **kwds) return wrapper ######## UTILITIES def _is_local_request() -> bool: """ Determine if this request originated with localhost. We rely on healthcheck_server.go setting the X-Ambassador-Diag-IP header for us (and we rely on it overwriting anything that's already there!). It might be possible to consider the environment variables SERVER_NAME and SERVER_PORT instead, as those are allegedly required by WSGI... but attempting to do so in Flask/GUnicorn yielded a worse implementation that was still not portable. """ remote_addr: Optional[str] = "" remote_addr = request.headers.get("X-Ambassador-Diag-IP") return remote_addr == "" def _allow_diag_ui() -> bool: """ Helper function to check if diag ui traffic is allowed or not based on the different flags from the config: * diagnostics.enabled: Enable to diag UI by adding mappings * diagnostics.allow_non_local: Allow non local traffic even when diagnotics UI is disabled. Mappings are not added for the diag UI but the diagnotics UI is still exposed for the pod IP in the admin port. * local traffic or not: When diagnotics disagled and allow_non_local is false, allow traffic only from localhost clients """ enabled = False allow_non_local = False ir = app.ir if ir: enabled = ir.ambassador_module.diagnostics.get("enabled", False) allow_non_local = ir.ambassador_module.diagnostics.get("allow_non_local", False) if not enabled and not _is_local_request() and not allow_non_local: return False return True class Notices: def __init__(self, local_config_path: str) -> None: self.local_path = local_config_path self.notices: List[Dict[str, str]] = [] def reset(self): local_notices: List[Dict[str, str]] = [] local_data = "" try: local_stream = open(self.local_path, "r") local_data = local_stream.read() local_notices = parse_json(local_data) except OSError: pass except: local_notices.append( {"level": "ERROR", "message": "bad local notices: %s" % local_data} ) self.notices = local_notices # app.logger.info("Notices: after RESET: %s" % dump_json(self.notices)) def post(self, notice): # app.logger.debug("Notices: POST %s" % notice) self.notices.append(notice) # app.logger.info("Notices: after POST: %s" % dump_json(self.notices)) def prepend(self, notice): # app.logger.debug("Notices: PREPEND %s" % notice) self.notices.insert(0, notice) # app.logger.info("Notices: after PREPEND: %s" % dump_json(self.notices)) def extend(self, notices): for notice in notices: self.post(notice) def td_format(td_object): seconds = int(td_object.total_seconds()) periods = [ ("year", 60 * 60 * 24 * 365), ("month", 60 * 60 * 24 * 30), ("day", 60 * 60 * 24), ("hour", 60 * 60), ("minute", 60), ("second", 1), ] strings = [] for period_name, period_seconds in periods: if seconds > period_seconds: period_value, seconds = divmod(seconds, period_seconds) strings.append( "%d %s%s" % (period_value, period_name, "" if (period_value == 1) else "s") ) formatted = ", ".join(strings) if not formatted: formatted = "0s" return formatted def interval_format(seconds, normal_format, now_message): if seconds >= 1: return normal_format % td_format(datetime.timedelta(seconds=seconds)) else: return now_message def system_info(app): ir = app.ir debug_mode = False if ir: amod = ir.ambassador_module debug_mode = amod.get("debug_mode", False) app.logger.debug(f"DEBUG_MODE {debug_mode}") status_dict = {"config failure": [False, "no configuration loaded"]} env_status = getattr(app.watcher, "env_status", None) if env_status: status_dict = env_status.to_dict() app.logger.debug(f"status_dict {status_dict}") return { "version": __version__, "hostname": SystemInfo.MyHostName, "ambassador_id": Config.ambassador_id, "ambassador_namespace": Config.ambassador_namespace, "single_namespace": Config.single_namespace, "knative_enabled": os.environ.get("AMBASSADOR_KNATIVE_SUPPORT", "").lower() == "true", "statsd_enabled": os.environ.get("STATSD_ENABLED", "").lower() == "true", "endpoints_enabled": Config.enable_endpoints, "cluster_id": os.environ.get( "AMBASSADOR_CLUSTER_ID", os.environ.get("AMBASSADOR_SCOUT_ID", "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"), ), "boot_time": boot_time, "hr_uptime": td_format(datetime.datetime.now() - boot_time), "latest_snapshot": app.latest_snapshot, "env_good": getattr(app.watcher, "env_good", False), "env_failures": getattr(app.watcher, "failure_list", ["no IR loaded"]), "env_status": status_dict, "debug_mode": debug_mode, } def envoy_status(estats: EnvoyStats): since_boot = interval_format(estats.time_since_boot(), "%s", "less than a second") since_update = "Never updated" if estats.time_since_update(): since_update = interval_format( estats.time_since_update(), "%s ago", "within the last second" ) return { "alive": estats.is_alive(), "ready": estats.is_ready(), "uptime": since_boot, "since_update": since_update, } def drop_serializer_key(d: Dict[Any, Any]) -> Dict[Any, Any]: """ Delete the "serialization" key (if present) in any dictionary passed in and return that dictionary. This function is intended to be used as the object_hook value for json.load[s]. """ _ = d.pop("serialization", None) return d def filter_keys(d: Dict[Any, Any], keys_to_keep): unwanted_keys = set(d) - set(keys_to_keep) for unwanted_key in unwanted_keys: del d[unwanted_key] def filter_webui(d: Dict[Any, Any]): filter_keys( d, [ "system", "route_info", "source_map", "ambassador_resolvers", "ambassador_services", "envoy_status", "cluster_stats", "loginfo", "errors", ], ) for ambassador_resolver in d["ambassador_resolvers"]: filter_keys(ambassador_resolver, ["_source", "kind"]) for route_info in d["route_info"]: filter_keys(route_info, ["diag_class", "key", "headers", "precedence", "clusters"]) for cluster in route_info["clusters"]: filter_keys(cluster, ["_hcolor", "type_label", "service", "weight"]) @app.route("/_internal/v0/ping", methods=["GET"]) @internal_handler def handle_ping(): return "ACK\n", 200 @app.route("/_internal/v0/features", methods=["GET"]) @internal_handler def handle_features(): # If we don't have an IR yet, do nothing. # # We don't bother grabbing the config_lock here because we're not changing # anything, and an features request hitting at exactly the same moment as # the first configure is a race anyway. If it fails, that's not a big deal, # they can try again. if not app.ir: app.logger.debug("Features: configuration required first") return "Can't do features before configuration", 503 return jsonify(app.ir.features()), 200 @app.route("/_internal/v0/watt", methods=["POST"]) @internal_handler def handle_watt_update(): url = request.args.get("url", None) if not url: app.logger.error("error: watt update requested with no URL") return "error: watt update requested with no URL\n", 400 app.logger.debug("Update requested: watt, %s" % url) status, info = app.watcher.post("CONFIG", ("watt", url)) return info, status @app.route("/_internal/v0/fs", methods=["POST"]) @internal_handler def handle_fs(): path = request.args.get("path", None) if not path: app.logger.error("error: update requested with no PATH") return "error: update requested with no PATH\n", 400 app.logger.debug("Update requested from %s" % path) status, info = app.watcher.post("CONFIG_FS", path) return info, status @app.route("/_internal/v0/events", methods=["GET"]) @internal_handler def handle_events(): if not app.local_scout: return "Local Scout is not enabled\n", 400 event_dump = [ (x["local_scout_timestamp"], x["mode"], x["action"], x) for x in app.scout._scout.events ] app.logger.debug(f"Event dump {event_dump}") return jsonify(event_dump) @app.route("/ambassador/v0/favicon.ico", methods=["GET"]) def favicon(): template_path = resource_filename(Requirement.parse("ambassador"), "templates") return send_from_directory(template_path, "favicon.ico") @app.route("/ambassador/v0/check_alive", methods=["GET"]) def check_alive(): status = envoy_status(app.estatsmgr.get_stats()) if status["alive"]: return "ambassador liveness check OK (%s)\n" % status["uptime"], 200 else: return "ambassador seems to have died (%s)\n" % status["uptime"], 503 @app.route("/ambassador/v0/check_ready", methods=["GET"]) def check_ready(): if not app.ir: return "ambassador waiting for config\n", 503 status = envoy_status(app.estatsmgr.get_stats()) if status["ready"]: return "ambassador readiness check OK (%s)\n" % status["since_update"], 200 else: return "ambassador not ready (%s)\n" % status["since_update"], 503 @app.route("/ambassador/v0/diag/", methods=["GET"]) @standard_handler def show_overview(reqid=None): # If we don't have an IR yet, do nothing. # # We don't bother grabbing the config_lock here because we're not changing # anything, and an overview request hitting at exactly the same moment as # the first configure is a race anyway. If it fails, that's not a big deal, # they can try again. if not app.ir: app.logger.debug("OV %s - can't do overview before configuration" % reqid) return "Can't do overview before configuration", 503 if not _allow_diag_ui(): return Response("Not found\n", 404) app.logger.debug("OV %s - showing overview" % reqid) # Remember that app.diag is a property that can involve some real expense # to compute -- we don't want to call it more than once here, so we cache # its value. diag = app.diag if app.verbose: app.logger.debug("OV %s: DIAG" % reqid) app.logger.debug("%s" % dump_json(diag.as_dict(), pretty=True)) estats = app.estatsmgr.get_stats() ov = diag.overview(request, estats) if app.verbose: app.logger.debug("OV %s: OV" % reqid) app.logger.debug("%s" % dump_json(ov, pretty=True)) app.logger.debug("OV %s: collecting errors" % reqid) ddict = collect_errors_and_notices(request, reqid, "overview", diag) banner_content = None if app.banner_endpoint and app.ir and app.ir.edge_stack_allowed: try: response = requests.get(app.banner_endpoint) if response.status_code == 200: banner_content = response.text except Exception as e: app.logger.error("could not get banner_content: %s" % e) tvars = dict( system=system_info(app), envoy_status=envoy_status(estats), loginfo=app.estatsmgr.loginfo, notices=app.notices.notices, banner_content=banner_content, **ov, **ddict, ) patch_client = request.args.get("patch_client", None) if request.args.get("json", None): filter_key = request.args.get("filter", None) if filter_key == "webui": filter_webui(tvars) elif filter_key: return jsonify(tvars.get(filter_key, None)) if patch_client: # Assume this is the Admin UI. Recursively drop all "serialization" # keys. This avoids leaking secrets and generally makes the # snapshot a lot smaller without losing information that the Admin # UI cares about. We do this below by setting the object_hook # parameter of the json.loads(...) call. We have to use python's # json library instead of orjson, because orjson does not support # the object_hook feature. # Get the previous full representation cached_tvars_json = tvars_cache.get(patch_client, dict()) # Serialize the tvars into a json-string using the same jsonify Flask serializer, then load the json object response_content = json.loads(flask_json.dumps(tvars), object_hook=drop_serializer_key) # Diff between the previous representation and the current full representation (http://jsonpatch.com/) patch = jsonpatch.make_patch(cached_tvars_json, response_content) # Save the current full representation in memory tvars_cache[patch_client] = response_content # Return only the diff return Response(patch.to_string(), mimetype="application/json") else: return jsonify(tvars) else: app.check_scout("overview") return Response(render_template("overview.html", **tvars)) def collect_errors_and_notices(request, reqid, what: str, diag: Diagnostics) -> Dict: loglevel = request.args.get("loglevel", None) notice = None if loglevel: app.logger.debug("%s %s -- requesting loglevel %s" % (what, reqid, loglevel)) app.diag_log_level.labels("debug").set(1 if loglevel == "debug" else 0) if not app.estatsmgr.update_log_levels(time.time(), level=loglevel): notice = {"level": "WARNING", "message": "Could not update log level!"} # else: # return redirect("/ambassador/v0/diag/", code=302) # We need to grab errors and notices from diag.as_dict(), process the errors so # they work for the HTML rendering, and post the notices to app.notices. Then we # return the dict representation that our caller should work with. ddict = diag.as_dict() # app.logger.debug("ddict %s" % dump_json(ddict, pretty=True)) derrors = ddict.pop("errors", {}) errors = [] for err_key, err_list in derrors.items(): if err_key == "-global-": err_key = "" for err in err_list: errors.append((err_key, err["error"])) dnotices = ddict.pop("notices", {}) # Make sure that anything about the loglevel gets folded into this set. if notice: app.notices.prepend(notice) for notice_key, notice_list in dnotices.items(): for notice in notice_list: app.notices.post({"level": "NOTICE", "message": "%s: %s" % (notice_key, notice)}) ddict["errors"] = errors return ddict @app.route("/ambassador/v0/diag/", methods=["GET"]) @standard_handler def show_intermediate(source=None, reqid=None): # If we don't have an IR yet, do nothing. # # We don't bother grabbing the config_lock here because we're not changing # anything, and an overview request hitting at exactly the same moment as # the first configure is a race anyway. If it fails, that's not a big deal, # they can try again. if not app.ir: app.logger.debug( "SRC %s - can't do intermediate for %s before configuration" % (reqid, source) ) return "Can't do overview before configuration", 503 if not _allow_diag_ui(): return Response("Not found\n", 404) app.logger.debug("SRC %s - getting intermediate for '%s'" % (reqid, source)) # Remember that app.diag is a property that can involve some real expense # to compute -- we don't want to call it more than once here, so we cache # its value. diag = app.diag method = request.args.get("method", None) resource = request.args.get("resource", None) estats = app.estatsmgr.get_stats() result = diag.lookup(request, source, estats) if app.verbose: app.logger.debug("RESULT %s" % dump_json(result, pretty=True)) ddict = collect_errors_and_notices(request, reqid, "detail %s" % source, diag) tvars = dict( system=system_info(app), envoy_status=envoy_status(estats), loginfo=app.estatsmgr.loginfo, notices=app.notices.notices, method=method, resource=resource, **result, **ddict, ) if request.args.get("json", None): key = request.args.get("filter", None) if key: return jsonify(tvars.get(key, None)) else: return jsonify(tvars) else: app.check_scout("detail: %s" % source) return Response(render_template("diag.html", **tvars)) @app.template_filter("sort_by_key") def sort_by_key(objects): return sorted(objects, key=lambda x: x["key"]) @app.template_filter("pretty_json") def pretty_json(obj): if isinstance(obj, dict): obj = dict(**obj) keys_to_drop = [key for key in obj.keys() if key.startswith("_")] for key in keys_to_drop: del obj[key] return dump_json(obj, pretty=True) @app.template_filter("sort_clusters_by_service") def sort_clusters_by_service(clusters): return sorted(clusters, key=lambda x: x["service"]) # return sorted([ c for c in clusters.values() ], key=lambda x: x['service']) @app.template_filter("source_lookup") def source_lookup(name, sources): app.logger.debug("%s => sources %s" % (name, sources)) source = sources.get(name, {}) app.logger.debug("%s => source %s" % (name, source)) return source.get("_source", name) @app.route("/metrics", methods=["GET"]) @standard_handler def get_prometheus_metrics(*args, **kwargs): # Envoy metrics envoy_metrics = app.estatsmgr.get_prometheus_stats() # Ambassador OSS metrics ambassador_metrics = generate_latest(registry=app.metrics_registry).decode("utf-8") # Extra metrics endpoint extra_metrics_content = "" if app.metrics_endpoint and app.ir and app.ir.edge_stack_allowed: try: response = requests.get(app.metrics_endpoint) if response.status_code == 200: extra_metrics_content = response.text except Exception as e: app.logger.error("could not get metrics_endpoint: %s" % e) return Response( "".join([envoy_metrics, ambassador_metrics, extra_metrics_content]).encode("utf-8"), 200, mimetype="text/plain", ) def bool_fmt(b: bool) -> str: return "T" if b else "F" class StatusInfo: def __init__(self) -> None: self.status = True self.specifics: List[Tuple[bool, str]] = [] def failure(self, message: str) -> None: self.status = False self.specifics.append((False, message)) def OK(self, message: str) -> None: self.specifics.append((True, message)) def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Union[bool, List[Tuple[bool, str]]]]: return {"status": self.status, "specifics": self.specifics} class SystemStatus: def __init__(self) -> None: self.status: Dict[str, StatusInfo] = {} def failure(self, key: str, message: str) -> None: self.info_for_key(key).failure(message) def OK(self, key: str, message: str) -> None: self.info_for_key(key).OK(message) def info_for_key(self, key) -> StatusInfo: if key not in self.status: self.status[key] = StatusInfo() return self.status[key] def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, Union[bool, List[Tuple[bool, str]]]]]: return {key: info.to_dict() for key, info in self.status.items()} class KubeStatus: pool: concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor def __init__(self, app) -> None: self.app = app self.logger = app.logger self.live: Dict[str, bool] = {} self.current_status: Dict[str, str] = {} self.pool = concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=5) def mark_live(self, kind: str, name: str, namespace: str) -> None: key = f"{kind}/{name}.{namespace}" # self.logger.debug(f"KubeStatus MASTER {os.getpid()}: mark_live {key}") self.live[key] = True def prune(self) -> None: drop: List[str] = [] for key in self.current_status.keys(): if not self.live.get(key, False): drop.append(key) for key in drop: # self.logger.debug(f"KubeStatus MASTER {os.getpid()}: prune {key}") del self.current_status[key] self.live = {} def post(self, kind: str, name: str, namespace: str, text: str) -> None: key = f"{kind}/{name}.{namespace}" extant = self.current_status.get(key, None) if extant == text: # self.logger.info(f"KubeStatus MASTER {os.getpid()}: {key} == {text}") pass else: # self.logger.info(f"KubeStatus MASTER {os.getpid()}: {key} needs {text}") # For now we're going to assume that this works. self.current_status[key] = text f = self.pool.submit(kubestatus_update, kind, name, namespace, text) f.add_done_callback(kubestatus_update_done) # The KubeStatusNoMappings class clobbers the mark_live() method of the # KubeStatus class, so that updates to Mappings don't actually have any # effect, but updates to Ingress (for example) do. class KubeStatusNoMappings(KubeStatus): def mark_live(self, kind: str, name: str, namespace: str) -> None: pass def post(self, kind: str, name: str, namespace: str, text: str) -> None: # There's a path (via IRBaseMapping.check_status) where a Mapping # can be added directly to ir.k8s_status_updates, which will come # straight here without mark_live being involved -- so short-circuit # here for Mappings, too. if kind == "Mapping": return super().post(kind, name, namespace, text) def kubestatus_update(kind: str, name: str, namespace: str, text: str) -> str: cmd = [ "kubestatus", "--cache-dir", "/tmp/client-go-http-cache", kind, name, "-n", namespace, "-u", "/dev/fd/0", ] # print(f"KubeStatus UPDATE {os.getpid()}: running command: {cmd}") try: rc = subprocess.run( cmd, input=text.encode("utf-8"), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, timeout=5, ) if rc.returncode == 0: return f"{name}.{namespace}: update OK" else: return f"{name}.{namespace}: error {rc.returncode}" except subprocess.TimeoutExpired as e: return f"{name}.{namespace}: timed out\n\n{e.output}" def kubestatus_update_done(f: concurrent.futures.Future) -> None: # print(f"KubeStatus DONE {os.getpid()}: result {f.result()}") pass class AmbassadorEventWatcher(threading.Thread): # The key for 'Actions' is chimed - chimed_ok - env_good. This will make more sense # if you read through the _load_ir method. Actions = { "F-F-F": ("unhealthy", True), # make sure the first chime always gets out "F-F-T": ("now-healthy", True), # make sure the first chime always gets out "F-T-F": ("now-unhealthy", True), # this is actually impossible "F-T-T": ("healthy", True), # this is actually impossible "T-F-F": ("unhealthy", False), "T-F-T": ("now-healthy", True), "T-T-F": ("now-unhealthy", True), "T-T-T": ("update", False), } reCompressed = re.compile(r"-\d+$") def __init__(self, app: DiagApp) -> None: super().__init__(name="AEW", daemon=True) self.app = app self.logger = self.app.logger self.events: queue.Queue = queue.Queue() self.chimed = False # Have we ever sent a chime about the environment? self.last_chime = False # What was the status of our last chime? (starts as False) self.env_good = False # Is our environment currently believed to be OK? self.failure_list: List[str] = [ "unhealthy at boot" ] # What's making our environment not OK? def post( self, cmd: str, arg: Optional[Union[str, Tuple[str, Optional[IR]]]] ) -> Tuple[int, str]: rqueue: queue.Queue = queue.Queue() self.events.put((cmd, arg, rqueue)) return rqueue.get() def update_estats(self) -> None: self.app.estatsmgr.update() def run(self): self.logger.info("starting Scout checker and timer logger") self.app.scout_checker = PeriodicTrigger( lambda: self.check_scout("checkin"), period=86400 ) # Yup, one day. self.app.timer_logger = PeriodicTrigger(self.app.post_timer_event, period=1) self.logger.info("starting event watcher") while True: cmd, arg, rqueue = self.events.get() # self.logger.info("EVENT: %s" % cmd) if cmd == "CONFIG_FS": try: self.load_config_fs(rqueue, arg) except Exception as e: self.logger.error("could not reconfigure: %s" % e) self.logger.exception(e) self._respond(rqueue, 500, "configuration from filesystem failed") elif cmd == "CONFIG": version, url = arg try: if version == "watt": self.load_config_watt(rqueue, url) else: raise RuntimeError("config from %s not supported" % version) except Exception as e: self.logger.error("could not reconfigure: %s" % e) self.logger.exception(e) self._respond(rqueue, 500, "configuration failed") elif cmd == "SCOUT": try: self._respond(rqueue, 200, "checking Scout") self.check_scout(*arg) except Exception as e: self.logger.error("could not reconfigure: %s" % e) self.logger.exception(e) self._respond(rqueue, 500, "scout check failed") elif cmd == "TIMER": try: self._respond(rqueue, 200, "done") self.app.check_timers() except Exception as e: self.logger.error("could not check timers? %s" % e) self.logger.exception(e) else: self.logger.error(f"unknown event type: '{cmd}' '{arg}'") self._respond(rqueue, 400, f"unknown event type '{cmd}' '{arg}'") def _respond(self, rqueue: queue.Queue, status: int, info="") -> None: # self.logger.debug("responding to query with %s %s" % (status, info)) rqueue.put((status, info)) # load_config_fs reconfigures from the filesystem. It's _mostly_ legacy # code, but not entirely, since Docker demo mode still uses it. # # BE CAREFUL ABOUT STOPPING THE RECONFIGURATION TIMER ONCE IT IS STARTED. def load_config_fs(self, rqueue: queue.Queue, path: str) -> None: self.logger.debug("loading configuration from disk: %s" % path) # The "path" here can just be a path, but it can also be a command for testing, # if the user has chosen to allow that. if self.app.allow_fs_commands and (":" in path): pfx, rest = path.split(":", 1) if pfx.lower() == "cmd": fields = rest.split(":", 1) cmd = fields[0].upper() args = fields[1:] if (len(fields) > 1) else None if cmd.upper() == "CHIME": self.logger.info("CMD: Chiming") self.chime() self._respond(rqueue, 200, "Chimed") elif cmd.upper() == "CHIME_RESET": self.chimed = False self.last_chime = False self.env_good = False self.app.scout.reset_events() self.app.scout.report(mode="boot", action="boot1", no_cache=True) self.logger.info("CMD: Reset chime state") self._respond(rqueue, 200, "CMD: Reset chime state") elif cmd.upper() == "SCOUT_CACHE_RESET": self.app.scout.reset_cache_time() self.logger.info("CMD: Reset Scout cache time") self._respond(rqueue, 200, "CMD: Reset Scout cache time") elif cmd.upper() == "ENV_OK": self.env_good = True self.failure_list = [] self.logger.info("CMD: Marked environment good") self._respond(rqueue, 200, "CMD: Marked environment good") elif cmd.upper() == "ENV_BAD": self.env_good = False self.failure_list = ["failure forced"] self.logger.info("CMD: Marked environment bad") self._respond(rqueue, 200, "CMD: Marked environment bad") else: self.logger.info(f'CMD: no such command "{cmd}"') self._respond(rqueue, 400, f'CMD: no such command "{cmd}"') return else: self.logger.info(f'CONFIG_FS: invalid prefix "{pfx}"') self._respond(rqueue, 400, f'CONFIG_FS: invalid prefix "{pfx}"') return # OK, we're starting a reconfiguration. BE CAREFUL TO STOP THE TIMER # BEFORE YOU RESPOND TO THE CALLER. self.app.config_timer.start() snapshot = re.sub(r"[^A-Za-z0-9_-]", "_", path) scc = FSSecretHandler(app.logger, path, app.snapshot_path, "0") with self.app.fetcher_timer: aconf = Config() fetcher = ResourceFetcher(app.logger, aconf) fetcher.load_from_filesystem(path, k8s=app.k8s, recurse=True) if not fetcher.elements: self.logger.debug("no configuration resources found at %s" % path) # Don't bail from here -- go ahead and reload the IR. # # XXX This is basically historical logic, honestly. But if you try # to respond from here and bail, STOP THE RECONFIGURATION TIMER. self._load_ir(rqueue, aconf, fetcher, scc, snapshot) # load_config_watt reconfigures from the filesystem. It's the one true way of # reconfiguring these days. # # BE CAREFUL ABOUT STOPPING THE RECONFIGURATION TIMER ONCE IT IS STARTED. def load_config_watt(self, rqueue: queue.Queue, url: str): snapshot = url.split("/")[-1] ss_path = os.path.join(app.snapshot_path, "snapshot-tmp.yaml") # OK, we're starting a reconfiguration. BE CAREFUL TO STOP THE TIMER # BEFORE YOU RESPOND TO THE CALLER. self.app.config_timer.start() self.logger.debug("copying configuration: watt, %s to %s" % (url, ss_path)) # Grab the serialization, and save it to disk too. serialization = load_url_contents(self.logger, url, stream2=open(ss_path, "w")) if not serialization: self.logger.debug("no data loaded from snapshot %s" % snapshot) # We never used to return here. I'm not sure if that's really correct? # # IF YOU CHANGE THIS, BE CAREFUL TO STOP THE RECONFIGURATION TIMER. # Weirdly, we don't need a special WattSecretHandler: parse_watt knows how to handle # the secrets that watt sends. scc = SecretHandler(app.logger, url, app.snapshot_path, snapshot) # OK. Time the various configuration sections separately. with self.app.fetcher_timer: aconf = Config() fetcher = ResourceFetcher(app.logger, aconf) if serialization: fetcher.parse_watt(serialization) if not fetcher.elements: self.logger.debug("no configuration found in snapshot %s" % snapshot) # Don't actually bail here. If they send over a valid config that happens # to have nothing for us, it's still a legit config. # # IF YOU CHANGE THIS, BE CAREFUL TO STOP THE RECONFIGURATION TIMER. self._load_ir(rqueue, aconf, fetcher, scc, snapshot) # _load_ir is where the heavy lifting of a reconfigure happens. # # AT THE POINT OF ENTRY, THE RECONFIGURATION TIMER IS RUNNING. DO NOT LEAVE # THIS METHOD WITHOUT STOPPING THE RECONFIGURATION TIMER. def _load_ir( self, rqueue: queue.Queue, aconf: Config, fetcher: ResourceFetcher, secret_handler: SecretHandler, snapshot: str, ) -> None: with self.app.aconf_timer: aconf.load_all(fetcher.sorted()) # TODO(Flynn): This is an awful hack. Have aconf.load(fetcher) that does # this correctly. # # I'm not doing this at this moment because aconf.load_all() is called in a # lot of places, and I don't want to destablize 2.2.2. aconf.load_invalid(fetcher) aconf_path = os.path.join(app.snapshot_path, "aconf-tmp.json") open(aconf_path, "w").write(aconf.as_json()) # OK. What kind of reconfiguration are we doing? config_type, reset_cache, invalidate_groups_for = IR.check_deltas( self.logger, fetcher, self.app.cache ) if reset_cache: self.logger.debug("RESETTING CACHE") self.app.cache = Cache(self.logger) with self.app.ir_timer: ir = IR( aconf, secret_handler=secret_handler, invalidate_groups_for=invalidate_groups_for, cache=self.app.cache, ) ir_path = os.path.join(app.snapshot_path, "ir-tmp.json") open(ir_path, "w").write(ir.as_json()) with self.app.econf_timer: self.logger.debug( "generating envoy configuration with api version %s" % Config.envoy_api_version ) econf = EnvoyConfig.generate(ir, Config.envoy_api_version, cache=self.app.cache) # DON'T generate the Diagnostics here, because that turns out to be expensive. # Instead, we'll just reset app.diag to None, then generate it on-demand when # we need it. # # DO go ahead and split the Envoy config into its components for later, though. bootstrap_config, ads_config, clustermap = econf.split_config() # OK. Assume that the Envoy config is valid... econf_is_valid = True econf_bad_reason = "" # ...then look for reasons it's not valid. if not econf.has_listeners(): # No listeners == something in the Ambassador config is totally horked. # Probably this is the user not defining any Hosts that match # the Listeners in the system. # # As it happens, Envoy is OK running a config with no listeners, and it'll # answer on port 8001 for readiness checks, so... log a notice, but run with it. self.logger.warning( "No active listeners at all; check your Listener and Host configuration" ) elif not self.validate_envoy_config( ir, config=ads_config, retries=self.app.validation_retries ): # Invalid Envoy config probably indicates a bug in Emissary itself. Sigh. econf_is_valid = False econf_bad_reason = "invalid envoy configuration generated" # OK. Is the config invalid? if not econf_is_valid: # BZzzt. Don't post this update. self.logger.info( "no update performed (%s), continuing with current configuration..." % econf_bad_reason ) # Don't use app.check_scout; it will deadlock. self.check_scout("attempted bad update") # DO stop the reconfiguration timer before leaving. self.app.config_timer.stop() self._respond( rqueue, 500, "ignoring (%s) in snapshot %s" % (econf_bad_reason, snapshot) ) return snapcount = int(os.environ.get("AMBASSADOR_SNAPSHOT_COUNT", "4")) snaplist: List[Tuple[str, str]] = [] if snapcount > 0: self.logger.debug("rotating snapshots for snapshot %s" % snapshot) # If snapcount is 4, this range statement becomes range(-4, -1) # which gives [ -4, -3, -2 ], which the list comprehension turns # into [ ( "-3", "-4" ), ( "-2", "-3" ), ( "-1", "-2" ) ]... # which is the list of suffixes to rename to rotate the snapshots. snaplist += [(str(x + 1), str(x)) for x in range(-1 * snapcount, -1)] # After dealing with that, we need to rotate the current file into -1. snaplist.append(("", "-1")) # Whether or not we do any rotation, we need to cycle in the '-tmp' file. snaplist.append(("-tmp", "")) for from_suffix, to_suffix in snaplist: for fmt in ["aconf{}.json", "econf{}.json", "ir{}.json", "snapshot{}.yaml"]: from_path = os.path.join(app.snapshot_path, fmt.format(from_suffix)) to_path = os.path.join(app.snapshot_path, fmt.format(to_suffix)) # Make sure we don't leave this method on error! The reconfiguration # timer is still running, but also, the snapshots are a debugging aid: # if we can't rotate them, meh, whatever. try: self.logger.debug("rotate: %s -> %s" % (from_path, to_path)) os.rename(from_path, to_path) except IOError as e: self.logger.debug("skip %s -> %s: %s" % (from_path, to_path, e)) except Exception as e: self.logger.debug("could not rename %s -> %s: %s" % (from_path, to_path, e)) app.latest_snapshot = snapshot self.logger.debug("saving Envoy configuration for snapshot %s" % snapshot) with open(app.bootstrap_path, "w") as output: output.write(dump_json(bootstrap_config, pretty=True)) with open(app.ads_path, "w") as output: output.write(dump_json(ads_config, pretty=True)) with open(app.clustermap_path, "w") as output: output.write(dump_json(clustermap, pretty=True)) with app.config_lock: app.aconf = aconf app.ir = ir app.econf = econf # Force app.diag to None so that it'll be regenerated on-demand. app.diag = None # We're finally done with the whole configuration process. self.app.config_timer.stop() if app.kick: self.logger.debug("running '%s'" % app.kick) os.system(app.kick) elif app.ambex_pid != 0: self.logger.debug("notifying PID %d ambex" % app.ambex_pid) os.kill(app.ambex_pid, signal.SIGHUP) # don't worry about TCPMappings yet mappings = app.aconf.get_config("mappings") if mappings: for mapping_name, mapping in mappings.items(): app.kubestatus.mark_live( "Mapping", mapping_name, mapping.get("namespace", Config.ambassador_namespace) ) app.kubestatus.prune() if app.ir.k8s_status_updates: update_count = 0 for name in app.ir.k8s_status_updates.keys(): update_count += 1 # Strip off any namespace in the name. resource_name = name.split(".", 1)[0] kind, namespace, update = app.ir.k8s_status_updates[name] text = dump_json(update) # self.logger.debug(f"K8s status update: {kind} {resource_name}.{namespace}, {text}...") app.kubestatus.post(kind, resource_name, namespace, text) group_count = len(app.ir.groups) cluster_count = len(app.ir.clusters) listener_count = len(app.ir.listeners) service_count = len(app.ir.services) self._respond( rqueue, 200, "configuration updated (%s) from snapshot %s" % (config_type, snapshot) ) self.logger.info( "configuration updated (%s) from snapshot %s (S%d L%d G%d C%d)" % (config_type, snapshot, service_count, listener_count, group_count, cluster_count) ) # Remember that we've reconfigured. self.app.reconf_stats.mark(config_type) if app.health_checks and not app.stats_updater: app.logger.debug("starting Envoy status updater") app.stats_updater = PeriodicTrigger(app.watcher.update_estats, period=5) # Check our environment... self.check_environment() self.chime() def chime(self): # In general, our reports here should be action "update", and they should honor the # Scout cache, but we need to tweak that depending on whether we've done this before # and on whether the environment looks OK. already_chimed = bool_fmt(self.chimed) was_ok = bool_fmt(self.last_chime) now_ok = bool_fmt(self.env_good) # Poor man's state machine... action_key = f"{already_chimed}-{was_ok}-{now_ok}" action, no_cache = AmbassadorEventWatcher.Actions[action_key] self.logger.debug(f"CHIME: {action_key}") chime_args = {"no_cache": no_cache, "failures": self.failure_list} if self.app.report_action_keys: chime_args["action_key"] = action_key # Don't use app.check_scout; it will deadlock. self.check_scout(action, **chime_args) # Remember that we have now chimed... self.chimed = True # ...and remember what we sent for that chime. self.last_chime = self.env_good def check_environment(self, ir: Optional[IR] = None) -> None: env_good = True chime_failures = {} env_status = SystemStatus() error_count = 0 tls_count = 0 mapping_count = 0 if not ir: ir = app.ir if not ir: chime_failures["no config loaded"] = True env_good = False else: if not ir.aconf: chime_failures["completely empty config"] = True env_good = False else: for err_key, err_list in ir.aconf.errors.items(): if err_key == "-global-": err_key = "" for err in err_list: error_count += 1 err_text = err["error"] self.app.logger.info(f"error {err_key} {err_text}") if err_text.find("CRD") >= 0: if err_text.find("core") >= 0: chime_failures["core CRDs"] = True env_status.failure("CRDs", "Core CRD type definitions are missing") else: chime_failures["other CRDs"] = True env_status.failure( "CRDs", "Resolver CRD type definitions are missing" ) env_good = False elif err_text.find("TLS") >= 0: chime_failures["TLS errors"] = True env_status.failure("TLS", err_text) env_good = False for context in ir.tls_contexts: if context: tls_count += 1 break for group in ir.groups.values(): for mapping in group.mappings: pfx = mapping.get("prefix", None) name = mapping.get("name", None) if pfx: if not pfx.startswith("/ambassador/v0") or not name.startswith("internal_"): mapping_count += 1 if error_count: env_status.failure( "Error check", f'{error_count} total error{"" if (error_count == 1) else "s"} logged', ) env_good = False else: env_status.OK("Error check", "No errors logged") if tls_count: env_status.OK( "TLS", f'{tls_count} TLSContext{" is" if (tls_count == 1) else "s are"} active' ) else: chime_failures["no TLS contexts"] = True env_status.failure("TLS", "No TLSContexts are active") env_good = False if mapping_count: env_status.OK( "Mappings", f'{mapping_count} Mapping{" is" if (mapping_count == 1) else "s are"} active', ) else: chime_failures["no Mappings"] = True env_status.failure("Mappings", "No Mappings are active") env_good = False failure_list: List[str] = [] if not env_good: failure_list = list(sorted(chime_failures.keys())) self.env_good = env_good self.env_status = env_status self.failure_list = failure_list def check_scout( self, what: str, no_cache: Optional[bool] = False, ir: Optional[IR] = None, failures: Optional[List[str]] = None, action_key: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: now = datetime.datetime.now() uptime = now - boot_time hr_uptime = td_format(uptime) if not ir: ir = app.ir self.app.notices.reset() scout_args = {"uptime": int(uptime.total_seconds()), "hr_uptime": hr_uptime} if failures: scout_args["failures"] = failures if action_key: scout_args["action_key"] = action_key if ir: self.app.logger.debug("check_scout: we have an IR") if not os.environ.get("AMBASSADOR_DISABLE_FEATURES", None): self.app.logger.debug("check_scout: including features") feat = ir.features() # Include features about the cache and incremental reconfiguration, # too. if self.app.cache is not None: # Fast reconfigure is on. Supply the real info. feat["frc_enabled"] = True feat["frc_cache_hits"] = self.app.cache.hits feat["frc_cache_misses"] = self.app.cache.misses feat["frc_inv_calls"] = self.app.cache.invalidate_calls feat["frc_inv_objects"] = self.app.cache.invalidated_objects else: # Fast reconfigure is off. feat["frc_enabled"] = False # Whether the cache is on or off, we can talk about reconfigurations. feat["frc_incr_count"] = self.app.reconf_stats.counts["incremental"] feat["frc_complete_count"] = self.app.reconf_stats.counts["complete"] feat["frc_check_count"] = self.app.reconf_stats.checks feat["frc_check_errors"] = self.app.reconf_stats.errors request_data = app.estatsmgr.get_stats().requests if request_data: self.app.logger.debug("check_scout: including requests") for rkey in request_data.keys(): cur = request_data[rkey] prev = app.last_request_info.get(rkey, 0) feat[f"request_{rkey}_count"] = max(cur - prev, 0) lrt = app.last_request_time or boot_time since_lrt = now - lrt elapsed = since_lrt.total_seconds() hr_elapsed = td_format(since_lrt) app.last_request_time = now app.last_request_info = request_data feat["request_elapsed"] = elapsed feat["request_hr_elapsed"] = hr_elapsed scout_args["features"] = feat scout_result = self.app.scout.report( mode="diagd", action=what, no_cache=no_cache, **scout_args ) scout_notices = scout_result.pop("notices", []) global_loglevel = self.app.logger.getEffectiveLevel() self.app.logger.debug(f"Scout section: global loglevel {global_loglevel}") for notice in scout_notices: notice_level_name = notice.get("level") or "INFO" notice_level = logging.getLevelName(notice_level_name) if notice_level >= global_loglevel: self.app.logger.debug(f"Scout section: include {notice}") self.app.notices.post(notice) else: self.app.logger.debug(f"Scout section: skip {notice}") self.app.logger.debug("Scout reports %s" % dump_json(scout_result)) self.app.logger.debug("Scout notices: %s" % dump_json(scout_notices)) self.app.logger.debug("App notices after scout: %s" % dump_json(app.notices.notices)) def validate_envoy_config(self, ir: IR, config, retries) -> bool: if self.app.no_envoy: self.app.logger.debug("Skipping validation") return True # We want to keep the original config untouched validation_config = copy.deepcopy(config) # Envoy fails to validate with @type field in envoy config, so removing that validation_config.pop("@type") if os.environ.get("AMBASSADOR_DEBUG_CLUSTER_CONFIG", "false").lower() == "true": vconf_clusters = validation_config["static_resources"]["clusters"] if len(vconf_clusters) > 10: vconf_clusters.append(copy.deepcopy(vconf_clusters[10])) # Check for cluster-name weirdness. _v2_clusters = {} _problems = [] for name in sorted(ir.clusters.keys()): if AmbassadorEventWatcher.reCompressed.search(name): _problems.append(f"IR pre-compressed cluster {name}") for cluster in validation_config["static_resources"]["clusters"]: name = cluster["name"] if name in _v2_clusters: _problems.append(f"V2 dup cluster {name}") _v2_clusters[name] = True if _problems: self.logger.error("ENVOY CONFIG PROBLEMS:\n%s", "\n".join(_problems)) stamp = datetime.datetime.now().isoformat() bad_snapshot = open( os.path.join(app.snapshot_path, "snapshot-tmp.yaml"), "r" ).read() cache_dict: Dict[str, Any] = {} cache_links: Dict[str, Any] = {} if self.app.cache: for k, c in self.app.cache.cache.items(): v: Any = c[0] if getattr(v, "as_dict", None): v = v.as_dict() cache_dict[k] = v cache_links = {k: list(v) for k, v in self.app.cache.links.items()} bad_dict = { "ir": ir.as_dict(), "v2": config, "validation": validation_config, "problems": _problems, "snapshot": bad_snapshot, "cache": cache_dict, "links": cache_links, } bad_dict_str = dump_json(bad_dict, pretty=True) with open(os.path.join(app.snapshot_path, f"problems-{stamp}.json"), "w") as output: output.write(bad_dict_str) config_json = dump_json(validation_config, pretty=True) econf_validation_path = os.path.join(app.snapshot_path, "econf-tmp.json") with open(econf_validation_path, "w") as output: output.write(config_json) command = [ "envoy", "--service-node", "test-id", "--service-cluster", ir.ambassador_nodename, "--config-path", econf_validation_path, "--mode", "validate", ] if Config.envoy_api_version == "V2": command.extend(["--bootstrap-version", "2"]) v_exit = 0 v_encoded = "".encode("utf-8") # Try to validate the Envoy config. Short circuit and fall through # immediately on concrete success or failure, and retry (up to the # limit) on timeout. # # The default timeout is 5s, but this can be overridden in the Ambassador # module. amod = ir.ambassador_module timeout = amod.envoy_validation_timeout if amod else IRAmbassador.default_validation_timeout # If the timeout is zero, don't do the validation. if timeout == 0: self.logger.debug("not validating Envoy configuration since timeout is 0") return True self.logger.debug(f"validating Envoy configuration with timeout {timeout}") for retry in range(retries): try: v_encoded = subprocess.check_output( command, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, timeout=timeout ) v_exit = 0 break except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: v_exit = e.returncode v_encoded = e.output break except subprocess.TimeoutExpired as e: v_exit = 1 v_encoded = e.output or "".encode("utf-8") self.logger.warn( "envoy configuration validation timed out after {} seconds{}\n{}".format( timeout, ", retrying..." if retry < retries - 1 else "", v_encoded.decode("utf-8"), ) ) # Don't break here; continue on to the next iteration of the loop. if v_exit == 0: self.logger.debug( "successfully validated the resulting envoy configuration, continuing..." ) return True v_str = typecast(str, v_encoded) try: v_str = v_encoded.decode("utf-8") except: pass self.logger.error( "{}\ncould not validate the envoy configuration above after {} retries, failed with error \n{}\n(exit code {})\nAborting update...".format( config_json, retries, v_str, v_exit ) ) return False class StandaloneApplication(gunicorn.app.base.BaseApplication): def __init__(self, app, options=None): self.options = options or {} self.application = app super(StandaloneApplication, self).__init__() # Boot chime. This is basically the earliest point at which we can consider an Ambassador # to be "running". scout_result = self.application.scout.report(mode="boot", action="boot1", no_cache=True) self.application.logger.debug(f"BOOT: Scout result {dump_json(scout_result)}") self.application.logger.info(f"Ambassador {__version__} booted") def load_config(self): config = dict( [ (key, value) for key, value in self.options.items() if key in self.cfg.settings and value is not None ] ) for key, value in config.items(): self.cfg.set(key.lower(), value) def load(self): # This is a little weird, but whatever. self.application.watcher = AmbassadorEventWatcher(self.application) self.application.watcher.start() if self.application.config_path: self.application.watcher.post("CONFIG_FS", self.application.config_path) return self.application @click.command() @click.argument("snapshot-path", type=click.Path(), required=False) @click.argument("bootstrap-path", type=click.Path(), required=False) @click.argument("ads-path", type=click.Path(), required=False) @click.option( "--config-path", type=click.Path(), help="Optional configuration path to scan for Ambassador YAML files", ) @click.option( "--k8s", is_flag=True, help="If True, assume config_path contains Kubernetes resources (only relevant with config_path)", ) @click.option( "--ambex-pid", type=int, default=0, help="Optional PID to signal with HUP after updating Envoy configuration", show_default=True, ) @click.option("--kick", type=str, help="Optional command to run after updating Envoy configuration") @click.option( "--banner-endpoint", type=str, default="", help="Optional endpoint of extra banner to include", show_default=True, ) @click.option( "--metrics-endpoint", type=str, default="", help="Optional endpoint of extra prometheus metrics to include", show_default=True, ) @click.option("--no-checks", is_flag=True, help="If True, don't do Envoy-cluster health checking") @click.option("--no-envoy", is_flag=True, help="If True, don't interact with Envoy at all") @click.option("--reload", is_flag=True, help="If True, run Flask in debug mode for live reloading") @click.option("--debug", is_flag=True, help="If True, do debug logging") @click.option( "--dev-magic", is_flag=True, help="If True, override a bunch of things for Datawire dev-loop stuff", ) @click.option("--verbose", is_flag=True, help="If True, do really verbose debug logging") @click.option( "--workers", type=int, help="Number of workers; default is based on the number of CPUs present" ) @click.option("--host", type=str, help="Interface on which to listen") @click.option("--port", type=int, default=-1, help="Port on which to listen", show_default=True) @click.option("--notices", type=click.Path(), help="Optional file to read for local notices") @click.option( "--validation-retries", type=int, default=5, help="Number of times to retry Envoy configuration validation after a timeout", show_default=True, ) @click.option( "--allow-fs-commands", is_flag=True, help="If true, allow CONFIG_FS to support debug/testing commands", ) @click.option( "--local-scout", is_flag=True, help="Don't talk to remote Scout at all; keep everything purely local", ) @click.option("--report-action-keys", is_flag=True, help="Report action keys when chiming") def main( snapshot_path=None, bootstrap_path=None, ads_path=None, *, dev_magic=False, config_path=None, ambex_pid=0, kick=None, banner_endpoint="", metrics_endpoint="", k8s=False, no_checks=False, no_envoy=False, reload=False, debug=False, verbose=False, workers=None, port=-1, host="", notices=None, validation_retries=5, allow_fs_commands=False, local_scout=False, report_action_keys=False, ): """ Run the diagnostic daemon. Arguments: SNAPSHOT_PATH Path to directory in which to save configuration snapshots and dynamic secrets BOOTSTRAP_PATH Path to which to write bootstrap Envoy configuration ADS_PATH Path to which to write ADS Envoy configuration """ enable_fast_reconfigure = parse_bool(os.environ.get("AMBASSADOR_FAST_RECONFIGURE", "true")) if port < 0: port = Constants.DIAG_PORT if not enable_fast_reconfigure else Constants.DIAG_PORT_ALT # port = Constants.DIAG_PORT if not host: host = "" if not enable_fast_reconfigure else "" if dev_magic: # Override the world. os.environ["SCOUT_HOST"] = "" os.environ["SCOUT_HTTPS"] = "no" no_checks = True no_envoy = True os.makedirs("/tmp/snapshots", mode=0o755, exist_ok=True) snapshot_path = "/tmp/snapshots" bootstrap_path = "/tmp/boot.json" ads_path = "/tmp/ads.json" port = 9998 allow_fs_commands = True local_scout = True report_action_keys = True if no_envoy: no_checks = True # Create the application itself. app.setup( snapshot_path, bootstrap_path, ads_path, config_path, ambex_pid, kick, banner_endpoint, metrics_endpoint, k8s, not no_checks, no_envoy, reload, debug, verbose, notices, validation_retries, allow_fs_commands, local_scout, report_action_keys, enable_fast_reconfigure, ) if not workers: workers = number_of_workers() gunicorn_config = { "bind": "%s:%s" % (host, port), # 'workers': 1, "threads": workers, } app.logger.info( "thread count %d, listening on %s" % (gunicorn_config["threads"], gunicorn_config["bind"]) ) StandaloneApplication(app, gunicorn_config).run() if __name__ == "__main__": main()