#!/usr/bin/python # Copyright 2019-2020 Datawire. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License ######## # This is a debugging and testing tool that simulates the configuration # cycle of watt -> watch_hook -> Ambassador, given a set of Kubernetes # inputs. It's the basis of KAT local mode, and also a primary development # tool at Datawire. ######## import difflib import errno import filecmp import functools import io import logging import os import shutil import sys from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple import click from watch_hook import WatchHook # Use this instead of click.option click_option = functools.partial(click.option, show_default=True) click_option_no_default = functools.partial(click.option, show_default=False) from ambassador import IR, Config, Diagnostics, EnvoyConfig from ambassador.fetch import ResourceFetcher from ambassador.utils import SecretHandler, SecretInfo, dump_json, parse_bool, parse_yaml if TYPE_CHECKING: from ambassador.ir import IRResource KubeResource = Dict[str, Any] KubeList = List[KubeResource] WattDict = Dict[str, KubeList] class LabelSpec: def __init__(self, serialization: str) -> None: if "=" not in serialization: raise Exception(f"label serialization must be key=value, not {serialization}") (key, value) = serialization.split("=", 1) self.key = key self.value = value def __str__(self) -> str: return f"{self.key}={self.value}" def match(self, labels: Dict[str, str]) -> bool: return bool(labels.get(self.key, None) == self.value) class FieldSpec: def __init__(self, serialization: str) -> None: if "=" not in serialization: raise Exception(f"field serialization must be key=value, not {serialization}") (key, value) = serialization.split("=", 1) self.elements = key.split(".") self.value = value def __str__(self) -> str: return f"{'.'.join(self.elements)}={self.value}" def match(self, resource: Dict[str, Any]) -> bool: node = resource for el in self.elements[:-1]: node = node.get(el, None) if node is None: return False return bool(node.get(self.elements[-1], None) == self.value) class WatchResult: def __init__(self, kind: str, watch_id: str) -> None: self.kind = kind self.watch_id = watch_id class WatchSpec: def __init__( self, logger: logging.Logger, kind: str, namespace: Optional[str], labels: Optional[str], fields: Optional[str] = None, bootstrap: Optional[bool] = False, ): self.logger = logger self.kind = kind self.match_kinds = {self.kind.lower(): True} self.namespace = namespace self.labels: Optional[List[LabelSpec]] = None self.fields: Optional[List[FieldSpec]] = None self.bootstrap = bootstrap if self.kind == "ingresses": self.match_kinds["ingress"] = True if labels: self.labels = [LabelSpec(l) for l in labels.split(",")] if fields: self.fields = [FieldSpec(f) for f in fields.split(",")] def _labelstr(self) -> str: return ",".join([str(x) for x in self.labels or []]) def _fieldstr(self) -> str: return ",".join([str(x) for x in self.fields or []]) @staticmethod def _star(s: Optional[str]) -> str: return s if s else "*" def __repr__(self) -> str: s = f"{self.kind}|{self._star(self.namespace)}|{self._star(self._fieldstr())}|{self._star(self._labelstr())}" if self.bootstrap: s += " (bootstrap)" return f"<{s}>" def __str__(self) -> str: if self.bootstrap: return f"{self.kind}|bootstrap" else: return f"{self.kind}|{self._star(self.namespace)}|{self._star(self._fieldstr())}|{self._star(self._labelstr())}" def match(self, obj: KubeResource) -> Optional[WatchResult]: kind: Optional[str] = obj.get("kind") or None metadata: Dict[str, Any] = obj.get("metadata") or {} name: Optional[str] = metadata.get("name") or None namespace: str = metadata.get("namespace") or "default" labels: Dict[str, str] = metadata.get("labels") or {} if not kind or not name: self.logger.error(f"K8s object requires kind and name: {obj}") return None # self.logger.debug(f"match {self}: check {obj}") match_kind_str = ",".join(sorted(self.match_kinds.keys())) # OK. Does the kind match up? if kind.lower() not in self.match_kinds: # self.logger.debug(f"match {self}: mismatch for kind {kind}, match_kinds {match_kind_str}") return None # How about namespace (if present)? if self.namespace: if namespace != self.namespace: # self.logger.debug(f"match {self}: mismatch for namespace {namespace}") return None # OK, check labels... if self.labels: for l in self.labels: if not l.match(labels): # self.logger.debug(f"match {self}: mismatch for label {l}") return None # ...and fields. if self.fields: for f in self.fields: if not f.match(obj): # self.logger.debug(f"match {self}: mismatch for field {f}") return None # Woo, it worked! self.logger.debug(f"match {self} - {match_kind_str}: good!") # self.logger.debug(f"{obj}") return WatchResult(kind=self.kind, watch_id=str(self)) class Mockery: def __init__( self, logger: logging.Logger, debug: bool, sources: List[str], labels: Optional[str], namespace: Optional[str], watch: str, ) -> None: self.logger = logger self.debug = debug self.sources = sources self.namespace = namespace self.watch = watch self.watch_specs: Dict[str, WatchSpec] = {} # Set up bootstrap sources. for source in sources: bootstrap_watch = WatchSpec( logger=self.logger, kind=source, namespace=self.namespace, labels=labels, bootstrap=True, ) if not self.maybe_add(bootstrap_watch): self.logger.error(f"how is a bootstrap watch not new? {bootstrap_watch}") sys.exit(1) def maybe_add(self, w: WatchSpec) -> bool: key = str(w) if key in self.watch_specs: return False else: self.watch_specs[key] = w return True def load(self, manifest: KubeList) -> WattDict: collected: Dict[str, Dict[str, KubeResource]] = {} watt_k8s: WattDict = {} self.logger.info("LOADING:") for spec in self.watch_specs.values(): self.logger.debug(f"{repr(spec)}") for obj in manifest: metadata = obj.get("metadata") or {} name = metadata.get("name") if not name: self.logger.debug(f"skipping unnamed object {obj}") continue # self.logger.debug(f"consider {obj}") for w in self.watch_specs.values(): m = w.match(obj) if m: by_type = collected.setdefault(m.kind, {}) # If we already have this object's name in the collection, # this is a duplicate find. if name not in by_type: by_type[name] = obj # Once that's all done, flatten everything. for kind in collected.keys(): watt_k8s[kind] = list(collected[kind].values()) self.snapshot = dump_json({"Consul": {}, "Kubernetes": watt_k8s}, pretty=True) return watt_k8s def run_hook(self) -> Tuple[bool, bool]: self.logger.info("RUNNING HOOK") yaml_stream = io.StringIO(self.snapshot) wh = WatchHook(self.logger, yaml_stream) any_changes = False if wh.watchset: for w in wh.watchset.get("kubernetes-watches") or []: potential = WatchSpec( logger=self.logger, kind=w["kind"], namespace=w.get("namespace"), labels=w.get("label-selector"), fields=w.get("field-selector"), bootstrap=False, ) if self.maybe_add(potential): any_changes = True return True, any_changes class MockSecretHandler(SecretHandler): def load_secret( self, resource: "IRResource", secret_name: str, namespace: str ) -> Optional[SecretInfo]: # Allow an environment variable to state whether we're in Edge Stack. But keep the # existing condition as sufficient, so that there is less of a chance of breaking # things running in a container with this file present. if parse_bool(os.environ.get("EDGE_STACK", "false")) or os.path.exists( "/ambassador/.edge_stack" ): if (secret_name == "fallback-self-signed-cert") and ( namespace == Config.ambassador_namespace ): # This is Edge Stack. Force the fake TLS secret. self.logger.info( f"MockSecretHandler: mocking fallback secret {secret_name}.{namespace}" ) return SecretInfo( secret_name, namespace, "mocked-fallback-secret", "-fallback-cert-", "-fallback-key-", decode_b64=False, ) self.logger.debug(f"MockSecretHandler: cannot load {secret_name}.{namespace}") return None @click.command( help="Mock the watt/watch_hook/diagd cycle to generate an IR from a Kubernetes YAML manifest." ) @click_option("--debug/--no-debug", default=True, help="enable debugging") @click_option( "-n", "--namespace", type=click.STRING, help="namespace to watch [default: all namespaces])" ) @click_option( "-s", "--source", type=click.STRING, multiple=True, help="define initial source types [default: all Ambassador resources]", ) @click_option("--labels", type=click.STRING, multiple=True, help="define initial label selector") @click_option( "--force-pod-labels/--no-force-pod-labels", default=True, help="copy initial label selector to /tmp/ambassador-pod-info/labels", ) @click_option( "--kat-name", "--kat", type=click.STRING, help="emulate a running KAT test with this name" ) @click_option( "-w", "--watch", type=click.STRING, default="python /ambassador/watch_hook.py", help="define a watch hook", ) @click_option("--diff-path", "--diff", type=click.STRING, help="directory to diff against") @click_option( "--include-ir/--no-include-ir", "--ir/--no-ir", default=False, help="include IR in diff when using --diff-path", ) @click_option( "--include-aconf/--no-include-aconf", "--aconf/--no-aconf", default=False, help="include AConf in diff when using --diff-path", ) @click_option("--update/--no-update", default=False, help="update the diff path when finished") @click.argument("k8s-yaml-paths", nargs=-1) def main( k8s_yaml_paths: List[str], debug: bool, force_pod_labels: bool, update: bool, source: List[str], labels: List[str], namespace: Optional[str], watch: str, include_ir: bool, include_aconf: bool, diff_path: Optional[str] = None, kat_name: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: loglevel = logging.DEBUG if debug else logging.INFO logging.basicConfig( level=loglevel, format="%(asctime)s mockery %(levelname)s: %(message)s", datefmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", ) logger = logging.getLogger("mockery") logger.debug(f"reading from {k8s_yaml_paths}") if not source: source = [ "Host", "service", "ingresses", "AuthService", "Listener", "LogService", "Mapping", "Module", "RateLimitService", "TCPMapping", "TLSContext", "TracingService", "ConsulResolver", "KubernetesEndpointResolver", "KubernetesServiceResolver", ] if namespace: os.environ["AMBASSADOR_NAMESPACE"] = namespace # Make labels a list, instead of a tuple. labels = list(labels) labels_to_force = {l: True for l in labels or []} if kat_name: logger.debug(f"KAT name {kat_name}") # First set up some labels to force. labels_to_force["scope=AmbassadorTest"] = True labels_to_force[f"service={kat_name}"] = True kat_amb_id_label = f"kat-ambassador-id={kat_name}" if kat_amb_id_label not in labels_to_force: labels_to_force[kat_amb_id_label] = True labels.append(kat_amb_id_label) os.environ["AMBASSADOR_ID"] = kat_name os.environ["AMBASSADOR_LABEL_SELECTOR"] = kat_amb_id_label # Forcibly override the cached ambassador_id. Config.ambassador_id = kat_name logger.debug(f"namespace {namespace or '*'}") logger.debug(f"labels to watch {', '.join(labels)}") logger.debug(f"labels to force {', '.join(sorted(labels_to_force.keys()))}") logger.debug(f"watch hook {watch}") logger.debug(f"sources {', '.join(source)}") for key in sorted(os.environ.keys()): if key.startswith("AMBASSADOR"): logger.debug(f"${key}={os.environ[key]}") if force_pod_labels: try: os.makedirs("/tmp/ambassador-pod-info") except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise with open("/tmp/ambassador-pod-info/labels", "w", encoding="utf-8") as outfile: for l in labels_to_force: outfile.write(l) outfile.write("\n") # Pull in the YAML. input_yaml = "".join([open(x, "r").read() for x in k8s_yaml_paths]) manifest = parse_yaml(input_yaml) w = Mockery(logger, debug, source, ",".join(labels), namespace, watch) iteration = 0 while True: iteration += 1 if iteration > 10: print(f"!!!! Not stable after 10 iterations, failing") logger.error("Not stable after 10 iterations, failing") sys.exit(1) logger.info(f"======== START ITERATION {iteration}") w.load(manifest) logger.info(f"WATT_K8S: {w.snapshot}") hook_ok, any_changes = w.run_hook() if not hook_ok: raise Exception("hook failed") if any_changes: logger.info(f"======== END ITERATION {iteration}: watches changed!") else: logger.info(f"======== END ITERATION {iteration}: stable!") break # Once here, we should be good to go. try: os.makedirs("/tmp/ambassador/snapshots") except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise scc = MockSecretHandler(logger, "mockery", "/tmp/ambassador/snapshots", f"v{iteration}") aconf = Config() logger.debug(f"Config.ambassador_id {Config.ambassador_id}") logger.debug(f"Config.ambassador_namespace {Config.ambassador_namespace}") logger.info(f"STABLE WATT_K8S: {w.snapshot}") fetcher = ResourceFetcher(logger, aconf) fetcher.parse_watt(w.snapshot) aconf.load_all(fetcher.sorted()) open("/tmp/ambassador/snapshots/aconf.json", "w", encoding="utf-8").write(aconf.as_json()) ir = IR(aconf, secret_handler=scc) open("/tmp/ambassador/snapshots/ir.json", "w", encoding="utf-8").write(ir.as_json()) econf = EnvoyConfig.generate(ir, Config.envoy_api_version) bootstrap_config, ads_config, clustermap = econf.split_config() ads_config.pop("@type", None) with open("/tmp/ambassador/snapshots/econf.json", "w", encoding="utf-8") as outfile: outfile.write(dump_json(ads_config, pretty=True)) with open( f"/tmp/ambassador/snapshots/econf-{Config.ambassador_id}.json", "w", encoding="utf-8" ) as outfile: outfile.write(dump_json(ads_config, pretty=True)) with open("/tmp/ambassador/snapshots/bootstrap.json", "w", encoding="utf-8") as outfile: outfile.write(dump_json(bootstrap_config, pretty=True)) diag = Diagnostics(ir, econf) with open("/tmp/ambassador/snapshots/diag.json", "w", encoding="utf-8") as outfile: outfile.write(dump_json(diag.as_dict(), pretty=True)) if diff_path: diffs = False pairs_to_check = [ ( os.path.join(diff_path, "snapshots", "econf.json"), "/tmp/ambassador/snapshots/econf.json", ), ( os.path.join(diff_path, "bootstrap-ads.json"), "/tmp/ambassador/snapshots/bootstrap.json", ), ] if include_ir: pairs_to_check.append( ( os.path.join(diff_path, "snapshots", "ir.json"), "/tmp/ambassador/snapshots/ir.json", ) ) if include_aconf: pairs_to_check.append( ( os.path.join(diff_path, "snapshots", "aconf.json"), "/tmp/ambassador/snapshots/aconf.json", ) ) for gold_path, check_path in pairs_to_check: if update: logger.info(f"mv {check_path} {gold_path}") shutil.move(check_path, gold_path) elif not filecmp.cmp(gold_path, check_path): diffs = True gold_lines = open(gold_path, "r", encoding="utf-8").readlines() check_lines = open(check_path, "r", encoding="utf-8").readlines() for line in difflib.unified_diff( gold_lines, check_lines, fromfile=gold_path, tofile=check_path ): sys.stdout.write(line) if diffs: sys.exit(1) if __name__ == "__main__": main()