package getambassadorio_test import ( "encoding/json" "os" "path" "path/filepath" "reflect" "testing" "" "" "" "" getambassadorio "" "" "" "" "" ) func marshalNormalized(t *testing.T, typed interface{}) string { t.Helper() // First we discard any type information by seralizing-then-deserializing. This is // important so that the order of struct fields doesn't impact the normalized serialization. bs, err := json.Marshal(typed) require.NoError(t, err) var untyped interface{} err = json.Unmarshal(bs, &untyped) require.NoError(t, err) // Now serialize for real. out, err := json.MarshalIndent(untyped, "", "\t") require.NoError(t, err) return string(out) } func requireEqualNormalized(t *testing.T, exp, act interface{}) { t.Helper() expStr := marshalNormalized(t, exp) actStr := marshalNormalized(t, act) // Do this directly instead of using require.Equal so that the "%q" version doesn't spam // stdout. if expStr != actStr { diff, _ := difflib.GetUnifiedDiffString(difflib.UnifiedDiff{ A: difflib.SplitLines(expStr), B: difflib.SplitLines(actStr), FromFile: "Expected", FromDate: "", ToFile: "Actual", ToDate: "", Context: 3, }) t.Errorf("Not equal\n%s", diff) } } func TestConvert(t *testing.T) { testcases := map[string]map[string]interface{}{ "authsvc": { "": v1.AuthService{}, "": v2.AuthService{}, "": v3alpha1.AuthService{}, }, "devportals": { "": v1.DevPortal{}, "": v2.DevPortal{}, "": v3alpha1.DevPortal{}, }, "hosts": { "": v2.Host{}, "": v3alpha1.Host{}, }, "logsvc": { "": v1.LogService{}, "": v2.LogService{}, "": v3alpha1.LogService{}, }, "mappings": { "": v1.Mapping{}, "": v2.Mapping{}, "": v3alpha1.Mapping{}, }, "modules": { "": v1.Module{}, "": v2.Module{}, "": v3alpha1.Module{}, }, "ratelimitsvc": { "": v1.RateLimitService{}, "": v2.RateLimitService{}, "": v3alpha1.RateLimitService{}, }, "tcpmappings": { "": v1.TCPMapping{}, "": v2.TCPMapping{}, "": v3alpha1.TCPMapping{}, }, "tlscontexts": { "": v1.TLSContext{}, "": v2.TLSContext{}, "": v3alpha1.TLSContext{}, }, "tracingsvc": { "": v1.TracingService{}, "": v2.TracingService{}, "": v3alpha1.TracingService{}, }, } scheme := getambassadorio.BuildScheme() v2.MangleAmbassadorID = false t.Cleanup(func() { v2.MangleAmbassadorID = true }) t.Run("RoundTrip", func(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() for typename := range testcases { typename := typename t.Run(typename, func(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() for mainAPIVersion := range testcases[typename] { for throughAPIVersion := range testcases[typename] { if mainAPIVersion == throughAPIVersion { continue } mainAPIVersion := mainAPIVersion throughAPIVersion := throughAPIVersion testname := path.Base(mainAPIVersion) + "_through_" + path.Base(throughAPIVersion) t.Run(testname, func(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() inBytes, err := os.ReadFile(filepath.Join(path.Base(mainAPIVersion), "testdata", typename+".yaml")) require.NoError(t, err) inListPtr := reflect.New(reflect.SliceOf(reflect.TypeOf(testcases[typename][mainAPIVersion]))) require.NoError(t, yaml.Unmarshal(inBytes, inListPtr.Interface())) inList := inListPtr.Elem() listLen := inList.Len() midList := reflect.MakeSlice(reflect.SliceOf(reflect.TypeOf(testcases[typename][throughAPIVersion])), listLen, listLen) for i := 0; i < listLen; i++ { midList.Index(i).FieldByName("TypeMeta").FieldByName("APIVersion").Set(reflect.ValueOf(throughAPIVersion)) midList.Index(i).FieldByName("TypeMeta").FieldByName("Kind").Set(inList.Index(i).FieldByName("TypeMeta").FieldByName("Kind")) require.NoError(t, kates.ConvertObject(scheme, inList.Index(i).Addr().Interface().(runtime.Object), midList.Index(i).Addr().Interface().(runtime.Object))) } outList := reflect.MakeSlice(reflect.SliceOf(reflect.TypeOf(testcases[typename][mainAPIVersion])), listLen, listLen) for i := 0; i < listLen; i++ { outList.Index(i).FieldByName("TypeMeta").Set(inList.Index(i).FieldByName("TypeMeta")) require.NoError(t, kates.ConvertObject(scheme, midList.Index(i).Addr().Interface().(runtime.Object), outList.Index(i).Addr().Interface().(runtime.Object))) } requireEqualNormalized(t, inList.Interface(), outList.Interface()) }) } } }) } }) }