package agent import ( "context" "crypto/tls" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "net" "net/http" "net/url" "path" "strings" "sync" "time" "" "" amb "" "" snapshotTypes "" "" ) // APIDocsStore is responsible for collecting the API docs from Mapping resources in a k8s cluster. type APIDocsStore struct { // Client is used to scrape all Mappings for API documentation Client APIDocsHTTPClient // DontProcessSnapshotBeforeTime keeps track of the moment the next received snapshot should be processed DontProcessSnapshotBeforeTime time.Time // store hold the state of the world, with all Mappings and their API docs store *inMemoryStore // docsDiff helps calculate whether an API doc should be kept or discarded after processing a snapshot docsDiff *docsDiffCalculator // processingSnapshotMutex holds a lock so that a single snapshot gets processed at a time processingSnapshotMutex sync.RWMutex } // NewAPIDocsStore is the main APIDocsStore constructor. func NewAPIDocsStore() *APIDocsStore { return &APIDocsStore{ Client: newAPIDocsHTTPClient(), DontProcessSnapshotBeforeTime: time.Unix(0, 0), store: newInMemoryStore(), docsDiff: newMappingDocsCalculator([]docMappingRef{}), } } // ProcessSnapshot will query the required services to retrieve the API documentation for each // of the Mappings in the snapshot. It will execute at most once every minute. func (a *APIDocsStore) ProcessSnapshot(ctx context.Context, snapshot *snapshotTypes.Snapshot) { a.processingSnapshotMutex.Lock() defer a.processingSnapshotMutex.Unlock() emptyStore := len( == 0 mappings := getProcessableMappingsFromSnapshot(snapshot) if len(mappings) == 0 && emptyStore { dlog.Debug(ctx, "Skipping apidocs snapshot processing until a mapping with documentation is found") return } now := time.Now() if now.Before(a.DontProcessSnapshotBeforeTime) { dlog.Debugf(ctx, "Skipping apidocs snapshot processing until %v", a.DontProcessSnapshotBeforeTime) return } dlog.Debug(ctx, "Processing snapshot...") a.DontProcessSnapshotBeforeTime = now.Add(1 * time.Minute) if emptyStore { // We don't have anything in memory... // Retrieve API docs synchronously so it appears snappy to the first-time user, // or when the agent starts. a.scrape(ctx, mappings) } else { // This is just an update, it can be processed asynchronously. go a.scrape(ctx, mappings) } } // StateOfWorld returns the current state of all discovered API docs. func (a *APIDocsStore) StateOfWorld() []*snapshotTypes.APIDoc { return toAPIDocs( } func getProcessableMappingsFromSnapshot(snapshot *snapshotTypes.Snapshot) []*amb.Mapping { processableMappings := []*amb.Mapping{} if snapshot == nil || snapshot.Kubernetes == nil { return processableMappings } for _, mapping := range snapshot.Kubernetes.Mappings { if mapping == nil { continue } mappingDocs := mapping.Spec.Docs if mappingDocs == nil || (mappingDocs.Ignored != nil && *mappingDocs.Ignored == true) { continue } processableMappings = append(processableMappings, mapping) } return processableMappings } // scrape will take care of fetching OpenAPI documentation from each of the // Mappings resources as we process a snapshot. // // Be careful as there is a very similar implementation of this logic in the DevPortal which // uses the ambassador diag representation to retrieve OpenAPI documentation from // Mapping resources. // Since both the DevPortal and the agent make use of this `docs` property, evolutions // made here should be considered for DevPortal too. func (a *APIDocsStore) scrape(ctx context.Context, mappings []*amb.Mapping) { defer func() { // Once we are finished retrieving mapping docs, delete anything we // don't need anymore a.docsDiff.deleteOld(ctx, dlog.Debug(ctx, "Iteration done") }() dlog.Debugf(ctx, "Found %d Mappings", len(mappings)) for _, mapping := range mappings { mappingDocs := mapping.Spec.Docs displayName := mappingDocs.DisplayName if displayName == "" { displayName = fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", mapping.GetName(), mapping.GetNamespace()) } mappingHeaders := buildMappingRequestHeaders(mapping.Spec.Headers) mappingPrefix := mapping.Spec.Prefix // Lookup the Hostname first since it is more restrictive, otherwise fallback on the Host attribute mappingHostname := mapping.Spec.Hostname if mappingHostname == "" || mappingHostname == "*" { mappingHostname = mapping.Spec.DeprecatedHost } dm := &docMappingRef{ Ref: &kates.ObjectReference{ Kind: mapping.Kind, Namespace: mapping.Namespace, Name: mapping.Name, UID: mapping.UID, APIVersion: mapping.APIVersion, ResourceVersion: mapping.ResourceVersion, }, Name: displayName, } a.docsDiff.add(ctx, dm) var doc *openAPIDoc if mappingDocs.URL != "" { parsedURL, err := url.Parse(mappingDocs.URL) if err != nil { dlog.Errorf(ctx, "could not parse URL or path in 'docs' %q", mappingDocs.URL) continue } dlog.Debugf(ctx, "'url' specified: querying %s", parsedURL) doc = a.getDoc(ctx, parsedURL, "", mappingHeaders, mappingHostname, "", false) } else { mappingsDocsURL, err := extractQueryableDocsURL(mapping) if err != nil { dlog.Errorf(ctx, "could not parse URL or path in 'docs': %v", err) continue } dlog.Debugf(ctx, "'url' specified: querying %s", mappingsDocsURL) doc = a.getDoc(ctx, mappingsDocsURL, mappingHostname, mappingHeaders, mappingHostname, mappingPrefix, true) } if doc != nil {, doc) } } } func extractQueryableDocsURL(mapping *amb.Mapping) (*url.URL, error) { mappingDocsPath := mapping.Spec.Docs.Path mappingRewrite := "/" if mapping.Spec.Rewrite != nil { mappingRewrite = *mapping.Spec.Rewrite } if mappingDocsPath != "" { mappingDocsPath = strings.ReplaceAll(mappingRewrite+mappingDocsPath, "//", "/") } mappingsDocsURL, err := url.Parse(mapping.Spec.Service + mappingDocsPath) if err != nil { return nil, err } if mappingsDocsURL.Host == "" { // We did our best to parse the service+path, but failed to actually extract a Host. // Now, be more explicit about which is which. mappingsDocsURL.Host = mapping.Spec.Service mappingsDocsURL.Path = mappingDocsPath mappingsDocsURL.Scheme = "" mappingsDocsURL.Opaque = "" mappingsDocsURL = mappingsDocsURL.ResolveReference(mappingsDocsURL) } if !strings.Contains(mappingsDocsURL.Hostname(), ".") { // The host does not appear to be a TLD, append the namespace servicePort := mappingsDocsURL.Port() mappingsDocsURL.Host = fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", mappingsDocsURL.Hostname(), mapping.Namespace) if servicePort != "" { mappingsDocsURL.Host = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", mappingsDocsURL.Hostname(), servicePort) } } if mappingsDocsURL.Scheme == "" { // Assume plain-text if the mapping.Spec.Service did not specify https mappingsDocsURL.Scheme = "http" } return mappingsDocsURL, nil } func (a *APIDocsStore) getDoc(ctx context.Context, queryURL *url.URL, queryHost string, queryHeaders []Header, publicHost string, prefix string, keepExistingPrefix bool) *openAPIDoc { b, err := a.Client.Get(ctx, queryURL, queryHost, queryHeaders) if err != nil { dlog.Errorf(ctx, "get failed %s: %v", queryURL, err) return nil } if b != nil { return newOpenAPI(ctx, b, publicHost, prefix, keepExistingPrefix) } return nil } // openAPIDoc represent a typed OpenAPI/Swagger document type openAPIDoc struct { // The actual OpenAPI/Swagger document in JSON JSON []byte // The document type (OpenAPI) Type string // The document version (v3) Version string } // openAPIDoc constructor from raw bytes. // The baseURL and prefix are used to edit the original document with server information to query the API publicly func newOpenAPI(ctx context.Context, docBytes []byte, baseURL string, prefix string, keepExistingPrefix bool) *openAPIDoc { dlog.Debugf(ctx, "Trying to create new OpenAPI doc: base_url=%q prefix=%q", baseURL, prefix) loader := openapi3.NewLoader() doc, err := loader.LoadFromData(docBytes) if err != nil { dlog.Errorln(ctx, "failed to load OpenAPI spec:", err) return nil } err = doc.Validate(loader.Context) if err != nil { dlog.Errorln(ctx, "failed to validate OpenAPI spec:", err) return nil } // Get prefix out of first server URL. E.g. if it's //, we want to to add /v1 after the Ambassador // prefix. existingPrefix := "" if doc.Servers != nil && doc.Servers[0] != nil { currentServerURL := doc.Servers[0].URL dlog.Debugf(ctx, "Checking first server's URL: url=%#v", currentServerURL) existingUrl, err := url.Parse(currentServerURL) if err == nil { existingPrefix = existingUrl.Path } else { dlog.Errorf(ctx, "failed to parse 'servers' URL: url=%q: %v", currentServerURL, err) } } base, err := url.Parse(baseURL) if err != nil { dlog.Debugf(ctx, "could not parse URL %q", baseURL) } else { if prefix != "" { if existingPrefix != "" && keepExistingPrefix { base.Path = path.Join(base.Path, prefix, existingPrefix) } else { base.Path = path.Join(base.Path, prefix) } } else { base.Path = existingPrefix } doc.Servers = []*openapi3.Server{{ URL: base.String(), }} } json, err := doc.MarshalJSON() if err != nil { dlog.Errorln(ctx, "failed to marshal OpenAPI spec:", err) return nil } return &openAPIDoc{ JSON: json, Type: "OpenAPI", Version: "v3", } } func buildMappingRequestHeaders(mappingHeaders map[string]string) []Header { headers := []Header{} for key, value := range mappingHeaders { if key == ":authority" { continue } headers = append(headers, Header{Name: key, Value: value}) } return headers } type Header struct { Name string Value string } type APIDocsHTTPClient interface { Get(ctx context.Context, requestURL *url.URL, requestHost string, requestHeaders []Header) ([]byte, error) } type apiDocsHTTPClient struct { *http.Client } func newAPIDocsHTTPClient() *apiDocsHTTPClient { dialer := &net.Dialer{ Timeout: time.Second * 10, } c := &http.Client{ Timeout: time.Second * 10, Transport: &http.Transport{ /* #nosec */ TLSClientConfig: &tls.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: true}, Dial: dialer.Dial, }, } return &apiDocsHTTPClient{c} } func (c *apiDocsHTTPClient) Get(ctx context.Context, requestURL *url.URL, requestHost string, requestHeaders []Header) ([]byte, error) { ctx = dlog.WithField(ctx, "url", requestURL) ctx = dlog.WithField(ctx, "host", requestHost) req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", requestURL.String(), nil) if err != nil { dlog.Error(ctx, err) return nil, err } req.Close = true if requestHost != "" { dlog.Debugf(ctx, "Using host=%s", requestHost) req.Host = requestHost } if requestHeaders != nil { for _, queryHeader := range requestHeaders { dlog.Debugf(ctx, "Adding header %s=%s", queryHeader.Name, queryHeader.Value) req.Header.Set(queryHeader.Name, queryHeader.Value) } } res, err := c.Do(req) if err != nil { dlog.Error(ctx, err) return nil, err } defer res.Body.Close() if res.StatusCode != 200 { dlog.Errorf(ctx, "Bad HTTP request: status_code=%v", res.StatusCode) return nil, fmt.Errorf("HTTP error %d from %s", res.StatusCode, requestURL) } buf, err := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to read HTTP response body") } return buf, nil } // docMappingRef holds a reference to a Mapping with a 'docs' attribute, for a given display name. type docMappingRef struct { Ref *kates.ObjectReference Name string } type mappingDocMap map[string]bool // Figure out which Mapping and API doc no longer exist and need to be deleted. type docsDiffCalculator struct { previous mappingDocMap current mappingDocMap } // newMappingDocsCalculator creates a new diff calculator for mapping docs func newMappingDocsCalculator(known []docMappingRef) *docsDiffCalculator { knownMap := make(mappingDocMap) for _, m := range known { knownMap[string(m.Ref.UID)] = true } return &docsDiffCalculator{current: make(mappingDocMap), previous: knownMap} } // After retrieving all known mappings, newRound will return list of mapping docs to delete func (d *docsDiffCalculator) newRound() []string { mappingUIDsToDelete := make([]string, 0) for previousRef := range d.previous { if !d.current[previousRef] { mappingUIDsToDelete = append(mappingUIDsToDelete, string(previousRef)) } } d.previous = d.current d.current = make(mappingDocMap) return mappingUIDsToDelete } // add a MappingDoc that was successfully retrieved this round func (d *docsDiffCalculator) add(ctx context.Context, dm *docMappingRef) { if dm != nil && dm.Ref != nil { dlog.Debugf(ctx, "Adding Mapping Docs diff reference %s", dm) d.current[string(dm.Ref.UID)] = true } } // deleteOld deletes old MappingDocs that are no longer present func (d *docsDiffCalculator) deleteOld(ctx context.Context, store *inMemoryStore) { for _, mappingUID := range d.newRound() { dlog.Debugf(ctx, "Deleting old Mapping Docs %s", mappingUID) store.deleteRefUID(mappingUID) } } type docsRef struct { docMappingRef *docMappingRef openAPIDoc *openAPIDoc } type docsRefMap map[string]*docsRef type inMemoryStore struct { entriesMutex sync.RWMutex entries docsRefMap } func newInMemoryStore() *inMemoryStore { res := &inMemoryStore{ entries: make(docsRefMap), } return res } func (s *inMemoryStore) add(dm *docMappingRef, openAPIDoc *openAPIDoc) { s.entriesMutex.Lock() defer s.entriesMutex.Unlock() s.entries[string(dm.Ref.UID)] = &docsRef{docMappingRef: dm, openAPIDoc: openAPIDoc} } func (s *inMemoryStore) deleteRefUID(mappingRefUID string) { s.entriesMutex.Lock() defer s.entriesMutex.Unlock() for entryUID := range s.entries { if mappingRefUID == entryUID { delete(s.entries, entryUID) } } } func (s *inMemoryStore) getAll() []*docsRef { s.entriesMutex.RLock() defer s.entriesMutex.RUnlock() var dr []*docsRef for _, e := range s.entries { dr = append(dr, e) } return dr } func toAPIDocs(docsRefs []*docsRef) []*snapshotTypes.APIDoc { results := make([]*snapshotTypes.APIDoc, 0) for _, doc := range docsRefs { if doc != nil && doc.docMappingRef != nil && doc.openAPIDoc != nil { apiDoc := &snapshotTypes.APIDoc{ Data: doc.openAPIDoc.JSON, TypeMeta: &kates.TypeMeta{ Kind: doc.openAPIDoc.Type, APIVersion: doc.openAPIDoc.Version, }, Metadata: &kates.ObjectMeta{ Name: doc.docMappingRef.Name, }, TargetRef: doc.docMappingRef.Ref, } results = append(results, apiDoc) } } return results }