#!/usr/bin/env python from flask import Flask, jsonify, request, Response import datetime import functools import logging import os import random import signal import time __version__ = "0.0.1" PORT = int(os.getenv("PORT", "5000")) HOSTNAME = os.getenv("HOSTNAME") LOG_LEVEL = os.getenv("LOG_LEVEL", "DEBUG") app = Flask(__name__) # Quote storage # # Obviously, this would more typically involve a persistent backing store. That's not # really needed for a demo though. quotes = [ "Abstraction is ever present.", "A late night does not make any sense.", "A principal idea is omnipresent, much like candy.", "Nihilism gambles with lives, happiness, and even destiny itself!", "The light at the end of the tunnel is interdependent on the relatedness of motivation, subcultures, and management.", "Utter nonsense is a storyteller without equal.", "Non-locality is the driver of truth. By summoning, we vibrate.", "A small mercy is nothing at all?", "The last sentence you read is often sensible nonsense.", "668: The Neighbor of the Beast." ] # Utilities class RichStatus (object): def __init__(self, ok, **kwargs): self.ok = ok self.info = kwargs self.info['hostname'] = HOSTNAME self.info['time'] = datetime.datetime.now().isoformat() self.info['version'] = __version__ # Remember that __getattr__ is called only as a last resort if the key # isn't a normal attr. def __getattr__(self, key): return self.info.get(key) def __bool__(self): return self.ok def __nonzero__(self): return bool(self) def __contains__(self, key): return key in self.info def __str__(self): attrs = ["%s=%s" % (key, self.info[key]) for key in sorted(self.info.keys())] astr = " ".join(attrs) if astr: astr = " " + astr return "" % ("OK" if self else "BAD", astr) def toDict(self): d = {'ok': self.ok} for key in self.info.keys(): d[key] = self.info[key] return d @classmethod def fromError(self, error, **kwargs): kwargs['error'] = error return RichStatus(False, **kwargs) @classmethod def OK(self, **kwargs): return RichStatus(True, **kwargs) template = ''' {title}


''' def standard_handler(f): func_name = getattr(f, '__name__', '') @functools.wraps(f) def wrapper(*args, **kwds): rc = RichStatus.fromError("impossible error") session = request.headers.get('x-qotm-session', None) username = request.headers.get('x-authenticated-as', None) logging.debug("%s %s: session %s, username %s, handler %s" % (request.method, request.path, session, username, func_name)) headers_string = ', '.join("{!s}={!r}".format(key, val) for (key, val) in request.headers.items()) logging.debug("headers: %s" % (headers_string)) try: rc = f(*args, **kwds) except Exception as e: logging.exception(e) rc = RichStatus.fromError("%s: %s %s failed: %s" % ( func_name, request.method, request.path, e)) code = 200 # This, candidly, is a bit of a hack. if session: rc.info['session'] = session if username: rc.info['username'] = username if not rc: if 'status_code' in rc: code = rc.status_code else: code = 500 if rc.json: resp = jsonify(rc.toDict()) resp.status_code = code else: info = { 'title': "Quote of the Moment %s" % __version__, 'textcolor': 'pink', 'message': 'This moment is inadequate for a quote.', } if rc: info['textcolor'] = 'black' info['message'] = rc.quote else: info['textcolor'] = 'red' info['message'] = rc.error resp = Response(template.format(**info), code) if session: resp.headers['x-qotm-session'] = session return resp return wrapper # REST endpoints #### # GET /health does a basic health check. It always returns a status of 200 # with an empty body. @app.route("/health", methods=["GET", "HEAD"]) @standard_handler def health(): return RichStatus.OK(msg="QotM health check OK") #### # GET / returns a random quote as the 'quote' element of a JSON dictionary. It # always returns a status of 200. @app.route("/", methods=["GET"]) @standard_handler def statement(): return RichStatus.OK(quote=random.choice(quotes), json=request.args.get('json', False)) #### # GET /quote/quoteid returns a specific quote. 'quoteid' is the integer index # of the quote in our array above. # # - If all goes well, it returns a JSON dictionary with the requested quote as # the 'quote' element, with status 200. # - If something goes wrong, it returns a JSON dictionary with an explanation # of what happened as the 'error' element, with status 400. # # PUT /quote/quotenum updates a specific quote. It requires a JSON dictionary # as the PUT body, with the the new quote contained in the 'quote' dictionary # element. # # - If all goes well, it returns the new quote as if you'd requested it using # the GET verb for this endpoint. # - If something goes wrong, it returns a JSON dictionary with an explanation # of what happened as the 'error' element, with status 400. @app.route("/quote/", methods=["GET", "PUT"]) @standard_handler def specific_quote(idx): try: idx = int(idx) except ValueError: return RichStatus.fromError("quote IDs must be numbers", status_code=400) if (idx < 0) or (idx >= len(quotes)): return RichStatus.fromError("no quote ID %d" % idx, status_code=400) if request.method == "PUT": j = request.json if (not j) or ('quote' not in j): return RichStatus.fromError("must supply 'quote' via JSON dictionary", status_code=400) quotes[idx] = j['quote'] return RichStatus.OK(quote=quotes[idx], json=request.args.get('json', False)) #### # POST /quote adds a new quote to our list. It requires a JSON dictionary # as the POST body, with the the new quote contained in the 'quote' dictionary # element. # # - If all goes well, it returns a JSON dictionary with the new quote's ID as # 'quoteid', and the new quote as 'quote', with a status of 200. # - If something goes wrong, it returns a JSON dictionary with an explanation # of what happened as the 'error' element, with status 400. @app.route("/quote", methods=["POST"]) @standard_handler def new_quote(): j = request.json if (not j) or ('quote' not in j): return RichStatus.fromError("must supply 'quote' via JSON dictionary", status_code=400) quotes.append(j['quote']) idx = len(quotes) - 1 return RichStatus.OK(quote=quotes[idx], quoteid=idx) @app.route("/crash", methods=["GET"]) @standard_handler def crash(): logging.warning("dying in 1 seconds") time.sleep(1) os.kill(os.getpid(), signal.SIGTERM) time.sleep(1) os.kill(os.getpid(), signal.SIGKILL) # Mainline def main(): app.run(debug=True, host="", port=PORT) if __name__ == "__main__": logging.basicConfig( # filename=logPath, level=LOG_LEVEL, # if appDebug else logging.INFO, format="%%(asctime)s demo-qotm %s %%(levelname)s: %%(message)s" % __version__, datefmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" ) logging.info("initializing on %s:%d" % (HOSTNAME, PORT)) main()