include build-aux/ include build-aux/ # # Utility rules # Assume that any rule ending with '.clean' is phony. .PHONY: %.clean # Also provide a basic *.clean implementation... well, it'd be. But # because of what I'm convinced is a bug in Make, it is confusing this # %.clean rule with the %.docker.clean rule. So I named this one # `%.rm`. But I'd have liked to name it `%.clean`. %.rm: rm -f $* .PHONY: %.rm %.rm-r: rm -rf $* .PHONY: %.rm-r # For files that should only-maybe update when the rule runs, put ".stamp" on # the left-side of the ":", and just go ahead and update it within the rule. # # ".stamp" should NEVER appear in a dependency list (that is, it # should never be on the right-side of the ":"), save for in this rule # itself. %: %.stamp $(tools/copy-ifchanged) @$(tools/copy-ifchanged) $< $@ docker/%: docker/.%.stamp $(tools/copy-ifchanged) $(tools/copy-ifchanged) $< $@ # Load ocibuild files in to dockerd. _ocibuild-images = base _ocibuild-images += kat-client _ocibuild-images += kat-server $(foreach img,$(_ocibuild-images),docker/.$(img).docker.stamp): docker/.%.docker.stamp: docker/%.img.tar docker load < $< docker inspect $$(bsdtar xfO $< manifest.json|jq -r '.[0].RepoTags[0]') --format='{{.Id}}' > $@ clean: $(foreach img,$(_ocibuild-images),docker/$(img).img.tar.clean) %.img.tar.clean: %.docker.clean rm -f $*.img.tar $(*D)/.$(*F).img.tar.stamp $(*D)/$(*F).*.layer.tar # # Specific rules # For images we can either write rules for # - `docker/.NAME.img.tar.stamp` for ocibuild-oriented images, or # - `docker/.NAME.docker.stamp` for `docker build`-oriented images. # # Note that there are a few images used by the test suite that are # defined in, rather than here. # base: Base OS; none of our specific stuff. Used for auxiliar test images # that don't need Emissary-specific stuff. docker/.base.img.tar.stamp: FORCE $(tools/crane) docker/base-python/Dockerfile $(tools/crane) pull $(shell gawk '$$1 == "FROM" { print $$2; quit; }' < docker/base-python/Dockerfile) $@ || test -e $@ clobber: docker/base.img.tar.clean # base-python: Base OS, plus some Emissary-specific setup of # low-level/expensive pieces of the Python environment. This does NOT # include the packages installed by `requirements.txt`. # # At the moment, it also includes some other stuff too (kubectl...), # but including those things at such an early stage should be # understood to be debt from a previous build system, and not # something we're actually happy with. # # In the long-run, this will likely always be a `docker build` rather # than an `ocibuild`, in order to do truly base-OS-specific setup # (`apk add`, libc-specific compilation...). docker/.base-python.docker.stamp: FORCE docker/base-python/Dockerfile docker/base-python.docker.gen docker/base-python.docker.gen >$@ clobber: docker/base-python.docker.clean # base-pip: base-python, but with requirements.txt installed. # # Mixed feelings about this one; it kinda wants to not be a separate # image and just be part of the main emissary Dockerfile. But that # would create problems for's `pip freeze` step. Perhaps # it will get to go away with `ocibuild`. # # TODO(lukeshu): Figure out a `py-list-deps`-based workflow for # updating requirements-dev.txt. #python/requirements-dev.txt: $(tools/py-list-deps) $(tools/write-ifchanged) FORCE # $(tools/py-list-deps) --include-dev python/ | $(tools/write-ifchanged) $@ python/ $(tools/py-list-deps) $(tools/write-ifchanged) FORCE set -o pipefail; $(tools/py-list-deps) --no-include-dev python/ | $(tools/write-ifchanged) $@ clean: python/ python/.requirements.txt.stamp: python/ docker/base-python.docker.tag.local # The --interactive is so that stdin gets passed through; otherwise Docker closes stdin. set -ex -o pipefail; { \ docker run --platform="$(BUILD_ARCH)" --rm --interactive "$$(cat docker/base-python.docker)" sh -c 'tar xf - && find ~/.cache/pip -name "maturin-*.whl" -exec pip install --no-deps {} + >&2 && pip-compile --allow-unsafe --no-build-isolation -q >&2 && cat requirements.txt' \ < <(bsdtar -cf - -C $(@D) requirements.txt) \ > $@; } clean: python/.requirements.txt.stamp.rm python/requirements.txt: python/%: python/.%.stamp $(tools/copy-ifchanged) $(tools/copy-ifchanged) $< $@ .PRECIOUS: python/requirements.txt docker/base-pip/requirements.txt: python/requirements.txt $(tools/copy-ifchanged) $(tools/copy-ifchanged) $< $@ clean: docker/base-pip/requirements.txt.rm docker/.base-pip.docker.stamp: docker/.%.docker.stamp: docker/%/Dockerfile docker/%/requirements.txt docker/base-python.docker.tag.local docker build --platform="$(BUILD_ARCH)" --build-arg=from="$$(sed -n 2p docker/base-python.docker.tag.local)" --iidfile=$@ $(&2; \ echo 'Files triggering the change are: $?' >&2; \ exit 1; \ fi endif mkdir -p $(@D) cp -a $< $@ @PS4=; set -ex -o pipefail; { \ if [[ '$(word 1,$(subst _, ,$*))' =~ ^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+(-rc\.[0-9]+|-ea)?$$ ]]; then \ registry=$(RELEASE_REGISTRY); \ else \ registry=$(DEV_REGISTRY); \ fi; \ for file in Chart.yaml values.yaml; do \ sed \ -e 's/@version@/$(word 1,$(subst _, ,$*))/g' \ -e 's/@chartVersion@/$(word 2,$(subst _, ,$*))/g' \ -e "s,@imageRepo@,$${registry}/emissary,g" \ <'$<'/"$${file}.in" \ >'$@'/"$${file}"; \ done; \ } $(tools/chart-doc-gen) -d $$@/ build-output/chart-%.tgz: build-output/chart-%.d helm package --destination=$< $< mv $&2; \ echo 'Files triggering the change are: $?' >&2; \ exit 1; \ fi endif mkdir -p $@ $(foreach src,$(filter,$^),$(foreach dst,$(patsubst $(CURDIR)/manifests/emissary/,$@/%.yaml,$(src)),\ { \ if [[ '$*' =~ ^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+(-rc\.[0-9]+|-ea)?$$ ]]; then \ registry=$(RELEASE_REGISTRY); \ else \ registry=$(DEV_REGISTRY); \ fi; \ sed -e 's/\$$version\$$/$*/g' -e 's,\$$imageRepo\$$,'"$${registry}"'/emissary,g' <$(src) >$(dst); \ }$(NL))) build-output/docs-yaml-%: $(shell find docs/yaml) ifeq ($(CI),) rm -rf $@ else @if test -d $@; then \ echo 'This should not happen in CI: $@ should not need to change' >&2; \ echo 'Files triggering the change are: $?' >&2; \ exit 1; \ fi endif $(foreach src,$(filter %.yaml,$^),$(foreach dst,$(patsubst docs/yaml/%,$@/%,$(src)),\ mkdir -p $(dir $(dst))$(NL)\ sed -e 's/\$$version\$$/$*/g' -e 's/\$$quoteVersion$$/0.4.1/g' <$(src) >$(dst)$(NL))) # # Destructive rules clobber: clean clean: build-output.rm-r python.clean releng.clean: %.clean: python/ambassador.egg-info.rm-r find $* -name __pycache__ -exec rm -rf -- {} + clean: python.clean releng.clean cmd.clean pkg.clean: %.clean: find $* -name '*.yaml.o' -delete clean: cmd.clean pkg.clean