1syntax = "proto3";
3package envoy.config.endpoint.v3;
5import "envoy/config/endpoint/v3/endpoint_components.proto";
6import "envoy/type/v3/percent.proto";
8import "google/api/annotations.proto";
9import "google/protobuf/duration.proto";
10import "google/protobuf/wrappers.proto";
12import "udpa/annotations/status.proto";
13import "udpa/annotations/versioning.proto";
14import "validate/validate.proto";
16option java_package = "io.envoyproxy.envoy.config.endpoint.v3";
17option java_outer_classname = "EndpointProto";
18option java_multiple_files = true;
19option (udpa.annotations.file_status).package_version_status = ACTIVE;
21// [#protodoc-title: Endpoint configuration]
22// Endpoint discovery :ref:`architecture overview <arch_overview_service_discovery_types_eds>`
24// Each route from RDS will map to a single cluster or traffic split across
25// clusters using weights expressed in the RDS WeightedCluster.
27// With EDS, each cluster is treated independently from a LB perspective, with
28// LB taking place between the Localities within a cluster and at a finer
29// granularity between the hosts within a locality. The percentage of traffic
30// for each endpoint is determined by both its load_balancing_weight, and the
31// load_balancing_weight of its locality. First, a locality will be selected,
32// then an endpoint within that locality will be chose based on its weight.
33// [#next-free-field: 6]
34message ClusterLoadAssignment {
35 option (udpa.annotations.versioning).previous_message_type = "envoy.api.v2.ClusterLoadAssignment";
37 // Load balancing policy settings.
38 // [#next-free-field: 6]
39 message Policy {
40 option (udpa.annotations.versioning).previous_message_type =
41 "envoy.api.v2.ClusterLoadAssignment.Policy";
43 // [#not-implemented-hide:]
44 message DropOverload {
45 option (udpa.annotations.versioning).previous_message_type =
46 "envoy.api.v2.ClusterLoadAssignment.Policy.DropOverload";
48 // Identifier for the policy specifying the drop.
49 string category = 1 [(validate.rules).string = {min_len: 1}];
51 // Percentage of traffic that should be dropped for the category.
52 type.v3.FractionalPercent drop_percentage = 2;
53 }
55 reserved 1, 5;
57 reserved "disable_overprovisioning";
59 // Action to trim the overall incoming traffic to protect the upstream
60 // hosts. This action allows protection in case the hosts are unable to
61 // recover from an outage, or unable to autoscale or unable to handle
62 // incoming traffic volume for any reason.
63 //
64 // At the client each category is applied one after the other to generate
65 // the 'actual' drop percentage on all outgoing traffic. For example:
66 //
67 // .. code-block:: json
68 //
69 // { "drop_overloads": [
70 // { "category": "throttle", "drop_percentage": 60 }
71 // { "category": "lb", "drop_percentage": 50 }
72 // ]}
73 //
74 // The actual drop percentages applied to the traffic at the clients will be
75 // "throttle"_drop = 60%
76 // "lb"_drop = 20% // 50% of the remaining 'actual' load, which is 40%.
77 // actual_outgoing_load = 20% // remaining after applying all categories.
78 // [#not-implemented-hide:]
79 repeated DropOverload drop_overloads = 2;
81 // Priority levels and localities are considered overprovisioned with this
82 // factor (in percentage). This means that we don't consider a priority
83 // level or locality unhealthy until the fraction of healthy hosts
84 // multiplied by the overprovisioning factor drops below 100.
85 // With the default value 140(1.4), Envoy doesn't consider a priority level
86 // or a locality unhealthy until their percentage of healthy hosts drops
87 // below 72%. For example:
88 //
89 // .. code-block:: json
90 //
91 // { "overprovisioning_factor": 100 }
92 //
93 // Read more at :ref:`priority levels <arch_overview_load_balancing_priority_levels>` and
94 // :ref:`localities <arch_overview_load_balancing_locality_weighted_lb>`.
95 google.protobuf.UInt32Value overprovisioning_factor = 3 [(validate.rules).uint32 = {gt: 0}];
97 // The max time until which the endpoints from this assignment can be used.
98 // If no new assignments are received before this time expires the endpoints
99 // are considered stale and should be marked unhealthy.
100 // Defaults to 0 which means endpoints never go stale.
101 google.protobuf.Duration endpoint_stale_after = 4 [(validate.rules).duration = {gt {}}];
102 }
104 // Name of the cluster. This will be the :ref:`service_name
105 // <envoy_api_field_config.cluster.v3.Cluster.EdsClusterConfig.service_name>` value if specified
106 // in the cluster :ref:`EdsClusterConfig
107 // <envoy_api_msg_config.cluster.v3.Cluster.EdsClusterConfig>`.
108 string cluster_name = 1 [(validate.rules).string = {min_len: 1}];
110 // List of endpoints to load balance to.
111 repeated LocalityLbEndpoints endpoints = 2;
113 // Map of named endpoints that can be referenced in LocalityLbEndpoints.
114 // [#not-implemented-hide:]
115 map<string, Endpoint> named_endpoints = 5;
117 // Load balancing policy settings.
118 Policy policy = 4;
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