
Text file src/github.com/datawire/ambassador/v2/_cxx/envoy.mk

Documentation: github.com/datawire/ambassador/v2/_cxx

     2# Variables that the dev might set in the env or CLI
     4# Set to non-empty to enable compiling Envoy as-needed.
     6# Adjust to run just a subset of the tests.
     7ENVOY_TEST_LABEL ?= //test/...
     8# Set RSYNC_EXTRAS=Pv or something to increase verbosity.
    12# Variables that are meant to be set by editing this file
    14# IF YOU MESS WITH ANY OF THESE VALUES, YOU MUST RUN `make update-base`.
    15  ENVOY_REPO ?= $(if $(IS_PRIVATE),git@github.com:datawire/envoy-private.git,https://github.com/datawire/envoy.git)
    16  ENVOY_COMMIT ?= 8151e9a87cde33721a1b1f864d0c54ae72e4aa78
    18  # Increment BASE_ENVOY_RELVER on changes to `docker/base-envoy/Dockerfile`, or Envoy recipes.
    19  # You may reset BASE_ENVOY_RELVER when adjusting ENVOY_COMMIT.
    20  BASE_ENVOY_RELVER ?= 0
    22  ENVOY_DOCKER_REPO ?= $(if $(IS_PRIVATE),quay.io/datawire-private/base-envoy,docker.io/emissaryingress/base-envoy)
    26# END LIST OF VARIABLES REQUIRING `make update-base`.
    28# How to set ENVOY_GO_CONTROL_PLANE_COMMIT: In github.com/envoyproxy/go-control-plane.git, the majority
    29# of commits have a commit message of the form "Mirrored from envoyproxy/envoy @ ${envoy.git_commit}".
    30# Look for the most recent one that names a commit that is an ancestor of our ENVOY_COMMIT.  If there
    31# are commits not of that form immediately following that commit, you can take them in too (but that's
    32# pretty uncommon).  Since that's a simple sentence, but it can be tedious to go through and check
    33# which commits are ancestors, I added `make guess-envoy-go-control-plane-commit` to do that in an
    34# automated way!  Still look at the commit yourself to make sure it seems sane; blindly trusting
    35# machines is bad, mmkay?
    36ENVOY_GO_CONTROL_PLANE_COMMIT = f1f47757da33f7507078cf7e9e60915418c7bd10
    38# Set ENVOY_DOCKER_REPO to the list of mirrors that we should
    39# sanity-check that things get pushed to.
    40ifneq ($(IS_PRIVATE),)
    41  # If $(IS_PRIVATE), then just the private repo...
    44  # ...otherwise, this list of repos:
    45  ENVOY_DOCKER_REPOS  = docker.io/emissaryingress/base-envoy
    46  ENVOY_DOCKER_REPOS += gcr.io/datawire/ambassador-base
    50# Intro
    52include $(OSS_HOME)/build-aux/prelude.mk
    54# for builder.mk...
    55export ENVOY_DOCKER_TAG
    57old_envoy_commits = $(shell { \
    58	  { \
    59	    git log --patch --format='' -G'^ *ENVOY_COMMIT' -- _cxx/envoy.mk; \
    60	    git log --patch --format='' -G'^ *ENVOY_COMMIT' -- cxx/envoy.mk; \
    61	    git log --patch --format='' -G'^ *ENVOY_COMMIT' -- Makefile; \
    62	  } | sed -En 's/^.*ENVOY_COMMIT *\?= *//p'; \
    63	  git log --patch --format='' -G'^ *ENVOY_BASE_IMAGE' 511ca54c3004019758980ba82f708269c373ba28 -- Makefile | sed -n 's/^. *ENVOY_BASE_IMAGE.*-g//p'; \
    64	  git log --patch --format='' -G'FROM.*envoy.*:' 7593e7dca9aea2f146ddfd5a3676bcc30ee25aff -- Dockerfile | sed -n '/FROM.*envoy.*:/s/.*://p' | sed -e 's/ .*//' -e 's/.*-g//' -e 's/.*-//' -e '/^latest$$/d'; \
    65	} | uniq)
    66lost_history += 251b7d345 # mentioned in a605b62ee (wip - patched and fixed authentication, Gabriel, 2019-04-04)
    67lost_history += 27770bf3d # mentioned in 026dc4cd4 (updated envoy image, Gabriel, 2019-04-04)
    68check-envoy-version: ## Check that Envoy version has been pushed to the right places
    69check-envoy-version: $(OSS_HOME)/_cxx/envoy
    70	# First, we're going to check whether the Envoy commit is tagged, which
    71	# is one of the things that has to happen before landing a PR that bumps
    72	# the ENVOY_COMMIT.
    73	#
    74	# We strictly check for tags matching 'datawire-*' to remove the
    75	# temptation to jump the gun and create an 'ambassador-*' or
    76	# 'emissary-*' tag before we know that's actually the commit that will
    77	# be in the released Ambassador/Emissary.
    78	#
    79	# Also, don't just check the tip of the PR ('HEAD'), also check that all
    80	# intermediate commits in the PR are also (ancestors of?) a tag.  We
    81	# don't want history to get lost!
    82	set -e; { \
    83	  cd $<; unset GIT_DIR GIT_WORK_TREE; \
    84	  for commit in HEAD $(filter-out $(lost_history),$(old_envoy_commits)); do \
    85	   echo "=> checking Envoy commit $$commit"; \
    86	   desc=$$(git describe --tags --contains --match='datawire-*' "$$commit"); \
    87	   [[ "$$desc" == datawire-* ]]; \
    88	   echo "   got $$desc"; \
    89	  done; \
    90	}
    91	# Now, we're going to check that the Envoy Docker images have been
    92	# pushed to all of the mirrors, which is another thing that has to
    93	# happen before landing a PR that bumps the ENVOY_COMMIT.
    94	#
    95	# We "could" use `docker manifest inspect` instead of `docker
    96	# pull` to test that these exist without actually pulling
    97	# them... except that gcr.io doesn't allow `manifest inspect`.
    98	# So just go ahead and do the `pull` :(
    99	$(foreach ENVOY_DOCKER_REPO,$(ENVOY_DOCKER_REPOS), docker pull $(ENVOY_DOCKER_TAG) >/dev/null$(NL))
   100	$(foreach ENVOY_DOCKER_REPO,$(ENVOY_DOCKER_REPOS), docker pull $(ENVOY_FULL_DOCKER_TAG) >/dev/null$(NL))
   101.PHONY: check-envoy-version
   103# See the comment on ENVOY_GO_CONTROL_PLANE_COMMIT at the top of the file for more explanation on how this target works.
   104guess-envoy-go-control-plane-commit: # Have the computer suggest a value for ENVOY_GO_CONTROL_PLANE_COMMIT
   105guess-envoy-go-control-plane-commit: $(OSS_HOME)/_cxx/envoy $(OSS_HOME)/_cxx/go-control-plane
   106	@echo
   107	@echo '######################################################################'
   108	@echo
   109	@set -e; { \
   110	  (cd $(OSS_HOME)/_cxx/go-control-plane && git log --format='%H %s' origin/main) | sed -n 's, Mirrored from envoyproxy/envoy @ , ,p' | \
   111	  while read -r go_commit cxx_commit; do \
   112	    if (cd $(OSS_HOME)/_cxx/envoy && git merge-base --is-ancestor "$$cxx_commit" $(ENVOY_COMMIT) 2>/dev/null); then \
   113	      echo "ENVOY_GO_CONTROL_PLANE_COMMIT = $$go_commit"; \
   114	      break; \
   115	    fi; \
   116	  done; \
   117	}
   118.PHONY: guess-envoy-go-control-plane-commit
   121# Envoy sources and build container
   123$(OSS_HOME)/_cxx/envoy: FORCE
   124	@echo "Getting Envoy sources..."
   125# Ensure that GIT_DIR and GIT_WORK_TREE are unset so that `git bisect`
   126# and friends work properly.
   127	@PS4=; set -ex; { \
   128	    unset GIT_DIR GIT_WORK_TREE; \
   129	    git init $@; \
   130	    cd $@; \
   131	    if git remote get-url origin &>/dev/null; then \
   132	        git remote set-url origin $(ENVOY_REPO); \
   133	    else \
   134	        git remote add origin $(ENVOY_REPO); \
   135	    fi; \
   136	    if [[ $(ENVOY_REPO) == http://github.com/* || $(ENVOY_REPO) == https://github.com/* || $(ENVOY_REPO) == git://github.com/* ]]; then \
   137	        git remote set-url --push origin git@github.com:$(word 3,$(subst /, ,$(ENVOY_REPO)))/$(patsubst %.git,%,$(word 4,$(subst /, ,$(ENVOY_REPO)))).git; \
   138	    fi; \
   139	    git fetch --tags origin; \
   140	    if [ $(ENVOY_COMMIT) != '-' ]; then \
   141	        git checkout $(ENVOY_COMMIT); \
   142	    elif ! git rev-parse HEAD >/dev/null 2>&1; then \
   143	        git checkout origin/master; \
   144	    fi; \
   145	}
   146$(OSS_HOME)/_cxx/envoy.clean: %.clean:
   147	$(if $(filter-out -,$(ENVOY_COMMIT)),rm -rf $*)
   148clobber: $(OSS_HOME)/_cxx/envoy.clean
   150$(OSS_HOME)/_cxx/envoy-build-image.txt: $(OSS_HOME)/_cxx/envoy $(tools/write-ifchanged) FORCE
   151	@PS4=; set -ex -o pipefail; { \
   152	    pushd $</ci; \
   153	    echo "$$(pwd)"; \
   154	    . envoy_build_sha.sh; \
   155	    popd; \
   156	    echo docker.io/envoyproxy/envoy-build-ubuntu:$$ENVOY_BUILD_SHA | $(tools/write-ifchanged) $@; \
   157	}
   158clean: $(OSS_HOME)/_cxx/envoy-build-image.txt.rm
   160$(OSS_HOME)/_cxx/envoy-build-container.txt: $(OSS_HOME)/_cxx/envoy-build-image.txt FORCE
   161	@PS4=; set -ex; { \
   162	    if [ $@ -nt $< ] && docker exec $$(cat $@) true; then \
   163	        exit 0; \
   164	    fi; \
   165	    if [ -e $@ ]; then \
   166	        docker kill $$(cat $@) || true; \
   167	    fi; \
   168	    docker run --detach --rm --privileged --volume=envoy-build:/root:rw $$(cat $<) tail -f /dev/null > $@; \
   169	}
   170$(OSS_HOME)/_cxx/envoy-build-container.txt.clean: %.clean:
   171	if [ -e $* ]; then docker kill $$(cat $*) || true; fi
   172	rm -f $*
   173	if docker volume inspect envoy-build &>/dev/null; then docker volume rm envoy-build >/dev/null; fi
   174clean: $(OSS_HOME)/_cxx/envoy-build-container.txt.clean
   177# Things that run in the Envoy build container
   179# We do everything with rsync and a persistent build-container
   180# (instead of using a volume), because
   181#  1. Docker for Mac's osxfs is very slow, so volumes are bad for
   182#     macOS users.
   183#  2. Volumes mounts just straight-up don't work for people who use
   184#     Minikube's dockerd.
   185ENVOY_SYNC_HOST_TO_DOCKER = rsync -a$(RSYNC_EXTRAS) --partial --delete --blocking-io -e "docker exec -i" $(OSS_HOME)/_cxx/envoy/ $$(cat $(OSS_HOME)/_cxx/envoy-build-container.txt):/root/envoy
   186ENVOY_SYNC_DOCKER_TO_HOST = rsync -a$(RSYNC_EXTRAS) --partial --delete --blocking-io -e "docker exec -i" $$(cat $(OSS_HOME)/_cxx/envoy-build-container.txt):/root/envoy/ $(OSS_HOME)/_cxx/envoy/
   188ENVOY_BASH.cmd = bash -c 'PS4=; set -ex; $(ENVOY_SYNC_HOST_TO_DOCKER); trap '\''$(ENVOY_SYNC_DOCKER_TO_HOST)'\'' EXIT; '$(call quote.shell,$1)
   189ENVOY_BASH.deps = $(OSS_HOME)/_cxx/envoy-build-container.txt
   191ENVOY_DOCKER.env += PATH=/opt/llvm/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
   192ENVOY_DOCKER.env += CC=clang
   193ENVOY_DOCKER.env += CXX=clang++
   194ENVOY_DOCKER.env += CLANG_FORMAT=/opt/llvm/bin/clang-format
   195ENVOY_DOCKER_EXEC = docker exec --workdir=/root/envoy $(foreach e,$(ENVOY_DOCKER.env), --env=$e ) $$(cat $(OSS_HOME)/_cxx/envoy-build-container.txt)
   197$(OSS_HOME)/docker/base-envoy/envoy-static: $(ENVOY_BASH.deps) FORCE
   198	mkdir -p $(@D)
   199	@PS4=; set -ex; { \
   200	    if [ '$(ENVOY_COMMIT)' != '-' ] && docker run --rm --entrypoint=true $(ENVOY_FULL_DOCKER_TAG); then \
   201	        rsync -a$(RSYNC_EXTRAS) --partial --blocking-io -e 'docker run --rm -i' $$(docker image inspect $(ENVOY_FULL_DOCKER_TAG) --format='{{.Id}}' | sed 's/^sha256://'):/usr/local/bin/envoy-static $@; \
   202	    else \
   203	        if [ -z '$(YES_I_AM_OK_WITH_COMPILING_ENVOY)' ]; then \
   204	            { set +x; } &>/dev/null; \
   205	            echo 'error: Envoy compilation triggered, but $$YES_I_AM_OK_WITH_COMPILING_ENVOY is not set'; \
   206	            exit 1; \
   207	        fi; \
   208	        $(call ENVOY_BASH.cmd, \
   209	            $(ENVOY_DOCKER_EXEC) bazel build --verbose_failures -c $(ENVOY_COMPILATION_MODE) --config=clang //source/exe:envoy-static; \
   210	            rsync -a$(RSYNC_EXTRAS) --partial --blocking-io -e 'docker exec -i' $$(cat $(OSS_HOME)/_cxx/envoy-build-container.txt):/root/envoy/bazel-bin/source/exe/envoy-static $@; \
   211	        ); \
   212	    fi; \
   213	}
   214$(OSS_HOME)/docker/base-envoy/envoy-static-stripped: %-stripped: % FORCE
   215	@PS4=; set -ex; { \
   216	    if [ '$(ENVOY_COMMIT)' != '-' ] && docker run --rm --entrypoint=true $(ENVOY_FULL_DOCKER_TAG); then \
   217	        rsync -a$(RSYNC_EXTRAS) --partial --blocking-io -e 'docker run --rm -i' $$(docker image inspect $(ENVOY_FULL_DOCKER_TAG) --format='{{.Id}}' | sed 's/^sha256://'):/usr/local/bin/$(@F) $@; \
   218	    else \
   219	        if [ -z '$(YES_I_AM_OK_WITH_COMPILING_ENVOY)' ]; then \
   220	            { set +x; } &>/dev/null; \
   221	            echo 'error: Envoy compilation triggered, but $$YES_I_AM_OK_WITH_COMPILING_ENVOY is not set'; \
   222	            exit 1; \
   223	        fi; \
   224	        rsync -a$(RSYNC_EXTRAS) --partial --blocking-io -e 'docker exec -i' $< $$(cat $(OSS_HOME)/_cxx/envoy-build-container.txt):/tmp/$(<F); \
   225	        docker exec $$(cat $(OSS_HOME)/_cxx/envoy-build-container.txt) strip /tmp/$(<F) -o /tmp/$(@F); \
   226	        rsync -a$(RSYNC_EXTRAS) --partial --blocking-io -e 'docker exec -i' $$(cat $(OSS_HOME)/_cxx/envoy-build-container.txt):/tmp/$(@F) $@; \
   227	    fi; \
   228	}
   229clobber: $(OSS_HOME)/docker/base-envoy/envoy-static.rm $(OSS_HOME)/docker/base-envoy/envoy-static-stripped.rm
   231check-envoy: ## Run the Envoy test suite
   232check-envoy: $(ENVOY_BASH.deps)
   233	@echo 'Testing envoy with Bazel label: "$(ENVOY_TEST_LABEL)"'; \
   234	$(call ENVOY_BASH.cmd, \
   235	     $(ENVOY_DOCKER_EXEC) bazel test --config=clang --test_output=errors --verbose_failures -c dbg --test_env=ENVOY_IP_TEST_VERSIONS=v4only $(ENVOY_TEST_LABEL); \
   236	 )
   237.PHONY: check-envoy
   239envoy-shell: ## Run a shell in the Envoy build container
   240envoy-shell: $(ENVOY_BASH.deps)
   241	$(call ENVOY_BASH.cmd, \
   242	    docker exec -it --workdir=/root/envoy $(foreach e,$(ENVOY_DOCKER.env), --env=$e ) $$(cat $(OSS_HOME)/_cxx/envoy-build-container.txt) /bin/bash || true; \
   243	)
   244.PHONY: envoy-shell
   247# Recipes used by `make generate`; files that get checked in to Git (i.e. protobufs and Go code)
   249# These targets are depended on by `make generate` in `build-aux/generate.mk`.
   251# Raw protobufs
   252$(OSS_HOME)/api/envoy $(OSS_HOME)/api/pb: $(OSS_HOME)/api/%: $(OSS_HOME)/_cxx/envoy
   253	rsync --recursive --delete --delete-excluded --prune-empty-dirs --include='*/' --include='*.proto' --exclude='*' $</api/$*/ $@
   255# Go generated from the protobufs
   256$(OSS_HOME)/_cxx/envoy/build_go: $(ENVOY_BASH.deps) FORCE
   257	$(call ENVOY_BASH.cmd, \
   258	    $(ENVOY_DOCKER_EXEC) python3 -c 'from tools.api.generate_go_protobuf import generateProtobufs; generateProtobufs("/root/envoy/build_go")'; \
   259	)
   260	test -d $@ && touch $@
   261$(OSS_HOME)/pkg/api/pb $(OSS_HOME)/pkg/api/envoy: $(OSS_HOME)/pkg/api/%: $(OSS_HOME)/_cxx/envoy/build_go
   262	rm -rf $@
   263	@PS4=; set -ex; { \
   264	  unset GIT_DIR GIT_WORK_TREE; \
   265	  tmpdir=$$(mktemp -d); \
   266	  trap 'rm -rf "$$tmpdir"' EXIT; \
   267	  cp -r $</$* "$$tmpdir"; \
   268	  find "$$tmpdir" -type f \
   269	    -exec chmod 644 {} + \
   270	    -exec sed -E -i.bak \
   271	      -e 's,github\.com/envoyproxy/go-control-plane/envoy,github.com/datawire/ambassador/v2/pkg/api/envoy,g' \
   272	      -e 's,github\.com/envoyproxy/go-control-plane/pb,github.com/datawire/ambassador/v2/pkg/api/pb,g' \
   273	      -- {} +; \
   274	  find "$$tmpdir" -name '*.bak' -delete; \
   275	  mv "$$tmpdir/$*" $@; \
   276	}
   277# Envoy's build system still uses an old `protoc-gen-go` that emits
   278# code that Go 1.19's `gofmt` isn't happy with.  Even generated code
   279# should be gofmt-clean, so gofmt it as a post-processing step.
   280	gofmt -w -s ./pkg/api/envoy
   282# The unmodified go-control-plane
   283$(OSS_HOME)/_cxx/go-control-plane: FORCE
   284	@echo "Getting Envoy go-control-plane sources..."
   285# Ensure that GIT_DIR and GIT_WORK_TREE are unset so that `git bisect`
   286# and friends work properly.
   287	@PS4=; set -ex; { \
   288	    unset GIT_DIR GIT_WORK_TREE; \
   289	    git init $@; \
   290	    cd $@; \
   291	    if git remote get-url origin &>/dev/null; then \
   292	        git remote set-url origin https://github.com/envoyproxy/go-control-plane; \
   293	    else \
   294	        git remote add origin https://github.com/envoyproxy/go-control-plane; \
   295	    fi; \
   296	    git fetch --tags origin; \
   297	    git checkout $(ENVOY_GO_CONTROL_PLANE_COMMIT); \
   298	}
   300# The go-control-plane patched for our version of the protobufs
   301$(OSS_HOME)/pkg/envoy-control-plane: $(OSS_HOME)/_cxx/go-control-plane FORCE
   302	rm -rf $@
   303	@PS4=; set -ex; { \
   304	  unset GIT_DIR GIT_WORK_TREE; \
   305	  tmpdir=$$(mktemp -d); \
   306	  trap 'rm -rf "$$tmpdir"' EXIT; \
   307	  cd "$$tmpdir"; \
   308	  cd $(OSS_HOME)/_cxx/go-control-plane; \
   309	  cp -r $$(git ls-files ':[A-Z]*' ':!Dockerfile*' ':!Makefile') pkg/* "$$tmpdir"; \
   310	  find "$$tmpdir" -name '*.go' -exec sed -E -i.bak \
   311	    -e 's,github\.com/envoyproxy/go-control-plane/pkg,github.com/datawire/ambassador/v2/pkg/envoy-control-plane,g' \
   312	    -e 's,github\.com/envoyproxy/go-control-plane/envoy,github.com/datawire/ambassador/v2/pkg/api/envoy,g' \
   313	    -- {} +; \
   314	  sed -i.bak -e 's/^package/\n&/' "$$tmpdir/log/log_test.go"; \
   315	  find "$$tmpdir" -name '*.bak' -delete; \
   316	  mv "$$tmpdir" $(abspath $@); \
   317	}
   318	cd $(OSS_HOME) && gofmt -w -s ./pkg/envoy-control-plane/
   321# `make update-base`: Recompile Envoy and do all of the related things.
   323update-base: $(OSS_HOME)/docker/base-envoy/envoy-static $(OSS_HOME)/docker/base-envoy/envoy-static-stripped $(OSS_HOME)/_cxx/envoy-build-image.txt
   324	@PS4=; set -ex; { \
   325	    if [ '$(ENVOY_COMMIT)' != '-' ] && docker pull $(ENVOY_FULL_DOCKER_TAG); then \
   326	        echo 'Already up-to-date: $(ENVOY_FULL_DOCKER_TAG)'; \
   327	        ENVOY_VERSION_OUTPUT=$$(docker run --rm -it --entrypoint envoy-static $(ENVOY_FULL_DOCKER_TAG) --version | grep "version:"); \
   328	        ENVOY_VERSION_EXPECTED="envoy-static .*version:.* $(ENVOY_COMMIT)/.*"; \
   329	        if ! echo "$$ENVOY_VERSION_OUTPUT" | grep "$$ENVOY_VERSION_EXPECTED"; then \
   330	            { set +x; } &>/dev/null; \
   331	            echo "error: Envoy base image $(ENVOY_FULL_DOCKER_TAG) contains envoy-static binary that reported an unexpected version string!" \
   332	                 "See ENVOY_VERSION_OUTPUT and ENVOY_VERSION_EXPECTED in the output above. This error is usually not recoverable." \
   333	                 "You may need to rebuild the Envoy base image after either updating ENVOY_COMMIT or bumping BASE_ENVOY_RELVER" \
   334	                 "(or both, depending on what you are doing)."; \
   335	            exit 1; \
   336	        fi; \
   337	    else \
   338	        if [ -z '$(YES_I_AM_OK_WITH_COMPILING_ENVOY)' ]; then \
   339	            { set +x; } &>/dev/null; \
   340	            echo 'error: Envoy compilation triggered, but $$YES_I_AM_OK_WITH_COMPILING_ENVOY is not set'; \
   341	            exit 1; \
   342	        fi; \
   343	        docker build --build-arg=base=$$(cat $(OSS_HOME)/_cxx/envoy-build-image.txt) -f $(OSS_HOME)/docker/base-envoy/Dockerfile -t $(ENVOY_FULL_DOCKER_TAG) $(OSS_HOME)/docker/base-envoy; \
   344	        if [ '$(ENVOY_COMMIT)' != '-' ]; then \
   345	            ENVOY_VERSION_OUTPUT=$$(docker run --rm -it --entrypoint envoy-static $(ENVOY_FULL_DOCKER_TAG) --version | grep "version:"); \
   346	            ENVOY_VERSION_EXPECTED="envoy-static .*version:.* $(ENVOY_COMMIT)/.*"; \
   347	            if ! echo "$$ENVOY_VERSION_OUTPUT" | grep "$$ENVOY_VERSION_EXPECTED"; then \
   348	                { set +x; } &>/dev/null; \
   349	                echo "error: Envoy base image $(ENVOY_FULL_DOCKER_TAG) contains envoy-static binary that reported an unexpected version string!" \
   350	                     "See ENVOY_VERSION_OUTPUT and ENVOY_VERSION_EXPECTED in the output above. This error is usually not recoverable." \
   351	                     "You may need to rebuild the Envoy base image after either updating ENVOY_COMMIT or bumping BASE_ENVOY_RELVER" \
   352	                     "(or both, depending on what you are doing)."; \
   353	                exit 1; \
   354	            fi; \
   355	            docker push $(ENVOY_FULL_DOCKER_TAG); \
   356	        fi; \
   357	    fi; \
   358	}
   359	@PS4=; set -ex; { \
   360	    if [ '$(ENVOY_COMMIT)' != '-' ] && docker pull $(ENVOY_DOCKER_TAG); then \
   361	        echo 'Already up-to-date: $(ENVOY_DOCKER_TAG)'; \
   362	        ENVOY_VERSION_OUTPUT=$$(docker run --rm -it --entrypoint envoy-static-stripped $(ENVOY_DOCKER_TAG) --version | grep "version:"); \
   363	        ENVOY_VERSION_EXPECTED="envoy-static-stripped .*version:.* $(ENVOY_COMMIT)/.*"; \
   364	        if ! echo "$$ENVOY_VERSION_OUTPUT" | grep "$$ENVOY_VERSION_EXPECTED"; then \
   365	            { set +x; } &>/dev/null; \
   366	            echo "error: Envoy base image $(ENVOY_DOCKER_TAG) contains envoy-static-stripped binary that reported an unexpected version string!" \
   367	                 "See ENVOY_VERSION_OUTPUT and ENVOY_VERSION_EXPECTED in the output above. This error is usually not recoverable." \
   368	                 "You may need to rebuild the Envoy base image after either updating ENVOY_COMMIT or bumping BASE_ENVOY_RELVER" \
   369	                 "(or both, depending on what you are doing)."; \
   370	            exit 1; \
   371	        fi; \
   372	    else \
   373	        if [ -z '$(YES_I_AM_OK_WITH_COMPILING_ENVOY)' ]; then \
   374	            { set +x; } &>/dev/null; \
   375	            echo 'error: Envoy compilation triggered, but $$YES_I_AM_OK_WITH_COMPILING_ENVOY is not set'; \
   376	            exit 1; \
   377	        fi; \
   378	        docker build -f $(OSS_HOME)/docker/base-envoy/Dockerfile.stripped -t $(ENVOY_DOCKER_TAG) $(OSS_HOME)/docker/base-envoy; \
   379	        if [ '$(ENVOY_COMMIT)' != '-' ]; then \
   380	            ENVOY_VERSION_OUTPUT=$$(docker run --rm -it --entrypoint envoy-static-stripped $(ENVOY_DOCKER_TAG) --version | grep "version:"); \
   381	            ENVOY_VERSION_EXPECTED="envoy-static-stripped .*version:.* $(ENVOY_COMMIT)/.*"; \
   382	            if ! echo "$$ENVOY_VERSION_OUTPUT" | grep "$$ENVOY_VERSION_EXPECTED"; then \
   383	                { set +x; } &>/dev/null; \
   384	                echo "error: Envoy base image $(ENVOY_DOCKER_TAG) contains envoy-static-stripped binary that reported an unexpected version string!" \
   385	                     "See ENVOY_VERSION_OUTPUT and ENVOY_VERSION_EXPECTED in the output above. This error is usually not recoverable." \
   386	                     "You may need to rebuild the Envoy base image after either updating ENVOY_COMMIT or bumping BASE_ENVOY_RELVER" \
   387	                     "(or both, depending on what you are doing)."; \
   388	                exit 1; \
   389	            fi; \
   390	            docker push $(ENVOY_DOCKER_TAG); \
   391	        fi; \
   392	    fi; \
   393	}
   394# `make generate` has to come *after* the above, because builder.sh will
   395# try to use the images that the above create.
   396	$(MAKE) generate
   397.PHONY: update-base

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