
Text file src/github.com/coreos/go-systemd/v22/.github/workflows/containers.yml

Documentation: github.com/coreos/go-systemd/v22/.github/workflows

     2name: Containers
     5  push:
     6    branches: [main]
     7  pull_request:
     8    branches: [main]
    11  contents: read
    14  GO_TOOLCHAIN: "1.15"
    15  GOPATH: "/opt"
    16  BUILD_DIR: "/opt/src/github.com/coreos/go-systemd"
    19  ditro-test:
    20    name: "Distro test"
    21    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    22    strategy:
    23      matrix:
    24        baseimage: ['debian:stretch', 'ubuntu:18.04', 'ubuntu:20.04']
    25    steps:
    26      - run: sudo apt-get -qq update
    27      - name: Install libsystemd-dev
    28        run: sudo apt-get install libsystemd-dev
    29      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
    30      - name: Setup go
    31        uses: actions/setup-go@v1
    32        with:
    33          go-version: ${{ env['GO_TOOLCHAIN'] }}
    34      - name: Go build (source)
    35        run: ./scripts/ci-runner.sh build_source
    36      - name: Go build (tests)
    37        run: ./scripts/ci-runner.sh build_tests
    38      - name: Pull base image - ${{ matrix.baseimage }}
    39        run: docker pull ${{ matrix.baseimage }}
    40      - name: Install packages for ${{ matrix.baseimage }}
    41        run: docker run --privileged -e GOPATH=${GOPATH} --cidfile=/tmp/cidfile ${{ matrix.baseimage }} /bin/bash -c "export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive; apt-get update && apt-get install -y sudo build-essential git golang dbus libsystemd-dev libpam-systemd systemd-container"
    42      - name: Persist base container
    43        run: docker commit `cat /tmp/cidfile` go-systemd/container-tests
    44      - run: rm -f /tmp/cidfile
    45      - name: Run systemd from ${{ matrix.baseimage }}
    46        run: docker run --shm-size=2gb -d --cidfile=/tmp/cidfile --privileged -e GOPATH=${GOPATH} -v ${PWD}:${BUILD_DIR} go-systemd/container-tests /bin/systemd --system
    47      - name: Wait a bit for the whole system to settle
    48        run: sleep 30s
    49      - name: Run tests
    50        run: docker exec --privileged `cat /tmp/cidfile` /bin/bash -c "cd ${BUILD_DIR} && ./scripts/ci-runner.sh run_tests"
    51      - name: Cleanup
    52        run: docker kill `cat /tmp/cidfile`

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