/* Copyright The containerd Authors. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package fs import ( "context" "fmt" "os" "path/filepath" "runtime" "strings" "testing" "time" "github.com/containerd/continuity/fs/fstest" ) // TODO: Additional tests // - capability test (requires privilege) // - chown test (requires privilege) // - symlink test // - hardlink test func skipDiffTestOnWindows(t *testing.T) { if runtime.GOOS == "windows" { t.Skip("diff implementation is incomplete on windows") } } func TestSimpleDiff(t *testing.T) { skipDiffTestOnWindows(t) l1 := fstest.Apply( fstest.CreateDir("/etc", 0o755), fstest.CreateFile("/etc/hosts", []byte("mydomain"), 0o644), fstest.CreateFile("/etc/profile", []byte("PATH=/usr/bin"), 0o644), fstest.CreateFile("/etc/unchanged", []byte("PATH=/usr/bin"), 0o644), fstest.CreateFile("/etc/unexpected", []byte("#!/bin/sh"), 0o644), ) l2 := fstest.Apply( fstest.CreateFile("/etc/hosts", []byte("mydomain"), 0o644), fstest.CreateFile("/etc/profile", []byte("PATH=/usr/bin"), 0o666), fstest.CreateDir("/root", 0o700), fstest.CreateFile("/root/.bashrc", []byte("PATH=/usr/sbin:/usr/bin"), 0o644), fstest.Remove("/etc/unexpected"), ) diff := []TestChange{ Modify("/etc/hosts"), Modify("/etc/profile"), Delete("/etc/unexpected"), Add("/root"), Add("/root/.bashrc"), } if err := testDiffWithBase(t, l1, l2, diff); err != nil { t.Fatalf("Failed diff with base: %+v", err) } } func TestEmptyFileDiff(t *testing.T) { skipDiffTestOnWindows(t) tt := time.Now().Truncate(time.Second) l1 := fstest.Apply( fstest.CreateDir("/etc", 0o755), fstest.CreateFile("/etc/empty", []byte(""), 0o644), fstest.Chtimes("/etc/empty", tt, tt), ) l2 := fstest.Apply() diff := []TestChange{} if err := testDiffWithBase(t, l1, l2, diff); err != nil { t.Fatalf("Failed diff with base: %+v", err) } } func TestNestedDeletion(t *testing.T) { skipDiffTestOnWindows(t) l1 := fstest.Apply( fstest.CreateDir("/d0", 0o755), fstest.CreateDir("/d1", 0o755), fstest.CreateDir("/d1/d2", 0o755), fstest.CreateFile("/d1/d2/f1", []byte("mydomain"), 0o644), ) l2 := fstest.Apply( fstest.RemoveAll("/d0"), fstest.RemoveAll("/d1"), ) diff := []TestChange{ Delete("/d0"), Delete("/d1"), } if err := testDiffWithBase(t, l1, l2, diff); err != nil { t.Fatalf("Failed diff with base: %+v", err) } } func TestDirectoryReplace(t *testing.T) { skipDiffTestOnWindows(t) l1 := fstest.Apply( fstest.CreateDir("/dir1", 0o755), fstest.CreateFile("/dir1/f1", []byte("#####"), 0o644), fstest.CreateDir("/dir1/f2", 0o755), fstest.CreateFile("/dir1/f2/f3", []byte("#!/bin/sh"), 0o644), ) l2 := fstest.Apply( fstest.CreateFile("/dir1/f11", []byte("#New file here"), 0o644), fstest.RemoveAll("/dir1/f2"), fstest.CreateFile("/dir1/f2", []byte("Now file"), 0o666), ) diff := []TestChange{ Add("/dir1/f11"), Modify("/dir1/f2"), } if err := testDiffWithBase(t, l1, l2, diff); err != nil { t.Fatalf("Failed diff with base: %+v", err) } } func TestRemoveDirectoryTree(t *testing.T) { l1 := fstest.Apply( fstest.CreateDir("/dir1/dir2/dir3", 0o755), fstest.CreateFile("/dir1/f1", []byte("f1"), 0o644), fstest.CreateFile("/dir1/dir2/f2", []byte("f2"), 0o644), ) l2 := fstest.Apply( fstest.RemoveAll("/dir1"), ) diff := []TestChange{ Delete("/dir1"), } if err := testDiffWithBase(t, l1, l2, diff); err != nil { t.Fatalf("Failed diff with base: %+v", err) } } func TestRemoveDirectoryTreeWithDash(t *testing.T) { if runtime.GOOS == "windows" { t.Skip("windows fails this test with `-` files reported as modified") } l1 := fstest.Apply( fstest.CreateDir("/dir1/dir2/dir3", 0o755), fstest.CreateFile("/dir1/f1", []byte("f1"), 0o644), fstest.CreateFile("/dir1/dir2/f2", []byte("f2"), 0o644), fstest.CreateDir("/dir1-before", 0o755), fstest.CreateFile("/dir1-before/f2", []byte("f2"), 0o644), ) l2 := fstest.Apply( fstest.RemoveAll("/dir1"), ) diff := []TestChange{ Delete("/dir1"), } if err := testDiffWithBase(t, l1, l2, diff); err != nil { t.Fatalf("Failed diff with base: %+v", err) } } func TestFileReplace(t *testing.T) { l1 := fstest.Apply( fstest.CreateFile("/dir1", []byte("a file, not a directory"), 0o644), ) l2 := fstest.Apply( fstest.Remove("/dir1"), fstest.CreateDir("/dir1/dir2", 0o755), fstest.CreateFile("/dir1/dir2/f1", []byte("also a file"), 0o644), ) diff := []TestChange{ Modify("/dir1"), Add("/dir1/dir2"), Add("/dir1/dir2/f1"), } if err := testDiffWithBase(t, l1, l2, diff); err != nil { t.Fatalf("Failed diff with base: %+v", err) } } func TestParentDirectoryPermission(t *testing.T) { skipDiffTestOnWindows(t) l1 := fstest.Apply( fstest.CreateDir("/dir1", 0o700), fstest.CreateDir("/dir2", 0o751), fstest.CreateDir("/dir3", 0o777), ) l2 := fstest.Apply( fstest.CreateDir("/dir1/d", 0o700), fstest.CreateFile("/dir1/d/f", []byte("irrelevant"), 0o644), fstest.CreateFile("/dir1/f", []byte("irrelevant"), 0o644), fstest.CreateFile("/dir2/f", []byte("irrelevant"), 0o644), fstest.CreateFile("/dir3/f", []byte("irrelevant"), 0o644), ) diff := []TestChange{ Add("/dir1/d"), Add("/dir1/d/f"), Add("/dir1/f"), Add("/dir2/f"), Add("/dir3/f"), } if err := testDiffWithBase(t, l1, l2, diff); err != nil { t.Fatalf("Failed diff with base: %+v", err) } } func TestUpdateWithSameTime(t *testing.T) { skipDiffTestOnWindows(t) tt := time.Now().Truncate(time.Second) t1 := tt.Add(5 * time.Nanosecond) t2 := tt.Add(6 * time.Nanosecond) l1 := fstest.Apply( fstest.CreateFile("/file-modified-time", []byte("1"), 0o644), fstest.Chtimes("/file-modified-time", t1, t1), fstest.CreateFile("/file-no-change", []byte("1"), 0o644), fstest.Chtimes("/file-no-change", t1, t1), fstest.CreateFile("/file-same-time", []byte("1"), 0o644), fstest.Chtimes("/file-same-time", t1, t1), fstest.CreateFile("/file-truncated-time-1", []byte("1"), 0o644), fstest.Chtimes("/file-truncated-time-1", tt, tt), fstest.CreateFile("/file-truncated-time-2", []byte("1"), 0o644), fstest.Chtimes("/file-truncated-time-2", tt, tt), fstest.CreateFile("/file-truncated-time-3", []byte("1"), 0o644), fstest.Chtimes("/file-truncated-time-3", t1, t1), ) l2 := fstest.Apply( fstest.CreateFile("/file-modified-time", []byte("2"), 0o644), fstest.Chtimes("/file-modified-time", t2, t2), fstest.CreateFile("/file-no-change", []byte("1"), 0o644), fstest.Chtimes("/file-no-change", t1, t1), fstest.CreateFile("/file-same-time", []byte("2"), 0o644), fstest.Chtimes("/file-same-time", t1, t1), fstest.CreateFile("/file-truncated-time-1", []byte("1"), 0o644), fstest.Chtimes("/file-truncated-time-1", t1, t1), fstest.CreateFile("/file-truncated-time-2", []byte("2"), 0o644), fstest.Chtimes("/file-truncated-time-2", tt, tt), fstest.CreateFile("/file-truncated-time-3", []byte("1"), 0o644), fstest.Chtimes("/file-truncated-time-3", tt, tt), ) diff := []TestChange{ Modify("/file-modified-time"), // Include changes with truncated timestamps. Comparing newly // extracted tars which have truncated timestamps will be // expected to produce changes. The expectation is that diff // archives are generated once and kept, newly generated diffs // will not consider cases where only one side is truncated. Modify("/file-truncated-time-1"), Modify("/file-truncated-time-2"), Modify("/file-truncated-time-3"), } if err := testDiffWithBase(t, l1, l2, diff); err != nil { t.Fatalf("Failed diff with base: %+v", err) } } // buildkit#172 func TestLchtimes(t *testing.T) { skipDiffTestOnWindows(t) mtimes := []time.Time{ time.Unix(0, 0), // nsec is 0 time.Unix(0, 42), // nsec > 0 } for _, mtime := range mtimes { atime := time.Unix(424242, 42) l1 := fstest.Apply( fstest.CreateFile("/foo", []byte("foo"), 0o644), fstest.Symlink("/foo", "/lnk0"), fstest.Lchtimes("/lnk0", atime, mtime), ) l2 := fstest.Apply() // empty diff := []TestChange{} if err := testDiffWithBase(t, l1, l2, diff); err != nil { t.Fatalf("Failed diff with base: %+v", err) } } } func testDiffWithBase(t testing.TB, base, diff fstest.Applier, expected []TestChange) error { t1 := t.TempDir() t2 := t.TempDir() if err := base.Apply(t1); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to apply base filesystem: %w", err) } if err := CopyDir(t2, t1); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to copy base directory: %w", err) } if err := diff.Apply(t2); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to apply diff filesystem: %w", err) } changes, err := collectChanges(t1, t2) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to collect changes: %w", err) } return checkChanges(t2, changes, expected) } func TestBaseDirectoryChanges(t *testing.T) { apply := fstest.Apply( fstest.CreateDir("/etc", 0o755), fstest.CreateFile("/etc/hosts", []byte("mydomain"), 0o644), fstest.CreateFile("/etc/profile", []byte("PATH=/usr/bin"), 0o644), fstest.CreateDir("/root", 0o700), fstest.CreateFile("/root/.bashrc", []byte("PATH=/usr/sbin:/usr/bin"), 0o644), ) changes := []TestChange{ Add("/etc"), Add("/etc/hosts"), Add("/etc/profile"), Add("/root"), Add("/root/.bashrc"), } if err := testDiffWithoutBase(t, apply, changes); err != nil { t.Fatalf("Failed diff without base: %+v", err) } } func testDiffWithoutBase(t testing.TB, apply fstest.Applier, expected []TestChange) error { tmp := t.TempDir() if err := apply.Apply(tmp); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to apply filesytem changes: %w", err) } changes, err := collectChanges("", tmp) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to collect changes: %w", err) } return checkChanges(tmp, changes, expected) } func checkChanges(root string, changes, expected []TestChange) error { if len(changes) != len(expected) { return fmt.Errorf("Unexpected number of changes:\n%s", diffString(changes, expected)) } for i := range changes { if changes[i].Path != expected[i].Path || changes[i].Kind != expected[i].Kind { return fmt.Errorf("Unexpected change at %d:\n%s", i, diffString(changes, expected)) } if changes[i].Kind != ChangeKindDelete { filename := filepath.Join(root, changes[i].Path) efi, err := os.Stat(filename) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to stat %q: %w", filename, err) } afi := changes[i].FileInfo if afi.Size() != efi.Size() { return fmt.Errorf("Unexpected change size %d, %q has size %d", afi.Size(), filename, efi.Size()) } if afi.Mode() != efi.Mode() { return fmt.Errorf("Unexpected change mode %s, %q has mode %s", afi.Mode(), filename, efi.Mode()) } if afi.ModTime() != efi.ModTime() { return fmt.Errorf("Unexpected change modtime %s, %q has modtime %s", afi.ModTime(), filename, efi.ModTime()) } if expected := filepath.Join(root, changes[i].Path); changes[i].Source != expected { return fmt.Errorf("Unexpected source path %s, expected %s", changes[i].Source, expected) } } } return nil } type TestChange struct { Kind ChangeKind Path string FileInfo os.FileInfo Source string } func collectChanges(a, b string) ([]TestChange, error) { changes := []TestChange{} err := Changes(context.Background(), a, b, func(k ChangeKind, p string, f os.FileInfo, err error) error { if err != nil { return err } changes = append(changes, TestChange{ Kind: k, Path: p, FileInfo: f, Source: filepath.Join(b, p), }) return nil }) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to compute changes: %w", err) } return changes, nil } func diffString(c1, c2 []TestChange) string { return fmt.Sprintf("got(%d):\n%s\nexpected(%d):\n%s", len(c1), changesString(c1), len(c2), changesString(c2)) } func changesString(c []TestChange) string { strs := make([]string, len(c)) for i := range c { strs[i] = fmt.Sprintf("\t%s\t%s", c[i].Kind, c[i].Path) } return strings.Join(strs, "\n") } func Add(p string) TestChange { return TestChange{ Kind: ChangeKindAdd, Path: filepath.FromSlash(p), } } func Delete(p string) TestChange { return TestChange{ Kind: ChangeKindDelete, Path: filepath.FromSlash(p), } } func Modify(p string) TestChange { return TestChange{ Kind: ChangeKindModify, Path: filepath.FromSlash(p), } }