17 package v2
19 import (
20 "bufio"
21 "context"
22 "errors"
23 "fmt"
24 "io"
25 "math"
26 "os"
27 "path/filepath"
28 "strconv"
29 "strings"
30 "syscall"
31 "time"
33 "github.com/containerd/cgroups/v2/stats"
35 systemdDbus "github.com/coreos/go-systemd/v22/dbus"
36 "github.com/godbus/dbus/v5"
37 "github.com/opencontainers/runtime-spec/specs-go"
38 "github.com/sirupsen/logrus"
39 "golang.org/x/sys/unix"
40 )
42 const (
43 subtreeControl = "cgroup.subtree_control"
44 controllersFile = "cgroup.controllers"
45 defaultCgroup2Path = "/sys/fs/cgroup"
46 defaultSlice = "system.slice"
47 )
49 var (
50 canDelegate bool
51 )
53 type Event struct {
54 Low uint64
55 High uint64
56 Max uint64
57 OOM uint64
58 OOMKill uint64
59 }
62 type Resources struct {
64 Memory *Memory
65 Pids *Pids
66 IO *IO
68 HugeTlb *HugeTlb
70 Devices []specs.LinuxDeviceCgroup
71 }
75 func (r *Resources) Values() (o []Value) {
76 if r.CPU != nil {
77 o = append(o, r.CPU.Values()...)
78 }
79 if r.Memory != nil {
80 o = append(o, r.Memory.Values()...)
81 }
82 if r.Pids != nil {
83 o = append(o, r.Pids.Values()...)
84 }
85 if r.IO != nil {
86 o = append(o, r.IO.Values()...)
87 }
88 if r.RDMA != nil {
89 o = append(o, r.RDMA.Values()...)
90 }
91 if r.HugeTlb != nil {
92 o = append(o, r.HugeTlb.Values()...)
93 }
94 return o
95 }
98 func (r *Resources) EnabledControllers() (c []string) {
99 if r.CPU != nil {
100 c = append(c, "cpu")
101 c = append(c, "cpuset")
102 }
103 if r.Memory != nil {
104 c = append(c, "memory")
105 }
106 if r.Pids != nil {
107 c = append(c, "pids")
108 }
109 if r.IO != nil {
110 c = append(c, "io")
111 }
112 if r.RDMA != nil {
113 c = append(c, "rdma")
114 }
115 if r.HugeTlb != nil {
116 c = append(c, "hugetlb")
117 }
118 return
119 }
122 type Value struct {
123 filename string
124 value interface{}
125 }
128 func (c *Value) write(path string, perm os.FileMode) error {
129 var data []byte
130 switch t := c.value.(type) {
131 case uint64:
132 data = []byte(strconv.FormatUint(t, 10))
133 case uint16:
134 data = []byte(strconv.FormatUint(uint64(t), 10))
135 case int64:
136 data = []byte(strconv.FormatInt(t, 10))
137 case []byte:
138 data = t
139 case string:
140 data = []byte(t)
141 case CPUMax:
142 data = []byte(t)
143 default:
144 return ErrInvalidFormat
145 }
149 for {
150 err := os.WriteFile(
151 filepath.Join(path, c.filename),
152 data,
153 perm,
154 )
155 if err == nil {
156 return nil
157 } else if !errors.Is(err, syscall.EINTR) {
158 return err
159 }
160 }
161 }
163 func writeValues(path string, values []Value) error {
164 for _, o := range values {
165 if err := o.write(path, defaultFilePerm); err != nil {
166 return err
167 }
168 }
169 return nil
170 }
172 func NewManager(mountpoint string, group string, resources *Resources) (*Manager, error) {
173 if resources == nil {
174 return nil, errors.New("resources reference is nil")
175 }
176 if err := VerifyGroupPath(group); err != nil {
177 return nil, err
178 }
179 path := filepath.Join(mountpoint, group)
180 if err := os.MkdirAll(path, defaultDirPerm); err != nil {
181 return nil, err
182 }
183 m := Manager{
184 unifiedMountpoint: mountpoint,
185 path: path,
186 }
187 if err := m.ToggleControllers(resources.EnabledControllers(), Enable); err != nil {
189 os.Remove(path)
190 return nil, err
191 }
192 if err := setResources(path, resources); err != nil {
193 os.Remove(path)
194 return nil, err
195 }
196 return &m, nil
197 }
199 func LoadManager(mountpoint string, group string) (*Manager, error) {
200 if err := VerifyGroupPath(group); err != nil {
201 return nil, err
202 }
203 path := filepath.Join(mountpoint, group)
204 return &Manager{
205 unifiedMountpoint: mountpoint,
206 path: path,
207 }, nil
208 }
210 type Manager struct {
211 unifiedMountpoint string
212 path string
213 }
215 func setResources(path string, resources *Resources) error {
216 if resources != nil {
217 if err := writeValues(path, resources.Values()); err != nil {
218 return err
219 }
220 if err := setDevices(path, resources.Devices); err != nil {
221 return err
222 }
223 }
224 return nil
225 }
227 func (c *Manager) RootControllers() ([]string, error) {
228 b, err := os.ReadFile(filepath.Join(c.unifiedMountpoint, controllersFile))
229 if err != nil {
230 return nil, err
231 }
232 return strings.Fields(string(b)), nil
233 }
235 func (c *Manager) Controllers() ([]string, error) {
236 b, err := os.ReadFile(filepath.Join(c.path, controllersFile))
237 if err != nil {
238 return nil, err
239 }
240 return strings.Fields(string(b)), nil
241 }
243 func (c *Manager) Update(resources *Resources) error {
244 return setResources(c.path, resources)
245 }
247 type ControllerToggle int
249 const (
250 Enable ControllerToggle = iota + 1
251 Disable
252 )
254 func toggleFunc(controllers []string, prefix string) []string {
255 out := make([]string, len(controllers))
256 for i, c := range controllers {
257 out[i] = prefix + c
258 }
259 return out
260 }
262 func (c *Manager) ToggleControllers(controllers []string, t ControllerToggle) error {
268 split := strings.Split(c.path, "/")
269 var lastErr error
270 for i := range split {
271 f := strings.Join(split[:i], "/")
272 if !strings.HasPrefix(f, c.unifiedMountpoint) || f == c.path {
273 continue
274 }
275 filePath := filepath.Join(f, subtreeControl)
276 if err := c.writeSubtreeControl(filePath, controllers, t); err != nil {
280 lastErr = fmt.Errorf("failed to write subtree controllers %+v to %q: %w", controllers, filePath, err)
281 } else {
282 lastErr = nil
283 }
284 }
285 return lastErr
286 }
288 func (c *Manager) writeSubtreeControl(filePath string, controllers []string, t ControllerToggle) error {
289 f, err := os.OpenFile(filePath, os.O_WRONLY, 0)
290 if err != nil {
291 return err
292 }
293 defer f.Close()
294 switch t {
295 case Enable:
296 controllers = toggleFunc(controllers, "+")
297 case Disable:
298 controllers = toggleFunc(controllers, "-")
299 }
300 _, err = f.WriteString(strings.Join(controllers, " "))
301 return err
302 }
304 func (c *Manager) NewChild(name string, resources *Resources) (*Manager, error) {
305 if strings.HasPrefix(name, "/") {
306 return nil, errors.New("name must be relative")
307 }
308 path := filepath.Join(c.path, name)
309 if err := os.MkdirAll(path, defaultDirPerm); err != nil {
310 return nil, err
311 }
312 m := Manager{
313 unifiedMountpoint: c.unifiedMountpoint,
314 path: path,
315 }
316 if resources != nil {
317 if err := m.ToggleControllers(resources.EnabledControllers(), Enable); err != nil {
319 os.Remove(path)
320 return nil, err
321 }
322 }
323 if err := setResources(path, resources); err != nil {
325 os.Remove(path)
326 return nil, err
327 }
328 return &m, nil
329 }
331 func (c *Manager) AddProc(pid uint64) error {
332 v := Value{
333 filename: cgroupProcs,
334 value: pid,
335 }
336 return writeValues(c.path, []Value{v})
337 }
339 func (c *Manager) AddThread(tid uint64) error {
340 v := Value{
341 filename: cgroupThreads,
342 value: tid,
343 }
344 return writeValues(c.path, []Value{v})
345 }
347 func (c *Manager) Delete() error {
349 processes, err := c.Procs(true)
350 if err != nil {
351 return err
352 }
353 if len(processes) > 0 {
354 return fmt.Errorf("cgroups: unable to remove path %q: still contains running processes", c.path)
355 }
356 return remove(c.path)
357 }
359 func (c *Manager) Procs(recursive bool) ([]uint64, error) {
360 var processes []uint64
361 err := filepath.Walk(c.path, func(p string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
362 if err != nil {
363 return err
364 }
365 if !recursive && info.IsDir() {
366 if p == c.path {
367 return nil
368 }
369 return filepath.SkipDir
370 }
371 _, name := filepath.Split(p)
372 if name != cgroupProcs {
373 return nil
374 }
375 procs, err := parseCgroupProcsFile(p)
376 if err != nil {
377 return err
378 }
379 processes = append(processes, procs...)
380 return nil
381 })
382 return processes, err
383 }
385 func (c *Manager) MoveTo(destination *Manager) error {
386 processes, err := c.Procs(true)
387 if err != nil {
388 return err
389 }
390 for _, p := range processes {
391 if err := destination.AddProc(p); err != nil {
392 if strings.Contains(err.Error(), "no such process") {
393 continue
394 }
395 return err
396 }
397 }
398 return nil
399 }
401 var singleValueFiles = []string{
402 "pids.current",
403 "pids.max",
404 }
406 func (c *Manager) Stat() (*stats.Metrics, error) {
407 controllers, err := c.Controllers()
408 if err != nil {
409 return nil, err
410 }
411 out := make(map[string]interface{})
412 for _, controller := range controllers {
413 switch controller {
414 case "cpu", "memory":
415 if err := readKVStatsFile(c.path, controller+".stat", out); err != nil {
416 if os.IsNotExist(err) {
417 continue
418 }
419 return nil, err
420 }
421 }
422 }
423 for _, name := range singleValueFiles {
424 if err := readSingleFile(c.path, name, out); err != nil {
425 if os.IsNotExist(err) {
426 continue
427 }
428 return nil, err
429 }
430 }
431 memoryEvents := make(map[string]interface{})
432 if err := readKVStatsFile(c.path, "memory.events", memoryEvents); err != nil {
433 if !os.IsNotExist(err) {
434 return nil, err
435 }
436 }
437 var metrics stats.Metrics
439 metrics.Pids = &stats.PidsStat{
440 Current: getPidValue("pids.current", out),
441 Limit: getPidValue("pids.max", out),
442 }
443 metrics.CPU = &stats.CPUStat{
444 UsageUsec: getUint64Value("usage_usec", out),
445 UserUsec: getUint64Value("user_usec", out),
446 SystemUsec: getUint64Value("system_usec", out),
447 NrPeriods: getUint64Value("nr_periods", out),
448 NrThrottled: getUint64Value("nr_throttled", out),
449 ThrottledUsec: getUint64Value("throttled_usec", out),
450 }
451 metrics.Memory = &stats.MemoryStat{
452 Anon: getUint64Value("anon", out),
453 File: getUint64Value("file", out),
454 KernelStack: getUint64Value("kernel_stack", out),
455 Slab: getUint64Value("slab", out),
456 Sock: getUint64Value("sock", out),
457 Shmem: getUint64Value("shmem", out),
458 FileMapped: getUint64Value("file_mapped", out),
459 FileDirty: getUint64Value("file_dirty", out),
460 FileWriteback: getUint64Value("file_writeback", out),
461 AnonThp: getUint64Value("anon_thp", out),
462 InactiveAnon: getUint64Value("inactive_anon", out),
463 ActiveAnon: getUint64Value("active_anon", out),
464 InactiveFile: getUint64Value("inactive_file", out),
465 ActiveFile: getUint64Value("active_file", out),
466 Unevictable: getUint64Value("unevictable", out),
467 SlabReclaimable: getUint64Value("slab_reclaimable", out),
468 SlabUnreclaimable: getUint64Value("slab_unreclaimable", out),
469 Pgfault: getUint64Value("pgfault", out),
470 Pgmajfault: getUint64Value("pgmajfault", out),
471 WorkingsetRefault: getUint64Value("workingset_refault", out),
472 WorkingsetActivate: getUint64Value("workingset_activate", out),
473 WorkingsetNodereclaim: getUint64Value("workingset_nodereclaim", out),
474 Pgrefill: getUint64Value("pgrefill", out),
475 Pgscan: getUint64Value("pgscan", out),
476 Pgsteal: getUint64Value("pgsteal", out),
477 Pgactivate: getUint64Value("pgactivate", out),
478 Pgdeactivate: getUint64Value("pgdeactivate", out),
479 Pglazyfree: getUint64Value("pglazyfree", out),
480 Pglazyfreed: getUint64Value("pglazyfreed", out),
481 ThpFaultAlloc: getUint64Value("thp_fault_alloc", out),
482 ThpCollapseAlloc: getUint64Value("thp_collapse_alloc", out),
483 Usage: getStatFileContentUint64(filepath.Join(c.path, "memory.current")),
484 UsageLimit: getStatFileContentUint64(filepath.Join(c.path, "memory.max")),
485 SwapUsage: getStatFileContentUint64(filepath.Join(c.path, "memory.swap.current")),
486 SwapLimit: getStatFileContentUint64(filepath.Join(c.path, "memory.swap.max")),
487 }
488 if len(memoryEvents) > 0 {
489 metrics.MemoryEvents = &stats.MemoryEvents{
490 Low: getUint64Value("low", memoryEvents),
491 High: getUint64Value("high", memoryEvents),
492 Max: getUint64Value("max", memoryEvents),
493 Oom: getUint64Value("oom", memoryEvents),
494 OomKill: getUint64Value("oom_kill", memoryEvents),
495 }
496 }
497 metrics.Io = &stats.IOStat{Usage: readIoStats(c.path)}
498 metrics.Rdma = &stats.RdmaStat{
499 Current: rdmaStats(filepath.Join(c.path, "rdma.current")),
500 Limit: rdmaStats(filepath.Join(c.path, "rdma.max")),
501 }
502 metrics.Hugetlb = readHugeTlbStats(c.path)
504 return &metrics, nil
505 }
507 func getUint64Value(key string, out map[string]interface{}) uint64 {
508 v, ok := out[key]
509 if !ok {
510 return 0
511 }
512 switch t := v.(type) {
513 case uint64:
514 return t
515 }
516 return 0
517 }
519 func getPidValue(key string, out map[string]interface{}) uint64 {
520 v, ok := out[key]
521 if !ok {
522 return 0
523 }
524 switch t := v.(type) {
525 case uint64:
526 return t
527 case string:
528 if t == "max" {
529 return math.MaxUint64
530 }
531 }
532 return 0
533 }
535 func readSingleFile(path string, file string, out map[string]interface{}) error {
536 f, err := os.Open(filepath.Join(path, file))
537 if err != nil {
538 return err
539 }
540 defer f.Close()
541 data, err := io.ReadAll(f)
542 if err != nil {
543 return err
544 }
545 s := strings.TrimSpace(string(data))
546 v, err := parseUint(s, 10, 64)
547 if err != nil {
549 out[file] = s
550 return nil
551 }
552 out[file] = v
553 return nil
554 }
556 func readKVStatsFile(path string, file string, out map[string]interface{}) error {
557 f, err := os.Open(filepath.Join(path, file))
558 if err != nil {
559 return err
560 }
561 defer f.Close()
563 s := bufio.NewScanner(f)
564 for s.Scan() {
565 name, value, err := parseKV(s.Text())
566 if err != nil {
567 return fmt.Errorf("error while parsing %s (line=%q): %w", filepath.Join(path, file), s.Text(), err)
568 }
569 out[name] = value
570 }
571 return s.Err()
572 }
574 func (c *Manager) Freeze() error {
575 return c.freeze(c.path, Frozen)
576 }
578 func (c *Manager) Thaw() error {
579 return c.freeze(c.path, Thawed)
580 }
582 func (c *Manager) freeze(path string, state State) error {
583 values := state.Values()
584 for {
585 if err := writeValues(path, values); err != nil {
586 return err
587 }
588 current, err := fetchState(path)
589 if err != nil {
590 return err
591 }
592 if current == state {
593 return nil
594 }
595 time.Sleep(1 * time.Millisecond)
596 }
597 }
599 func (c *Manager) isCgroupEmpty() bool {
601 out := make(map[string]interface{})
602 if err := readKVStatsFile(c.path, "cgroup.events", out); err != nil {
603 return true
604 }
605 if v, ok := out["populated"]; ok {
606 populated, ok := v.(uint64)
607 if !ok {
608 return true
609 }
610 return populated == 0
611 }
612 return true
613 }
616 func (c *Manager) MemoryEventFD() (int, uint32, error) {
617 fpath := filepath.Join(c.path, "memory.events")
618 fd, err := syscall.InotifyInit()
619 if err != nil {
620 return 0, 0, errors.New("failed to create inotify fd")
621 }
622 wd, err := syscall.InotifyAddWatch(fd, fpath, unix.IN_MODIFY)
623 if err != nil {
624 syscall.Close(fd)
625 return 0, 0, fmt.Errorf("failed to add inotify watch for %q: %w", fpath, err)
626 }
628 evpath := filepath.Join(c.path, "cgroup.events")
629 if _, err = syscall.InotifyAddWatch(fd, evpath, unix.IN_MODIFY); err != nil {
630 syscall.Close(fd)
631 return 0, 0, fmt.Errorf("failed to add inotify watch for %q: %w", evpath, err)
632 }
634 return fd, uint32(wd), nil
635 }
637 func (c *Manager) EventChan() (<-chan Event, <-chan error) {
638 ec := make(chan Event)
639 errCh := make(chan error, 1)
640 go c.waitForEvents(ec, errCh)
642 return ec, errCh
643 }
645 func parseMemoryEvents(out map[string]interface{}) (Event, error) {
646 e := Event{}
647 if v, ok := out["high"]; ok {
648 e.High, ok = v.(uint64)
649 if !ok {
650 return Event{}, fmt.Errorf("cannot convert high to uint64: %+v", v)
651 }
652 }
653 if v, ok := out["low"]; ok {
654 e.Low, ok = v.(uint64)
655 if !ok {
656 return Event{}, fmt.Errorf("cannot convert low to uint64: %+v", v)
657 }
658 }
659 if v, ok := out["max"]; ok {
660 e.Max, ok = v.(uint64)
661 if !ok {
662 return Event{}, fmt.Errorf("cannot convert max to uint64: %+v", v)
663 }
664 }
665 if v, ok := out["oom"]; ok {
666 e.OOM, ok = v.(uint64)
667 if !ok {
668 return Event{}, fmt.Errorf("cannot convert oom to uint64: %+v", v)
669 }
670 }
671 if v, ok := out["oom_kill"]; ok {
672 e.OOMKill, ok = v.(uint64)
673 if !ok {
674 return Event{}, fmt.Errorf("cannot convert oom_kill to uint64: %+v", v)
675 }
676 }
677 return e, nil
678 }
680 func (c *Manager) waitForEvents(ec chan<- Event, errCh chan<- error) {
681 defer close(errCh)
683 fd, _, err := c.MemoryEventFD()
684 if err != nil {
685 errCh <- err
686 return
687 }
688 defer syscall.Close(fd)
690 for {
691 buffer := make([]byte, syscall.SizeofInotifyEvent*10)
692 bytesRead, err := syscall.Read(fd, buffer)
693 if err != nil {
694 errCh <- err
695 return
696 }
697 if bytesRead >= syscall.SizeofInotifyEvent {
698 out := make(map[string]interface{})
699 if err := readKVStatsFile(c.path, "memory.events", out); err != nil {
701 if _, statErr := os.Lstat(filepath.Join(c.path, "memory.events")); !os.IsNotExist(statErr) {
702 errCh <- err
703 }
704 return
705 }
706 e, err := parseMemoryEvents(out)
707 if err != nil {
708 errCh <- err
709 return
710 }
711 ec <- e
712 if c.isCgroupEmpty() {
713 return
714 }
715 }
716 }
717 }
719 func setDevices(path string, devices []specs.LinuxDeviceCgroup) error {
720 if len(devices) == 0 {
721 return nil
722 }
723 insts, license, err := DeviceFilter(devices)
724 if err != nil {
725 return err
726 }
727 dirFD, err := unix.Open(path, unix.O_DIRECTORY|unix.O_RDONLY|unix.O_CLOEXEC, 0600)
728 if err != nil {
729 return fmt.Errorf("cannot get dir FD for %s", path)
730 }
731 defer unix.Close(dirFD)
732 if _, err := LoadAttachCgroupDeviceFilter(insts, license, dirFD); err != nil {
733 if !canSkipEBPFError(devices) {
734 return err
735 }
736 }
737 return nil
738 }
745 func getSystemdFullPath(slice, group string) string {
746 return filepath.Join(defaultCgroup2Path, dashesToPath(slice), dashesToPath(group))
747 }
750 func dashesToPath(in string) string {
751 path := ""
752 if strings.HasSuffix(in, ".slice") && strings.Contains(in, "-") {
753 parts := strings.Split(in, "-")
754 for i := range parts {
755 s := strings.Join(parts[0:i+1], "-")
756 if !strings.HasSuffix(s, ".slice") {
757 s += ".slice"
758 }
759 path = filepath.Join(path, s)
760 }
761 } else {
762 path = filepath.Join(path, in)
763 }
764 return path
765 }
767 func NewSystemd(slice, group string, pid int, resources *Resources) (*Manager, error) {
768 if slice == "" {
769 slice = defaultSlice
770 }
771 ctx := context.TODO()
772 path := getSystemdFullPath(slice, group)
773 conn, err := systemdDbus.NewWithContext(ctx)
774 if err != nil {
775 return &Manager{}, err
776 }
777 defer conn.Close()
779 properties := []systemdDbus.Property{
780 systemdDbus.PropDescription("cgroup " + group),
781 newSystemdProperty("DefaultDependencies", false),
782 newSystemdProperty("MemoryAccounting", true),
783 newSystemdProperty("CPUAccounting", true),
784 newSystemdProperty("IOAccounting", true),
785 }
788 if strings.HasSuffix(group, ".slice") {
789 properties = append(properties, systemdDbus.PropWants(defaultSlice))
790 } else {
792 properties = append(properties, systemdDbus.PropSlice(defaultSlice))
793 }
796 if pid != -1 {
797 properties = append(properties, newSystemdProperty("PIDs", []uint32{uint32(pid)}))
798 }
800 if resources.Memory != nil && resources.Memory.Min != nil && *resources.Memory.Min != 0 {
801 properties = append(properties,
802 newSystemdProperty("MemoryMin", uint64(*resources.Memory.Min)))
803 }
805 if resources.Memory != nil && resources.Memory.Max != nil && *resources.Memory.Max != 0 {
806 properties = append(properties,
807 newSystemdProperty("MemoryMax", uint64(*resources.Memory.Max)))
808 }
810 if resources.CPU != nil && resources.CPU.Weight != nil && *resources.CPU.Weight != 0 {
811 properties = append(properties,
812 newSystemdProperty("CPUWeight", *resources.CPU.Weight))
813 }
815 if resources.CPU != nil && resources.CPU.Max != "" {
816 quota, period := resources.CPU.Max.extractQuotaAndPeriod()
821 cpuQuotaPerSecUSec := uint64(math.MaxUint64)
822 if quota > 0 {
827 cpuQuotaPerSecUSec = uint64(quota*1000000) / period
828 if cpuQuotaPerSecUSec%10000 != 0 {
829 cpuQuotaPerSecUSec = ((cpuQuotaPerSecUSec / 10000) + 1) * 10000
830 }
831 }
832 properties = append(properties,
833 newSystemdProperty("CPUQuotaPerSecUSec", cpuQuotaPerSecUSec))
834 }
837 if canDelegate {
838 properties = append(properties, newSystemdProperty("Delegate", true))
839 }
841 if resources.Pids != nil && resources.Pids.Max > 0 {
842 properties = append(properties,
843 newSystemdProperty("TasksAccounting", true),
844 newSystemdProperty("TasksMax", uint64(resources.Pids.Max)))
845 }
847 statusChan := make(chan string, 1)
848 if _, err := conn.StartTransientUnitContext(ctx, group, "replace", properties, statusChan); err == nil {
849 select {
850 case <-statusChan:
851 case <-time.After(time.Second):
852 logrus.Warnf("Timed out while waiting for StartTransientUnit(%s) completion signal from dbus. Continuing...", group)
853 }
854 } else if !isUnitExists(err) {
855 return &Manager{}, err
856 }
858 return &Manager{
859 path: path,
860 }, nil
861 }
863 func LoadSystemd(slice, group string) (*Manager, error) {
864 if slice == "" {
865 slice = defaultSlice
866 }
867 path := getSystemdFullPath(slice, group)
868 return &Manager{
869 path: path,
870 }, nil
871 }
873 func (c *Manager) DeleteSystemd() error {
874 ctx := context.TODO()
875 conn, err := systemdDbus.NewWithContext(ctx)
876 if err != nil {
877 return err
878 }
879 defer conn.Close()
880 group := systemdUnitFromPath(c.path)
881 ch := make(chan string)
882 _, err = conn.StopUnitContext(ctx, group, "replace", ch)
883 if err != nil {
884 return err
885 }
886 <-ch
887 return nil
888 }
890 func newSystemdProperty(name string, units interface{}) systemdDbus.Property {
891 return systemdDbus.Property{
892 Name: name,
893 Value: dbus.MakeVariant(units),
894 }
895 }
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