-- cuberoot-apd.decTest -- decimal cube root -- These tests are not part of the GDA test suite, but were written for -- apd. They are not as exhaustive as those tests, but do cover a number of -- useful results. extended: 0 precision: 9 rounding: half_up maxExponent: 999 minExponent: -999 -- basics cbtx001 cuberoot 1 -> 1 cbtx002 cuberoot -1 -> -1 cbtx003 cuberoot 1.00 -> 1.0 cbtx004 cuberoot -1.00 -> -1.0 cbtx005 cuberoot 0 -> 0 cbtx006 cuberoot 00.0 -> 0 cbtx007 cuberoot 0.00 -> 0 cbtx008 cuberoot 00.00 -> 0 cbtx009 cuberoot 00 -> 0 cbtx010 cuberoot -2 -> -1.25992105 Inexact Rounded cbtx011 cuberoot 2 -> 1.25992105 Inexact Rounded cbtx012 cuberoot -2.00 -> -1.25992105 Inexact Rounded cbtx013 cuberoot 2.00 -> 1.25992105 Inexact Rounded cbtx014 cuberoot -0 -> -0 cbtx015 cuberoot -0.00 -> -0.0 cbtx016 cuberoot -00.0 -> -0.0 cbtx017 cuberoot -0E+9 -> -0E+3 cbtx018 cuberoot -0E+10 -> -0E+3 cbtx019 cuberoot -0E+11 -> -0E+3 cbtx020 cuberoot -0E+12 -> -0E+4 cbtx021 cuberoot -00 -> -0 cbtx022 cuberoot 0E+5 -> 0 cbtx023 cuberoot 8.0 -> 2.0 cbtx024 cuberoot 8.00 -> 2.0 cbtx030 cuberoot +0.1 -> 0.464158883 Inexact Rounded cbtx031 cuberoot -0.1 -> -0.464158883 Inexact Rounded cbtx032 cuberoot +0.01 -> 0.215443469 Inexact Rounded cbtx033 cuberoot -0.01 -> -0.215443469 Inexact Rounded cbtx034 cuberoot +0.001 -> 0.1 cbtx035 cuberoot -0.001 -> -0.1 cbtx036 cuberoot +0.000001 -> 0.01 cbtx037 cuberoot -0.000001 -> -0.01 cbtx038 cuberoot +0.000000000001 -> 0.0001 cbtx039 cuberoot -0.000000000001 -> -0.0001 cbtx041 cuberoot 1.1 -> 1.03228012 Inexact Rounded cbtx042 cuberoot 1.10 -> 1.03228012 Inexact Rounded cbtx043 cuberoot 1.100 -> 1.03228012 Inexact Rounded cbtx044 cuberoot 1.110 -> 1.03539881 Inexact Rounded cbtx045 cuberoot -1.1 -> -1.03228012 Inexact Rounded cbtx046 cuberoot -1.10 -> -1.03228012 Inexact Rounded cbtx047 cuberoot -1.100 -> -1.03228012 Inexact Rounded cbtx048 cuberoot -1.110 -> -1.03539881 Inexact Rounded cbtx049 cuberoot 9.9 -> 2.14722917 Inexact Rounded cbtx050 cuberoot 9.90 -> 2.14722917 Inexact Rounded cbtx051 cuberoot 9.900 -> 2.14722917 Inexact Rounded cbtx052 cuberoot 9.990 -> 2.15371631 Inexact Rounded cbtx053 cuberoot -9.9 -> -2.14722917 Inexact Rounded cbtx054 cuberoot -9.90 -> -2.14722917 Inexact Rounded cbtx055 cuberoot -9.900 -> -2.14722917 Inexact Rounded cbtx056 cuberoot -9.990 -> -2.15371631 Inexact Rounded cbtx060 cuberoot 10.0 -> 2.15443469 Inexact Rounded cbtx061 cuberoot 10.00 -> 2.15443469 Inexact Rounded cbtx062 cuberoot 1000.0 -> 10.0 cbtx063 cuberoot 1000.00 -> 10.0 cbtx064 cuberoot 1.1000E+3 -> 10.3228012 Inexact Rounded cbtx065 cuberoot 1.10000E+3 -> 10.3228012 Inexact Rounded cbtx066 cuberoot -10.0 -> -2.15443469 Inexact Rounded cbtx067 cuberoot -10.00 -> -2.15443469 Inexact Rounded cbtx068 cuberoot -1000.0 -> -10.0 cbtx069 cuberoot -1000.00 -> -10.0 cbtx070 cuberoot -1.1000E+3 -> -10.3228012 Inexact Rounded cbtx071 cuberoot -1.10000E+3 -> -10.3228012 Inexact Rounded -- famous cubes cbtx080 cuberoot 1 -> 1 cbtx081 cuberoot 8 -> 2 cbtx082 cuberoot 27 -> 3 cbtx083 cuberoot 64 -> 4 cbtx084 cuberoot 125 -> 5 cbtx085 cuberoot 216 -> 6 cbtx086 cuberoot 343 -> 7 cbtx087 cuberoot 512 -> 8 cbtx088 cuberoot 729 -> 9 cbtx089 cuberoot 1000 -> 10 -- others precision: 5 cbtx100 cuberoot 1.0001 -> 1.0000 Inexact Rounded