// // Copyright 2024 CloudWeGo Authors // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // package repl import ( `fmt` `io` `math` `os` `path` `runtime` `strconv` `strings` `unicode` `unsafe` `github.com/knz/go-libedit` ) // IASM is the interactive REPL. type IASM struct { run bool off uintptr efd libedit.EditLine ias _IASMArchSpecific mem map[uint64]_Memory fns map[string]unsafe.Pointer } // HistoryFile is the file that saves the REPL history, defaults to "~/.iasmhistory". var HistoryFile = path.Clean(os.ExpandEnv("$HOME/.iasmhistory")) // Start starts a new REPL session. func (self *IASM) Start() { var err error var efd libedit.EditLine /* greeting messages */ println("Interactive Assembler v1.0") println("Compiled with " + strconv.Quote(runtime.Version()) + ".") println("History will be loaded from " + strconv.Quote(HistoryFile) + ".") println(`Type ".help" for more information.`) /* initialize libedit */ if efd, err = libedit.Init("iasm", false); err != nil { panic(err) } /* initialize IASM */ self.off = 0 self.efd = efd self.run = true self.mem = map[uint64]_Memory{} self.fns = map[string]unsafe.Pointer{} /* initialze the editor instance */ defer self.efd.Close() self.efd.RebindControlKeys() /* enable history */ _ = self.efd.UseHistory(-1, true) _ = self.efd.LoadHistory(HistoryFile) /* set prompt and enable auto-save */ self.efd.SetLeftPrompt(">>> ") self.efd.SetAutoSaveHistory(HistoryFile, true) /* main REPL loop */ for self.run { self.handleOnce() } } func (self *IASM) readLine() string { var err error var ret string /* read the line */ for { if ret, err = self.efd.GetLine(); err == nil { break } else if err != libedit.ErrInterrupted { panic(err) } else { println("^C") } } /* check for empty line */ if ret == "" { return "" } /* add to history */ _ = self.efd.AddHistory(ret) return ret } func (self *IASM) handleEOF() { self.run = false println() } func (self *IASM) handleOnce() { defer self.handleError() self.handleCommand(strings.TrimSpace(self.readLine())) } func (self *IASM) handleError() { switch v := recover(); v { case nil : break case io.EOF : self.handleEOF() default : println(fmt.Sprintf("iasm: %v", v)) } } func (self *IASM) handleCommand(cmd string) { var pos int var fnv func(*IASM, string) /* check for empty command */ if cmd == "" { return } /* find the command delimiter */ if pos = strings.IndexFunc(cmd, unicode.IsSpace); pos == -1 { pos = len(cmd) } /* handle syntax errors via panic/recover */ defer func() { if v := recover(); v != nil { if e, ok := v.(_SyntaxError); !ok { panic(v) } else { println("iasm: " + e.Error()) } } }() /* assembly immediately or call the command, if any */ if cmd[0] != '.' { self.handleAsmImmediate(cmd) } else if fnv = _CMDS[cmd[1:pos]]; fnv != nil { fnv(self, strings.TrimSpace(cmd[pos:])) } else { println("iasm: unknown command: " + cmd) } } func (self *IASM) handleAsmImmediate(asm string) { var err error var buf []byte /* assemble the instruction */ if buf, err = self.ias.doasm(self.off, asm); err != nil { println("iasm: " + err.Error()) return } /* dump the instruction, and adjust the display offset */ println(asmdump(buf, self.off, asm)) self.off += uintptr(len(buf)) } var _CMDS = map[string]func(*IASM, string) { "free" : (*IASM)._cmd_free, "malloc" : (*IASM)._cmd_malloc, "info" : (*IASM)._cmd_info, "read" : (*IASM)._cmd_read, "write" : (*IASM)._cmd_write, "fill" : (*IASM)._cmd_fill, "regs" : (*IASM)._cmd_regs, "asm" : (*IASM)._cmd_asm, "sys" : (*IASM)._cmd_sys, "base" : (*IASM)._cmd_base, "exit" : (*IASM)._cmd_exit, "help" : (*IASM)._cmd_help, } func (self *IASM) _cmd_free(v string) { var ok bool var err error var mid uint64 var mem _Memory /* parse the memory ID */ scan (v). uint (&mid). close () /* find the memory block */ if mem, ok = self.mem[mid]; !ok { println(fmt.Sprintf("iasm: no such memory block with ID %d", mid)) return } /* unmap the memory block */ if err = munmap(mem); err == nil { delete(self.mem, mid) } else { println("iasm: munmap(): " + err.Error()) } } func (self *IASM) _cmd_malloc(v string) { var err error var mid uint64 var nbs uint64 var mem _Memory /* parse the memory ID and size */ scan (v). uint (&mid). uintopt (&nbs). close () /* default to one page of memory */ if nbs == 0 { nbs = _PageSize } /* check for duplicaded IDs */ if _, ok := self.mem[mid]; ok { println(fmt.Sprintf("iasm: duplicated memory ID: %d", mid)) return } /* map the memory */ if mem, err = mmap(nbs); err != nil { println("iasm: mmap(): " + err.Error()) return } /* save the memory block */ self.mem[mid] = mem println(fmt.Sprintf("Memory mapped at address %#x with size %d", mem.addr, mem.size)) } func (self *IASM) _cmd_info(v string) { var ok bool var mid uint64 var mem _Memory /* parse the memory ID */ scan (v). uint (&mid). close () /* find the memory block */ if mem, ok = self.mem[mid]; !ok { println(fmt.Sprintf("iasm: no such memory block with ID %d", mid)) return } /* print the memory info */ println(fmt.Sprintf("Address : %#x", mem.addr)) println(fmt.Sprintf("Size : %d bytes", mem.size)) } func (self *IASM) _cmd_read(v string) { var ok bool var off uint64 var mid uint64 var mem _Memory /* parse the memory ID, offset and the optional size */ nbs := uint64(math.MaxUint64) scan(v).idoff(&mid, &off).uintopt(&nbs).close() /* find the memory block */ if mem, ok = self.mem[mid]; !ok { println(fmt.Sprintf("iasm: no such memory block with ID %d", mid)) return } /* read the whole block if not specified */ if nbs == math.MaxUint64 { nbs = mem.size - off } /* check the offset and size */ if off + nbs > mem.size { if diff := off + nbs - mem.size; diff == 1 { println("iasm: memory read 1 byte past the boundary") return } else { println(fmt.Sprintf("iasm: memory read %d bytes past the boundary", diff)) return } } /* dump the content */ print(hexdump( mem.buf()[off:off + nbs], mem.addr, )) } func (self *IASM) _cmd_write(v string) { var ok bool var val string var off uint64 var mid uint64 var mem _Memory /* parse the memory ID, offset, filling byte and the optional size */ scan(v).idoff(&mid, &off).str(&val).close() nbs := uint64(len(val)) /* find the memory block */ if mem, ok = self.mem[mid]; !ok { println(fmt.Sprintf("iasm: no such memory block with ID %d", mid)) return } /* check the offset and size */ if off + nbs > mem.size { if diff := off + nbs - mem.size; diff == 1 { println("iasm: memory fill 1 byte past the boundary") } else { println(fmt.Sprintf("iasm: memory fill %d bytes past the boundary", diff)) } } /* copy the data into memory */ copy(mem.buf()[off:], val) println(fmt.Sprintf("%d bytes written into %#x+%#x", nbs, mem.addr, off)) } func (self *IASM) _cmd_fill(v string) { var ok bool var val uint64 var off uint64 var mid uint64 var mem _Memory /* parse the memory ID, offset, filling byte and the optional size */ nbs := uint64(math.MaxUint64) scan(v).idoff(&mid, &off).uint(&val).uintopt(&nbs).close() /* check the filling value */ if val > 255 { println(fmt.Sprintf("iasm: invalid filling value: %d is not a byte", val)) return } /* find the memory block */ if mem, ok = self.mem[mid]; !ok { println(fmt.Sprintf("iasm: no such memory block with ID %d", mid)) return } /* read the whole block if not specified */ if nbs == math.MaxUint64 { nbs = mem.size - off } /* check the offset and size */ if off + nbs > mem.size { if diff := off + nbs - mem.size; diff == 1 { println("iasm: memory fill 1 byte past the boundary") } else { println(fmt.Sprintf("iasm: memory fill %d bytes past the boundary", diff)) } } /* fill the memory with byte */ for i := off; i < off + nbs; i++ { *(*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(mem.p()) + uintptr(i))) = byte(val) } } func (self *IASM) _cmd_regs(v string) { regs := _regs.Dump(13) sels := map[string]bool{} /* check for register selectors */ if fv := strings.Fields(v); len(fv) != 0 { for _, x := range fv { sels[strings.ToLower(x)] = true } } /* dump the registers */ for _, reg := range regs { if v == "*" || sels[reg.reg] || (!reg.vec && len(sels) == 0) { println(fmt.Sprintf("%10s = %s", reg.reg, reg.val)) } } } func (self *IASM) _cmd_asm(v string) { var ok bool var err error var off uint64 var mid uint64 var fnv uintptr var mem _Memory /* parse the memory ID, offset, filling byte and the optional size */ scan (v). idoff (&mid, &off). close () /* find the memory block */ if mem, ok = self.mem[mid]; !ok { println(fmt.Sprintf("iasm: no such memory block with ID %d", mid)) return } /* check for memory boundary */ if fnv = mem.addr + uintptr(off); off >= mem.size { println("iasm: indexing past the end of memory") return } /* prompt messages */ println(fmt.Sprintf("Assemble in memory block #(%d)+%#x (%#x).", mid, off, fnv)) println(`Type ".end" and ENTER to end the assembly session.`) /* restore prompt later */ buf := []byte(nil) rem := mem.size - off defer self.efd.SetLeftPrompt(">>> ") self.efd.SetLeftPrompt(fmt.Sprintf("(%#x) ", fnv)) /* read and assemble the assembly source */ for { src := strings.TrimSuffix(self.readLine(), "\n") val := strings.TrimSpace(src) /* check for end of assembly */ if val == ".end" { break } /* feed into the assembler */ if buf, err = self.ias.doasm(fnv, src); err != nil { println("iasm: assembly failed: " + err.Error()) continue } /* check for memory space */ if rem < uint64(len(buf)) { println(fmt.Sprintf("iasm: no space left in memory block: %d < %d", rem, len(buf))) continue } /* update the input line if stdout is a terminal */ if isatty(os.Stdout.Fd()) { println("\x1b[F\x1b[K" + asmdump(buf, fnv, src)) } /* save the machine code */ ptr := mem.buf() copy(ptr[off:], buf) /* update the prompt and offsets */ rem -= uint64(len(buf)) off += uint64(len(buf)) fnv += uintptr(len(buf)) self.efd.SetLeftPrompt(fmt.Sprintf("(%#x) ", fnv)) } } func (self *IASM) _cmd_sys(v string) { var ok bool var err error var off uint64 var mid uint64 var fnv uintptr var mem _Memory var rs0 _RegFile var rs1 _RegFile /* parse the memory ID, offset, filling byte and the optional size */ scan (v). idoff (&mid, &off). close () /* find the memory block */ if mem, ok = self.mem[mid]; !ok { println(fmt.Sprintf("iasm: no such memory block with ID %d", mid)) return } /* check for memory boundary */ if fnv = mem.addr + uintptr(off); off >= mem.size { println("iasm: indexing past the end of memory") return } /* execute the code */ if rs0, rs1, err = _exec.Execute(fnv); err != nil { println(fmt.Sprintf("iasm: cannot execute at memory address %#x: %s", fnv, err)) return } /* print the differences */ for _, diff := range rs0.Compare(rs1, 13) { println(fmt.Sprintf("%10s = %s", diff.reg, diff.val)) } } func (self *IASM) _cmd_base(v string) { scan(v).uint((*uint64)(unsafe.Pointer(&self.off))).close() } func (self *IASM) _cmd_exit(_ string) { self.run = false } func (self *IASM) _cmd_help(_ string) { println("Supported commands:") println(" .free ID ........................ Free a block of memory with ID.") println() println(" .malloc ID [SIZE] ................. Allocate a block of memory with ID of") println(" SIZE bytes if specified, or one page of") println(" memory if SIZE is not present.") println() println(" .info ID ........................ Print basic informations of a memory") println(" block identified by ID.") println() println(" .read ID[+OFF] [SIZE] ........... Read a block of memory identified by") println(" ID[+OFF] of SIZE bytes, default to the") println(" whole block if SIZE is not set.") println() println(" .write ID[+OFF] DATA ............. Write DATA into a block of memory") println(" identified by ID[+OFF].") println() println(" .fill ID[+OFF] BYTE [SIZE] ...... Fill a block of memory identified by") println(" ID[+OFF] with BYTE of SIZE bytes,") println(" default to the whole block if SIZE is") println(" not set.") println() println(" .regs [REG*] .................... Print the content of the specified") println(" registers, default to general purpose") println(" registers if not specified. To also") println(` include SIMD registers, type ".regs *".`) println() println(" .asm ID[+OFF] .................. Assemble into memory block identified by") println(" ID[+OFF].") println() println(" .sys ID[+OFF] .................. Execute code in memory block identified") println(" by ID[+OFF] with the CALL instruction.") println() println(" .base [BASE] .................... Set the base address for immediate") println(" assembling mode, just for display.") println() println(" .exit ............................. Exit Interactive Assembler.") println(" .help ............................. This help message.") println() }