1# Options for analysis running.
3 # include `vendor` `third_party` `testdata` `examples` `Godeps` `builtin`
4 skip-dirs-use-default: true
5 skip-dirs:
6 - kitex_gen
7 skip-files:
8 - ".*\\.mock\\.go$"
9# output configuration options
11 # Format: colored-line-number|line-number|json|tab|checkstyle|code-climate|junit-xml|github-actions
12 format: colored-line-number
13# All available settings of specific linters.
14# Refer to https://golangci-lint.run/usage/linters
16 gofumpt:
17 # Choose whether to use the extra rules.
18 # Default: false
19 extra-rules: true
20 govet:
21 # Disable analyzers by name.
22 # Run `go tool vet help` to see all analyzers.
23 disable:
24 - stdmethods
26 enable:
27 - gofumpt
28 - goimports
29 - gofmt
30 disable:
31 - errcheck
32 - typecheck
33 - deadcode
34 - varcheck
35 - staticcheck
37 exclude-use-default: true
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