package rsa import ( "crypto/rand" "crypto/rsa" "encoding/binary" "errors" "fmt" "io" "math" "math/big" "sync" ) // KeyShare represents a portion of the key. It can only be used to generate SignShare's. During the dealing phase (when Deal is called), one KeyShare is generated per player. type KeyShare struct { si *big.Int twoDeltaSi *big.Int // optional cached value, this value is used to marginally speed up SignShare generation in Sign. If nil, it will be generated when needed and then cached. Index uint // When KeyShare's are generated they are each assigned an index sequentially Players uint Threshold uint } func (kshare KeyShare) String() string { return fmt.Sprintf("(t,n): (%v,%v) index: %v si: 0x%v", kshare.Threshold, kshare.Players, kshare.Index, } // MarshalBinary encodes a KeyShare into a byte array in a format readable by UnmarshalBinary. // Note: Only Index's up to math.MaxUint16 are supported func (kshare *KeyShare) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error) { // The encoding format is // | Players: uint16 | Threshold: uint16 | Index: uint16 | siLen: uint16 | si: []byte | twoDeltaSiNil: bool | twoDeltaSiLen: uint16 | twoDeltaSi: []byte | // with all values in big-endian. if kshare.Players > math.MaxUint16 { return nil, fmt.Errorf("rsa_threshold: keyshare marshall: Players is too big to fit in a uint16") } if kshare.Threshold > math.MaxUint16 { return nil, fmt.Errorf("rsa_threshold: keyshare marshall: Threshold is too big to fit in a uint16") } if kshare.Index > math.MaxUint16 { return nil, fmt.Errorf("rsa_threshold: keyshare marshall: Index is too big to fit in a uint16") } players := uint16(kshare.Players) threshold := uint16(kshare.Threshold) index := uint16(kshare.Index) twoDeltaSiBytes := []byte(nil) if kshare.twoDeltaSi != nil { twoDeltaSiBytes = kshare.twoDeltaSi.Bytes() } twoDeltaSiLen := len(twoDeltaSiBytes) if twoDeltaSiLen > math.MaxInt16 { return nil, fmt.Errorf("rsa_threshold: keyshare marshall: twoDeltaSiBytes is too big to fit it's length in a uint16") } siBytes := siLength := len(siBytes) if siLength == 0 { siLength = 1 siBytes = []byte{0} } if siLength > math.MaxInt16 { return nil, fmt.Errorf("rsa_threshold: keyshare marshall: siBytes is too big to fit it's length in a uint16") } blen := 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 1 + siLength + twoDeltaSiLen out := make([]byte, blen) binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(out[0:2], players) binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(out[2:4], threshold) binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(out[4:6], index) binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(out[6:8], uint16(siLength)) // okay because of conditions checked above copy(out[8:8+siLength], siBytes) if twoDeltaSiBytes != nil { out[8+siLength] = 1 // twoDeltaSiNil } binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(out[8+siLength+1:8+siLength+3], uint16(twoDeltaSiLen)) if twoDeltaSiBytes != nil { copy(out[8+siLength+3:8+siLength+3+twoDeltaSiLen], twoDeltaSiBytes) } return out, nil } // UnmarshalBinary recovers a KeyShare from a slice of bytes, or returns an error if the encoding is invalid. func (kshare *KeyShare) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) error { // The encoding format is // | Players: uint16 | Threshold: uint16 | Index: uint16 | siLen: uint16 | si: []byte | twoDeltaSiNil: bool | twoDeltaSiLen: uint16 | twoDeltaSi: []byte | // with all values in big-endian. if len(data) < 6 { return fmt.Errorf("rsa_threshold: keyshare unmarshalKeyShareTest failed: data length was too short for reading Players, Threshold, Index") } players := binary.BigEndian.Uint16(data[0:2]) threshold := binary.BigEndian.Uint16(data[2:4]) index := binary.BigEndian.Uint16(data[4:6]) if len(data[6:]) < 2 { return fmt.Errorf("rsa_threshold: keyshare unmarshalKeyShareTest failed: data length was too short for reading siLen length") } siLen := binary.BigEndian.Uint16(data[6:8]) if siLen == 0 { return fmt.Errorf("rsa_threshold: keyshare unmarshalKeyShareTest failed: si is a required field but siLen was 0") } if uint16(len(data[8:])) < siLen { return fmt.Errorf("rsa_threshold: keyshare unmarshalKeyShareTest failed: data length was too short for reading si, needed: %d found: %d", siLen, len(data[8:])) } si := new(big.Int).SetBytes(data[8 : 8+siLen]) if len(data[8+siLen:]) < 1 { return fmt.Errorf("rsa_threshold: keyshare unmarshalKeyShareTest failed: data length was too short for reading twoDeltaSiNil") } isNil := data[8+siLen] var twoDeltaSi *big.Int if isNil != 0 { if len(data[8+siLen+1:]) < 2 { return fmt.Errorf("rsa_threshold: keyshare unmarshalKeyShareTest failed: data length was too short for reading twoDeltaSiLen length") } twoDeltaSiLen := binary.BigEndian.Uint16(data[8+siLen+1 : 8+siLen+3]) if uint16(len(data[8+siLen+3:])) < twoDeltaSiLen { return fmt.Errorf("rsa_threshold: keyshare unmarshalKeyShareTest failed: data length was too short for reading twoDeltaSi, needed: %d found: %d", twoDeltaSiLen, len(data[8+siLen+2:])) } twoDeltaSi = new(big.Int).SetBytes(data[8+siLen+3 : 8+siLen+3+twoDeltaSiLen]) } kshare.Players = uint(players) kshare.Threshold = uint(threshold) kshare.Index = uint(index) = si kshare.twoDeltaSi = twoDeltaSi return nil } // Returns the cached value in twoDeltaSi or if nil, generates 2∆s_i, stores it in twoDeltaSi, and returns it func (kshare *KeyShare) get2DeltaSi(players int64) *big.Int { // use the cached value if it exists if kshare.twoDeltaSi != nil { return kshare.twoDeltaSi } delta := calculateDelta(players) // 2∆s_i // delta << 1 == delta * 2 delta.Lsh(delta, 1).Mul(delta, kshare.twoDeltaSi = delta return delta } // Sign msg using a KeyShare. msg MUST be padded and hashed. Call PadHash before this method. // // If rand is not nil then blinding will be used to avoid timing // side-channel attacks. // // parallel indicates whether the blinding operations should use go routines to operate in parallel. // If parallel is false, blinding will take about 2x longer than nonbinding, otherwise it will take about the same time // (see benchmarks). If randSource is nil, parallel has no effect. parallel should almost always be set to true. func (kshare *KeyShare) Sign(randSource io.Reader, pub *rsa.PublicKey, digest []byte, parallel bool) (SignShare, error) { x := &big.Int{} x.SetBytes(digest) exp := kshare.get2DeltaSi(int64(kshare.Players)) var signShare SignShare signShare.Players = kshare.Players signShare.Threshold = kshare.Threshold signShare.Index = kshare.Index signShare.xi = &big.Int{} if randSource != nil { // Let's blind. // We can't use traditional RSA blinding (as used in rsa.go) because we are exponentiating by exp and not d. // As such, Euler's theorem doesn't apply ( exp * d != 0 (mod ϕ(n)) ). // Instead, we will choose a random r and compute x^{exp+r} * x^{-r} = x^{exp}. // This should (hopefully) prevent revealing information of the true value of exp, since with exp you can derive // s_i, the secret key share. r, err := rand.Int(randSource, pub.N) if err != nil { return SignShare{}, errors.New("rsa_threshold: unable to get random value for blinding") } expPlusr := big.Int{} // exp + r expPlusr.Add(exp, r) var wg *sync.WaitGroup // x^{|2∆s_i+r|} if parallel { wg = &sync.WaitGroup{} wg.Add(1) go func() { signShare.xi.Exp(x, &expPlusr, pub.N) wg.Done() }() } else { signShare.xi.Exp(x, &expPlusr, pub.N) } xExpr := big.Int{} // x^r xExpr.Exp(x, r, pub.N) // x^{-r} res := xExpr.ModInverse(&xExpr, pub.N) if res == nil { // extremely unlikely, somehow x^r is p or q return SignShare{}, errors.New("rsa_threshold: no mod inverse") } if wg != nil { wg.Wait() } // x^{|2∆s_i+r|} * x^{-r} = x^{2∆s_i} signShare.xi.Mul(signShare.xi, &xExpr) signShare.xi.Mod(signShare.xi, pub.N) } else { // x^{2∆s_i} signShare.xi = &big.Int{} signShare.xi.Exp(x, exp, pub.N) } return signShare, nil }