
Text file src/github.com/cloudflare/circl/tss/rsa/README.md

Documentation: github.com/cloudflare/circl/tss/rsa

     1# RSA Threshold Signatures
     3This is an implementation of ["Practical Threshold Signatures" by Victor Shoup](https://www.iacr.org/archive/eurocrypt2000/1807/18070209-new.pdf).
     4Protocol 1 is implemented.
     6## Threshold Primer
     8Let *l* be the total number of players, *t* be the number of corrupted players, and *k* be the threshold.
     9The idea of threshold signatures is that at least *k* players need to participate to form a valid signature.
    11Setup consists of a dealer generating *l* key shares from a key pair and "dealing" them to the players. In this implementation the dealer is trusted.
    13During the signing phase, at least *k* players use their key share and the message to generate a signature share.
    14Finally, the *k* signature shares are combined to form a valid signature for the message.
    16## Modifications
    181. Our implementation is not robust. That is, the corrupted players can prevent a valid signature from being formed by the non-corrupted players. As such, we remove all verification.
    192. The paper requires p and q to be safe primes. We do not.

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