
Source file src/github.com/cloudflare/circl/sign/dilithium/mode3aes/internal/dilithium.go

Documentation: github.com/cloudflare/circl/sign/dilithium/mode3aes/internal

     1  // Code generated from mode3/internal/dilithium.go by gen.go
     3  package internal
     5  import (
     6  	cryptoRand "crypto/rand"
     7  	"crypto/subtle"
     8  	"io"
    10  	"github.com/cloudflare/circl/internal/sha3"
    11  	"github.com/cloudflare/circl/sign/dilithium/internal/common"
    12  )
    14  const (
    15  	// Size of a packed polynomial of norm ≤η.
    16  	// (Note that the  formula is not valid in general.)
    17  	PolyLeqEtaSize = (common.N * DoubleEtaBits) / 8
    19  	// β = τη, the maximum size of c s₂.
    20  	Beta = Tau * Eta
    22  	// γ₁ range of y
    23  	Gamma1 = 1 << Gamma1Bits
    25  	// Size of packed polynomial of norm <γ₁ such as z
    26  	PolyLeGamma1Size = (Gamma1Bits + 1) * common.N / 8
    28  	// α = 2γ₂ parameter for decompose
    29  	Alpha = 2 * Gamma2
    31  	// Size of a packed private key
    32  	PrivateKeySize = 32 + 32 + 32 + PolyLeqEtaSize*(L+K) + common.PolyT0Size*K
    34  	// Size of a packed public key
    35  	PublicKeySize = 32 + common.PolyT1Size*K
    37  	// Size of a packed signature
    38  	SignatureSize = L*PolyLeGamma1Size + Omega + K + 32
    40  	// Size of packed w₁
    41  	PolyW1Size = (common.N * (common.QBits - Gamma1Bits)) / 8
    42  )
    44  // PublicKey is the type of Dilithium public keys.
    45  type PublicKey struct {
    46  	rho [32]byte
    47  	t1  VecK
    49  	// Cached values
    50  	t1p [common.PolyT1Size * K]byte
    51  	A   *Mat
    52  	tr  *[32]byte
    53  }
    55  // PrivateKey is the type of Dilithium private keys.
    56  type PrivateKey struct {
    57  	rho [32]byte
    58  	key [32]byte
    59  	s1  VecL
    60  	s2  VecK
    61  	t0  VecK
    62  	tr  [32]byte
    64  	// Cached values
    65  	A   Mat  // ExpandA(ρ)
    66  	s1h VecL // NTT(s₁)
    67  	s2h VecK // NTT(s₂)
    68  	t0h VecK // NTT(t₀)
    69  }
    71  type unpackedSignature struct {
    72  	z    VecL
    73  	hint VecK
    74  	c    [32]byte
    75  }
    77  // Packs the signature into buf.
    78  func (sig *unpackedSignature) Pack(buf []byte) {
    79  	copy(buf[:], sig.c[:])
    80  	sig.z.PackLeGamma1(buf[32:])
    81  	sig.hint.PackHint(buf[32+L*PolyLeGamma1Size:])
    82  }
    84  // Sets sig to the signature encoded in the buffer.
    85  //
    86  // Returns whether buf contains a properly packed signature.
    87  func (sig *unpackedSignature) Unpack(buf []byte) bool {
    88  	if len(buf) < SignatureSize {
    89  		return false
    90  	}
    91  	copy(sig.c[:], buf[:])
    92  	sig.z.UnpackLeGamma1(buf[32:])
    93  	if sig.z.Exceeds(Gamma1 - Beta) {
    94  		return false
    95  	}
    96  	if !sig.hint.UnpackHint(buf[32+L*PolyLeGamma1Size:]) {
    97  		return false
    98  	}
    99  	return true
   100  }
   102  // Packs the public key into buf.
   103  func (pk *PublicKey) Pack(buf *[PublicKeySize]byte) {
   104  	copy(buf[:32], pk.rho[:])
   105  	copy(buf[32:], pk.t1p[:])
   106  }
   108  // Sets pk to the public key encoded in buf.
   109  func (pk *PublicKey) Unpack(buf *[PublicKeySize]byte) {
   110  	copy(pk.rho[:], buf[:32])
   111  	copy(pk.t1p[:], buf[32:])
   113  	pk.t1.UnpackT1(pk.t1p[:])
   114  	pk.A = new(Mat)
   115  	pk.A.Derive(&pk.rho)
   117  	// tr = CRH(ρ ‖ t1) = CRH(pk)
   118  	pk.tr = new([32]byte)
   119  	h := sha3.NewShake256()
   120  	_, _ = h.Write(buf[:])
   121  	_, _ = h.Read(pk.tr[:])
   122  }
   124  // Packs the private key into buf.
   125  func (sk *PrivateKey) Pack(buf *[PrivateKeySize]byte) {
   126  	copy(buf[:32], sk.rho[:])
   127  	copy(buf[32:64], sk.key[:])
   128  	copy(buf[64:96], sk.tr[:])
   129  	offset := 96
   130  	sk.s1.PackLeqEta(buf[offset:])
   131  	offset += PolyLeqEtaSize * L
   132  	sk.s2.PackLeqEta(buf[offset:])
   133  	offset += PolyLeqEtaSize * K
   134  	sk.t0.PackT0(buf[offset:])
   135  }
   137  // Sets sk to the private key encoded in buf.
   138  func (sk *PrivateKey) Unpack(buf *[PrivateKeySize]byte) {
   139  	copy(sk.rho[:], buf[:32])
   140  	copy(sk.key[:], buf[32:64])
   141  	copy(sk.tr[:], buf[64:96])
   142  	offset := 96
   143  	sk.s1.UnpackLeqEta(buf[offset:])
   144  	offset += PolyLeqEtaSize * L
   145  	sk.s2.UnpackLeqEta(buf[offset:])
   146  	offset += PolyLeqEtaSize * K
   147  	sk.t0.UnpackT0(buf[offset:])
   149  	// Cached values
   150  	sk.A.Derive(&sk.rho)
   151  	sk.t0h = sk.t0
   152  	sk.t0h.NTT()
   153  	sk.s1h = sk.s1
   154  	sk.s1h.NTT()
   155  	sk.s2h = sk.s2
   156  	sk.s2h.NTT()
   157  }
   159  // GenerateKey generates a public/private key pair using entropy from rand.
   160  // If rand is nil, crypto/rand.Reader will be used.
   161  func GenerateKey(rand io.Reader) (*PublicKey, *PrivateKey, error) {
   162  	var seed [32]byte
   163  	if rand == nil {
   164  		rand = cryptoRand.Reader
   165  	}
   166  	_, err := io.ReadFull(rand, seed[:])
   167  	if err != nil {
   168  		return nil, nil, err
   169  	}
   170  	pk, sk := NewKeyFromSeed(&seed)
   171  	return pk, sk, nil
   172  }
   174  // NewKeyFromSeed derives a public/private key pair using the given seed.
   175  func NewKeyFromSeed(seed *[common.SeedSize]byte) (*PublicKey, *PrivateKey) {
   176  	var eSeed [128]byte // expanded seed
   177  	var pk PublicKey
   178  	var sk PrivateKey
   179  	var sSeed [64]byte
   181  	h := sha3.NewShake256()
   182  	_, _ = h.Write(seed[:])
   183  	_, _ = h.Read(eSeed[:])
   185  	copy(pk.rho[:], eSeed[:32])
   186  	copy(sSeed[:], eSeed[32:96])
   187  	copy(sk.key[:], eSeed[96:])
   188  	copy(sk.rho[:], pk.rho[:])
   190  	sk.A.Derive(&pk.rho)
   192  	for i := uint16(0); i < L; i++ {
   193  		PolyDeriveUniformLeqEta(&sk.s1[i], &sSeed, i)
   194  	}
   196  	for i := uint16(0); i < K; i++ {
   197  		PolyDeriveUniformLeqEta(&sk.s2[i], &sSeed, i+L)
   198  	}
   200  	sk.s1h = sk.s1
   201  	sk.s1h.NTT()
   202  	sk.s2h = sk.s2
   203  	sk.s2h.NTT()
   205  	sk.computeT0andT1(&sk.t0, &pk.t1)
   207  	sk.t0h = sk.t0
   208  	sk.t0h.NTT()
   210  	// Complete public key far enough to be packed
   211  	pk.t1.PackT1(pk.t1p[:])
   212  	pk.A = &sk.A
   214  	// Finish private key
   215  	var packedPk [PublicKeySize]byte
   216  	pk.Pack(&packedPk)
   218  	// tr = CRH(ρ ‖ t1) = CRH(pk)
   219  	h.Reset()
   220  	_, _ = h.Write(packedPk[:])
   221  	_, _ = h.Read(sk.tr[:])
   223  	// Finish cache of public key
   224  	pk.tr = &sk.tr
   226  	return &pk, &sk
   227  }
   229  // Computes t0 and t1 from sk.s1h, sk.s2 and sk.A.
   230  func (sk *PrivateKey) computeT0andT1(t0, t1 *VecK) {
   231  	var t VecK
   233  	// Set t to A s₁ + s₂
   234  	for i := 0; i < K; i++ {
   235  		PolyDotHat(&t[i], &sk.A[i], &sk.s1h)
   236  		t[i].ReduceLe2Q()
   237  		t[i].InvNTT()
   238  	}
   239  	t.Add(&t, &sk.s2)
   240  	t.Normalize()
   242  	// Compute t₀, t₁ = Power2Round(t)
   243  	t.Power2Round(t0, t1)
   244  }
   246  // Verify checks whether the given signature by pk on msg is valid.
   247  func Verify(pk *PublicKey, msg []byte, signature []byte) bool {
   248  	var sig unpackedSignature
   249  	var mu [64]byte
   250  	var zh VecL
   251  	var Az, Az2dct1, w1 VecK
   252  	var ch common.Poly
   253  	var cp [32]byte
   254  	var w1Packed [PolyW1Size * K]byte
   256  	// Note that Unpack() checked whether ‖z‖_∞ < γ₁ - β
   257  	// and ensured that there at most ω ones in pk.hint.
   258  	if !sig.Unpack(signature) {
   259  		return false
   260  	}
   262  	// μ = CRH(tr ‖ msg)
   263  	h := sha3.NewShake256()
   264  	_, _ = h.Write(pk.tr[:])
   265  	_, _ = h.Write(msg)
   266  	_, _ = h.Read(mu[:])
   268  	// Compute Az
   269  	zh = sig.z
   270  	zh.NTT()
   272  	for i := 0; i < K; i++ {
   273  		PolyDotHat(&Az[i], &pk.A[i], &zh)
   274  	}
   276  	// Next, we compute Az - 2ᵈ·c·t₁.
   277  	// Note that the coefficients of t₁ are bounded by 256 = 2⁹,
   278  	// so the coefficients of Az2dct1 will bounded by 2⁹⁺ᵈ = 2²³ < 2q,
   279  	// which is small enough for NTT().
   280  	Az2dct1.MulBy2toD(&pk.t1)
   281  	Az2dct1.NTT()
   282  	PolyDeriveUniformBall(&ch, &sig.c)
   283  	ch.NTT()
   284  	for i := 0; i < K; i++ {
   285  		Az2dct1[i].MulHat(&Az2dct1[i], &ch)
   286  	}
   287  	Az2dct1.Sub(&Az, &Az2dct1)
   288  	Az2dct1.ReduceLe2Q()
   289  	Az2dct1.InvNTT()
   290  	Az2dct1.NormalizeAssumingLe2Q()
   292  	// UseHint(pk.hint, Az - 2ᵈ·c·t₁)
   293  	//    = UseHint(pk.hint, w - c·s₂ + c·t₀)
   294  	//    = UseHint(pk.hint, r + c·t₀)
   295  	//    = r₁ = w₁.
   296  	w1.UseHint(&Az2dct1, &sig.hint)
   297  	w1.PackW1(w1Packed[:])
   299  	// c' = H(μ, w₁)
   300  	h.Reset()
   301  	_, _ = h.Write(mu[:])
   302  	_, _ = h.Write(w1Packed[:])
   303  	_, _ = h.Read(cp[:])
   305  	return sig.c == cp
   306  }
   308  // SignTo signs the given message and writes the signature into signature.
   309  //
   310  //nolint:funlen
   311  func SignTo(sk *PrivateKey, msg []byte, signature []byte) {
   312  	var mu, rhop [64]byte
   313  	var w1Packed [PolyW1Size * K]byte
   314  	var y, yh VecL
   315  	var w, w0, w1, w0mcs2, ct0, w0mcs2pct0 VecK
   316  	var ch common.Poly
   317  	var yNonce uint16
   318  	var sig unpackedSignature
   320  	if len(signature) < SignatureSize {
   321  		panic("Signature does not fit in that byteslice")
   322  	}
   324  	//  μ = CRH(tr ‖ msg)
   325  	h := sha3.NewShake256()
   326  	_, _ = h.Write(sk.tr[:])
   327  	_, _ = h.Write(msg)
   328  	_, _ = h.Read(mu[:])
   330  	// ρ' = CRH(key ‖ μ)
   331  	h.Reset()
   332  	_, _ = h.Write(sk.key[:])
   333  	_, _ = h.Write(mu[:])
   334  	_, _ = h.Read(rhop[:])
   336  	// Main rejection loop
   337  	attempt := 0
   338  	for {
   339  		attempt++
   340  		if attempt >= 576 {
   341  			// Depending on the mode, one try has a chance between 1/7 and 1/4
   342  			// of succeeding.  Thus it is safe to say that 576 iterations
   343  			// are enough as (6/7)⁵⁷⁶ < 2⁻¹²⁸.
   344  			panic("This should only happen 1 in  2^{128}: something is wrong.")
   345  		}
   347  		// y = ExpandMask(ρ', key)
   348  		VecLDeriveUniformLeGamma1(&y, &rhop, yNonce)
   349  		yNonce += uint16(L)
   351  		// Set w to A y
   352  		yh = y
   353  		yh.NTT()
   354  		for i := 0; i < K; i++ {
   355  			PolyDotHat(&w[i], &sk.A[i], &yh)
   356  			w[i].ReduceLe2Q()
   357  			w[i].InvNTT()
   358  		}
   360  		// Decompose w into w₀ and w₁
   361  		w.NormalizeAssumingLe2Q()
   362  		w.Decompose(&w0, &w1)
   364  		// c~ = H(μ ‖ w₁)
   365  		w1.PackW1(w1Packed[:])
   366  		h.Reset()
   367  		_, _ = h.Write(mu[:])
   368  		_, _ = h.Write(w1Packed[:])
   369  		_, _ = h.Read(sig.c[:])
   371  		PolyDeriveUniformBall(&ch, &sig.c)
   372  		ch.NTT()
   374  		// Ensure ‖ w₀ - c·s2 ‖_∞ < γ₂ - β.
   375  		//
   376  		// By Lemma 3 of the specification this is equivalent to checking that
   377  		// both ‖ r₀ ‖_∞ < γ₂ - β and r₁ = w₁, for the decomposition
   378  		// w - c·s₂	 = r₁ α + r₀ as computed by decompose().
   379  		// See also §4.1 of the specification.
   380  		for i := 0; i < K; i++ {
   381  			w0mcs2[i].MulHat(&ch, &sk.s2h[i])
   382  			w0mcs2[i].InvNTT()
   383  		}
   384  		w0mcs2.Sub(&w0, &w0mcs2)
   385  		w0mcs2.Normalize()
   387  		if w0mcs2.Exceeds(Gamma2 - Beta) {
   388  			continue
   389  		}
   391  		// z = y + c·s₁
   392  		for i := 0; i < L; i++ {
   393  			sig.z[i].MulHat(&ch, &sk.s1h[i])
   394  			sig.z[i].InvNTT()
   395  		}
   396  		sig.z.Add(&sig.z, &y)
   397  		sig.z.Normalize()
   399  		// Ensure  ‖z‖_∞ < γ₁ - β
   400  		if sig.z.Exceeds(Gamma1 - Beta) {
   401  			continue
   402  		}
   404  		// Compute c·t₀
   405  		for i := 0; i < K; i++ {
   406  			ct0[i].MulHat(&ch, &sk.t0h[i])
   407  			ct0[i].InvNTT()
   408  		}
   409  		ct0.NormalizeAssumingLe2Q()
   411  		// Ensure ‖c·t₀‖_∞ < γ₂.
   412  		if ct0.Exceeds(Gamma2) {
   413  			continue
   414  		}
   416  		// Create the hint to be able to reconstruct w₁ from w - c·s₂ + c·t0.
   417  		// Note that we're not using makeHint() in the obvious way as we
   418  		// do not know whether ‖ sc·s₂ - c·t₀ ‖_∞ < γ₂.  Instead we note
   419  		// that our makeHint() is actually the same as a makeHint for a
   420  		// different decomposition:
   421  		//
   422  		// Earlier we ensured indirectly with a check that r₁ = w₁ where
   423  		// r = w - c·s₂.  Hence r₀ = r - r₁ α = w - c·s₂ - w₁ α = w₀ - c·s₂.
   424  		// Thus  MakeHint(w₀ - c·s₂ + c·t₀, w₁) = MakeHint(r0 + c·t₀, r₁)
   425  		// and UseHint(w - c·s₂ + c·t₀, w₁) = UseHint(r + c·t₀, r₁).
   426  		// As we just ensured that ‖ c·t₀ ‖_∞ < γ₂ our usage is correct.
   427  		w0mcs2pct0.Add(&w0mcs2, &ct0)
   428  		w0mcs2pct0.NormalizeAssumingLe2Q()
   429  		hintPop := sig.hint.MakeHint(&w0mcs2pct0, &w1)
   430  		if hintPop > Omega {
   431  			continue
   432  		}
   434  		break
   435  	}
   437  	sig.Pack(signature[:])
   438  }
   440  // Computes the public key corresponding to this private key.
   441  func (sk *PrivateKey) Public() *PublicKey {
   442  	var t0 VecK
   443  	pk := &PublicKey{
   444  		rho: sk.rho,
   445  		A:   &sk.A,
   446  		tr:  &sk.tr,
   447  	}
   448  	sk.computeT0andT1(&t0, &pk.t1)
   449  	pk.t1.PackT1(pk.t1p[:])
   450  	return pk
   451  }
   453  // Equal returns whether the two public keys are equal
   454  func (pk *PublicKey) Equal(other *PublicKey) bool {
   455  	return pk.rho == other.rho && pk.t1 == other.t1
   456  }
   458  // Equal returns whether the two private keys are equal
   459  func (sk *PrivateKey) Equal(other *PrivateKey) bool {
   460  	ret := (subtle.ConstantTimeCompare(sk.rho[:], other.rho[:]) &
   461  		subtle.ConstantTimeCompare(sk.key[:], other.key[:]) &
   462  		subtle.ConstantTimeCompare(sk.tr[:], other.tr[:]))
   464  	acc := uint32(0)
   465  	for i := 0; i < L; i++ {
   466  		for j := 0; j < common.N; j++ {
   467  			acc |= sk.s1[i][j] ^ other.s1[i][j]
   468  		}
   469  	}
   470  	for i := 0; i < K; i++ {
   471  		for j := 0; j < common.N; j++ {
   472  			acc |= sk.s2[i][j] ^ other.s2[i][j]
   473  			acc |= sk.t0[i][j] ^ other.t0[i][j]
   474  		}
   475  	}
   476  	return (ret & subtle.ConstantTimeEq(int32(acc), 0)) == 1
   477  }

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