package csidh import ( "crypto/rand" "math/big" "testing" "" ) func testFp512Mul3Nominal(t *testing.T, f func(*fp, *fp, uint64)) { var mod, two64 big.Int // modulus: 2^512 mod.SetUint64(1).Lsh(&mod, 512) two64.SetUint64(1).Lsh(&two64, 64) for i := 0; i < numIter; i++ { multiplier64, _ := rand.Int(rand.Reader, &two64) mul64 := multiplier64.Uint64() fV := randomFp() exp, _ := new(big.Int).SetString(fp2S(fV), 16) exp.Mul(exp, multiplier64) // Truncate to 512 bits exp.Mod(exp, &mod) f(&fV, &fV, mul64) res, _ := new(big.Int).SetString(fp2S(fV), 16) if exp.Cmp(res) != 0 { test.ReportError(t, exp, res, fV) } } } // Check if mul512 produces result // z = x*y mod 2^512. func TestFp512Mul3_Nominal(t *testing.T) { testFp512Mul3Nominal(t, mul512) testFp512Mul3Nominal(t, mul512Generic) } func TestAddRdcRandom(t *testing.T) { for i := 0; i < numIter; i++ { a := randomFp() bigA, _ := new(big.Int).SetString(fp2S(a), 16) bigA.Mod(bigA, modulus) copy(a[:], intGetU64(bigA)) b := randomFp() bigB, _ := new(big.Int).SetString(fp2S(b), 16) bigB.Mod(bigB, modulus) copy(b[:], intGetU64(bigB)) addRdc(&a, &a, &b) bigRet, _ := new(big.Int).SetString(fp2S(a), 16) bigA.Add(bigA, bigB) bigA.Mod(bigA, modulus) if bigRet.Cmp(bigA) != 0 { test.ReportError(t, bigRet, bigA, a, b) } } } func TestAddRdcNominal(t *testing.T) { var res fp tmp := oneFp512 addRdc(&res, &tmp, &p) if !eqFp(&res, &tmp) { t.Errorf("Wrong value\n%X", res) } tmp = zeroFp512 addRdc(&res, &p, &p) if !eqFp(&res, &p) { t.Errorf("Wrong value\n%X", res) } tmp = fp{1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1} addRdc(&res, &p, &tmp) if !eqFp(&res, &tmp) { t.Errorf("Wrong value\n%X", res) } tmp = fp{1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1} exp := fp{2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2} addRdc(&res, &tmp, &tmp) if !eqFp(&res, &exp) { t.Errorf("Wrong value\n%X", res) } } func TestFp512Sub3_Nominal(t *testing.T) { var ret fp var mod big.Int // modulus: 2^512 mod.SetUint64(1).Lsh(&mod, 512) for i := 0; i < numIter; i++ { a := randomFp() bigA, _ := new(big.Int).SetString(fp2S(a), 16) b := randomFp() bigB, _ := new(big.Int).SetString(fp2S(b), 16) sub512(&ret, &a, &b) bigRet, _ := new(big.Int).SetString(fp2S(ret), 16) bigA.Sub(bigA, bigB) // Truncate to 512 bits bigA.Mod(bigA, &mod) if bigRet.Cmp(bigA) != 0 { test.ReportError(t, bigRet, bigA, a, b) } } } func TestFp512Sub3_DoesntReturnCarry(t *testing.T) { a := fp{} b := fp{ 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, } c := fp{ 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, } if sub512(&a, &b, &c) != 1 { t.Error("Carry not returned") } } func TestFp512Sub3_ReturnsCarry(t *testing.T) { a := fp{} b := fp{ 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, } c := fp{ 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, } if sub512(&a, &b, &c) != 0 { t.Error("Carry not returned") } } func testCswap(t *testing.T, f func(*fp, *fp, uint8)) { arg1 := randomFp() arg2 := randomFp() arg1cpy := arg1 f(&arg1, &arg2, 0) if !eqFp(&arg1, &arg1cpy) { t.Error("cswap swapped") } arg1cpy = arg1 f(&arg1, &arg2, 1) if eqFp(&arg1, &arg1cpy) { t.Error("cswap didn't swapped") } arg1cpy = arg1 f(&arg1, &arg2, 0xF2) if eqFp(&arg1, &arg1cpy) { t.Error("cswap didn't swapped") } } func TestCswap(t *testing.T) { testCswap(t, cswap512Generic) testCswap(t, cswap512) } func TestSubRdc(t *testing.T) { var res fp // 1 - 1 mod P tmp := oneFp512 subRdc(&res, &tmp, &tmp) if !eqFp(&res, &zeroFp512) { t.Errorf("Wrong value\n%X", res) } zero(&res) // 0 - 1 mod P exp := p exp[0]-- subRdc(&res, &zeroFp512, &oneFp512) if !eqFp(&res, &exp) { t.Errorf("Wrong value\n%X\n%X", res, exp) } zero(&res) // P - (P-1) pMinusOne := p pMinusOne[0]-- subRdc(&res, &p, &pMinusOne) if !eqFp(&res, &oneFp512) { t.Errorf("Wrong value\n[%X != %X]", res, oneFp512) } zero(&res) subRdc(&res, &p, &oneFp512) if !eqFp(&res, &pMinusOne) { t.Errorf("Wrong value\n[%X != %X]", res, pMinusOne) } } func testMulRdc(t *testing.T, f func(*fp, *fp, *fp)) { var res fp m1 := fp{ 0x85E2579C786882D0, 0x4E3433657E18DA95, 0x850AE5507965A0B3, 0xA15BC4E676475964, } m2 := fp{ 0x85E2579C786882CF, 0x4E3433657E18DA95, 0x850AE5507965A0B3, 0xA15BC4E676475964, } // Expected m1m1 := fp{ 0xAEBF46E92C88A4B4, 0xCFE857977B946347, 0xD3B264FF08493901, 0x6EEB3D23746B6C7C, 0xC0CA874A349D64B4, 0x7AD4A38B406F8504, 0x38B6B6CEB82472FB, 0x1587015FD7DDFC7D, } m1m2 := fp{ 0x51534771258C4624, 0x2BFEDE86504E2160, 0xE8127D5E9329670B, 0x0C84DBD584491D75, 0x656C73C68B16E38C, 0x01C0DA470B30B8DE, 0x2532E3903EAA950B, 0x3F2C28EA97FE6FEC, } // 0*0 tmp := zeroFp512 f(&res, &tmp, &tmp) if !eqFp(&res, &tmp) { t.Errorf("Wrong value\n%X", res) } // 1*m1 == m1 zero(&res) f(&res, &m1, &one) if !eqFp(&res, &m1) { t.Errorf("Wrong value\n%X", res) } // m1*m2 < p zero(&res) f(&res, &m1, &m2) if !eqFp(&res, &m1m2) { t.Errorf("Wrong value\n%X", res) } // m1*m1 > p zero(&res) f(&res, &m1, &m1) if !eqFp(&res, &m1m1) { t.Errorf("Wrong value\n%X", res) } } func TestMulRdc(t *testing.T) { testMulRdc(t, mulRdcGeneric) testMulRdc(t, mulRdc) } func TestModExp(t *testing.T) { var resExp, base, exp big.Int var baseFp, expFp, resFp, resFpExp fp for i := 0; i < numIter; i++ { // Perform modexp with reference implementation // in Montgomery domain base.SetString(fp2S(randomFp()), 16) exp.SetString(fp2S(randomFp()), 16) resExp.Exp(&base, &exp, modulus) toMont(&base, true) toMont(&resExp, true) // Convert to fp copy(baseFp[:], intGetU64(&base)) copy(expFp[:], intGetU64(&exp)) copy(resFpExp[:], intGetU64(&resExp)) // Perform modexp with our implementation modExpRdc512(&resFp, &baseFp, &expFp) if !eqFp(&resFp, &resFpExp) { test.ReportError(t, resFp, intGetU64(&resExp), base, exp) } } } // Test uses Euler's Criterion. func TestIsNonQuadRes(t *testing.T) { var n, nMont big.Int var pm1o2, rawP big.Int var nMontFp fp // (p-1)/2 pm1o2.SetString("0x32da4747ba07c4dffe455868af1f26255a16841d76e446212d7dfe63499164e6d3d56362b3f9aa83a8b398660f85a792e1390dfa2bd6541a8dc0dc8299e3643d", 0) // modulus value (not in montgomery) rawP.SetString("0x65b48e8f740f89bffc8ab0d15e3e4c4ab42d083aedc88c425afbfcc69322c9cda7aac6c567f35507516730cc1f0b4f25c2721bf457aca8351b81b90533c6c87b", 0) // There is 641 quadratic residues in this range for i := uint64(1); i < uint64(numIter); i++ { n.SetUint64(i) n.Exp(&n, &pm1o2, &rawP) // exp == 1 iff n is quadratic non-residue exp := n.Cmp(big.NewInt(1)) if exp < 0 { panic("Should never happen") } nMont.SetUint64(i) toMont(&nMont, true) copy(nMontFp[:], intGetU64(&nMont)) ret := nMontFp.isNonQuadRes() if ret != exp { toMont(&nMont, false) t.Errorf("Test failed for value %s", nMont.Text(10)) } } } func TestCheckSmaller(t *testing.T) { // p-1 pMin1 := p pMin1[0]-- // p-1 < p => 1 if !isLess(&pMin1, &p) { t.Error("pMin1>p") } // p < p-1 => 0 if isLess(&p, &pMin1) { t.Error("p>pMin1") } // p == p => 0 if isLess(&p, &p) { t.Error("p==p") } } func BenchmarkFp(b *testing.B) { var res, arg1 fp var two64 big.Int two64.SetUint64(1).Lsh(&two64, 64) n, _ := rand.Int(rand.Reader, &two64) u64 := n.Uint64() arg2, arg3 := randomFp(), randomFp() b.Run("sub512", func(b *testing.B) { for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ { sub512(&arg1, &arg2, &arg3) } }) b.Run("mul", func(b *testing.B) { for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ { mul512(&arg2, &arg3, u64) } }) b.Run("cswap", func(b *testing.B) { for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ { cswap512(&arg1, &arg2, uint8(n%2)) } }) b.Run("add", func(b *testing.B) { for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ { addRdc(&res, &arg1, &arg2) } }) b.Run("sub", func(b *testing.B) { for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ { subRdc(&res, &arg1, &arg2) } }) b.Run("mul", func(b *testing.B) { for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ { mulRdc(&res, &arg1, &arg2) } }) b.Run("exp", func(b *testing.B) { for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ { modExpRdc512(&res, &arg1, &arg2) } }) }