package graphql import ( "net/url" "testing" "time" ) func TestConstructQuery(t *testing.T) { tests := []struct { inV any inVariables map[string]any want string }{ { inV: struct { Viewer struct { Login String CreatedAt DateTime ID ID DatabaseID Int } RateLimit struct { Cost Int Limit Int Remaining Int ResetAt DateTime } }{}, want: `{viewer{login,createdAt,id,databaseId},rateLimit{cost,limit,remaining,resetAt}}`, }, { inV: struct { Repository struct { DatabaseID Int URL URI Issue struct { Comments struct { Edges []struct { Node struct { Body String Author struct { Login String } Editor struct { Login String } } Cursor String } } `graphql:"comments(first:1after:\"Y3Vyc29yOjE5NTE4NDI1Ng==\")"` } `graphql:"issue(number:1)"` } `graphql:"repository(owner:\"shurcooL-test\"name:\"test-repo\")"` }{}, want: `{repository(owner:"shurcooL-test"name:"test-repo"){databaseId,url,issue(number:1){comments(first:1after:"Y3Vyc29yOjE5NTE4NDI1Ng=="){edges{node{body,author{login},editor{login}},cursor}}}}}`, }, { inV: func() any { type actor struct { Login String AvatarURL URI URL URI } return struct { Repository struct { DatabaseID Int URL URI Issue struct { Comments struct { Edges []struct { Node struct { DatabaseID Int Author actor PublishedAt DateTime LastEditedAt *DateTime Editor *actor Body String ViewerCanUpdate Boolean } Cursor String } } `graphql:"comments(first:1)"` } `graphql:"issue(number:1)"` } `graphql:"repository(owner:\"shurcooL-test\"name:\"test-repo\")"` }{} }(), want: `{repository(owner:"shurcooL-test"name:"test-repo"){databaseId,url,issue(number:1){comments(first:1){edges{node{databaseId,author{login,avatarUrl,url},publishedAt,lastEditedAt,editor{login,avatarUrl,url},body,viewerCanUpdate},cursor}}}}}`, }, { inV: func() any { type actor struct { Login String AvatarURL URI `graphql:"avatarUrl(size:72)"` URL URI } return struct { Repository struct { Issue struct { Author actor PublishedAt DateTime LastEditedAt *DateTime Editor *actor Body String ReactionGroups []struct { Content ReactionContent Users struct { TotalCount Int } ViewerHasReacted Boolean } ViewerCanUpdate Boolean Comments struct { Nodes []struct { DatabaseID Int Author actor PublishedAt DateTime LastEditedAt *DateTime Editor *actor Body String ReactionGroups []struct { Content ReactionContent Users struct { TotalCount Int } ViewerHasReacted Boolean } ViewerCanUpdate Boolean } PageInfo struct { EndCursor String HasNextPage Boolean } } `graphql:"comments(first:1)"` } `graphql:"issue(number:1)"` } `graphql:"repository(owner:\"shurcooL-test\"name:\"test-repo\")"` }{} }(), want: `{repository(owner:"shurcooL-test"name:"test-repo"){issue(number:1){author{login,avatarUrl(size:72),url},publishedAt,lastEditedAt,editor{login,avatarUrl(size:72),url},body,reactionGroups{content,users{totalCount},viewerHasReacted},viewerCanUpdate,comments(first:1){nodes{databaseId,author{login,avatarUrl(size:72),url},publishedAt,lastEditedAt,editor{login,avatarUrl(size:72),url},body,reactionGroups{content,users{totalCount},viewerHasReacted},viewerCanUpdate},pageInfo{endCursor,hasNextPage}}}}}`, }, { inV: struct { Repository struct { Issue struct { Body String } `graphql:"issue(number: 1)"` } `graphql:"repository(owner:\"shurcooL-test\"name:\"test-repo\")"` }{}, want: `{repository(owner:"shurcooL-test"name:"test-repo"){issue(number: 1){body}}}`, }, { inV: struct { Repository struct { Issue struct { Body String } `graphql:"issue(number: $issueNumber)"` } `graphql:"repository(owner: $repositoryOwner, name: $repositoryName)"` }{}, inVariables: map[string]any{ "repositoryOwner": String("shurcooL-test"), "repositoryName": String("test-repo"), "issueNumber": Int(1), }, want: `query($issueNumber:Int!$repositoryName:String!$repositoryOwner:String!){repository(owner: $repositoryOwner, name: $repositoryName){issue(number: $issueNumber){body}}}`, }, { inV: struct { Repository struct { Issue struct { ReactionGroups []struct { Users struct { Nodes []struct { Login String } } `graphql:"users(first:10)"` } } `graphql:"issue(number: $issueNumber)"` } `graphql:"repository(owner: $repositoryOwner, name: $repositoryName)"` }{}, inVariables: map[string]any{ "repositoryOwner": String("shurcooL-test"), "repositoryName": String("test-repo"), "issueNumber": Int(1), }, want: `query($issueNumber:Int!$repositoryName:String!$repositoryOwner:String!){repository(owner: $repositoryOwner, name: $repositoryName){issue(number: $issueNumber){reactionGroups{users(first:10){nodes{login}}}}}}`, }, // Embedded structs without graphql tag should be inlined in query. { inV: func() any { type actor struct { Login String AvatarURL URI URL URI } type event struct { // Common fields for all events. Actor actor CreatedAt DateTime } type IssueComment struct { Body String } return struct { event // Should be inlined. IssueComment `graphql:"... on IssueComment"` // Should not be, because of graphql tag. CurrentTitle String PreviousTitle String Label struct { Name String Color String } }{} }(), want: `{actor{login,avatarUrl,url},createdAt,... on IssueComment{body},currentTitle,previousTitle,label{name,color}}`, }, { inV: struct { Viewer struct { Login string CreatedAt time.Time ID any DatabaseID int } }{}, want: `{viewer{login,createdAt,id,databaseId}}`, }, } for _, tc := range tests { got := constructQuery(tc.inV, tc.inVariables, "") if got != tc.want { t.Errorf("\ngot: %q\nwant: %q\n", got, tc.want) } } } func TestConstructMutation(t *testing.T) { tests := []struct { inV any inVariables map[string]any want string }{ { inV: struct { AddReaction struct { Subject struct { ReactionGroups []struct { Users struct { TotalCount Int } } } } `graphql:"addReaction(input:$input)"` }{}, inVariables: map[string]any{ "input": AddReactionInput{ SubjectID: "MDU6SXNzdWUyMzE1MjcyNzk=", Content: ReactionContentThumbsUp, }, }, want: `mutation($input:AddReactionInput!){addReaction(input:$input){subject{reactionGroups{users{totalCount}}}}}`, }, } for _, tc := range tests { got := constructMutation(tc.inV, tc.inVariables, "") if got != tc.want { t.Errorf("\ngot: %q\nwant: %q\n", got, tc.want) } } } func TestQueryArguments(t *testing.T) { tests := []struct { in map[string]any want string }{ { in: map[string]any{"a": Int(123), "b": NewBoolean(true)}, want: "$a:Int!$b:Boolean", }, { in: map[string]any{ "required": []IssueState{IssueStateOpen, IssueStateClosed}, "optional": &[]IssueState{IssueStateOpen, IssueStateClosed}, }, want: "$optional:[IssueState!]$required:[IssueState!]!", }, { in: map[string]any{ "required": []IssueState(nil), "optional": (*[]IssueState)(nil), }, want: "$optional:[IssueState!]$required:[IssueState!]!", }, { in: map[string]any{ "required": [...]IssueState{IssueStateOpen, IssueStateClosed}, "optional": &[...]IssueState{IssueStateOpen, IssueStateClosed}, }, want: "$optional:[IssueState!]$required:[IssueState!]!", }, { in: map[string]any{"id": ID("someID")}, want: "$id:ID!", }, { in: map[string]any{"ids": []ID{"someID", "anotherID"}}, want: `$ids:[ID!]!`, }, { in: map[string]any{"ids": &[]ID{"someID", "anotherID"}}, want: `$ids:[ID!]`, }, } for i, tc := range tests { got := queryArguments( if got != tc.want { t.Errorf("test case %d:\n got: %q\nwant: %q", i, got, tc.want) } } } // Custom GraphQL types for testing. type ( // DateTime is an ISO-8601 encoded UTC date. DateTime struct{ time.Time } // URI is an RFC 3986, RFC 3987, and RFC 6570 (level 4) compliant URI. URI struct{ *url.URL } ) func (u *URI) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { panic("mock implementation") } // IssueState represents the possible states of an issue. type IssueState string // The possible states of an issue. const ( IssueStateOpen IssueState = "OPEN" // An issue that is still open. IssueStateClosed IssueState = "CLOSED" // An issue that has been closed. ) // ReactionContent represents emojis that can be attached to Issues, Pull Requests and Comments. type ReactionContent string // Emojis that can be attached to Issues, Pull Requests and Comments. const ( ReactionContentThumbsUp ReactionContent = "THUMBS_UP" // Represents the 👍 emoji. ReactionContentThumbsDown ReactionContent = "THUMBS_DOWN" // Represents the 👎 emoji. ReactionContentLaugh ReactionContent = "LAUGH" // Represents the 😄 emoji. ReactionContentHooray ReactionContent = "HOORAY" // Represents the 🎉 emoji. ReactionContentConfused ReactionContent = "CONFUSED" // Represents the 😕 emoji. ReactionContentHeart ReactionContent = "HEART" // Represents the ❤️ emoji. ) // AddReactionInput is an autogenerated input type of AddReaction. type AddReactionInput struct { // The Node ID of the subject to modify. (Required.) SubjectID ID `json:"subjectId"` // The name of the emoji to react with. (Required.) Content ReactionContent `json:"content"` // A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. (Optional.) ClientMutationID *String `json:"clientMutationId,omitempty"` }