package x2j
import (
var doc1 = `
William H. Gaddis
The Recognitions
One of the great seminal American novels of the 20th century.
Austin Tappan Wright
An example of earlier 20th century American utopian fiction.
John Hawkes
The Beetle Leg
A lyrical novel about the construction of Ft. Peck Dam in Montana.
King's Day
A magical novella.
var doc2 = `
William H. Gaddis
The Recognitions
One of the great seminal American novels of the 20th century.
Won the National Book Award
John Hawkes
The Beetle Leg
The Blood Oranges
var msg1 = `
This is a long cold winter
var msg2 = `
This is a long cold winter
I hope we have a cool summer, though
func TestValuesAtKeyPath(t *testing.T) {
fmt.Println("\n============================ x2jat_test.go")
fmt.Println("\n=============== TestValuesAtKeyPath ...")
fmt.Println("\nValuesAtKeyPath ... doc1#author")
m, _ := DocToMap(doc1)
ss := PathsForKey(m,"author")
fmt.Println("ss:", ss)
for _,v := range ss {
vv := ValuesAtKeyPath(m,v,true)
fmt.Println("vv:", vv)
fmt.Println("\nValuesAtKeyPath ... doc1#first_name")
// m, _ := DocToMap(doc1)
ss = PathsForKey(m,"first_name")
fmt.Println("ss:", ss)
for _,v := range ss {
vv := ValuesAtKeyPath(m,v,true)
fmt.Println("vv:", vv)
m, _ = DocToMap(doc2)
ss = PathsForKey(m,"book")
fmt.Println("ss:", ss)
for _,v := range ss {
vv := ValuesAtKeyPath(m,v,true)
fmt.Println("vv:", vv)
s := PathForKeyShortest(m,"book")
vv := ValuesAtKeyPath(m,s)
fmt.Println("\nValuesAtKeyPath ... msg1#pub")
m, _ = DocToMap(msg1)
ss = PathsForKey(m,"pub")
fmt.Println("ss:", ss)
for _,v := range ss {
vv := ValuesAtKeyPath(m,v,true)
fmt.Println("vv:", vv)
fmt.Println("\nValuesAtKeyPath ... msg2#pub")
m, _ = DocToMap(msg2)
ss = PathsForKey(m,"pub")
fmt.Println("ss:", ss)
for _,v := range ss {
vv := ValuesAtKeyPath(m,v,true)
fmt.Println("vv:", vv)
func TestValuesAtTagPath(t *testing.T) {
fmt.Println("\n=============== TestValuesAtTagPath ...")
fmt.Println("\nValuesAtTagPath ... doc1#author")
m, _ := DocToMap(doc1)
ss := PathsForKey(m,"author")
fmt.Println("ss:", ss)
for _,v := range ss {
vv,_ := ValuesAtTagPath(doc1,v,true)
fmt.Println("vv:", vv)
fmt.Println("\nValuesAtTagPath ... doc1#first_name")
// m, _ := DocToMap(doc1)
ss = PathsForKey(m,"first_name")
fmt.Println("ss:", ss)
for _,v := range ss {
vv,_ := ValuesAtTagPath(doc1,v,true)
fmt.Println("vv:", vv)
m, _ = DocToMap(doc2)
ss = PathsForKey(m,"book")
fmt.Println("ss:", ss)
for _,v := range ss {
vv,_ := ValuesAtTagPath(doc2,v,true)
fmt.Println("vv:", vv)
s := PathForKeyShortest(m,"book")
vv,_ := ValuesAtTagPath(doc2,s)