3 package mxj
5 import (
6 "fmt"
7 "testing"
8 )
10 func TestUVHeader(t *testing.T) {
11 fmt.Println("\n---------------- updatevalues_test.go ...")
12 }
14 func TestUpdateValuesForPath_Author(t *testing.T) {
15 m, merr := NewMapXml(doc1)
16 if merr != nil {
17 t.Fatal("merr:", merr.Error())
18 }
19 fmt.Println("m:", m)
21 ss, _ := m.ValuesForPath("doc.books.book.author")
22 for _, v := range ss {
23 fmt.Println("v:", v)
24 }
25 fmt.Println("m.UpdateValuesForPath(\"author:NoName\", \"doc.books.book.author\")")
26 n, err := m.UpdateValuesForPath("author:NoName", "doc.books.book.author")
27 if err != nil {
28 t.Fatal("err:", err.Error())
29 }
30 fmt.Println(n, "updates")
31 ss, _ = m.ValuesForPath("doc.books.book.author")
32 for _, v := range ss {
33 fmt.Println("v:", v)
34 }
36 fmt.Println("m.UpdateValuesForPath(\"author:William Gadddis\", \"doc.books.book.author\", \"title:The Recognitions\")")
37 n, err = m.UpdateValuesForPath("author:William Gadddis", "doc.books.book.author", "title:The Recognitions")
38 o, _ := m.UpdateValuesForPath("author:Austin Tappen Wright", "doc.books.book", "title:Islandia")
39 p, _ := m.UpdateValuesForPath("author:John Hawkes", "doc.books.book", "title:The Beetle Leg")
40 q, _ := m.UpdateValuesForPath("author:T. E. Porter", "doc.books.book", "title:King's Day")
41 if err != nil {
42 t.Fatal("err:", err.Error())
43 }
44 fmt.Println(n+o+p+q, "updates")
45 ss, _ = m.ValuesForPath("doc.books.book.author")
46 for _, v := range ss {
47 fmt.Println("v:", v)
48 }
50 fmt.Println("m.UpdateValuesForPath(\"author:William T. Gaddis\", \"doc.books.book.*\", \"title:The Recognitions\")")
51 n, _ = m.UpdateValuesForPath("author:William T. Gaddis", "doc.books.book.*", "title:The Recognitions")
52 fmt.Println(n, "updates")
53 ss, _ = m.ValuesForPath("doc.books.book.author")
54 for _, v := range ss {
55 fmt.Println("v:", v)
56 }
58 fmt.Println("m.UpdateValuesForPath(\"title:The Cannibal\", \"doc.books.book.title\", \"author:John Hawkes\")")
59 n, _ = m.UpdateValuesForPath("title:The Cannibal", "doc.books.book.title", "author:John Hawkes")
60 o, _ = m.UpdateValuesForPath("review:A novel on his experiences in WWII.", "doc.books.book.review", "title:The Cannibal")
61 fmt.Println(n+o, "updates")
62 ss, _ = m.ValuesForPath("doc.books.book")
63 for _, v := range ss {
64 fmt.Println("v:", v)
65 }
67 fmt.Println("m.UpdateValuesForPath(\"books:\", \"doc.books\")")
68 n, _ = m.UpdateValuesForPath("books:", "doc.books")
69 fmt.Println(n, "updates")
70 fmt.Println("m:", m)
72 fmt.Println("m.UpdateValuesForPath(mm, \"*\")")
73 mm, _ := NewMapXml(doc1)
74 n, err = m.UpdateValuesForPath(mm, "*")
75 if err != nil {
76 t.Fatal("err:", err.Error())
77 }
78 fmt.Println(n, "updates")
79 fmt.Println("m:", m)
82 var newDoc = []byte(`<tag color="green" shape="square">simple element</tag>`)
83 m, merr = NewMapXml(newDoc)
84 if merr != nil {
85 t.Fatal("merr:", merr.Error())
86 }
87 fmt.Println("\nnewDoc:", string(newDoc))
88 fmt.Println("m:", m)
89 fmt.Println("m.UpdateValuesForPath(\"" + textK + ":maybe not so simple element\", \"tag\")")
90 n, _ = m.UpdateValuesForPath(textK + ":maybe not so simple element", "tag")
91 fmt.Println("n:", n, "m:", m)
92 fmt.Println("m.UpdateValuesForPath(\"" + textK + ":simple element again\", \"*\")")
93 n, _ = m.UpdateValuesForPath(textK + ":simple element again", "*")
94 fmt.Println("n:", n, "m:", m)
119 }
121 var authorDoc = []byte(`
122 <biblio>
123 <author>
124 <name>William Gaddis</name>
125 <books>
126 <book>
127 <title>The Recognitions</title>
128 <date>1955</date>
129 <review>A novel that changed the face of American literature.</review>
130 </book>
131 <book>
132 <title>JR</title>
133 <date>1975</date>
134 <review>Winner of National Book Award for Fiction.</review>
135 </book>
136 </books>
137 </author>
138 <author>
139 <name>John Hawkes</name>
140 <books>
141 <book>
142 <title>The Cannibal</title>
143 <date>1949</date>
144 <review>A novel on his experiences in WWII.</review>
145 </book>
146 <book>
147 <title>The Beetle Leg</title>
148 <date>1951</date>
149 <review>A lyrical novel about the construction of Ft. Peck Dam in Montana.</review>
150 </book>
151 <book>
152 <title>The Blood Oranges</title>
153 <date>1970</date>
154 <review>Where everyone wants to vacation.</review>
155 </book>
156 </books>
157 </author>
158 </biblio>`)
160 func TestAuthorDoc(t *testing.T) {
161 m, merr := NewMapXml(authorDoc)
162 if merr != nil {
163 t.Fatal("merr:", merr.Error())
164 }
165 fmt.Println(m.StringIndent())
167 fmt.Println("m.UpdateValuesForPath(\"review:National Book Award winner.\", \"*.*.*.*\", \"title:JR\")")
168 n, _ := m.UpdateValuesForPath("review:National Book Award winner.", "*.*.*.*", "title:JR")
169 fmt.Println(n, "updates")
170 ss, _ := m.ValuesForPath("biblio.author", "name:William Gaddis")
171 for _, v := range ss {
172 fmt.Println("v:", v)
173 }
175 fmt.Println("m.UpdateValuesForPath(newVal, path, oldVal)")
176 path := m.PathForKeyShortest("date")
177 v, _ := m.ValuesForPath(path)
178 var counter int
179 for _, vv := range v {
180 oldVal := "date:" + vv.(string)
181 newVal := "date:" + vv.(string) + ":num"
182 n, _ = m.UpdateValuesForPath(newVal, path, oldVal)
183 counter += n
184 }
185 fmt.Println(counter, "updates")
186 fmt.Println(m.StringIndent())
187 }
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