// getmetrics2.go - transform Eclipse Metrics (v3) XML report into CSV files for each metric
// Uses an in-memory buffer for the XML data and direct XML decoding of the buffer into a Map.
// Then XML buffer is decoded into a Map while the raw XML is copied using NewMapXmlReaderRaw()
// to illustrate processing overhead relative to getmetrics2.go. Not a practical example,
// but confirms the getmetrics1.go vs. getmetrics3.go use case.
I needed to convert a large (14.9 MB) XML data set from an Eclipse metrics report on an
application that had 355,100 lines of code in 211 packages into CSV data sets. The report
included application-, package-, class- and method-level metrics reported in an element,
"Value", with varying attributes.
In addition, the metrics were reported with two different "Metric" compound elements:
To run this example, extract the metrics_data.xml file from metrics_data.zip, then:
> go run getmetrics -file=metrics_data.xml
The output will be a set of "csv" files.
package main
import (
func main() {
var file string
flag.StringVar(&file, "file", "", "file to process")
fh, fherr := os.Open(file)
if fherr != nil {
fmt.Println("fherr:", fherr.Error())
defer fh.Close()
fmt.Println(time.Now().String(), "... File Opened:", file)
// Get the XML data set from the file.
fs, _ := fh.Stat()
xmldata := make([]byte, fs.Size())
n, frerr := fh.Read(xmldata)
if frerr != nil {
fmt.Println("frerr:", frerr.Error())
if int64(n) != fs.Size() {
fmt.Println("n:", n, "fs.Size():", fs.Size())
fmt.Println(time.Now().String(), "... File Read - size:", fs.Size())
// wrap the buffer in an io.Reader
xmlReader := bytes.NewBuffer(xmldata)
// load XML into a Map value
// Note: there is a single record with root tag of "Metrics".
m, raw, merr := mxj.NewMapXmlReaderRaw(xmlReader) // don't catch the pointer to raw XML
if merr != nil {
log.Fatal("merr:", merr.Error())
fmt.Println(time.Now().String(), "... XML Unmarshaled - len:", len(m))
fmt.Println("raw XML buffer size (should be same as File size):", len(raw))
// Get just the key values of interest.
// Could also use m.ValuesForKey("Metric"),
// since there's just the one path.
metricVals, err := m.ValuesForPath("Metrics.Metric")
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("err:", err.Error())
fmt.Println(time.Now().String(), "... ValuesFromKeyPath - len:", len(metricVals))
// now just manipulate Map entries returned as []interface{} array.
for _, v := range metricVals {
aMetricVal := v.(map[string]interface{})
// create file to hold csv data sets
id := aMetricVal["-id"].(string)
desc := aMetricVal["-description"].(string)
mf, mferr := os.OpenFile(id+".csv", os.O_WRONLY|os.O_TRUNC|os.O_CREATE, 0666)
if mferr != nil {
fmt.Println("mferr:", mferr.Error())
fmt.Print(time.Now().String(), " id: ", id, " desc: ", desc)
mf.WriteString(id + "," + desc + "\n")
// rescan looking for keys with data: Values or Value
for key, val := range aMetricVal {
switch key {
case "Values":
// extract the list of "Value" from map
values := val.(map[string]interface{})["Value"].([]interface{})
fmt.Println(" len(Values):", len(values))
// first line in file is the metric label values (keys)
var gotKeys bool
for _, vval := range values {
valueEntry := vval.(map[string]interface{})
// no guarantee that range on map will follow any sequence
lv := len(valueEntry)
list := make([][2]string, lv)
var i int
for k, v := range valueEntry {
list[i][0] = k
list[i][1] = v.(string)
// extract keys as column header on first pass
if !gotKeys {
// print out the keys
var gotFirstKey bool
// for kk, _ := range valueEntry {
for i := 0; i < lv; i++ {
if gotFirstKey {
} else {
gotFirstKey = true
// strip prepended hyphen
gotKeys = true
// print out values
var gotFirstVal bool
// for _, vv := range valueEntry {
for i := 0; i < lv; i++ {
if gotFirstVal {
} else {
gotFirstVal = true
// terminate row of data
case "Value":
vv := val.(map[string]interface{})
fmt.Println(" len(Value):", len(vv))
mf.WriteString("value\n" + vv["-value"].(string) + "\n")
type mylist [][2]string
func (m mylist) Len() int {
return len(m)
func (m mylist) Less(i, j int) bool {
if m[i][0] > m[j][0] {
return false
return true
func (m mylist) Swap(i, j int) {
m[i], m[j] = m[j], m[i]