package mxj var xmldata = []byte(` William H. Gaddis The Recognitions One of the seminal American novels of the 20th century. William H. Gaddis JR Won the National Book Award. Austin Tappan Wright Islandia An example of earlier 20th century American utopian fiction. John Hawkes The Beetle Leg A lyrical novel about the construction of Ft. Peck Dam in Montana. T.E. Porter King's Day A magical novella. `) var jsondata = []byte(` {"book":{"author":"William H. Gaddis","review":"One of the great seminal American novels of the 20th century.","title":"The Recognitions"}} {"book":{"author":"Austin Tappan Wright","review":"An example of earlier 20th century American utopian fiction.","title":"Islandia"}} {"book":{"author":"John Hawkes","review":"A lyrical novel about the construction of Ft. Peck Dam in Montana.","title":"The Beetle Leg"}} {"book":{"author":{"first_name":"T.E.","last_name":"Porter"},"review":"A magical novella.","title":"King's Day"}} { "here":"we", "put":"in", "an":error }`)