// Copyright 2013 ChaiShushan . All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package gettext import ( "io/ioutil" "strings" "testing" ) var testZipData = func() []byte { if data, err := ioutil.ReadFile("./examples/locale.zip"); err == nil { return data } return nil }() func TestGettext(t *testing.T) { SetDomain("hello") // locale file system BindLocale(New("hello", "./examples/locale")) testGettext(t, true) BindLocale(New("hello", "", nil)) testGettext(t, false) // locale zip file system BindLocale(New("hello", "./examples/locale.zip", nil)) testGettext(t, true) BindLocale(New("hello", "", nil)) testGettext(t, false) // embedded zip file system BindLocale(New("hello", "locale.zip", testZipData)) testGettext(t, true) BindLocale(New("hello", "", nil)) testGettext(t, false) } func TestGetdata(t *testing.T) { SetDomain("hello") // locale file system BindLocale(New("hello", "./examples/locale", nil)) testGetdata(t, true) BindLocale(New("hello", "", nil)) testGetdata(t, false) // locale zip file system BindLocale(New("hello", "./examples/locale.zip", nil)) testGetdata(t, true) BindLocale(New("hello", "", nil)) testGetdata(t, false) // embedded zip file system BindLocale(New("hello", "locale.zip", testZipData)) testGetdata(t, true) BindLocale(New("hello", "", nil)) testGetdata(t, false) } func testGettext(t *testing.T, hasTransle bool) { for i, v := range testTexts { if lang := SetLanguage(v.lang); lang != v.lang { t.Fatalf("%d: expect = %s, got = %v", i, v.lang, lang) } if hasTransle { if dst := PGettext(v.ctx, v.src); dst != v.dst { t.Fatalf("%d: expect = %q, got = %q", i, v.dst, dst) } } else { if dst := PGettext(v.ctx, v.src); dst != v.src { t.Fatalf("%d: expect = %s, got = %v", i, v.src, dst) } } } } func testGetdata(t *testing.T, hasTransle bool) { for i, v := range testResources { if lang := SetLanguage(v.lang); lang != v.lang { t.Fatalf("%d: expect = %s, got = %v", i, v.lang, lang) } if hasTransle { v.data = strings.Replace(v.data, "\r", "", -1) data := strings.Replace(string(Getdata(v.path)), "\r", "", -1) if data != v.data { t.Fatalf("%d: expect = %q, got = %q", i, v.data, data) } } else { if data := string(Getdata(v.path)); data != "" { t.Fatalf("%d: expect = %s, got = %v", i, "", data) } } } } func BenchmarkGettext(b *testing.B) { SetLanguage("zh_CN") BindLocale(New("hello", "./examples/locale", nil)) SetDomain("hello") b.ResetTimer() for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { PGettext(testTexts[0].ctx, testTexts[0].src) } } func BenchmarkGettext_Zip(b *testing.B) { SetLanguage("zh_CN") BindLocale(New("hello", "./examples/locale.zip", nil)) SetDomain("hello") b.ResetTimer() for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { PGettext(testTexts[0].ctx, testTexts[0].src) } } func BenchmarkGetdata(b *testing.B) { SetLanguage("zh_CN") BindLocale(New("hello", "./examples/locale", nil)) SetDomain("hello") b.ResetTimer() for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { Getdata(testResources[0].path) } } func BenchmarkGetdata_Zip(b *testing.B) { SetLanguage("zh_CN") BindLocale(New("hello", "./examples/locale.zip", nil)) SetDomain("hello") b.ResetTimer() for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { Getdata(testResources[0].path) } } var testTexts = []struct { lang string ctx string src string dst string }{ // default {"default", "main.init", "Gettext in init.", "Gettext in init."}, {"default", "main.main", "Hello, world!", "Hello, world!"}, {"default", "main.func", "Gettext in func.", "Gettext in func."}, {"default", "github.com/chai2010/gettext-go/examples/hi.SayHi", "pkg hi: Hello, world!", "pkg hi: Hello, world!"}, // zh_CN {"zh_CN", "main.init", "Gettext in init.", "Init函数中的Gettext.(ctx:main.init)"}, {"zh_CN", "main.main", "Hello, world!", "你好, 世界!(ctx:main.main)"}, {"zh_CN", "main.func", "Gettext in func.", "闭包函数中的Gettext.(ctx:main.func)"}, {"zh_CN", "code.google.com/p/gettext-go/examples/hi.SayHi", "pkg hi: Hello, world!", "来自\"Hi\"包的问候: 你好, 世界!(ctx:code.google.com/p/gettext-go/examples/hi.SayHi)"}, // zh_TW {"zh_TW", "main.init", "Gettext in init.", "Init函數中的Gettext.(ctx:main.init)"}, {"zh_TW", "main.main", "Hello, world!", "你好, 世界!(ctx:main.main)"}, {"zh_TW", "main.func", "Gettext in func.", "閉包函數中的Gettext.(ctx:main.func)"}, {"zh_TW", "code.google.com/p/gettext-go/examples/hi.SayHi", "pkg hi: Hello, world!", "來自\"Hi\"包的問候: 你好, 世界!(ctx:code.google.com/p/gettext-go/examples/hi.SayHi)"}, } var testResources = []struct { lang string path string data string }{ // default { "default", "poems.txt", `Drinking Alone Under the Moon Li Bai flowers among one jar liquor alone carouse without mutual intimate raise cup greet bright moon facing shadow become three persons moon since not free to-drink shadow follow accompany my body briefly accompany moon with shadow go happy should avail-oneself-of spring my song moon walk-to-and-fro irresolute my dance shadow fragments disorderly sober time together mix glad drunk after each divide scatter eternal connect without consciouness-of-self roam mutual appointment remote cloud Milky-Way `, }, // zh_CN { "zh_CN", "poems.txt", `yuèxiàdúzhuó 月下独酌 lǐbái 李白 huājiānyīhújiǔ,dúzhuówúxiānɡqīn。 花间一壶酒,独酌无相亲。 jǔbēiyāomínɡyuè,duìyǐnɡchénɡsānrén。 举杯邀明月,对影成三人。 yuèjìbùjiěyǐn,yǐnɡtúsuíwǒshēn。 月既不解饮,影徒随我身。 zànbànyuèjiānɡyǐnɡ,xínɡlèxūjíchūn。 暂伴月将影,行乐须及春。 wǒɡēyuèpáihuái,wǒwǔyǐnɡlínɡluàn。 我歌月徘徊,我舞影零乱。 xǐnɡshítónɡjiāohuān,zuìhòuɡèfēnsàn。 醒时同交欢,醉后各分散。 yǒnɡjiéwúqínɡyóu,xiānɡqīmiǎoyúnhàn。 永结无情游,相期邈云汉。 `, }, // zh_TW { "zh_TW", "poems.txt", `yuèxiàdúzhuó 月下獨酌 lǐbái 李白 huājiānyīhújiǔ,dúzhuówúxiānɡqīn。 花間一壺酒,獨酌無相親。 jǔbēiyāomínɡyuè,duìyǐnɡchénɡsānrén。 舉杯邀明月,對影成三人。 yuèjìbùjiěyǐn,yǐnɡtúsuíwǒshēn。 月既不解飲,影徒隨我身。 zànbànyuèjiānɡyǐnɡ,xínɡlèxūjíchūn。 暫伴月將影,行樂須及春。 wǒɡēyuèpáihuái,wǒwǔyǐnɡlínɡluàn。 我歌月徘徊,我舞影零亂。 xǐnɡshítónɡjiāohuān,zuìhòuɡèfēnsàn。 醒時同交歡,醉後各分散。 yǒnɡjiéwúqínɡyóu,xiānɡqīmiǎoyúnhàn。 永結無情遊,相期邈雲漢。 `, }, }