# Copyright 2023 The cert-manager Authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # THIS FILE IS AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED. DO NOT EDIT. # Edit https://github.com/cert-manager/makefile-modules/blob/main/modules/repository-base/base/Makefile instead. # NOTE FOR DEVELOPERS: "How do the Makefiles work and how can I extend them?" # # Shared Makefile logic lives in the make/_shared/ directory. The source of truth for these files # lies outside of this repository, eg. in the cert-manager/makefile-modules repository. # # Logic specific to this repository must be defined in the make/00_mod.mk and make/02_mod.mk files: # - The make/00_mod.mk file is included first and contains variable definitions needed by # the shared Makefile logic. # - The make/02_mod.mk file is included later, it can make use of most of the shared targets # defined in the make/_shared/ directory (all targets defined in 00_mod.mk and 01_mod.mk). # This file should be used to define targets specific to this repository. ################################## # Some modules build their dependencies from variables, we want these to be # evalutated at the last possible moment. For this we use second expansion to # re-evaluate the generate and verify targets a second time. # # See https://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/html_node/Secondary-Expansion.html .SECONDEXPANSION: # For details on some of these "prelude" settings, see: # https://clarkgrubb.com/makefile-style-guide MAKEFLAGS += --warn-undefined-variables --no-builtin-rules SHELL := /usr/bin/env bash .SHELLFLAGS := -uo pipefail -c .DEFAULT_GOAL := help .DELETE_ON_ERROR: .SUFFIXES: FORCE: noop: # do nothing # Set empty value for MAKECMDGOALS to prevent the "warning: undefined variable 'MAKECMDGOALS'" # warning from happening when running make without arguments MAKECMDGOALS ?= ################################## # Host OS and architecture setup # ################################## # The reason we don't use "go env GOOS" or "go env GOARCH" is that the "go" # binary may not be available in the PATH yet when the Makefiles are # evaluated. HOST_OS and HOST_ARCH only support Linux, *BSD and macOS (M1 # and Intel). HOST_OS ?= $(shell uname -s | tr A-Z a-z) HOST_ARCH ?= $(shell uname -m) ifeq (x86_64, $(HOST_ARCH)) HOST_ARCH = amd64 else ifeq (aarch64, $(HOST_ARCH)) # linux reports the arm64 arch as aarch64 HOST_ARCH = arm64 endif ################################## # Git and versioning information # ################################## VERSION ?= $(shell git describe --tags --always --match='v*' --abbrev=14 --dirty) IS_PRERELEASE := $(shell git describe --tags --always --match='v*' --abbrev=0 | grep -q '-' && echo true || echo false) GITCOMMIT := $(shell git rev-parse HEAD) GITEPOCH := $(shell git show -s --format=%ct HEAD) ################################## # Global variables and dirs # ################################## bin_dir := _bin # The ARTIFACTS environment variable is set by the CI system to a directory # where artifacts should be placed. These artifacts are then uploaded to a # storage bucket by the CI system (https://docs.prow.k8s.io/docs/components/pod-utilities/). # An example of such an artifact is a jUnit XML file containing test results. # If the ARTIFACTS environment variable is not set, we default to a local # directory in the _bin directory. ARTIFACTS ?= $(bin_dir)/artifacts $(bin_dir) $(ARTIFACTS) $(bin_dir)/scratch: mkdir -p $@ .PHONY: clean ## Clean all temporary files ## @category [shared] Tools clean: rm -rf $(bin_dir) ################################## # Include all the Makefiles # ################################## -include make/00_mod.mk -include make/_shared/*/00_mod.mk -include make/_shared/*/01_mod.mk -include make/02_mod.mk -include make/_shared/*/02_mod.mk