2 exclude-rules:
3 - linters:
4 - gosec
5 text: ".*"
7 # Explicitly define all enabled linters
8 disable-all: true
9 enable:
10 - asasalint
11 - asciicheck
12 - bidichk
13 - bodyclose
14 - contextcheck
15 - decorder
16 - dogsled
17 - dupword
18 - durationcheck
19 - errcheck
20 - errchkjson
21 - errname
22 - execinquery
23 - exhaustive
24 - exportloopref
25 - forbidigo
26 - gci
27 - ginkgolinter
28 - gocheckcompilerdirectives
29 - gochecksumtype
30 - gocritic
31 - gofmt
32 - goheader
33 - gomoddirectives
34 - gomodguard
35 - goprintffuncname
36 - gosec
37 - gosimple
38 - gosmopolitan
39 - govet
40 - grouper
41 - importas
42 - ineffassign
43 - interfacebloat
44 - loggercheck
45 - makezero
46 - mirror
47 - misspell
48 - musttag
49 - nakedret
50 - nilerr
51 - nilnil
52 - noctx
53 - nosprintfhostport
54 - predeclared
55 - promlinter
56 - protogetter
57 - reassign
58 - sloglint
59 - staticcheck
60 - tagalign
61 - tenv
62 - testableexamples
63 - typecheck
64 - unconvert
65 - unparam
66 - unused
67 - usestdlibvars
68 - wastedassign
70 gci:
71 sections:
72 - standard # Standard section: captures all standard packages.
73 - default # Default section: contains all imports that could not be matched to another section type.
74 - prefix(github.com/cert-manager/issuer-lib) # Custom section: groups all imports with the specified Prefix.
75 - blank # Blank section: contains all blank imports. This section is not present unless explicitly enabled.
76 - dot # Dot section: contains all dot imports. This section is not present unless explicitly enabled.
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