package immutable import ( "flag" "fmt" "math/rand" "sort" "testing" "" ) var ( veryVerbose = flag.Bool("vv", false, "very verbose") randomN = flag.Int("random.n", 100, "number of RunRandom() iterations") ) func TestList(t *testing.T) { t.Run("Empty", func(t *testing.T) { if size := NewList[string]().Len(); size != 0 { t.Fatalf("unexpected size: %d", size) } }) t.Run("Shallow", func(t *testing.T) { list := NewList[string]() list = list.Append("foo") if v := list.Get(0); v != "foo" { t.Fatalf("unexpected value: %v", v) } other := list.Append("bar") if v := other.Get(0); v != "foo" { t.Fatalf("unexpected value: %v", v) } else if v := other.Get(1); v != "bar" { t.Fatalf("unexpected value: %v", v) } if v := list.Len(); v != 1 { t.Fatalf("unexpected value: %v", v) } }) t.Run("Deep", func(t *testing.T) { list := NewList[int]() var array []int for i := 0; i < 100000; i++ { list = list.Append(i) array = append(array, i) } if got, exp := len(array), list.Len(); got != exp { t.Fatalf("List.Len()=%d, exp %d", got, exp) } for j := range array { if got, exp := list.Get(j), array[j]; got != exp { t.Fatalf("%d. List.Get(%d)=%d, exp %d", len(array), j, got, exp) } } }) t.Run("Set", func(t *testing.T) { list := NewList[string]() list = list.Append("foo") list = list.Append("bar") if v := list.Get(0); v != "foo" { t.Fatalf("unexpected value: %v", v) } list = list.Set(0, "baz") if v := list.Get(0); v != "baz" { t.Fatalf("unexpected value: %v", v) } else if v := list.Get(1); v != "bar" { t.Fatalf("unexpected value: %v", v) } }) t.Run("GetBelowRange", func(t *testing.T) { var r string func() { defer func() { r = recover().(string) }() l := NewList[string]() l = l.Append("foo") l.Get(-1) }() if r != `immutable.List.Get: index -1 out of bounds` { t.Fatalf("unexpected panic: %q", r) } }) t.Run("GetAboveRange", func(t *testing.T) { var r string func() { defer func() { r = recover().(string) }() l := NewList[string]() l = l.Append("foo") l.Get(1) }() if r != `immutable.List.Get: index 1 out of bounds` { t.Fatalf("unexpected panic: %q", r) } }) t.Run("SetOutOfRange", func(t *testing.T) { var r string func() { defer func() { r = recover().(string) }() l := NewList[string]() l = l.Append("foo") l.Set(1, "bar") }() if r != `immutable.List.Set: index 1 out of bounds` { t.Fatalf("unexpected panic: %q", r) } }) t.Run("SliceStartOutOfRange", func(t *testing.T) { var r string func() { defer func() { r = recover().(string) }() l := NewList[string]() l = l.Append("foo") l.Slice(2, 3) }() if r != `immutable.List.Slice: start index 2 out of bounds` { t.Fatalf("unexpected panic: %q", r) } }) t.Run("SliceEndOutOfRange", func(t *testing.T) { var r string func() { defer func() { r = recover().(string) }() l := NewList[string]() l = l.Append("foo") l.Slice(1, 3) }() if r != `immutable.List.Slice: end index 3 out of bounds` { t.Fatalf("unexpected panic: %q", r) } }) t.Run("SliceInvalidIndex", func(t *testing.T) { var r string func() { defer func() { r = recover().(string) }() l := NewList[string]() l = l.Append("foo") l = l.Append("bar") l.Slice(2, 1) }() if r != `immutable.List.Slice: invalid slice index: [2:1]` { t.Fatalf("unexpected panic: %q", r) } }) t.Run("SliceBeginning", func(t *testing.T) { l := NewList[string]() l = l.Append("foo") l = l.Append("bar") l = l.Slice(1, 2) if got, exp := l.Len(), 1; got != exp { t.Fatalf("List.Len()=%d, exp %d", got, exp) } else if got, exp := l.Get(0), "bar"; got != exp { t.Fatalf("List.Get(0)=%v, exp %v", got, exp) } }) t.Run("IteratorSeekOutOfBounds", func(t *testing.T) { var r string func() { defer func() { r = recover().(string) }() l := NewList[string]() l = l.Append("foo") l.Iterator().Seek(-1) }() if r != `immutable.ListIterator.Seek: index -1 out of bounds` { t.Fatalf("unexpected panic: %q", r) } }) t.Run("TestSliceFreesReferences", func(t *testing.T) { /* Test that the leaf node in a sliced list contains zero'ed entries at * the correct positions. To do this we directly access the internal * tree structure of the list. */ l := NewList[*int]() var ints [5]int for i := 0; i < 5; i++ { l = l.Append(&ints[i]) } sl := l.Slice(2, 4) var findLeaf func(listNode[*int]) *listLeafNode[*int] findLeaf = func(n listNode[*int]) *listLeafNode[*int] { switch n := n.(type) { case *listBranchNode[*int]: if n.children[0] == nil { t.Fatal("Failed to find leaf node due to nil child") } return findLeaf(n.children[0]) case *listLeafNode[*int]: return n default: panic("Unexpected case") } } leaf := findLeaf(sl.root) if leaf.occupied != 0b1100 { t.Errorf("Expected occupied to be 1100, was %032b", leaf.occupied) } for i := 0; i < listNodeSize; i++ { if 2 <= i && i < 4 { if leaf.children[i] != &ints[i] { t.Errorf("Position %v does not contain the right pointer?", i) } } else if leaf.children[i] != nil { t.Errorf("Expected position %v to be cleared, was %v", i, leaf.children[i]) } } }) t.Run("AppendImmutable", func(t *testing.T) { outer_l := NewList[int]() for N := 0; N < 1_000; N++ { l1 := outer_l.Append(0) outer_l.Append(1) if actual := l1.Get(N); actual != 0 { t.Fatalf("Append mutates list with %d elements. Got %d instead of 0", N, actual) } outer_l = outer_l.Append(0) } }) RunRandom(t, "Random", func(t *testing.T, rand *rand.Rand) { l := NewTList() for i := 0; i < 100000; i++ { rnd := rand.Intn(70) switch { case rnd == 0: // slice start, end := l.ChooseSliceIndices(rand) l.Slice(start, end) case rnd < 10: // set if l.Len() > 0 { l.Set(l.ChooseIndex(rand), rand.Intn(10000)) } case rnd < 30: // prepend l.Prepend(rand.Intn(10000)) default: // append l.Append(rand.Intn(10000)) } } if err := l.Validate(); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } }) } // TList represents a list that operates on a standard Go slice & immutable list. type TList struct { im, prev *List[int] builder *ListBuilder[int] std []int } // NewTList returns a new instance of TList. func NewTList() *TList { return &TList{ im: NewList[int](), builder: NewListBuilder[int](), } } // Len returns the size of the list. func (l *TList) Len() int { return len(l.std) } // ChooseIndex returns a randomly chosen, valid index from the standard slice. func (l *TList) ChooseIndex(rand *rand.Rand) int { if len(l.std) == 0 { return -1 } return rand.Intn(len(l.std)) } // ChooseSliceIndices returns randomly chosen, valid indices for slicing. func (l *TList) ChooseSliceIndices(rand *rand.Rand) (start, end int) { if len(l.std) == 0 { return 0, 0 } start = rand.Intn(len(l.std)) end = rand.Intn(len(l.std)-start) + start return start, end } // Append adds v to the end of slice and List. func (l *TList) Append(v int) { l.prev = = l.builder.Append(v) l.std = append(l.std, v) } // Prepend adds v to the beginning of the slice and List. func (l *TList) Prepend(v int) { l.prev = = l.builder.Prepend(v) l.std = append([]int{v}, l.std...) } // Set updates the value at index i to v in the slice and List. func (l *TList) Set(i, v int) { l.prev = =, v) l.builder.Set(i, v) l.std[i] = v } // Slice contracts the slice and List to the range of start/end indices. func (l *TList) Slice(start, end int) { l.prev = =, end) l.builder.Slice(start, end) l.std = l.std[start:end] } // Validate returns an error if the slice and List are different. func (l *TList) Validate() error { if got, exp :=, len(l.std); got != exp { return fmt.Errorf("Len()=%v, expected %d", got, exp) } else if got, exp := l.builder.Len(), len(l.std); got != exp { return fmt.Errorf("Len()=%v, expected %d", got, exp) } for i := range l.std { if got, exp :=, l.std[i]; got != exp { return fmt.Errorf("Get(%d)=%v, expected %v", i, got, exp) } else if got, exp := l.builder.Get(i), l.std[i]; got != exp { return fmt.Errorf("Builder.List/Get(%d)=%v, expected %v", i, got, exp) } } if err := l.validateForwardIterator("basic",; err != nil { return err } else if err := l.validateBackwardIterator("basic",; err != nil { return err } if err := l.validateForwardIterator("builder", l.builder.Iterator()); err != nil { return err } else if err := l.validateBackwardIterator("builder", l.builder.Iterator()); err != nil { return err } return nil } func (l *TList) validateForwardIterator(typ string, itr *ListIterator[int]) error { for i := range l.std { if j, v := itr.Next(); i != j || l.std[i] != v { return fmt.Errorf("ListIterator.Next()=<%v,%v>, expected <%v,%v> [%s]", j, v, i, l.std[i], typ) } done := i == len(l.std)-1 if v := itr.Done(); v != done { return fmt.Errorf("ListIterator.Done()=%v, expected %v [%s]", v, done, typ) } } if i, v := itr.Next(); i != -1 || v != 0 { return fmt.Errorf("ListIterator.Next()=<%v,%v>, expected DONE [%s]", i, v, typ) } return nil } func (l *TList) validateBackwardIterator(typ string, itr *ListIterator[int]) error { itr.Last() for i := len(l.std) - 1; i >= 0; i-- { if j, v := itr.Prev(); i != j || l.std[i] != v { return fmt.Errorf("ListIterator.Prev()=<%v,%v>, expected <%v,%v> [%s]", j, v, i, l.std[i], typ) } done := i == 0 if v := itr.Done(); v != done { return fmt.Errorf("ListIterator.Done()=%v, expected %v [%s]", v, done, typ) } } if i, v := itr.Prev(); i != -1 || v != 0 { return fmt.Errorf("ListIterator.Prev()=<%v,%v>, expected DONE [%s]", i, v, typ) } return nil } func BenchmarkList_Append(b *testing.B) { b.ReportAllocs() l := NewList[int]() for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { l = l.Append(i) } } func BenchmarkList_Prepend(b *testing.B) { b.ReportAllocs() l := NewList[int]() for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { l = l.Prepend(i) } } func BenchmarkList_Set(b *testing.B) { const n = 10000 l := NewList[int]() for i := 0; i < 10000; i++ { l = l.Append(i) } b.ReportAllocs() b.ResetTimer() for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { l = l.Set(i%n, i*10) } } func BenchmarkList_Iterator(b *testing.B) { const n = 10000 l := NewList[int]() for i := 0; i < 10000; i++ { l = l.Append(i) } b.ReportAllocs() b.ResetTimer() b.Run("Forward", func(b *testing.B) { itr := l.Iterator() for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { if i%n == 0 { itr.First() } itr.Next() } }) b.Run("Reverse", func(b *testing.B) { itr := l.Iterator() for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { if i%n == 0 { itr.Last() } itr.Prev() } }) } func BenchmarkBuiltinSlice_Append(b *testing.B) { b.Run("Int", func(b *testing.B) { b.ReportAllocs() var a []int for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { a = append(a, i) } }) b.Run("Interface", func(b *testing.B) { b.ReportAllocs() var a []interface{} for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { a = append(a, i) } }) } func BenchmarkListBuilder_Append(b *testing.B) { b.ReportAllocs() builder := NewListBuilder[int]() for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { builder.Append(i) } } func BenchmarkListBuilder_Prepend(b *testing.B) { b.ReportAllocs() builder := NewListBuilder[int]() for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { builder.Prepend(i) } } func BenchmarkListBuilder_Set(b *testing.B) { const n = 10000 builder := NewListBuilder[int]() for i := 0; i < 10000; i++ { builder.Append(i) } b.ReportAllocs() b.ResetTimer() for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { builder.Set(i%n, i*10) } } func ExampleList_Append() { l := NewList[string]() l = l.Append("foo") l = l.Append("bar") l = l.Append("baz") fmt.Println(l.Get(0)) fmt.Println(l.Get(1)) fmt.Println(l.Get(2)) // Output: // foo // bar // baz } func ExampleList_Prepend() { l := NewList[string]() l = l.Prepend("foo") l = l.Prepend("bar") l = l.Prepend("baz") fmt.Println(l.Get(0)) fmt.Println(l.Get(1)) fmt.Println(l.Get(2)) // Output: // baz // bar // foo } func ExampleList_Set() { l := NewList[string]() l = l.Append("foo") l = l.Append("bar") l = l.Set(1, "baz") fmt.Println(l.Get(0)) fmt.Println(l.Get(1)) // Output: // foo // baz } func ExampleList_Slice() { l := NewList[string]() l = l.Append("foo") l = l.Append("bar") l = l.Append("baz") l = l.Slice(1, 3) fmt.Println(l.Get(0)) fmt.Println(l.Get(1)) // Output: // bar // baz } func ExampleList_Iterator() { l := NewList[string]() l = l.Append("foo") l = l.Append("bar") l = l.Append("baz") itr := l.Iterator() for !itr.Done() { i, v := itr.Next() fmt.Println(i, v) } // Output: // 0 foo // 1 bar // 2 baz } func ExampleList_Iterator_reverse() { l := NewList[string]() l = l.Append("foo") l = l.Append("bar") l = l.Append("baz") itr := l.Iterator() itr.Last() for !itr.Done() { i, v := itr.Prev() fmt.Println(i, v) } // Output: // 2 baz // 1 bar // 0 foo } func ExampleListBuilder_Append() { b := NewListBuilder[string]() b.Append("foo") b.Append("bar") b.Append("baz") l := b.List() fmt.Println(l.Get(0)) fmt.Println(l.Get(1)) fmt.Println(l.Get(2)) // Output: // foo // bar // baz } func ExampleListBuilder_Prepend() { b := NewListBuilder[string]() b.Prepend("foo") b.Prepend("bar") b.Prepend("baz") l := b.List() fmt.Println(l.Get(0)) fmt.Println(l.Get(1)) fmt.Println(l.Get(2)) // Output: // baz // bar // foo } func ExampleListBuilder_Set() { b := NewListBuilder[string]() b.Append("foo") b.Append("bar") b.Set(1, "baz") l := b.List() fmt.Println(l.Get(0)) fmt.Println(l.Get(1)) // Output: // foo // baz } func ExampleListBuilder_Slice() { b := NewListBuilder[string]() b.Append("foo") b.Append("bar") b.Append("baz") b.Slice(1, 3) l := b.List() fmt.Println(l.Get(0)) fmt.Println(l.Get(1)) // Output: // bar // baz } // Ensure node can support overwrites as it expands. func TestInternal_mapNode_Overwrite(t *testing.T) { const n = 1000 var h defaultHasher[int] var node mapNode[int, int] = &mapArrayNode[int, int]{} for i := 0; i < n; i++ { var resized bool node = node.set(i, i, 0, h.Hash(i), &h, false, &resized) if !resized { t.Fatal("expected resize") } // Overwrite every node. for j := 0; j <= i; j++ { var resized bool node = node.set(j, i*j, 0, h.Hash(j), &h, false, &resized) if resized { t.Fatalf("expected no resize: i=%d, j=%d", i, j) } } // Verify not found at each branch type. if _, ok := node.get(1000000, 0, h.Hash(1000000), &h); ok { t.Fatal("expected no value") } } // Verify all key/value pairs in map. for i := 0; i < n; i++ { if v, ok := node.get(i, 0, h.Hash(i), &h); !ok || v != i*(n-1) { t.Fatalf("get(%d)=<%v,%v>", i, v, ok) } } } func TestInternal_mapArrayNode(t *testing.T) { // Ensure 8 or fewer elements stays in an array node. t.Run("Append", func(t *testing.T) { var h defaultHasher[int] n := &mapArrayNode[int, int]{} for i := 0; i < 8; i++ { var resized bool n = n.set(i*10, i, 0, h.Hash(i*10), &h, false, &resized).(*mapArrayNode[int, int]) if !resized { t.Fatal("expected resize") } for j := 0; j < i; j++ { if v, ok := n.get(j*10, 0, h.Hash(j*10), &h); !ok || v != j { t.Fatalf("get(%d)=<%v,%v>", j, v, ok) } } } }) // Ensure 8 or fewer elements stays in an array node when inserted in reverse. t.Run("Prepend", func(t *testing.T) { var h defaultHasher[int] n := &mapArrayNode[int, int]{} for i := 7; i >= 0; i-- { var resized bool n = n.set(i*10, i, 0, h.Hash(i*10), &h, false, &resized).(*mapArrayNode[int, int]) if !resized { t.Fatal("expected resize") } for j := i; j <= 7; j++ { if v, ok := n.get(j*10, 0, h.Hash(j*10), &h); !ok || v != j { t.Fatalf("get(%d)=<%v,%v>", j, v, ok) } } } }) // Ensure array can transition between node types. t.Run("Expand", func(t *testing.T) { var h defaultHasher[int] var n mapNode[int, int] = &mapArrayNode[int, int]{} for i := 0; i < 100; i++ { var resized bool n = n.set(i, i, 0, h.Hash(i), &h, false, &resized) if !resized { t.Fatal("expected resize") } for j := 0; j < i; j++ { if v, ok := n.get(j, 0, h.Hash(j), &h); !ok || v != j { t.Fatalf("get(%d)=<%v,%v>", j, v, ok) } } } }) // Ensure deleting elements returns the correct new node. RunRandom(t, "Delete", func(t *testing.T, rand *rand.Rand) { var h defaultHasher[int] var n mapNode[int, int] = &mapArrayNode[int, int]{} for i := 0; i < 8; i++ { var resized bool n = n.set(i*10, i, 0, h.Hash(i*10), &h, false, &resized) } for _, i := range rand.Perm(8) { var resized bool n = n.delete(i*10, 0, h.Hash(i*10), &h, false, &resized) } if n != nil { t.Fatal("expected nil rand") } }) } func TestInternal_mapValueNode(t *testing.T) { t.Run("Simple", func(t *testing.T) { var h defaultHasher[int] n := newMapValueNode(h.Hash(2), 2, 3) if v, ok := n.get(2, 0, h.Hash(2), &h); !ok { t.Fatal("expected ok") } else if v != 3 { t.Fatalf("unexpected value: %v", v) } }) t.Run("KeyEqual", func(t *testing.T) { var h defaultHasher[int] var resized bool n := newMapValueNode(h.Hash(2), 2, 3) other := n.set(2, 4, 0, h.Hash(2), &h, false, &resized).(*mapValueNode[int, int]) if other == n { t.Fatal("expected new node") } else if got, exp := other.keyHash, h.Hash(2); got != exp { t.Fatalf("keyHash=%v, expected %v", got, exp) } else if got, exp := other.key, 2; got != exp { t.Fatalf("key=%v, expected %v", got, exp) } else if got, exp := other.value, 4; got != exp { t.Fatalf("value=%v, expected %v", got, exp) } else if resized { t.Fatal("unexpected resize") } }) t.Run("KeyHashEqual", func(t *testing.T) { h := &mockHasher[int]{ hash: func(value int) uint32 { return 1 }, equal: func(a, b int) bool { return a == b }, } var resized bool n := newMapValueNode(h.Hash(2), 2, 3) other := n.set(4, 5, 0, h.Hash(4), h, false, &resized).(*mapHashCollisionNode[int, int]) if got, exp := other.keyHash, h.Hash(2); got != exp { t.Fatalf("keyHash=%v, expected %v", got, exp) } else if got, exp := len(other.entries), 2; got != exp { t.Fatalf("entries=%v, expected %v", got, exp) } else if !resized { t.Fatal("expected resize") } if got, exp := other.entries[0].key, 2; got != exp { t.Fatalf("key[0]=%v, expected %v", got, exp) } else if got, exp := other.entries[0].value, 3; got != exp { t.Fatalf("value[0]=%v, expected %v", got, exp) } if got, exp := other.entries[1].key, 4; got != exp { t.Fatalf("key[1]=%v, expected %v", got, exp) } else if got, exp := other.entries[1].value, 5; got != exp { t.Fatalf("value[1]=%v, expected %v", got, exp) } }) t.Run("MergeNode", func(t *testing.T) { // Inserting into a node with a different index in the mask should split into a bitmap node. t.Run("NoConflict", func(t *testing.T) { var h defaultHasher[int] var resized bool n := newMapValueNode(h.Hash(2), 2, 3) other := n.set(4, 5, 0, h.Hash(4), &h, false, &resized).(*mapBitmapIndexedNode[int, int]) if got, exp := other.bitmap, uint32(0x14); got != exp { t.Fatalf("bitmap=0x%02x, expected 0x%02x", got, exp) } else if got, exp := len(other.nodes), 2; got != exp { t.Fatalf("nodes=%v, expected %v", got, exp) } else if !resized { t.Fatal("expected resize") } if node, ok := other.nodes[0].(*mapValueNode[int, int]); !ok { t.Fatalf("node[0]=%T, unexpected type", other.nodes[0]) } else if got, exp := node.key, 2; got != exp { t.Fatalf("key[0]=%v, expected %v", got, exp) } else if got, exp := node.value, 3; got != exp { t.Fatalf("value[0]=%v, expected %v", got, exp) } if node, ok := other.nodes[1].(*mapValueNode[int, int]); !ok { t.Fatalf("node[1]=%T, unexpected type", other.nodes[1]) } else if got, exp := node.key, 4; got != exp { t.Fatalf("key[1]=%v, expected %v", got, exp) } else if got, exp := node.value, 5; got != exp { t.Fatalf("value[1]=%v, expected %v", got, exp) } // Ensure both values can be read. if v, ok := other.get(2, 0, h.Hash(2), &h); !ok || v != 3 { t.Fatalf("Get(2)=<%v,%v>", v, ok) } else if v, ok := other.get(4, 0, h.Hash(4), &h); !ok || v != 5 { t.Fatalf("Get(4)=<%v,%v>", v, ok) } }) // Reversing the nodes from NoConflict should yield the same result. t.Run("NoConflictReverse", func(t *testing.T) { var h defaultHasher[int] var resized bool n := newMapValueNode(h.Hash(4), 4, 5) other := n.set(2, 3, 0, h.Hash(2), &h, false, &resized).(*mapBitmapIndexedNode[int, int]) if got, exp := other.bitmap, uint32(0x14); got != exp { t.Fatalf("bitmap=0x%02x, expected 0x%02x", got, exp) } else if got, exp := len(other.nodes), 2; got != exp { t.Fatalf("nodes=%v, expected %v", got, exp) } else if !resized { t.Fatal("expected resize") } if node, ok := other.nodes[0].(*mapValueNode[int, int]); !ok { t.Fatalf("node[0]=%T, unexpected type", other.nodes[0]) } else if got, exp := node.key, 2; got != exp { t.Fatalf("key[0]=%v, expected %v", got, exp) } else if got, exp := node.value, 3; got != exp { t.Fatalf("value[0]=%v, expected %v", got, exp) } if node, ok := other.nodes[1].(*mapValueNode[int, int]); !ok { t.Fatalf("node[1]=%T, unexpected type", other.nodes[1]) } else if got, exp := node.key, 4; got != exp { t.Fatalf("key[1]=%v, expected %v", got, exp) } else if got, exp := node.value, 5; got != exp { t.Fatalf("value[1]=%v, expected %v", got, exp) } // Ensure both values can be read. if v, ok := other.get(2, 0, h.Hash(2), &h); !ok || v != 3 { t.Fatalf("Get(2)=<%v,%v>", v, ok) } else if v, ok := other.get(4, 0, h.Hash(4), &h); !ok || v != 5 { t.Fatalf("Get(4)=<%v,%v>", v, ok) } }) // Inserting a node with the same mask index should nest an additional level of bitmap nodes. t.Run("Conflict", func(t *testing.T) { h := &mockHasher[int]{ hash: func(value int) uint32 { return uint32(value << 5) }, equal: func(a, b int) bool { return a == b }, } var resized bool n := newMapValueNode(h.Hash(2), 2, 3) other := n.set(4, 5, 0, h.Hash(4), h, false, &resized).(*mapBitmapIndexedNode[int, int]) if got, exp := other.bitmap, uint32(0x01); got != exp { // mask is zero, expect first slot. t.Fatalf("bitmap=0x%02x, expected 0x%02x", got, exp) } else if got, exp := len(other.nodes), 1; got != exp { t.Fatalf("nodes=%v, expected %v", got, exp) } else if !resized { t.Fatal("expected resize") } child, ok := other.nodes[0].(*mapBitmapIndexedNode[int, int]) if !ok { t.Fatalf("node[0]=%T, unexpected type", other.nodes[0]) } if node, ok := child.nodes[0].(*mapValueNode[int, int]); !ok { t.Fatalf("node[0]=%T, unexpected type", child.nodes[0]) } else if got, exp := node.key, 2; got != exp { t.Fatalf("key[0]=%v, expected %v", got, exp) } else if got, exp := node.value, 3; got != exp { t.Fatalf("value[0]=%v, expected %v", got, exp) } if node, ok := child.nodes[1].(*mapValueNode[int, int]); !ok { t.Fatalf("node[1]=%T, unexpected type", child.nodes[1]) } else if got, exp := node.key, 4; got != exp { t.Fatalf("key[1]=%v, expected %v", got, exp) } else if got, exp := node.value, 5; got != exp { t.Fatalf("value[1]=%v, expected %v", got, exp) } // Ensure both values can be read. if v, ok := other.get(2, 0, h.Hash(2), h); !ok || v != 3 { t.Fatalf("Get(2)=<%v,%v>", v, ok) } else if v, ok := other.get(4, 0, h.Hash(4), h); !ok || v != 5 { t.Fatalf("Get(4)=<%v,%v>", v, ok) } else if v, ok := other.get(10, 0, h.Hash(10), h); ok { t.Fatalf("Get(10)=<%v,%v>, expected no value", v, ok) } }) }) } func TestMap_Get(t *testing.T) { t.Run("Empty", func(t *testing.T) { m := NewMap[int, string](nil) if v, ok := m.Get(100); ok { t.Fatalf("unexpected value: <%v,%v>", v, ok) } }) } func TestMap_Set(t *testing.T) { t.Run("Simple", func(t *testing.T) { m := NewMap[int, string](nil) itr := m.Iterator() if !itr.Done() { t.Fatal("MapIterator.Done()=true, expected false") } else if k, v, ok := itr.Next(); ok { t.Fatalf("MapIterator.Next()=<%v,%v>, expected nil", k, v) } }) t.Run("Simple", func(t *testing.T) { m := NewMap[int, string](nil) m = m.Set(100, "foo") if v, ok := m.Get(100); !ok || v != "foo" { t.Fatalf("unexpected value: <%v,%v>", v, ok) } }) t.Run("Multi", func(t *testing.T) { m := NewMapOf(nil, map[int]string{1: "foo"}) itr := m.Iterator() if itr.Done() { t.Fatal("MapIterator.Done()=false, expected true") } if k, v, ok := itr.Next(); !ok { t.Fatalf("MapIterator.Next()!=ok, expected ok") } else if k != 1 || v != "foo" { t.Fatalf("MapIterator.Next()=<%v,%v>, expected <1, \"foo\">", k, v) } if k, v, ok := itr.Next(); ok { t.Fatalf("MapIterator.Next()=<%v,%v>, expected nil", k, v) } }) t.Run("VerySmall", func(t *testing.T) { const n = 6 m := NewMap[int, int](nil) for i := 0; i < n; i++ { m = m.Set(i, i+1) } for i := 0; i < n; i++ { if v, ok := m.Get(i); !ok || v != i+1 { t.Fatalf("unexpected value for key=%v: <%v,%v>", i, v, ok) } } // NOTE: Array nodes store entries in insertion order. itr := m.Iterator() for i := 0; i < n; i++ { if k, v, ok := itr.Next(); !ok || k != i || v != i+1 { t.Fatalf("MapIterator.Next()=<%v,%v>, exp <%v,%v>", k, v, i, i+1) } } if !itr.Done() { t.Fatal("expected iterator done") } }) t.Run("Small", func(t *testing.T) { const n = 1000 m := NewMap[int, int](nil) for i := 0; i < n; i++ { m = m.Set(i, i+1) } for i := 0; i < n; i++ { if v, ok := m.Get(i); !ok || v != i+1 { t.Fatalf("unexpected value for key=%v: <%v,%v>", i, v, ok) } } }) t.Run("Large", func(t *testing.T) { if testing.Short() { t.Skip("skipping: short") } const n = 1000000 m := NewMap[int, int](nil) for i := 0; i < n; i++ { m = m.Set(i, i+1) } for i := 0; i < n; i++ { if v, ok := m.Get(i); !ok || v != i+1 { t.Fatalf("unexpected value for key=%v: <%v,%v>", i, v, ok) } } }) t.Run("StringKeys", func(t *testing.T) { m := NewMap[string, string](nil) m = m.Set("foo", "bar") m = m.Set("baz", "bat") m = m.Set("", "EMPTY") if v, ok := m.Get("foo"); !ok || v != "bar" { t.Fatalf("unexpected value: <%v,%v>", v, ok) } else if v, ok := m.Get("baz"); !ok || v != "bat" { t.Fatalf("unexpected value: <%v,%v>", v, ok) } else if v, ok := m.Get(""); !ok || v != "EMPTY" { t.Fatalf("unexpected value: <%v,%v>", v, ok) } if v, ok := m.Get("no_such_key"); ok { t.Fatalf("expected no value: <%v,%v>", v, ok) } }) RunRandom(t, "Random", func(t *testing.T, rand *rand.Rand) { m := NewTestMap() for i := 0; i < 10000; i++ { switch rand.Intn(2) { case 1: // overwrite m.Set(m.ExistingKey(rand), rand.Intn(10000)) default: // set new key m.Set(m.NewKey(rand), rand.Intn(10000)) } } if err := m.Validate(); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } }) } // Ensure map can support overwrites as it expands. func TestMap_Overwrite(t *testing.T) { if testing.Short() { t.Skip("short mode") } const n = 10000 m := NewMap[int, int](nil) for i := 0; i < n; i++ { // Set original value. m = m.Set(i, i) // Overwrite every node. for j := 0; j <= i; j++ { m = m.Set(j, i*j) } } // Verify all key/value pairs in map. for i := 0; i < n; i++ { if v, ok := m.Get(i); !ok || v != i*(n-1) { t.Fatalf("Get(%d)=<%v,%v>", i, v, ok) } } t.Run("Simple", func(t *testing.T) { m := NewMap[int, string](nil) itr := m.Iterator() if !itr.Done() { t.Fatal("MapIterator.Done()=true, expected false") } else if k, v, ok := itr.Next(); ok { t.Fatalf("MapIterator.Next()=<%v,%v>, expected nil", k, v) } }) } func TestMap_Delete(t *testing.T) { t.Run("Empty", func(t *testing.T) { m := NewMap[string, int](nil) other := m.Delete("foo") if m != other { t.Fatal("expected same map") } }) t.Run("Simple", func(t *testing.T) { m := NewMap[int, string](nil) m = m.Set(100, "foo") if v, ok := m.Get(100); !ok || v != "foo" { t.Fatalf("unexpected value: <%v,%v>", v, ok) } }) t.Run("Small", func(t *testing.T) { const n = 1000 m := NewMap[int, int](nil) for i := 0; i < n; i++ { m = m.Set(i, i+1) } for i := range rand.New(rand.NewSource(0)).Perm(n) { m = m.Delete(i) } if m.Len() != 0 { t.Fatalf("expected no elements, got %d", m.Len()) } }) t.Run("Large", func(t *testing.T) { if testing.Short() { t.Skip("skipping: short") } const n = 1000000 m := NewMap[int, int](nil) for i := 0; i < n; i++ { m = m.Set(i, i+1) } for i := range rand.New(rand.NewSource(0)).Perm(n) { m = m.Delete(i) } if m.Len() != 0 { t.Fatalf("expected no elements, got %d", m.Len()) } }) RunRandom(t, "Random", func(t *testing.T, rand *rand.Rand) { m := NewTestMap() for i := 0; i < 10000; i++ { switch rand.Intn(8) { case 0: // overwrite m.Set(m.ExistingKey(rand), rand.Intn(10000)) case 1: // delete existing key m.Delete(m.ExistingKey(rand)) case 2: // delete non-existent key. m.Delete(m.NewKey(rand)) default: // set new key m.Set(m.NewKey(rand), rand.Intn(10000)) } } // Delete all and verify they are gone. keys := make([]int, len(m.keys)) copy(keys, m.keys) for _, key := range keys { m.Delete(key) } if err := m.Validate(); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } }) } // Ensure map works even with hash conflicts. func TestMap_LimitedHash(t *testing.T) { if testing.Short() { t.Skip("skipping: short") } t.Run("Immutable", func(t *testing.T) { h := mockHasher[int]{ hash: func(value int) uint32 { return hashUint64(uint64(value)) % 0xFF }, equal: func(a, b int) bool { return a == b }, } m := NewMap[int, int](&h) rand := rand.New(rand.NewSource(0)) keys := rand.Perm(100000) for _, i := range keys { m = m.Set(i, i) // initial set } for i := range keys { m = m.Set(i, i*2) // overwrite } if m.Len() != len(keys) { t.Fatalf("unexpected len: %d", m.Len()) } // Verify all key/value pairs in map. for i := 0; i < m.Len(); i++ { if v, ok := m.Get(i); !ok || v != i*2 { t.Fatalf("Get(%d)=<%v,%v>", i, v, ok) } } // Verify iteration. itr := m.Iterator() for !itr.Done() { if k, v, ok := itr.Next(); !ok || v != k*2 { t.Fatalf("MapIterator.Next()=<%v,%v>, expected value %v", k, v, k*2) } } // Verify not found works. if _, ok := m.Get(10000000); ok { t.Fatal("expected no value") } // Verify delete non-existent key works. if other := m.Delete(10000000 + 1); m != other { t.Fatal("expected no change") } // Remove all keys. for _, key := range keys { m = m.Delete(key) } if m.Len() != 0 { t.Fatalf("unexpected size: %d", m.Len()) } }) t.Run("Builder", func(t *testing.T) { h := mockHasher[int]{ hash: func(value int) uint32 { return hashUint64(uint64(value)) }, equal: func(a, b int) bool { return a == b }, } b := NewMapBuilder[int, int](&h) rand := rand.New(rand.NewSource(0)) keys := rand.Perm(100000) for _, i := range keys { b.Set(i, i) // initial set } for i := range keys { b.Set(i, i*2) // overwrite } if b.Len() != len(keys) { t.Fatalf("unexpected len: %d", b.Len()) } // Verify all key/value pairs in map. for i := 0; i < b.Len(); i++ { if v, ok := b.Get(i); !ok || v != i*2 { t.Fatalf("Get(%d)=<%v,%v>", i, v, ok) } } // Verify iteration. itr := b.Iterator() for !itr.Done() { if k, v, ok := itr.Next(); !ok || v != k*2 { t.Fatalf("MapIterator.Next()=<%v,%v>, expected value %v", k, v, k*2) } } // Verify not found works. if _, ok := b.Get(10000000); ok { t.Fatal("expected no value") } // Remove all keys. for _, key := range keys { b.Delete(key) } if b.Len() != 0 { t.Fatalf("unexpected size: %d", b.Len()) } }) } // TMap represents a combined immutable and stdlib map. type TMap struct { im, prev *Map[int, int] builder *MapBuilder[int, int] std map[int]int keys []int } func NewTestMap() *TMap { return &TMap{ im: NewMap[int, int](nil), builder: NewMapBuilder[int, int](nil), std: make(map[int]int), } } func (m *TMap) NewKey(rand *rand.Rand) int { for { k := rand.Int() if _, ok := m.std[k]; !ok { return k } } } func (m *TMap) ExistingKey(rand *rand.Rand) int { if len(m.keys) == 0 { return 0 } return m.keys[rand.Intn(len(m.keys))] } func (m *TMap) Set(k, v int) { m.prev = =, v) m.builder.Set(k, v) _, exists := m.std[k] if !exists { m.keys = append(m.keys, k) } m.std[k] = v } func (m *TMap) Delete(k int) { m.prev = = m.builder.Delete(k) delete(m.std, k) for i := range m.keys { if m.keys[i] == k { m.keys = append(m.keys[:i], m.keys[i+1:]...) break } } } func (m *TMap) Validate() error { for _, k := range m.keys { if v, ok :=; !ok { return fmt.Errorf("key not found: %d", k) } else if v != m.std[k] { return fmt.Errorf("key (%d) mismatch: immutable=%d, std=%d", k, v, m.std[k]) } if v, ok := m.builder.Get(k); !ok { return fmt.Errorf("builder key not found: %d", k) } else if v != m.std[k] { return fmt.Errorf("builder key (%d) mismatch: immutable=%d, std=%d", k, v, m.std[k]) } } if err := m.validateIterator(; err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("basic: %s", err) } else if err := m.validateIterator(m.builder.Iterator()); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("builder: %s", err) } return nil } func (m *TMap) validateIterator(itr *MapIterator[int, int]) error { other := make(map[int]int) for !itr.Done() { k, v, _ := itr.Next() other[k] = v } if len(other) != len(m.std) { return fmt.Errorf("map iterator size mismatch: %v!=%v", len(m.std), len(other)) } for k, v := range m.std { if v != other[k] { return fmt.Errorf("map iterator mismatch: key=%v, %v!=%v", k, v, other[k]) } } if k, v, ok := itr.Next(); ok { return fmt.Errorf("map iterator returned key/value after done: <%v/%v>", k, v) } return nil } func BenchmarkBuiltinMap_Set(b *testing.B) { b.ReportAllocs() m := make(map[int]int) for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { m[i] = i } } func BenchmarkBuiltinMap_Delete(b *testing.B) { const n = 10000000 m := make(map[int]int) for i := 0; i < n; i++ { m[i] = i } b.ReportAllocs() b.ResetTimer() for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { delete(m, i%n) } } func BenchmarkMap_Set(b *testing.B) { b.ReportAllocs() m := NewMap[int, int](nil) for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { m = m.Set(i, i) } } func BenchmarkMap_Delete(b *testing.B) { const n = 10000000 builder := NewMapBuilder[int, int](nil) for i := 0; i < n; i++ { builder.Set(i, i) } b.ReportAllocs() b.ResetTimer() m := builder.Map() for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { m.Delete(i % n) // Do not update map, always operate on original } } func BenchmarkMap_Iterator(b *testing.B) { const n = 10000 m := NewMap[int, int](nil) for i := 0; i < 10000; i++ { m = m.Set(i, i) } b.ReportAllocs() b.ResetTimer() b.Run("Forward", func(b *testing.B) { itr := m.Iterator() for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { if i%n == 0 { itr.First() } itr.Next() } }) } func BenchmarkMapBuilder_Set(b *testing.B) { b.ReportAllocs() builder := NewMapBuilder[int, int](nil) for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { builder.Set(i, i) } } func BenchmarkMapBuilder_Delete(b *testing.B) { const n = 10000000 builder := NewMapBuilder[int, int](nil) for i := 0; i < n; i++ { builder.Set(i, i) } b.ReportAllocs() b.ResetTimer() for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { builder.Delete(i % n) } } func ExampleMap_Set() { m := NewMap[string, any](nil) m = m.Set("foo", "bar") m = m.Set("baz", 100) v, ok := m.Get("foo") fmt.Println("foo", v, ok) v, ok = m.Get("baz") fmt.Println("baz", v, ok) v, ok = m.Get("bat") // does not exist fmt.Println("bat", v, ok) // Output: // foo bar true // baz 100 true // bat false } func ExampleMap_Delete() { m := NewMap[string, any](nil) m = m.Set("foo", "bar") m = m.Set("baz", 100) m = m.Delete("baz") v, ok := m.Get("foo") fmt.Println("foo", v, ok) v, ok = m.Get("baz") fmt.Println("baz", v, ok) // Output: // foo bar true // baz false } func ExampleMap_Iterator() { m := NewMap[string, int](nil) m = m.Set("apple", 100) m = m.Set("grape", 200) m = m.Set("kiwi", 300) m = m.Set("mango", 400) m = m.Set("orange", 500) m = m.Set("peach", 600) m = m.Set("pear", 700) m = m.Set("pineapple", 800) m = m.Set("strawberry", 900) itr := m.Iterator() for !itr.Done() { k, v, _ := itr.Next() fmt.Println(k, v) } // Output: // mango 400 // pear 700 // pineapple 800 // grape 200 // orange 500 // strawberry 900 // kiwi 300 // peach 600 // apple 100 } func ExampleMapBuilder_Set() { b := NewMapBuilder[string, any](nil) b.Set("foo", "bar") b.Set("baz", 100) m := b.Map() v, ok := m.Get("foo") fmt.Println("foo", v, ok) v, ok = m.Get("baz") fmt.Println("baz", v, ok) v, ok = m.Get("bat") // does not exist fmt.Println("bat", v, ok) // Output: // foo bar true // baz 100 true // bat false } func ExampleMapBuilder_Delete() { b := NewMapBuilder[string, any](nil) b.Set("foo", "bar") b.Set("baz", 100) b.Delete("baz") m := b.Map() v, ok := m.Get("foo") fmt.Println("foo", v, ok) v, ok = m.Get("baz") fmt.Println("baz", v, ok) // Output: // foo bar true // baz false } func TestInternalSortedMapLeafNode(t *testing.T) { RunRandom(t, "NoSplit", func(t *testing.T, rand *rand.Rand) { var cmpr defaultComparer[int] var node sortedMapNode[int, int] = &sortedMapLeafNode[int, int]{} var keys []int for _, i := range rand.Perm(32) { var resized bool var splitNode sortedMapNode[int, int] node, splitNode = node.set(i, i*10, &cmpr, false, &resized) if !resized { t.Fatal("expected resize") } else if splitNode != nil { t.Fatal("expected split") } keys = append(keys, i) // Verify not found at each size. if _, ok := node.get(rand.Int()+32, &cmpr); ok { t.Fatal("expected no value") } // Verify min key is always the lowest. sort.Ints(keys) if got, exp := node.minKey(), keys[0]; got != exp { t.Fatalf("minKey()=%d, expected %d", got, exp) } } // Verify all key/value pairs in node. for i := range keys { if v, ok := node.get(i, &cmpr); !ok || v != i*10 { t.Fatalf("get(%d)=<%v,%v>", i, v, ok) } } }) RunRandom(t, "Overwrite", func(t *testing.T, rand *rand.Rand) { var cmpr defaultComparer[int] var node sortedMapNode[int, int] = &sortedMapLeafNode[int, int]{} for _, i := range rand.Perm(32) { var resized bool node, _ = node.set(i, i*2, &cmpr, false, &resized) } for _, i := range rand.Perm(32) { var resized bool node, _ = node.set(i, i*3, &cmpr, false, &resized) if resized { t.Fatal("expected no resize") } } // Verify all overwritten key/value pairs in node. for i := 0; i < 32; i++ { if v, ok := node.get(i, &cmpr); !ok || v != i*3 { t.Fatalf("get(%d)=<%v,%v>", i, v, ok) } } }) t.Run("Split", func(t *testing.T) { // Fill leaf node. var cmpr defaultComparer[int] var cmpr defaultComparer[int] var node sortedMapNode[int, int] = &sortedMapLeafNode[int, int]{} for i := 0; i < 32; i++ { var resized bool node, _ = node.set(i, i*10, &cmpr, false, &resized) } // Add one more and expect split. var resized bool newNode, splitNode := node.set(32, 320, &cmpr, false, &resized) // Verify node contents. newLeafNode, ok := newNode.(*sortedMapLeafNode[int, int]) if !ok { t.Fatalf("unexpected node type: %T", newLeafNode) } else if n := len(newLeafNode.entries); n != 16 { t.Fatalf("unexpected node len: %d", n) } for i := range newLeafNode.entries { if entry := newLeafNode.entries[i]; entry.key != i || entry.value != i*10 { t.Fatalf("%d. unexpected entry: %v=%v", i, entry.key, entry.value) } } // Verify split node contents. splitLeafNode, ok := splitNode.(*sortedMapLeafNode[int, int]) if !ok { t.Fatalf("unexpected split node type: %T", splitLeafNode) } else if n := len(splitLeafNode.entries); n != 17 { t.Fatalf("unexpected split node len: %d", n) } for i := range splitLeafNode.entries { if entry := splitLeafNode.entries[i]; entry.key != (i+16) || entry.value != (i+16)*10 { t.Fatalf("%d. unexpected split node entry: %v=%v", i, entry.key, entry.value) } } }) } func TestInternalSortedMapBranchNode(t *testing.T) { RunRandom(t, "NoSplit", func(t *testing.T, rand *rand.Rand) { keys := make([]int, 32*16) for i := range keys { keys[i] = rand.Intn(10000) } keys = uniqueIntSlice(keys) sort.Ints(keys[:2]) // ensure first two keys are sorted for initial insert. // Initialize branch with two leafs. var cmpr defaultComparer[int] leaf0 := &sortedMapLeafNode[int, int]{entries: []mapEntry[int, int]{{key: keys[0], value: keys[0] * 10}}} leaf1 := &sortedMapLeafNode[int, int]{entries: []mapEntry[int, int]{{key: keys[1], value: keys[1] * 10}}} var node sortedMapNode[int, int] = newSortedMapBranchNode[int, int](leaf0, leaf1) sort.Ints(keys) for _, i := range rand.Perm(len(keys)) { key := keys[i] var resized bool var splitNode sortedMapNode[int, int] node, splitNode = node.set(key, key*10, &cmpr, false, &resized) if key == leaf0.entries[0].key || key == leaf1.entries[0].key { if resized { t.Fatalf("expected no resize: key=%d", key) } } else { if !resized { t.Fatalf("expected resize: key=%d", key) } } if splitNode != nil { t.Fatal("unexpected split") } } // Verify all key/value pairs in node. for _, key := range keys { if v, ok := node.get(key, &cmpr); !ok || v != key*10 { t.Fatalf("get(%d)=<%v,%v>", key, v, ok) } } // Verify min key is the lowest key. if got, exp := node.minKey(), keys[0]; got != exp { t.Fatalf("minKey()=%d, expected %d", got, exp) } }) t.Run("Split", func(t *testing.T) { // Generate leaf nodes. var cmpr defaultComparer[int] children := make([]sortedMapNode[int, int], 32) for i := range children { leaf := &sortedMapLeafNode[int, int]{entries: make([]mapEntry[int, int], 32)} for j := range leaf.entries { leaf.entries[j] = mapEntry[int, int]{key: (i * 32) + j, value: ((i * 32) + j) * 100} } children[i] = leaf } var node sortedMapNode[int, int] = newSortedMapBranchNode(children...) // Add one more and expect split. var resized bool newNode, splitNode := node.set((32 * 32), (32*32)*100, &cmpr, false, &resized) // Verify node contents. var idx int newBranchNode, ok := newNode.(*sortedMapBranchNode[int, int]) if !ok { t.Fatalf("unexpected node type: %T", newBranchNode) } else if n := len(newBranchNode.elems); n != 16 { t.Fatalf("unexpected child elems len: %d", n) } for i, elem := range newBranchNode.elems { child, ok := elem.node.(*sortedMapLeafNode[int, int]) if !ok { t.Fatalf("unexpected child type") } for j, entry := range child.entries { if entry.key != idx || entry.value != idx*100 { t.Fatalf("%d/%d. unexpected entry: %v=%v", i, j, entry.key, entry.value) } idx++ } } // Verify split node contents. splitBranchNode, ok := splitNode.(*sortedMapBranchNode[int, int]) if !ok { t.Fatalf("unexpected split node type: %T", splitBranchNode) } else if n := len(splitBranchNode.elems); n != 17 { t.Fatalf("unexpected split node elem len: %d", n) } for i, elem := range splitBranchNode.elems { child, ok := elem.node.(*sortedMapLeafNode[int, int]) if !ok { t.Fatalf("unexpected split node child type") } for j, entry := range child.entries { if entry.key != idx || entry.value != idx*100 { t.Fatalf("%d/%d. unexpected split node entry: %v=%v", i, j, entry.key, entry.value) } idx++ } } }) } func TestSortedMap_Get(t *testing.T) { t.Run("Empty", func(t *testing.T) { m := NewSortedMap[int, int](nil) if v, ok := m.Get(100); ok { t.Fatalf("unexpected value: <%v,%v>", v, ok) } }) } func TestSortedMap_Set(t *testing.T) { t.Run("Simple", func(t *testing.T) { m := NewSortedMap[int, string](nil) m = m.Set(100, "foo") if v, ok := m.Get(100); !ok || v != "foo" { t.Fatalf("unexpected value: <%v,%v>", v, ok) } else if got, exp := m.Len(), 1; got != exp { t.Fatalf("SortedMap.Len()=%d, exp %d", got, exp) } }) t.Run("Small", func(t *testing.T) { const n = 1000 m := NewSortedMap[int, int](nil) for i := 0; i < n; i++ { m = m.Set(i, i+1) } for i := 0; i < n; i++ { if v, ok := m.Get(i); !ok || v != i+1 { t.Fatalf("unexpected value for key=%v: <%v,%v>", i, v, ok) } } }) t.Run("Large", func(t *testing.T) { if testing.Short() { t.Skip("skipping: short") } const n = 1000000 m := NewSortedMap[int, int](nil) for i := 0; i < n; i++ { m = m.Set(i, i+1) } for i := 0; i < n; i++ { if v, ok := m.Get(i); !ok || v != i+1 { t.Fatalf("unexpected value for key=%v: <%v,%v>", i, v, ok) } } }) t.Run("StringKeys", func(t *testing.T) { m := NewSortedMap[string, string](nil) m = m.Set("foo", "bar") m = m.Set("baz", "bat") m = m.Set("", "EMPTY") if v, ok := m.Get("foo"); !ok || v != "bar" { t.Fatalf("unexpected value: <%v,%v>", v, ok) } else if v, ok := m.Get("baz"); !ok || v != "bat" { t.Fatalf("unexpected value: <%v,%v>", v, ok) } else if v, ok := m.Get(""); !ok || v != "EMPTY" { t.Fatalf("unexpected value: <%v,%v>", v, ok) } if v, ok := m.Get("no_such_key"); ok { t.Fatalf("expected no value: <%v,%v>", v, ok) } }) t.Run("NoDefaultComparer", func(t *testing.T) { var r string func() { defer func() { r = recover().(string) }() m := NewSortedMap[float64, string](nil) m = m.Set(float64(100), "bar") }() if r != `immutable.NewComparer: must set comparer for float64 type` { t.Fatalf("unexpected panic: %q", r) } }) RunRandom(t, "Random", func(t *testing.T, rand *rand.Rand) { m := NewTSortedMap() for j := 0; j < 10000; j++ { switch rand.Intn(2) { case 1: // overwrite m.Set(m.ExistingKey(rand), rand.Intn(10000)) default: // set new key m.Set(m.NewKey(rand), rand.Intn(10000)) } } if err := m.Validate(); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } }) } // Ensure map can support overwrites as it expands. func TestSortedMap_Overwrite(t *testing.T) { const n = 1000 m := NewSortedMap[int, int](nil) for i := 0; i < n; i++ { // Set original value. m = m.Set(i, i) // Overwrite every node. for j := 0; j <= i; j++ { m = m.Set(j, i*j) } } // Verify all key/value pairs in map. for i := 0; i < n; i++ { if v, ok := m.Get(i); !ok || v != i*(n-1) { t.Fatalf("Get(%d)=<%v,%v>", i, v, ok) } } } func TestSortedMap_Delete(t *testing.T) { t.Run("Empty", func(t *testing.T) { m := NewSortedMap[int, int](nil) m = m.Delete(100) if n := m.Len(); n != 0 { t.Fatalf("SortedMap.Len()=%d, expected 0", n) } }) t.Run("Simple", func(t *testing.T) { m := NewSortedMap[int, string](nil) m = m.Set(100, "foo") if v, ok := m.Get(100); !ok || v != "foo" { t.Fatalf("unexpected value: <%v,%v>", v, ok) } m = m.Delete(100) if v, ok := m.Get(100); ok { t.Fatalf("unexpected no value: <%v,%v>", v, ok) } }) t.Run("Small", func(t *testing.T) { const n = 1000 m := NewSortedMap[int, int](nil) for i := 0; i < n; i++ { m = m.Set(i, i+1) } for i := 0; i < n; i++ { if v, ok := m.Get(i); !ok || v != i+1 { t.Fatalf("unexpected value for key=%v: <%v,%v>", i, v, ok) } } for i := 0; i < n; i++ { m = m.Delete(i) } for i := 0; i < n; i++ { if v, ok := m.Get(i); ok { t.Fatalf("expected no value for key=%v: <%v,%v>", i, v, ok) } } }) t.Run("Large", func(t *testing.T) { if testing.Short() { t.Skip("skipping: short") } const n = 1000000 m := NewSortedMap[int, int](nil) for i := 0; i < n; i++ { m = m.Set(i, i+1) } for i := 0; i < n; i++ { if v, ok := m.Get(i); !ok || v != i+1 { t.Fatalf("unexpected value for key=%v: <%v,%v>", i, v, ok) } } for i := 0; i < n; i++ { m = m.Delete(i) } for i := 0; i < n; i++ { if v, ok := m.Get(i); ok { t.Fatalf("unexpected no value for key=%v: <%v,%v>", i, v, ok) } } }) RunRandom(t, "Random", func(t *testing.T, rand *rand.Rand) { m := NewTSortedMap() for j := 0; j < 10000; j++ { switch rand.Intn(8) { case 0: // overwrite m.Set(m.ExistingKey(rand), rand.Intn(10000)) case 1: // delete existing key m.Delete(m.ExistingKey(rand)) case 2: // delete non-existent key. m.Delete(m.NewKey(rand)) default: // set new key m.Set(m.NewKey(rand), rand.Intn(10000)) } } if err := m.Validate(); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } // Delete all keys. keys := make([]int, len(m.keys)) copy(keys, m.keys) for _, k := range keys { m.Delete(k) } if err := m.Validate(); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } }) } func TestSortedMap_Iterator(t *testing.T) { t.Run("Empty", func(t *testing.T) { t.Run("First", func(t *testing.T) { itr := NewSortedMap[int, int](nil).Iterator() itr.First() if k, v, ok := itr.Next(); ok { t.Fatalf("SortedMapIterator.Next()=<%v,%v>, expected nil", k, v) } }) t.Run("Last", func(t *testing.T) { itr := NewSortedMap[int, int](nil).Iterator() itr.Last() if k, v, ok := itr.Prev(); ok { t.Fatalf("SortedMapIterator.Prev()=<%v,%v>, expected nil", k, v) } }) t.Run("Seek", func(t *testing.T) { itr := NewSortedMap[string, int](nil).Iterator() itr.Seek("foo") if k, v, ok := itr.Next(); ok { t.Fatalf("SortedMapIterator.Next()=<%v,%v>, expected nil", k, v) } }) }) t.Run("Seek", func(t *testing.T) { const n = 100 m := NewSortedMap[string, int](nil) for i := 0; i < n; i += 2 { m = m.Set(fmt.Sprintf("%04d", i), i) } t.Run("Exact", func(t *testing.T) { itr := m.Iterator() for i := 0; i < n; i += 2 { itr.Seek(fmt.Sprintf("%04d", i)) for j := i; j < n; j += 2 { if k, _, ok := itr.Next(); !ok || k != fmt.Sprintf("%04d", j) { t.Fatalf("%d/%d. SortedMapIterator.Next()=%v, expected key %04d", i, j, k, j) } } if !itr.Done() { t.Fatalf("SortedMapIterator.Done()=true, expected false") } } }) t.Run("Miss", func(t *testing.T) { itr := m.Iterator() for i := 1; i < n-2; i += 2 { itr.Seek(fmt.Sprintf("%04d", i)) for j := i + 1; j < n; j += 2 { if k, _, ok := itr.Next(); !ok || k != fmt.Sprintf("%04d", j) { t.Fatalf("%d/%d. SortedMapIterator.Next()=%v, expected key %04d", i, j, k, j) } } if !itr.Done() { t.Fatalf("SortedMapIterator.Done()=true, expected false") } } }) t.Run("BeforeFirst", func(t *testing.T) { itr := m.Iterator() itr.Seek("") for i := 0; i < n; i += 2 { if k, _, ok := itr.Next(); !ok || k != fmt.Sprintf("%04d", i) { t.Fatalf("%d. SortedMapIterator.Next()=%v, expected key %04d", i, k, i) } } if !itr.Done() { t.Fatalf("SortedMapIterator.Done()=true, expected false") } }) t.Run("AfterLast", func(t *testing.T) { itr := m.Iterator() itr.Seek("1000") if k, _, ok := itr.Next(); ok { t.Fatalf("0. SortedMapIterator.Next()=%v, expected nil key", k) } else if !itr.Done() { t.Fatalf("SortedMapIterator.Done()=true, expected false") } }) }) } func TestNewHasher(t *testing.T) { t.Run("builtin", func(t *testing.T) { t.Run("int", func(t *testing.T) { testNewHasher(t, int(100)) }) t.Run("int8", func(t *testing.T) { testNewHasher(t, int8(100)) }) t.Run("int16", func(t *testing.T) { testNewHasher(t, int16(100)) }) t.Run("int32", func(t *testing.T) { testNewHasher(t, int32(100)) }) t.Run("int64", func(t *testing.T) { testNewHasher(t, int64(100)) }) t.Run("uint", func(t *testing.T) { testNewHasher(t, uint(100)) }) t.Run("uint8", func(t *testing.T) { testNewHasher(t, uint8(100)) }) t.Run("uint16", func(t *testing.T) { testNewHasher(t, uint16(100)) }) t.Run("uint32", func(t *testing.T) { testNewHasher(t, uint32(100)) }) t.Run("uint64", func(t *testing.T) { testNewHasher(t, uint64(100)) }) t.Run("string", func(t *testing.T) { testNewHasher(t, "foo") }) //t.Run("byteSlice", func(t *testing.T) { testNewHasher(t, []byte("foo")) }) }) t.Run("reflection", func(t *testing.T) { type Int int t.Run("int", func(t *testing.T) { testNewHasher(t, Int(100)) }) type Uint uint t.Run("uint", func(t *testing.T) { testNewHasher(t, Uint(100)) }) type String string t.Run("string", func(t *testing.T) { testNewHasher(t, String("foo")) }) }) } func testNewHasher[V constraints.Ordered](t *testing.T, v V) { t.Helper() h := NewHasher(v) h.Hash(v) if !h.Equal(v, v) { t.Fatal("expected hash equality") } } func TestNewComparer(t *testing.T) { t.Run("builtin", func(t *testing.T) { t.Run("int", func(t *testing.T) { testNewComparer(t, int(100), int(101)) }) t.Run("int8", func(t *testing.T) { testNewComparer(t, int8(100), int8(101)) }) t.Run("int16", func(t *testing.T) { testNewComparer(t, int16(100), int16(101)) }) t.Run("int32", func(t *testing.T) { testNewComparer(t, int32(100), int32(101)) }) t.Run("int64", func(t *testing.T) { testNewComparer(t, int64(100), int64(101)) }) t.Run("uint", func(t *testing.T) { testNewComparer(t, uint(100), uint(101)) }) t.Run("uint8", func(t *testing.T) { testNewComparer(t, uint8(100), uint8(101)) }) t.Run("uint16", func(t *testing.T) { testNewComparer(t, uint16(100), uint16(101)) }) t.Run("uint32", func(t *testing.T) { testNewComparer(t, uint32(100), uint32(101)) }) t.Run("uint64", func(t *testing.T) { testNewComparer(t, uint64(100), uint64(101)) }) t.Run("string", func(t *testing.T) { testNewComparer(t, "bar", "foo") }) //t.Run("byteSlice", func(t *testing.T) { testNewComparer(t, []byte("bar"), []byte("foo")) }) }) t.Run("reflection", func(t *testing.T) { type Int int t.Run("int", func(t *testing.T) { testNewComparer(t, Int(100), Int(101)) }) type Uint uint t.Run("uint", func(t *testing.T) { testNewComparer(t, Uint(100), Uint(101)) }) type String string t.Run("string", func(t *testing.T) { testNewComparer(t, String("bar"), String("foo")) }) }) } func testNewComparer[T constraints.Ordered](t *testing.T, x, y T) { t.Helper() c := NewComparer(x) if c.Compare(x, y) != -1 { t.Fatal("expected comparer LT") } else if c.Compare(x, x) != 0 { t.Fatal("expected comparer EQ") } else if c.Compare(y, x) != 1 { t.Fatal("expected comparer GT") } } // TSortedMap represents a combined immutable and stdlib sorted map. type TSortedMap struct { im, prev *SortedMap[int, int] builder *SortedMapBuilder[int, int] std map[int]int keys []int } func NewTSortedMap() *TSortedMap { return &TSortedMap{ im: NewSortedMap[int, int](nil), builder: NewSortedMapBuilder[int, int](nil), std: make(map[int]int), } } func (m *TSortedMap) NewKey(rand *rand.Rand) int { for { k := rand.Int() if _, ok := m.std[k]; !ok { return k } } } func (m *TSortedMap) ExistingKey(rand *rand.Rand) int { if len(m.keys) == 0 { return 0 } return m.keys[rand.Intn(len(m.keys))] } func (m *TSortedMap) Set(k, v int) { m.prev = =, v) m.builder.Set(k, v) if _, ok := m.std[k]; !ok { m.keys = append(m.keys, k) sort.Ints(m.keys) } m.std[k] = v } func (m *TSortedMap) Delete(k int) { m.prev = = m.builder.Delete(k) delete(m.std, k) for i := range m.keys { if m.keys[i] == k { m.keys = append(m.keys[:i], m.keys[i+1:]...) break } } } func (m *TSortedMap) Validate() error { for _, k := range m.keys { if v, ok :=; !ok { return fmt.Errorf("key not found: %d", k) } else if v != m.std[k] { return fmt.Errorf("key (%d) mismatch: immutable=%d, std=%d", k, v, m.std[k]) } if v, ok := m.builder.Get(k); !ok { return fmt.Errorf("builder key not found: %d", k) } else if v != m.std[k] { return fmt.Errorf("builder key (%d) mismatch: immutable=%d, std=%d", k, v, m.std[k]) } } if got, exp := m.builder.Len(), len(m.std); got != exp { return fmt.Errorf("SortedMapBuilder.Len()=%d, expected %d", got, exp) } sort.Ints(m.keys) if err := m.validateForwardIterator(; err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("basic: %s", err) } else if err := m.validateBackwardIterator(; err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("basic: %s", err) } if err := m.validateForwardIterator(m.builder.Iterator()); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("basic: %s", err) } else if err := m.validateBackwardIterator(m.builder.Iterator()); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("basic: %s", err) } return nil } func (m *TSortedMap) validateForwardIterator(itr *SortedMapIterator[int, int]) error { for i, k0 := range m.keys { v0 := m.std[k0] if k1, v1, ok := itr.Next(); !ok || k0 != k1 || v0 != v1 { return fmt.Errorf("%d. SortedMapIterator.Next()=<%v,%v>, expected <%v,%v>", i, k1, v1, k0, v0) } done := i == len(m.keys)-1 if v := itr.Done(); v != done { return fmt.Errorf("%d. SortedMapIterator.Done()=%v, expected %v", i, v, done) } } if k, v, ok := itr.Next(); ok { return fmt.Errorf("SortedMapIterator.Next()=<%v,%v>, expected nil after done", k, v) } return nil } func (m *TSortedMap) validateBackwardIterator(itr *SortedMapIterator[int, int]) error { itr.Last() for i := len(m.keys) - 1; i >= 0; i-- { k0 := m.keys[i] v0 := m.std[k0] if k1, v1, ok := itr.Prev(); !ok || k0 != k1 || v0 != v1 { return fmt.Errorf("%d. SortedMapIterator.Prev()=<%v,%v>, expected <%v,%v>", i, k1, v1, k0, v0) } done := i == 0 if v := itr.Done(); v != done { return fmt.Errorf("%d. SortedMapIterator.Done()=%v, expected %v", i, v, done) } } if k, v, ok := itr.Prev(); ok { return fmt.Errorf("SortedMapIterator.Prev()=<%v,%v>, expected nil after done", k, v) } return nil } func BenchmarkSortedMap_Set(b *testing.B) { b.ReportAllocs() m := NewSortedMap[int, int](nil) for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { m = m.Set(i, i) } } func BenchmarkSortedMap_Delete(b *testing.B) { const n = 10000 m := NewSortedMap[int, int](nil) for i := 0; i < n; i++ { m = m.Set(i, i) } b.ReportAllocs() b.ResetTimer() for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { m.Delete(i % n) // Do not update map, always operate on original } } func BenchmarkSortedMap_Iterator(b *testing.B) { const n = 10000 m := NewSortedMap[int, int](nil) for i := 0; i < 10000; i++ { m = m.Set(i, i) } b.ReportAllocs() b.ResetTimer() b.Run("Forward", func(b *testing.B) { itr := m.Iterator() for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { if i%n == 0 { itr.First() } itr.Next() } }) b.Run("Reverse", func(b *testing.B) { itr := m.Iterator() for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { if i%n == 0 { itr.Last() } itr.Prev() } }) } func BenchmarkSortedMapBuilder_Set(b *testing.B) { b.ReportAllocs() builder := NewSortedMapBuilder[int, int](nil) for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { builder.Set(i, i) } } func BenchmarkSortedMapBuilder_Delete(b *testing.B) { const n = 1000000 builder := NewSortedMapBuilder[int, int](nil) for i := 0; i < n; i++ { builder.Set(i, i) } b.ReportAllocs() b.ResetTimer() for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { builder.Delete(i % n) } } func ExampleSortedMap_Set() { m := NewSortedMap[string, any](nil) m = m.Set("foo", "bar") m = m.Set("baz", 100) v, ok := m.Get("foo") fmt.Println("foo", v, ok) v, ok = m.Get("baz") fmt.Println("baz", v, ok) v, ok = m.Get("bat") // does not exist fmt.Println("bat", v, ok) // Output: // foo bar true // baz 100 true // bat false } func ExampleSortedMap_Delete() { m := NewSortedMap[string, any](nil) m = m.Set("foo", "bar") m = m.Set("baz", 100) m = m.Delete("baz") v, ok := m.Get("foo") fmt.Println("foo", v, ok) v, ok = m.Get("baz") fmt.Println("baz", v, ok) // Output: // foo bar true // baz false } func ExampleSortedMap_Iterator() { m := NewSortedMap[string, any](nil) m = m.Set("strawberry", 900) m = m.Set("kiwi", 300) m = m.Set("apple", 100) m = m.Set("pear", 700) m = m.Set("pineapple", 800) m = m.Set("peach", 600) m = m.Set("orange", 500) m = m.Set("grape", 200) m = m.Set("mango", 400) itr := m.Iterator() for !itr.Done() { k, v, _ := itr.Next() fmt.Println(k, v) } // Output: // apple 100 // grape 200 // kiwi 300 // mango 400 // orange 500 // peach 600 // pear 700 // pineapple 800 // strawberry 900 } func ExampleSortedMapBuilder_Set() { b := NewSortedMapBuilder[string, any](nil) b.Set("foo", "bar") b.Set("baz", 100) m := b.Map() v, ok := m.Get("foo") fmt.Println("foo", v, ok) v, ok = m.Get("baz") fmt.Println("baz", v, ok) v, ok = m.Get("bat") // does not exist fmt.Println("bat", v, ok) // Output: // foo bar true // baz 100 true // bat false } func ExampleSortedMapBuilder_Delete() { b := NewSortedMapBuilder[string, any](nil) b.Set("foo", "bar") b.Set("baz", 100) b.Delete("baz") m := b.Map() v, ok := m.Get("foo") fmt.Println("foo", v, ok) v, ok = m.Get("baz") fmt.Println("baz", v, ok) // Output: // foo bar true // baz false } // RunRandom executes fn multiple times with a different rand. func RunRandom(t *testing.T, name string, fn func(t *testing.T, rand *rand.Rand)) { if testing.Short() { t.Skip("short mode") } t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) { for i := 0; i < *randomN; i++ { i := i t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%08d", i), func(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() fn(t, rand.New(rand.NewSource(int64(i)))) }) } }) } func uniqueIntSlice(a []int) []int { m := make(map[int]struct{}) other := make([]int, 0, len(a)) for _, v := range a { if _, ok := m[v]; ok { continue } m[v] = struct{}{} other = append(other, v) } return other } // mockHasher represents a mock implementation of immutable.Hasher. type mockHasher[K constraints.Ordered] struct { hash func(value K) uint32 equal func(a, b K) bool } // Hash executes the mocked HashFn function. func (h *mockHasher[K]) Hash(value K) uint32 { return h.hash(value) } // Equal executes the mocked EqualFn function. func (h *mockHasher[K]) Equal(a, b K) bool { return h.equal(a, b) } // mockComparer represents a mock implementation of immutable.Comparer. type mockComparer[K constraints.Ordered] struct { compare func(a, b K) int } // Compare executes the mocked CompreFn function. func (h *mockComparer[K]) Compare(a, b K) int { return, b) }