
Source file src/github.com/benbjohnson/immutable/immutable.go

Documentation: github.com/benbjohnson/immutable

     1  // Package immutable provides immutable collection types.
     2  //
     3  // # Introduction
     4  //
     5  // Immutable collections provide an efficient, safe way to share collections
     6  // of data while minimizing locks. The collections in this package provide
     7  // List, Map, and SortedMap implementations. These act similarly to slices
     8  // and maps, respectively, except that altering a collection returns a new
     9  // copy of the collection with that change.
    10  //
    11  // Because collections are unable to change, they are safe for multiple
    12  // goroutines to read from at the same time without a mutex. However, these
    13  // types of collections come with increased CPU & memory usage as compared
    14  // with Go's built-in collection types so please evaluate for your specific
    15  // use.
    16  //
    17  // # Collection Types
    18  //
    19  // The List type provides an API similar to Go slices. They allow appending,
    20  // prepending, and updating of elements. Elements can also be fetched by index
    21  // or iterated over using a ListIterator.
    22  //
    23  // The Map & SortedMap types provide an API similar to Go maps. They allow
    24  // values to be assigned to unique keys and allow for the deletion of keys.
    25  // Values can be fetched by key and key/value pairs can be iterated over using
    26  // the appropriate iterator type. Both map types provide the same API. The
    27  // SortedMap, however, provides iteration over sorted keys while the Map
    28  // provides iteration over unsorted keys. Maps improved performance and memory
    29  // usage as compared to SortedMaps.
    30  //
    31  // # Hashing and Sorting
    32  //
    33  // Map types require the use of a Hasher implementation to calculate hashes for
    34  // their keys and check for key equality. SortedMaps require the use of a
    35  // Comparer implementation to sort keys in the map.
    36  //
    37  // These collection types automatically provide built-in hasher and comparers
    38  // for int, string, and byte slice keys. If you are using one of these key types
    39  // then simply pass a nil into the constructor. Otherwise you will need to
    40  // implement a custom Hasher or Comparer type. Please see the provided
    41  // implementations for reference.
    42  package immutable
    44  import (
    45  	"fmt"
    46  	"math/bits"
    47  	"reflect"
    48  	"sort"
    49  	"strings"
    51  	"golang.org/x/exp/constraints"
    52  )
    54  // List is a dense, ordered, indexed collections. They are analogous to slices
    55  // in Go. They can be updated by appending to the end of the list, prepending
    56  // values to the beginning of the list, or updating existing indexes in the
    57  // list.
    58  type List[T any] struct {
    59  	root   listNode[T] // root node
    60  	origin int         // offset to zero index element
    61  	size   int         // total number of elements in use
    62  }
    64  // NewList returns a new empty instance of List.
    65  func NewList[T any](values ...T) *List[T] {
    66  	l := &List[T]{
    67  		root: &listLeafNode[T]{},
    68  	}
    69  	for _, value := range values {
    70  		l.append(value, true)
    71  	}
    72  	return l
    73  }
    75  // clone returns a copy of the list.
    76  func (l *List[T]) clone() *List[T] {
    77  	other := *l
    78  	return &other
    79  }
    81  // Len returns the number of elements in the list.
    82  func (l *List[T]) Len() int {
    83  	return l.size
    84  }
    86  // cap returns the total number of possible elements for the current depth.
    87  func (l *List[T]) cap() int {
    88  	return 1 << (l.root.depth() * listNodeBits)
    89  }
    91  // Get returns the value at the given index. Similar to slices, this method will
    92  // panic if index is below zero or is greater than or equal to the list size.
    93  func (l *List[T]) Get(index int) T {
    94  	if index < 0 || index >= l.size {
    95  		panic(fmt.Sprintf("immutable.List.Get: index %d out of bounds", index))
    96  	}
    97  	return l.root.get(l.origin + index)
    98  }
   100  // Set returns a new list with value set at index. Similar to slices, this
   101  // method will panic if index is below zero or if the index is greater than
   102  // or equal to the list size.
   103  func (l *List[T]) Set(index int, value T) *List[T] {
   104  	return l.set(index, value, false)
   105  }
   107  func (l *List[T]) set(index int, value T, mutable bool) *List[T] {
   108  	if index < 0 || index >= l.size {
   109  		panic(fmt.Sprintf("immutable.List.Set: index %d out of bounds", index))
   110  	}
   111  	other := l
   112  	if !mutable {
   113  		other = l.clone()
   114  	}
   115  	other.root = other.root.set(l.origin+index, value, mutable)
   116  	return other
   117  }
   119  // Append returns a new list with value added to the end of the list.
   120  func (l *List[T]) Append(value T) *List[T] {
   121  	return l.append(value, false)
   122  }
   124  func (l *List[T]) append(value T, mutable bool) *List[T] {
   125  	other := l
   126  	if !mutable {
   127  		other = l.clone()
   128  	}
   130  	// Expand list to the right if no slots remain.
   131  	if other.size+other.origin >= l.cap() {
   132  		newRoot := &listBranchNode[T]{d: other.root.depth() + 1}
   133  		newRoot.children[0] = other.root
   134  		other.root = newRoot
   135  	}
   137  	// Increase size and set the last element to the new value.
   138  	other.size++
   139  	other.root = other.root.set(other.origin+other.size-1, value, mutable)
   140  	return other
   141  }
   143  // Prepend returns a new list with value(s) added to the beginning of the list.
   144  func (l *List[T]) Prepend(value T) *List[T] {
   145  	return l.prepend(value, false)
   146  }
   148  func (l *List[T]) prepend(value T, mutable bool) *List[T] {
   149  	other := l
   150  	if !mutable {
   151  		other = l.clone()
   152  	}
   154  	// Expand list to the left if no slots remain.
   155  	if other.origin == 0 {
   156  		newRoot := &listBranchNode[T]{d: other.root.depth() + 1}
   157  		newRoot.children[listNodeSize-1] = other.root
   158  		other.root = newRoot
   159  		other.origin += (listNodeSize - 1) << (other.root.depth() * listNodeBits)
   160  	}
   162  	// Increase size and move origin back. Update first element to value.
   163  	other.size++
   164  	other.origin--
   165  	other.root = other.root.set(other.origin, value, mutable)
   166  	return other
   167  }
   169  // Slice returns a new list of elements between start index and end index.
   170  // Similar to slices, this method will panic if start or end are below zero or
   171  // greater than the list size. A panic will also occur if start is greater than
   172  // end.
   173  //
   174  // Unlike Go slices, references to inaccessible elements will be automatically
   175  // removed so they can be garbage collected.
   176  func (l *List[T]) Slice(start, end int) *List[T] {
   177  	return l.slice(start, end, false)
   178  }
   180  func (l *List[T]) slice(start, end int, mutable bool) *List[T] {
   181  	// Panics similar to Go slices.
   182  	if start < 0 || start > l.size {
   183  		panic(fmt.Sprintf("immutable.List.Slice: start index %d out of bounds", start))
   184  	} else if end < 0 || end > l.size {
   185  		panic(fmt.Sprintf("immutable.List.Slice: end index %d out of bounds", end))
   186  	} else if start > end {
   187  		panic(fmt.Sprintf("immutable.List.Slice: invalid slice index: [%d:%d]", start, end))
   188  	}
   190  	// Return the same list if the start and end are the entire range.
   191  	if start == 0 && end == l.size {
   192  		return l
   193  	}
   195  	// Create copy, if immutable.
   196  	other := l
   197  	if !mutable {
   198  		other = l.clone()
   199  	}
   201  	// Update origin/size.
   202  	other.origin = l.origin + start
   203  	other.size = end - start
   205  	// Contract tree while the start & end are in the same child node.
   206  	for other.root.depth() > 1 {
   207  		i := (other.origin >> (other.root.depth() * listNodeBits)) & listNodeMask
   208  		j := ((other.origin + other.size - 1) >> (other.root.depth() * listNodeBits)) & listNodeMask
   209  		if i != j {
   210  			break // branch contains at least two nodes, exit
   211  		}
   213  		// Replace the current root with the single child & update origin offset.
   214  		other.origin -= i << (other.root.depth() * listNodeBits)
   215  		other.root = other.root.(*listBranchNode[T]).children[i]
   216  	}
   218  	// Ensure all references are removed before start & after end.
   219  	other.root = other.root.deleteBefore(other.origin, mutable)
   220  	other.root = other.root.deleteAfter(other.origin+other.size-1, mutable)
   222  	return other
   223  }
   225  // Iterator returns a new iterator for this list positioned at the first index.
   226  func (l *List[T]) Iterator() *ListIterator[T] {
   227  	itr := &ListIterator[T]{list: l}
   228  	itr.First()
   229  	return itr
   230  }
   232  // ListBuilder represents an efficient builder for creating new Lists.
   233  type ListBuilder[T any] struct {
   234  	list *List[T] // current state
   235  }
   237  // NewListBuilder returns a new instance of ListBuilder.
   238  func NewListBuilder[T any]() *ListBuilder[T] {
   239  	return &ListBuilder[T]{list: NewList[T]()}
   240  }
   242  // List returns the current copy of the list.
   243  // The builder should not be used again after the list after this call.
   244  func (b *ListBuilder[T]) List() *List[T] {
   245  	assert(b.list != nil, "immutable.ListBuilder.List(): duplicate call to fetch list")
   246  	list := b.list
   247  	b.list = nil
   248  	return list
   249  }
   251  // Len returns the number of elements in the underlying list.
   252  func (b *ListBuilder[T]) Len() int {
   253  	assert(b.list != nil, "immutable.ListBuilder: builder invalid after List() invocation")
   254  	return b.list.Len()
   255  }
   257  // Get returns the value at the given index. Similar to slices, this method will
   258  // panic if index is below zero or is greater than or equal to the list size.
   259  func (b *ListBuilder[T]) Get(index int) T {
   260  	assert(b.list != nil, "immutable.ListBuilder: builder invalid after List() invocation")
   261  	return b.list.Get(index)
   262  }
   264  // Set updates the value at the given index. Similar to slices, this method will
   265  // panic if index is below zero or if the index is greater than or equal to the
   266  // list size.
   267  func (b *ListBuilder[T]) Set(index int, value T) {
   268  	assert(b.list != nil, "immutable.ListBuilder: builder invalid after List() invocation")
   269  	b.list = b.list.set(index, value, true)
   270  }
   272  // Append adds value to the end of the list.
   273  func (b *ListBuilder[T]) Append(value T) {
   274  	assert(b.list != nil, "immutable.ListBuilder: builder invalid after List() invocation")
   275  	b.list = b.list.append(value, true)
   276  }
   278  // Prepend adds value to the beginning of the list.
   279  func (b *ListBuilder[T]) Prepend(value T) {
   280  	assert(b.list != nil, "immutable.ListBuilder: builder invalid after List() invocation")
   281  	b.list = b.list.prepend(value, true)
   282  }
   284  // Slice updates the list with a sublist of elements between start and end index.
   285  // See List.Slice() for more details.
   286  func (b *ListBuilder[T]) Slice(start, end int) {
   287  	assert(b.list != nil, "immutable.ListBuilder: builder invalid after List() invocation")
   288  	b.list = b.list.slice(start, end, true)
   289  }
   291  // Iterator returns a new iterator for the underlying list.
   292  func (b *ListBuilder[T]) Iterator() *ListIterator[T] {
   293  	assert(b.list != nil, "immutable.ListBuilder: builder invalid after List() invocation")
   294  	return b.list.Iterator()
   295  }
   297  // Constants for bit shifts used for levels in the List trie.
   298  const (
   299  	listNodeBits = 5
   300  	listNodeSize = 1 << listNodeBits
   301  	listNodeMask = listNodeSize - 1
   302  )
   304  // listNode represents either a branch or leaf node in a List.
   305  type listNode[T any] interface {
   306  	depth() uint
   307  	get(index int) T
   308  	set(index int, v T, mutable bool) listNode[T]
   310  	containsBefore(index int) bool
   311  	containsAfter(index int) bool
   313  	deleteBefore(index int, mutable bool) listNode[T]
   314  	deleteAfter(index int, mutable bool) listNode[T]
   315  }
   317  // newListNode returns a leaf node for depth zero, otherwise returns a branch node.
   318  func newListNode[T any](depth uint) listNode[T] {
   319  	if depth == 0 {
   320  		return &listLeafNode[T]{}
   321  	}
   322  	return &listBranchNode[T]{d: depth}
   323  }
   325  // listBranchNode represents a branch of a List tree at a given depth.
   326  type listBranchNode[T any] struct {
   327  	d        uint // depth
   328  	children [listNodeSize]listNode[T]
   329  }
   331  // depth returns the depth of this branch node from the leaf.
   332  func (n *listBranchNode[T]) depth() uint { return n.d }
   334  // get returns the child node at the segment of the index for this depth.
   335  func (n *listBranchNode[T]) get(index int) T {
   336  	idx := (index >> (n.d * listNodeBits)) & listNodeMask
   337  	return n.children[idx].get(index)
   338  }
   340  // set recursively updates the value at index for each lower depth from the node.
   341  func (n *listBranchNode[T]) set(index int, v T, mutable bool) listNode[T] {
   342  	idx := (index >> (n.d * listNodeBits)) & listNodeMask
   344  	// Find child for the given value in the branch. Create new if it doesn't exist.
   345  	child := n.children[idx]
   346  	if child == nil {
   347  		child = newListNode[T](n.depth() - 1)
   348  	}
   350  	// Return a copy of this branch with the new child.
   351  	var other *listBranchNode[T]
   352  	if mutable {
   353  		other = n
   354  	} else {
   355  		tmp := *n
   356  		other = &tmp
   357  	}
   358  	other.children[idx] = child.set(index, v, mutable)
   359  	return other
   360  }
   362  // containsBefore returns true if non-nil values exists between [0,index).
   363  func (n *listBranchNode[T]) containsBefore(index int) bool {
   364  	idx := (index >> (n.d * listNodeBits)) & listNodeMask
   366  	// Quickly check if any direct children exist before this segment of the index.
   367  	for i := 0; i < idx; i++ {
   368  		if n.children[i] != nil {
   369  			return true
   370  		}
   371  	}
   373  	// Recursively check for children directly at the given index at this segment.
   374  	if n.children[idx] != nil && n.children[idx].containsBefore(index) {
   375  		return true
   376  	}
   377  	return false
   378  }
   380  // containsAfter returns true if non-nil values exists between (index,listNodeSize).
   381  func (n *listBranchNode[T]) containsAfter(index int) bool {
   382  	idx := (index >> (n.d * listNodeBits)) & listNodeMask
   384  	// Quickly check if any direct children exist after this segment of the index.
   385  	for i := idx + 1; i < len(n.children); i++ {
   386  		if n.children[i] != nil {
   387  			return true
   388  		}
   389  	}
   391  	// Recursively check for children directly at the given index at this segment.
   392  	if n.children[idx] != nil && n.children[idx].containsAfter(index) {
   393  		return true
   394  	}
   395  	return false
   396  }
   398  // deleteBefore returns a new node with all elements before index removed.
   399  func (n *listBranchNode[T]) deleteBefore(index int, mutable bool) listNode[T] {
   400  	// Ignore if no nodes exist before the given index.
   401  	if !n.containsBefore(index) {
   402  		return n
   403  	}
   405  	// Return a copy with any nodes prior to the index removed.
   406  	idx := (index >> (n.d * listNodeBits)) & listNodeMask
   408  	var other *listBranchNode[T]
   409  	if mutable {
   410  		other = n
   411  		for i := 0; i < idx; i++ {
   412  			n.children[i] = nil
   413  		}
   414  	} else {
   415  		other = &listBranchNode[T]{d: n.d}
   416  		copy(other.children[idx:][:], n.children[idx:][:])
   417  	}
   419  	if other.children[idx] != nil {
   420  		other.children[idx] = other.children[idx].deleteBefore(index, mutable)
   421  	}
   422  	return other
   423  }
   425  // deleteBefore returns a new node with all elements before index removed.
   426  func (n *listBranchNode[T]) deleteAfter(index int, mutable bool) listNode[T] {
   427  	// Ignore if no nodes exist after the given index.
   428  	if !n.containsAfter(index) {
   429  		return n
   430  	}
   432  	// Return a copy with any nodes after the index removed.
   433  	idx := (index >> (n.d * listNodeBits)) & listNodeMask
   435  	var other *listBranchNode[T]
   436  	if mutable {
   437  		other = n
   438  		for i := idx + 1; i < len(n.children); i++ {
   439  			n.children[i] = nil
   440  		}
   441  	} else {
   442  		other = &listBranchNode[T]{d: n.d}
   443  		copy(other.children[:idx+1], n.children[:idx+1])
   444  	}
   446  	if other.children[idx] != nil {
   447  		other.children[idx] = other.children[idx].deleteAfter(index, mutable)
   448  	}
   449  	return other
   450  }
   452  // listLeafNode represents a leaf node in a List.
   453  type listLeafNode[T any] struct {
   454  	children [listNodeSize]T
   455  	// bitset with ones at occupied positions, position 0 is the LSB
   456  	occupied uint32
   457  }
   459  // depth always returns 0 for leaf nodes.
   460  func (n *listLeafNode[T]) depth() uint { return 0 }
   462  // get returns the value at the given index.
   463  func (n *listLeafNode[T]) get(index int) T {
   464  	return n.children[index&listNodeMask]
   465  }
   467  // set returns a copy of the node with the value at the index updated to v.
   468  func (n *listLeafNode[T]) set(index int, v T, mutable bool) listNode[T] {
   469  	idx := index & listNodeMask
   470  	var other *listLeafNode[T]
   471  	if mutable {
   472  		other = n
   473  	} else {
   474  		tmp := *n
   475  		other = &tmp
   476  	}
   477  	other.children[idx] = v
   478  	other.occupied |= 1 << idx
   479  	return other
   480  }
   482  // containsBefore returns true if non-nil values exists between [0,index).
   483  func (n *listLeafNode[T]) containsBefore(index int) bool {
   484  	idx := index & listNodeMask
   485  	return bits.TrailingZeros32(n.occupied) < idx
   486  }
   488  // containsAfter returns true if non-nil values exists between (index,listNodeSize).
   489  func (n *listLeafNode[T]) containsAfter(index int) bool {
   490  	idx := index & listNodeMask
   491  	lastSetPos := 31 - bits.LeadingZeros32(n.occupied)
   492  	return lastSetPos > idx
   493  }
   495  // deleteBefore returns a new node with all elements before index removed.
   496  func (n *listLeafNode[T]) deleteBefore(index int, mutable bool) listNode[T] {
   497  	if !n.containsBefore(index) {
   498  		return n
   499  	}
   501  	idx := index & listNodeMask
   502  	var other *listLeafNode[T]
   503  	if mutable {
   504  		other = n
   505  		var empty T
   506  		for i := 0; i < idx; i++ {
   507  			other.children[i] = empty
   508  		}
   509  	} else {
   510  		other = &listLeafNode[T]{occupied: n.occupied}
   511  		copy(other.children[idx:][:], n.children[idx:][:])
   512  	}
   513  	// Set the first idx bits to 0.
   514  	other.occupied &= ^((1 << idx) - 1)
   515  	return other
   516  }
   518  // deleteAfter returns a new node with all elements after index removed.
   519  func (n *listLeafNode[T]) deleteAfter(index int, mutable bool) listNode[T] {
   520  	if !n.containsAfter(index) {
   521  		return n
   522  	}
   524  	idx := index & listNodeMask
   525  	var other *listLeafNode[T]
   526  	if mutable {
   527  		other = n
   528  		var empty T
   529  		for i := idx + 1; i < len(n.children); i++ {
   530  			other.children[i] = empty
   531  		}
   532  	} else {
   533  		other = &listLeafNode[T]{occupied: n.occupied}
   534  		copy(other.children[:idx+1][:], n.children[:idx+1][:])
   535  	}
   536  	// Set bits after idx to 0. idx < 31 because n.containsAfter(index) == true.
   537  	other.occupied &= (1 << (idx + 1)) - 1
   538  	return other
   539  }
   541  // ListIterator represents an ordered iterator over a list.
   542  type ListIterator[T any] struct {
   543  	list  *List[T] // source list
   544  	index int      // current index position
   546  	stack [32]listIteratorElem[T] // search stack
   547  	depth int                     // stack depth
   548  }
   550  // Done returns true if no more elements remain in the iterator.
   551  func (itr *ListIterator[T]) Done() bool {
   552  	return itr.index < 0 || itr.index >= itr.list.Len()
   553  }
   555  // First positions the iterator on the first index.
   556  // If source list is empty then no change is made.
   557  func (itr *ListIterator[T]) First() {
   558  	if itr.list.Len() != 0 {
   559  		itr.Seek(0)
   560  	}
   561  }
   563  // Last positions the iterator on the last index.
   564  // If source list is empty then no change is made.
   565  func (itr *ListIterator[T]) Last() {
   566  	if n := itr.list.Len(); n != 0 {
   567  		itr.Seek(n - 1)
   568  	}
   569  }
   571  // Seek moves the iterator position to the given index in the list.
   572  // Similar to Go slices, this method will panic if index is below zero or if
   573  // the index is greater than or equal to the list size.
   574  func (itr *ListIterator[T]) Seek(index int) {
   575  	// Panic similar to Go slices.
   576  	if index < 0 || index >= itr.list.Len() {
   577  		panic(fmt.Sprintf("immutable.ListIterator.Seek: index %d out of bounds", index))
   578  	}
   579  	itr.index = index
   581  	// Reset to the bottom of the stack at seek to the correct position.
   582  	itr.stack[0] = listIteratorElem[T]{node: itr.list.root}
   583  	itr.depth = 0
   584  	itr.seek(index)
   585  }
   587  // Next returns the current index and its value & moves the iterator forward.
   588  // Returns an index of -1 if the there are no more elements to return.
   589  func (itr *ListIterator[T]) Next() (index int, value T) {
   590  	// Exit immediately if there are no elements remaining.
   591  	var empty T
   592  	if itr.Done() {
   593  		return -1, empty
   594  	}
   596  	// Retrieve current index & value.
   597  	elem := &itr.stack[itr.depth]
   598  	index, value = itr.index, elem.node.(*listLeafNode[T]).children[elem.index]
   600  	// Increase index. If index is at the end then return immediately.
   601  	itr.index++
   602  	if itr.Done() {
   603  		return index, value
   604  	}
   606  	// Move up stack until we find a node that has remaining position ahead.
   607  	for ; itr.depth > 0 && itr.stack[itr.depth].index >= listNodeSize-1; itr.depth-- {
   608  	}
   610  	// Seek to correct position from current depth.
   611  	itr.seek(itr.index)
   613  	return index, value
   614  }
   616  // Prev returns the current index and value and moves the iterator backward.
   617  // Returns an index of -1 if the there are no more elements to return.
   618  func (itr *ListIterator[T]) Prev() (index int, value T) {
   619  	// Exit immediately if there are no elements remaining.
   620  	var empty T
   621  	if itr.Done() {
   622  		return -1, empty
   623  	}
   625  	// Retrieve current index & value.
   626  	elem := &itr.stack[itr.depth]
   627  	index, value = itr.index, elem.node.(*listLeafNode[T]).children[elem.index]
   629  	// Decrease index. If index is past the beginning then return immediately.
   630  	itr.index--
   631  	if itr.Done() {
   632  		return index, value
   633  	}
   635  	// Move up stack until we find a node that has remaining position behind.
   636  	for ; itr.depth > 0 && itr.stack[itr.depth].index == 0; itr.depth-- {
   637  	}
   639  	// Seek to correct position from current depth.
   640  	itr.seek(itr.index)
   642  	return index, value
   643  }
   645  // seek positions the stack to the given index from the current depth.
   646  // Elements and indexes below the current depth are assumed to be correct.
   647  func (itr *ListIterator[T]) seek(index int) {
   648  	// Iterate over each level until we reach a leaf node.
   649  	for {
   650  		elem := &itr.stack[itr.depth]
   651  		elem.index = ((itr.list.origin + index) >> (elem.node.depth() * listNodeBits)) & listNodeMask
   653  		switch node := elem.node.(type) {
   654  		case *listBranchNode[T]:
   655  			child := node.children[elem.index]
   656  			itr.stack[itr.depth+1] = listIteratorElem[T]{node: child}
   657  			itr.depth++
   658  		case *listLeafNode[T]:
   659  			return
   660  		}
   661  	}
   662  }
   664  // listIteratorElem represents the node and it's child index within the stack.
   665  type listIteratorElem[T any] struct {
   666  	node  listNode[T]
   667  	index int
   668  }
   670  // Size thresholds for each type of branch node.
   671  const (
   672  	maxArrayMapSize      = 8
   673  	maxBitmapIndexedSize = 16
   674  )
   676  // Segment bit shifts within the map tree.
   677  const (
   678  	mapNodeBits = 5
   679  	mapNodeSize = 1 << mapNodeBits
   680  	mapNodeMask = mapNodeSize - 1
   681  )
   683  // Map represents an immutable hash map implementation. The map uses a Hasher
   684  // to generate hashes and check for equality of key values.
   685  //
   686  // It is implemented as an Hash Array Mapped Trie.
   687  type Map[K, V any] struct {
   688  	size   int           // total number of key/value pairs
   689  	root   mapNode[K, V] // root node of trie
   690  	hasher Hasher[K]     // hasher implementation
   691  }
   693  // NewMap returns a new instance of Map. If hasher is nil, a default hasher
   694  // implementation will automatically be chosen based on the first key added.
   695  // Default hasher implementations only exist for int, string, and byte slice types.
   696  func NewMap[K, V any](hasher Hasher[K]) *Map[K, V] {
   697  	return &Map[K, V]{
   698  		hasher: hasher,
   699  	}
   700  }
   702  // NewMapOf returns a new instance of Map, containing a map of provided entries.
   703  //
   704  // If hasher is nil, a default hasher implementation will automatically be chosen based on the first key added.
   705  // Default hasher implementations only exist for int, string, and byte slice types.
   706  func NewMapOf[K comparable, V any](hasher Hasher[K], entries map[K]V) *Map[K, V] {
   707  	m := &Map[K, V]{
   708  		hasher: hasher,
   709  	}
   710  	for k, v := range entries {
   711  		m.set(k, v, true)
   712  	}
   713  	return m
   714  }
   716  // Len returns the number of elements in the map.
   717  func (m *Map[K, V]) Len() int {
   718  	return m.size
   719  }
   721  // clone returns a shallow copy of m.
   722  func (m *Map[K, V]) clone() *Map[K, V] {
   723  	other := *m
   724  	return &other
   725  }
   727  // Get returns the value for a given key and a flag indicating whether the
   728  // key exists. This flag distinguishes a nil value set on a key versus a
   729  // non-existent key in the map.
   730  func (m *Map[K, V]) Get(key K) (value V, ok bool) {
   731  	var empty V
   732  	if m.root == nil {
   733  		return empty, false
   734  	}
   735  	keyHash := m.hasher.Hash(key)
   736  	return m.root.get(key, 0, keyHash, m.hasher)
   737  }
   739  // Set returns a map with the key set to the new value. A nil value is allowed.
   740  //
   741  // This function will return a new map even if the updated value is the same as
   742  // the existing value because Map does not track value equality.
   743  func (m *Map[K, V]) Set(key K, value V) *Map[K, V] {
   744  	return m.set(key, value, false)
   745  }
   747  func (m *Map[K, V]) set(key K, value V, mutable bool) *Map[K, V] {
   748  	// Set a hasher on the first value if one does not already exist.
   749  	hasher := m.hasher
   750  	if hasher == nil {
   751  		hasher = NewHasher(key)
   752  	}
   754  	// Generate copy if necessary.
   755  	other := m
   756  	if !mutable {
   757  		other = m.clone()
   758  	}
   759  	other.hasher = hasher
   761  	// If the map is empty, initialize with a simple array node.
   762  	if m.root == nil {
   763  		other.size = 1
   764  		other.root = &mapArrayNode[K, V]{entries: []mapEntry[K, V]{{key: key, value: value}}}
   765  		return other
   766  	}
   768  	// Otherwise copy the map and delegate insertion to the root.
   769  	// Resized will return true if the key does not currently exist.
   770  	var resized bool
   771  	other.root = m.root.set(key, value, 0, hasher.Hash(key), hasher, mutable, &resized)
   772  	if resized {
   773  		other.size++
   774  	}
   775  	return other
   776  }
   778  // Delete returns a map with the given key removed.
   779  // Removing a non-existent key will cause this method to return the same map.
   780  func (m *Map[K, V]) Delete(key K) *Map[K, V] {
   781  	return m.delete(key, false)
   782  }
   784  func (m *Map[K, V]) delete(key K, mutable bool) *Map[K, V] {
   785  	// Return original map if no keys exist.
   786  	if m.root == nil {
   787  		return m
   788  	}
   790  	// If the delete did not change the node then return the original map.
   791  	var resized bool
   792  	newRoot := m.root.delete(key, 0, m.hasher.Hash(key), m.hasher, mutable, &resized)
   793  	if !resized {
   794  		return m
   795  	}
   797  	// Generate copy if necessary.
   798  	other := m
   799  	if !mutable {
   800  		other = m.clone()
   801  	}
   803  	// Return copy of map with new root and decreased size.
   804  	other.size = m.size - 1
   805  	other.root = newRoot
   806  	return other
   807  }
   809  // Iterator returns a new iterator for the map.
   810  func (m *Map[K, V]) Iterator() *MapIterator[K, V] {
   811  	itr := &MapIterator[K, V]{m: m}
   812  	itr.First()
   813  	return itr
   814  }
   816  // MapBuilder represents an efficient builder for creating Maps.
   817  type MapBuilder[K, V any] struct {
   818  	m *Map[K, V] // current state
   819  }
   821  // NewMapBuilder returns a new instance of MapBuilder.
   822  func NewMapBuilder[K, V any](hasher Hasher[K]) *MapBuilder[K, V] {
   823  	return &MapBuilder[K, V]{m: NewMap[K, V](hasher)}
   824  }
   826  // Map returns the underlying map. Only call once.
   827  // Builder is invalid after call. Will panic on second invocation.
   828  func (b *MapBuilder[K, V]) Map() *Map[K, V] {
   829  	assert(b.m != nil, "immutable.SortedMapBuilder.Map(): duplicate call to fetch map")
   830  	m := b.m
   831  	b.m = nil
   832  	return m
   833  }
   835  // Len returns the number of elements in the underlying map.
   836  func (b *MapBuilder[K, V]) Len() int {
   837  	assert(b.m != nil, "immutable.MapBuilder: builder invalid after Map() invocation")
   838  	return b.m.Len()
   839  }
   841  // Get returns the value for the given key.
   842  func (b *MapBuilder[K, V]) Get(key K) (value V, ok bool) {
   843  	assert(b.m != nil, "immutable.MapBuilder: builder invalid after Map() invocation")
   844  	return b.m.Get(key)
   845  }
   847  // Set sets the value of the given key. See Map.Set() for additional details.
   848  func (b *MapBuilder[K, V]) Set(key K, value V) {
   849  	assert(b.m != nil, "immutable.MapBuilder: builder invalid after Map() invocation")
   850  	b.m = b.m.set(key, value, true)
   851  }
   853  // Delete removes the given key. See Map.Delete() for additional details.
   854  func (b *MapBuilder[K, V]) Delete(key K) {
   855  	assert(b.m != nil, "immutable.MapBuilder: builder invalid after Map() invocation")
   856  	b.m = b.m.delete(key, true)
   857  }
   859  // Iterator returns a new iterator for the underlying map.
   860  func (b *MapBuilder[K, V]) Iterator() *MapIterator[K, V] {
   861  	assert(b.m != nil, "immutable.MapBuilder: builder invalid after Map() invocation")
   862  	return b.m.Iterator()
   863  }
   865  // mapNode represents any node in the map tree.
   866  type mapNode[K, V any] interface {
   867  	get(key K, shift uint, keyHash uint32, h Hasher[K]) (value V, ok bool)
   868  	set(key K, value V, shift uint, keyHash uint32, h Hasher[K], mutable bool, resized *bool) mapNode[K, V]
   869  	delete(key K, shift uint, keyHash uint32, h Hasher[K], mutable bool, resized *bool) mapNode[K, V]
   870  }
   872  var _ mapNode[string, any] = (*mapArrayNode[string, any])(nil)
   873  var _ mapNode[string, any] = (*mapBitmapIndexedNode[string, any])(nil)
   874  var _ mapNode[string, any] = (*mapHashArrayNode[string, any])(nil)
   875  var _ mapNode[string, any] = (*mapValueNode[string, any])(nil)
   876  var _ mapNode[string, any] = (*mapHashCollisionNode[string, any])(nil)
   878  // mapLeafNode represents a node that stores a single key hash at the leaf of the map tree.
   879  type mapLeafNode[K, V any] interface {
   880  	mapNode[K, V]
   881  	keyHashValue() uint32
   882  }
   884  var _ mapLeafNode[string, any] = (*mapValueNode[string, any])(nil)
   885  var _ mapLeafNode[string, any] = (*mapHashCollisionNode[string, any])(nil)
   887  // mapArrayNode is a map node that stores key/value pairs in a slice.
   888  // Entries are stored in insertion order. An array node expands into a bitmap
   889  // indexed node once a given threshold size is crossed.
   890  type mapArrayNode[K, V any] struct {
   891  	entries []mapEntry[K, V]
   892  }
   894  // indexOf returns the entry index of the given key. Returns -1 if key not found.
   895  func (n *mapArrayNode[K, V]) indexOf(key K, h Hasher[K]) int {
   896  	for i := range n.entries {
   897  		if h.Equal(n.entries[i].key, key) {
   898  			return i
   899  		}
   900  	}
   901  	return -1
   902  }
   904  // get returns the value for the given key.
   905  func (n *mapArrayNode[K, V]) get(key K, shift uint, keyHash uint32, h Hasher[K]) (value V, ok bool) {
   906  	i := n.indexOf(key, h)
   907  	if i == -1 {
   908  		return value, false
   909  	}
   910  	return n.entries[i].value, true
   911  }
   913  // set inserts or updates the value for a given key. If the key is inserted and
   914  // the new size crosses the max size threshold, a bitmap indexed node is returned.
   915  func (n *mapArrayNode[K, V]) set(key K, value V, shift uint, keyHash uint32, h Hasher[K], mutable bool, resized *bool) mapNode[K, V] {
   916  	idx := n.indexOf(key, h)
   918  	// Mark as resized if the key doesn't exist.
   919  	if idx == -1 {
   920  		*resized = true
   921  	}
   923  	// If we are adding and it crosses the max size threshold, expand the node.
   924  	// We do this by continually setting the entries to a value node and expanding.
   925  	if idx == -1 && len(n.entries) >= maxArrayMapSize {
   926  		var node mapNode[K, V] = newMapValueNode(h.Hash(key), key, value)
   927  		for _, entry := range n.entries {
   928  			node = node.set(entry.key, entry.value, 0, h.Hash(entry.key), h, false, resized)
   929  		}
   930  		return node
   931  	}
   933  	// Update in-place if mutable.
   934  	if mutable {
   935  		if idx != -1 {
   936  			n.entries[idx] = mapEntry[K, V]{key, value}
   937  		} else {
   938  			n.entries = append(n.entries, mapEntry[K, V]{key, value})
   939  		}
   940  		return n
   941  	}
   943  	// Update existing entry if a match is found.
   944  	// Otherwise append to the end of the element list if it doesn't exist.
   945  	var other mapArrayNode[K, V]
   946  	if idx != -1 {
   947  		other.entries = make([]mapEntry[K, V], len(n.entries))
   948  		copy(other.entries, n.entries)
   949  		other.entries[idx] = mapEntry[K, V]{key, value}
   950  	} else {
   951  		other.entries = make([]mapEntry[K, V], len(n.entries)+1)
   952  		copy(other.entries, n.entries)
   953  		other.entries[len(other.entries)-1] = mapEntry[K, V]{key, value}
   954  	}
   955  	return &other
   956  }
   958  // delete removes the given key from the node. Returns the same node if key does
   959  // not exist. Returns a nil node when removing the last entry.
   960  func (n *mapArrayNode[K, V]) delete(key K, shift uint, keyHash uint32, h Hasher[K], mutable bool, resized *bool) mapNode[K, V] {
   961  	idx := n.indexOf(key, h)
   963  	// Return original node if key does not exist.
   964  	if idx == -1 {
   965  		return n
   966  	}
   967  	*resized = true
   969  	// Return nil if this node will contain no nodes.
   970  	if len(n.entries) == 1 {
   971  		return nil
   972  	}
   974  	// Update in-place, if mutable.
   975  	if mutable {
   976  		copy(n.entries[idx:], n.entries[idx+1:])
   977  		n.entries[len(n.entries)-1] = mapEntry[K, V]{}
   978  		n.entries = n.entries[:len(n.entries)-1]
   979  		return n
   980  	}
   982  	// Otherwise create a copy with the given entry removed.
   983  	other := &mapArrayNode[K, V]{entries: make([]mapEntry[K, V], len(n.entries)-1)}
   984  	copy(other.entries[:idx], n.entries[:idx])
   985  	copy(other.entries[idx:], n.entries[idx+1:])
   986  	return other
   987  }
   989  // mapBitmapIndexedNode represents a map branch node with a variable number of
   990  // node slots and indexed using a bitmap. Indexes for the node slots are
   991  // calculated by counting the number of set bits before the target bit using popcount.
   992  type mapBitmapIndexedNode[K, V any] struct {
   993  	bitmap uint32
   994  	nodes  []mapNode[K, V]
   995  }
   997  // get returns the value for the given key.
   998  func (n *mapBitmapIndexedNode[K, V]) get(key K, shift uint, keyHash uint32, h Hasher[K]) (value V, ok bool) {
   999  	bit := uint32(1) << ((keyHash >> shift) & mapNodeMask)
  1000  	if (n.bitmap & bit) == 0 {
  1001  		return value, false
  1002  	}
  1003  	child := n.nodes[bits.OnesCount32(n.bitmap&(bit-1))]
  1004  	return child.get(key, shift+mapNodeBits, keyHash, h)
  1005  }
  1007  // set inserts or updates the value for the given key. If a new key is inserted
  1008  // and the size crosses the max size threshold then a hash array node is returned.
  1009  func (n *mapBitmapIndexedNode[K, V]) set(key K, value V, shift uint, keyHash uint32, h Hasher[K], mutable bool, resized *bool) mapNode[K, V] {
  1010  	// Extract the index for the bit segment of the key hash.
  1011  	keyHashFrag := (keyHash >> shift) & mapNodeMask
  1013  	// Determine the bit based on the hash index.
  1014  	bit := uint32(1) << keyHashFrag
  1015  	exists := (n.bitmap & bit) != 0
  1017  	// Mark as resized if the key doesn't exist.
  1018  	if !exists {
  1019  		*resized = true
  1020  	}
  1022  	// Find index of node based on popcount of bits before it.
  1023  	idx := bits.OnesCount32(n.bitmap & (bit - 1))
  1025  	// If the node already exists, delegate set operation to it.
  1026  	// If the node doesn't exist then create a simple value leaf node.
  1027  	var newNode mapNode[K, V]
  1028  	if exists {
  1029  		newNode = n.nodes[idx].set(key, value, shift+mapNodeBits, keyHash, h, mutable, resized)
  1030  	} else {
  1031  		newNode = newMapValueNode(keyHash, key, value)
  1032  	}
  1034  	// Convert to a hash-array node once we exceed the max bitmap size.
  1035  	// Copy each node based on their bit position within the bitmap.
  1036  	if !exists && len(n.nodes) > maxBitmapIndexedSize {
  1037  		var other mapHashArrayNode[K, V]
  1038  		for i := uint(0); i < uint(len(other.nodes)); i++ {
  1039  			if n.bitmap&(uint32(1)<<i) != 0 {
  1040  				other.nodes[i] = n.nodes[other.count]
  1041  				other.count++
  1042  			}
  1043  		}
  1044  		other.nodes[keyHashFrag] = newNode
  1045  		other.count++
  1046  		return &other
  1047  	}
  1049  	// Update in-place if mutable.
  1050  	if mutable {
  1051  		if exists {
  1052  			n.nodes[idx] = newNode
  1053  		} else {
  1054  			n.bitmap |= bit
  1055  			n.nodes = append(n.nodes, nil)
  1056  			copy(n.nodes[idx+1:], n.nodes[idx:])
  1057  			n.nodes[idx] = newNode
  1058  		}
  1059  		return n
  1060  	}
  1062  	// If node exists at given slot then overwrite it with new node.
  1063  	// Otherwise expand the node list and insert new node into appropriate position.
  1064  	other := &mapBitmapIndexedNode[K, V]{bitmap: n.bitmap | bit}
  1065  	if exists {
  1066  		other.nodes = make([]mapNode[K, V], len(n.nodes))
  1067  		copy(other.nodes, n.nodes)
  1068  		other.nodes[idx] = newNode
  1069  	} else {
  1070  		other.nodes = make([]mapNode[K, V], len(n.nodes)+1)
  1071  		copy(other.nodes, n.nodes[:idx])
  1072  		other.nodes[idx] = newNode
  1073  		copy(other.nodes[idx+1:], n.nodes[idx:])
  1074  	}
  1075  	return other
  1076  }
  1078  // delete removes the key from the tree. If the key does not exist then the
  1079  // original node is returned. If removing the last child node then a nil is
  1080  // returned. Note that shrinking the node will not convert it to an array node.
  1081  func (n *mapBitmapIndexedNode[K, V]) delete(key K, shift uint, keyHash uint32, h Hasher[K], mutable bool, resized *bool) mapNode[K, V] {
  1082  	bit := uint32(1) << ((keyHash >> shift) & mapNodeMask)
  1084  	// Return original node if key does not exist.
  1085  	if (n.bitmap & bit) == 0 {
  1086  		return n
  1087  	}
  1089  	// Find index of node based on popcount of bits before it.
  1090  	idx := bits.OnesCount32(n.bitmap & (bit - 1))
  1092  	// Delegate delete to child node.
  1093  	child := n.nodes[idx]
  1094  	newChild := child.delete(key, shift+mapNodeBits, keyHash, h, mutable, resized)
  1096  	// Return original node if key doesn't exist in child.
  1097  	if !*resized {
  1098  		return n
  1099  	}
  1101  	// Remove if returned child has been deleted.
  1102  	if newChild == nil {
  1103  		// If we won't have any children then return nil.
  1104  		if len(n.nodes) == 1 {
  1105  			return nil
  1106  		}
  1108  		// Update in-place if mutable.
  1109  		if mutable {
  1110  			n.bitmap ^= bit
  1111  			copy(n.nodes[idx:], n.nodes[idx+1:])
  1112  			n.nodes[len(n.nodes)-1] = nil
  1113  			n.nodes = n.nodes[:len(n.nodes)-1]
  1114  			return n
  1115  		}
  1117  		// Return copy with bit removed from bitmap and node removed from node list.
  1118  		other := &mapBitmapIndexedNode[K, V]{bitmap: n.bitmap ^ bit, nodes: make([]mapNode[K, V], len(n.nodes)-1)}
  1119  		copy(other.nodes[:idx], n.nodes[:idx])
  1120  		copy(other.nodes[idx:], n.nodes[idx+1:])
  1121  		return other
  1122  	}
  1124  	// Generate copy, if necessary.
  1125  	other := n
  1126  	if !mutable {
  1127  		other = &mapBitmapIndexedNode[K, V]{bitmap: n.bitmap, nodes: make([]mapNode[K, V], len(n.nodes))}
  1128  		copy(other.nodes, n.nodes)
  1129  	}
  1131  	// Update child.
  1132  	other.nodes[idx] = newChild
  1133  	return other
  1134  }
  1136  // mapHashArrayNode is a map branch node that stores nodes in a fixed length
  1137  // array. Child nodes are indexed by their index bit segment for the current depth.
  1138  type mapHashArrayNode[K, V any] struct {
  1139  	count uint                       // number of set nodes
  1140  	nodes [mapNodeSize]mapNode[K, V] // child node slots, may contain empties
  1141  }
  1143  // clone returns a shallow copy of n.
  1144  func (n *mapHashArrayNode[K, V]) clone() *mapHashArrayNode[K, V] {
  1145  	other := *n
  1146  	return &other
  1147  }
  1149  // get returns the value for the given key.
  1150  func (n *mapHashArrayNode[K, V]) get(key K, shift uint, keyHash uint32, h Hasher[K]) (value V, ok bool) {
  1151  	node := n.nodes[(keyHash>>shift)&mapNodeMask]
  1152  	if node == nil {
  1153  		return value, false
  1154  	}
  1155  	return node.get(key, shift+mapNodeBits, keyHash, h)
  1156  }
  1158  // set returns a node with the value set for the given key.
  1159  func (n *mapHashArrayNode[K, V]) set(key K, value V, shift uint, keyHash uint32, h Hasher[K], mutable bool, resized *bool) mapNode[K, V] {
  1160  	idx := (keyHash >> shift) & mapNodeMask
  1161  	node := n.nodes[idx]
  1163  	// If node at index doesn't exist, create a simple value leaf node.
  1164  	// Otherwise delegate set to child node.
  1165  	var newNode mapNode[K, V]
  1166  	if node == nil {
  1167  		*resized = true
  1168  		newNode = newMapValueNode(keyHash, key, value)
  1169  	} else {
  1170  		newNode = node.set(key, value, shift+mapNodeBits, keyHash, h, mutable, resized)
  1171  	}
  1173  	// Generate copy, if necessary.
  1174  	other := n
  1175  	if !mutable {
  1176  		other = n.clone()
  1177  	}
  1179  	// Update child node (and update size, if new).
  1180  	if node == nil {
  1181  		other.count++
  1182  	}
  1183  	other.nodes[idx] = newNode
  1184  	return other
  1185  }
  1187  // delete returns a node with the given key removed. Returns the same node if
  1188  // the key does not exist. If node shrinks to within bitmap-indexed size then
  1189  // converts to a bitmap-indexed node.
  1190  func (n *mapHashArrayNode[K, V]) delete(key K, shift uint, keyHash uint32, h Hasher[K], mutable bool, resized *bool) mapNode[K, V] {
  1191  	idx := (keyHash >> shift) & mapNodeMask
  1192  	node := n.nodes[idx]
  1194  	// Return original node if child is not found.
  1195  	if node == nil {
  1196  		return n
  1197  	}
  1199  	// Return original node if child is unchanged.
  1200  	newNode := node.delete(key, shift+mapNodeBits, keyHash, h, mutable, resized)
  1201  	if !*resized {
  1202  		return n
  1203  	}
  1205  	// If we remove a node and drop below a threshold, convert back to bitmap indexed node.
  1206  	if newNode == nil && n.count <= maxBitmapIndexedSize {
  1207  		other := &mapBitmapIndexedNode[K, V]{nodes: make([]mapNode[K, V], 0, n.count-1)}
  1208  		for i, child := range n.nodes {
  1209  			if child != nil && uint32(i) != idx {
  1210  				other.bitmap |= 1 << uint(i)
  1211  				other.nodes = append(other.nodes, child)
  1212  			}
  1213  		}
  1214  		return other
  1215  	}
  1217  	// Generate copy, if necessary.
  1218  	other := n
  1219  	if !mutable {
  1220  		other = n.clone()
  1221  	}
  1223  	// Return copy of node with child updated.
  1224  	other.nodes[idx] = newNode
  1225  	if newNode == nil {
  1226  		other.count--
  1227  	}
  1228  	return other
  1229  }
  1231  // mapValueNode represents a leaf node with a single key/value pair.
  1232  // A value node can be converted to a hash collision leaf node if a different
  1233  // key with the same keyHash is inserted.
  1234  type mapValueNode[K, V any] struct {
  1235  	keyHash uint32
  1236  	key     K
  1237  	value   V
  1238  }
  1240  // newMapValueNode returns a new instance of mapValueNode.
  1241  func newMapValueNode[K, V any](keyHash uint32, key K, value V) *mapValueNode[K, V] {
  1242  	return &mapValueNode[K, V]{
  1243  		keyHash: keyHash,
  1244  		key:     key,
  1245  		value:   value,
  1246  	}
  1247  }
  1249  // keyHashValue returns the key hash for this node.
  1250  func (n *mapValueNode[K, V]) keyHashValue() uint32 {
  1251  	return n.keyHash
  1252  }
  1254  // get returns the value for the given key.
  1255  func (n *mapValueNode[K, V]) get(key K, shift uint, keyHash uint32, h Hasher[K]) (value V, ok bool) {
  1256  	if !h.Equal(n.key, key) {
  1257  		return value, false
  1258  	}
  1259  	return n.value, true
  1260  }
  1262  // set returns a new node with the new value set for the key. If the key equals
  1263  // the node's key then a new value node is returned. If key is not equal to the
  1264  // node's key but has the same hash then a hash collision node is returned.
  1265  // Otherwise the nodes are merged into a branch node.
  1266  func (n *mapValueNode[K, V]) set(key K, value V, shift uint, keyHash uint32, h Hasher[K], mutable bool, resized *bool) mapNode[K, V] {
  1267  	// If the keys match then return a new value node overwriting the value.
  1268  	if h.Equal(n.key, key) {
  1269  		// Update in-place if mutable.
  1270  		if mutable {
  1271  			n.value = value
  1272  			return n
  1273  		}
  1274  		// Otherwise return a new copy.
  1275  		return newMapValueNode(n.keyHash, key, value)
  1276  	}
  1278  	*resized = true
  1280  	// Recursively merge nodes together if key hashes are different.
  1281  	if n.keyHash != keyHash {
  1282  		return mergeIntoNode[K, V](n, shift, keyHash, key, value)
  1283  	}
  1285  	// Merge into collision node if hash matches.
  1286  	return &mapHashCollisionNode[K, V]{keyHash: keyHash, entries: []mapEntry[K, V]{
  1287  		{key: n.key, value: n.value},
  1288  		{key: key, value: value},
  1289  	}}
  1290  }
  1292  // delete returns nil if the key matches the node's key. Otherwise returns the original node.
  1293  func (n *mapValueNode[K, V]) delete(key K, shift uint, keyHash uint32, h Hasher[K], mutable bool, resized *bool) mapNode[K, V] {
  1294  	// Return original node if the keys do not match.
  1295  	if !h.Equal(n.key, key) {
  1296  		return n
  1297  	}
  1299  	// Otherwise remove the node if keys do match.
  1300  	*resized = true
  1301  	return nil
  1302  }
  1304  // mapHashCollisionNode represents a leaf node that contains two or more key/value
  1305  // pairs with the same key hash. Single pairs for a hash are stored as value nodes.
  1306  type mapHashCollisionNode[K, V any] struct {
  1307  	keyHash uint32 // key hash for all entries
  1308  	entries []mapEntry[K, V]
  1309  }
  1311  // keyHashValue returns the key hash for all entries on the node.
  1312  func (n *mapHashCollisionNode[K, V]) keyHashValue() uint32 {
  1313  	return n.keyHash
  1314  }
  1316  // indexOf returns the index of the entry for the given key.
  1317  // Returns -1 if the key does not exist in the node.
  1318  func (n *mapHashCollisionNode[K, V]) indexOf(key K, h Hasher[K]) int {
  1319  	for i := range n.entries {
  1320  		if h.Equal(n.entries[i].key, key) {
  1321  			return i
  1322  		}
  1323  	}
  1324  	return -1
  1325  }
  1327  // get returns the value for the given key.
  1328  func (n *mapHashCollisionNode[K, V]) get(key K, shift uint, keyHash uint32, h Hasher[K]) (value V, ok bool) {
  1329  	for i := range n.entries {
  1330  		if h.Equal(n.entries[i].key, key) {
  1331  			return n.entries[i].value, true
  1332  		}
  1333  	}
  1334  	return value, false
  1335  }
  1337  // set returns a copy of the node with key set to the given value.
  1338  func (n *mapHashCollisionNode[K, V]) set(key K, value V, shift uint, keyHash uint32, h Hasher[K], mutable bool, resized *bool) mapNode[K, V] {
  1339  	// Merge node with key/value pair if this is not a hash collision.
  1340  	if n.keyHash != keyHash {
  1341  		*resized = true
  1342  		return mergeIntoNode[K, V](n, shift, keyHash, key, value)
  1343  	}
  1345  	// Update in-place if mutable.
  1346  	if mutable {
  1347  		if idx := n.indexOf(key, h); idx == -1 {
  1348  			*resized = true
  1349  			n.entries = append(n.entries, mapEntry[K, V]{key, value})
  1350  		} else {
  1351  			n.entries[idx] = mapEntry[K, V]{key, value}
  1352  		}
  1353  		return n
  1354  	}
  1356  	// Append to end of node if key doesn't exist & mark resized.
  1357  	// Otherwise copy nodes and overwrite at matching key index.
  1358  	other := &mapHashCollisionNode[K, V]{keyHash: n.keyHash}
  1359  	if idx := n.indexOf(key, h); idx == -1 {
  1360  		*resized = true
  1361  		other.entries = make([]mapEntry[K, V], len(n.entries)+1)
  1362  		copy(other.entries, n.entries)
  1363  		other.entries[len(other.entries)-1] = mapEntry[K, V]{key, value}
  1364  	} else {
  1365  		other.entries = make([]mapEntry[K, V], len(n.entries))
  1366  		copy(other.entries, n.entries)
  1367  		other.entries[idx] = mapEntry[K, V]{key, value}
  1368  	}
  1369  	return other
  1370  }
  1372  // delete returns a node with the given key deleted. Returns the same node if
  1373  // the key does not exist. If removing the key would shrink the node to a single
  1374  // entry then a value node is returned.
  1375  func (n *mapHashCollisionNode[K, V]) delete(key K, shift uint, keyHash uint32, h Hasher[K], mutable bool, resized *bool) mapNode[K, V] {
  1376  	idx := n.indexOf(key, h)
  1378  	// Return original node if key is not found.
  1379  	if idx == -1 {
  1380  		return n
  1381  	}
  1383  	// Mark as resized if key exists.
  1384  	*resized = true
  1386  	// Convert to value node if we move to one entry.
  1387  	if len(n.entries) == 2 {
  1388  		return &mapValueNode[K, V]{
  1389  			keyHash: n.keyHash,
  1390  			key:     n.entries[idx^1].key,
  1391  			value:   n.entries[idx^1].value,
  1392  		}
  1393  	}
  1395  	// Remove entry in-place if mutable.
  1396  	if mutable {
  1397  		copy(n.entries[idx:], n.entries[idx+1:])
  1398  		n.entries[len(n.entries)-1] = mapEntry[K, V]{}
  1399  		n.entries = n.entries[:len(n.entries)-1]
  1400  		return n
  1401  	}
  1403  	// Return copy without entry if immutable.
  1404  	other := &mapHashCollisionNode[K, V]{keyHash: n.keyHash, entries: make([]mapEntry[K, V], len(n.entries)-1)}
  1405  	copy(other.entries[:idx], n.entries[:idx])
  1406  	copy(other.entries[idx:], n.entries[idx+1:])
  1407  	return other
  1408  }
  1410  // mergeIntoNode merges a key/value pair into an existing node.
  1411  // Caller must verify that node's keyHash is not equal to keyHash.
  1412  func mergeIntoNode[K, V any](node mapLeafNode[K, V], shift uint, keyHash uint32, key K, value V) mapNode[K, V] {
  1413  	idx1 := (node.keyHashValue() >> shift) & mapNodeMask
  1414  	idx2 := (keyHash >> shift) & mapNodeMask
  1416  	// Recursively build branch nodes to combine the node and its key.
  1417  	other := &mapBitmapIndexedNode[K, V]{bitmap: (1 << idx1) | (1 << idx2)}
  1418  	if idx1 == idx2 {
  1419  		other.nodes = []mapNode[K, V]{mergeIntoNode(node, shift+mapNodeBits, keyHash, key, value)}
  1420  	} else {
  1421  		if newNode := newMapValueNode(keyHash, key, value); idx1 < idx2 {
  1422  			other.nodes = []mapNode[K, V]{node, newNode}
  1423  		} else {
  1424  			other.nodes = []mapNode[K, V]{newNode, node}
  1425  		}
  1426  	}
  1427  	return other
  1428  }
  1430  // mapEntry represents a single key/value pair.
  1431  type mapEntry[K, V any] struct {
  1432  	key   K
  1433  	value V
  1434  }
  1436  // MapIterator represents an iterator over a map's key/value pairs. Although
  1437  // map keys are not sorted, the iterator's order is deterministic.
  1438  type MapIterator[K, V any] struct {
  1439  	m *Map[K, V] // source map
  1441  	stack [32]mapIteratorElem[K, V] // search stack
  1442  	depth int                       // stack depth
  1443  }
  1445  // Done returns true if no more elements remain in the iterator.
  1446  func (itr *MapIterator[K, V]) Done() bool {
  1447  	return itr.depth == -1
  1448  }
  1450  // First resets the iterator to the first key/value pair.
  1451  func (itr *MapIterator[K, V]) First() {
  1452  	// Exit immediately if the map is empty.
  1453  	if itr.m.root == nil {
  1454  		itr.depth = -1
  1455  		return
  1456  	}
  1458  	// Initialize the stack to the left most element.
  1459  	itr.stack[0] = mapIteratorElem[K, V]{node: itr.m.root}
  1460  	itr.depth = 0
  1461  	itr.first()
  1462  }
  1464  // Next returns the next key/value pair. Returns a nil key when no elements remain.
  1465  func (itr *MapIterator[K, V]) Next() (key K, value V, ok bool) {
  1466  	// Return nil key if iteration is done.
  1467  	if itr.Done() {
  1468  		return key, value, false
  1469  	}
  1471  	// Retrieve current index & value. Current node is always a leaf.
  1472  	elem := &itr.stack[itr.depth]
  1473  	switch node := elem.node.(type) {
  1474  	case *mapArrayNode[K, V]:
  1475  		entry := &node.entries[elem.index]
  1476  		key, value = entry.key, entry.value
  1477  	case *mapValueNode[K, V]:
  1478  		key, value = node.key, node.value
  1479  	case *mapHashCollisionNode[K, V]:
  1480  		entry := &node.entries[elem.index]
  1481  		key, value = entry.key, entry.value
  1482  	}
  1484  	// Move up stack until we find a node that has remaining position ahead
  1485  	// and move that element forward by one.
  1486  	itr.next()
  1487  	return key, value, true
  1488  }
  1490  // next moves to the next available key.
  1491  func (itr *MapIterator[K, V]) next() {
  1492  	for ; itr.depth >= 0; itr.depth-- {
  1493  		elem := &itr.stack[itr.depth]
  1495  		switch node := elem.node.(type) {
  1496  		case *mapArrayNode[K, V]:
  1497  			if elem.index < len(node.entries)-1 {
  1498  				elem.index++
  1499  				return
  1500  			}
  1502  		case *mapBitmapIndexedNode[K, V]:
  1503  			if elem.index < len(node.nodes)-1 {
  1504  				elem.index++
  1505  				itr.stack[itr.depth+1].node = node.nodes[elem.index]
  1506  				itr.depth++
  1507  				itr.first()
  1508  				return
  1509  			}
  1511  		case *mapHashArrayNode[K, V]:
  1512  			for i := elem.index + 1; i < len(node.nodes); i++ {
  1513  				if node.nodes[i] != nil {
  1514  					elem.index = i
  1515  					itr.stack[itr.depth+1].node = node.nodes[elem.index]
  1516  					itr.depth++
  1517  					itr.first()
  1518  					return
  1519  				}
  1520  			}
  1522  		case *mapValueNode[K, V]:
  1523  			continue // always the last value, traverse up
  1525  		case *mapHashCollisionNode[K, V]:
  1526  			if elem.index < len(node.entries)-1 {
  1527  				elem.index++
  1528  				return
  1529  			}
  1530  		}
  1531  	}
  1532  }
  1534  // first positions the stack left most index.
  1535  // Elements and indexes at and below the current depth are assumed to be correct.
  1536  func (itr *MapIterator[K, V]) first() {
  1537  	for ; ; itr.depth++ {
  1538  		elem := &itr.stack[itr.depth]
  1540  		switch node := elem.node.(type) {
  1541  		case *mapBitmapIndexedNode[K, V]:
  1542  			elem.index = 0
  1543  			itr.stack[itr.depth+1].node = node.nodes[0]
  1545  		case *mapHashArrayNode[K, V]:
  1546  			for i := 0; i < len(node.nodes); i++ {
  1547  				if node.nodes[i] != nil { // find first node
  1548  					elem.index = i
  1549  					itr.stack[itr.depth+1].node = node.nodes[i]
  1550  					break
  1551  				}
  1552  			}
  1554  		default: // *mapArrayNode, mapLeafNode
  1555  			elem.index = 0
  1556  			return
  1557  		}
  1558  	}
  1559  }
  1561  // mapIteratorElem represents a node/index pair in the MapIterator stack.
  1562  type mapIteratorElem[K, V any] struct {
  1563  	node  mapNode[K, V]
  1564  	index int
  1565  }
  1567  // Sorted map child node limit size.
  1568  const (
  1569  	sortedMapNodeSize = 32
  1570  )
  1572  // SortedMap represents a map of key/value pairs sorted by key. The sort order
  1573  // is determined by the Comparer used by the map.
  1574  //
  1575  // This map is implemented as a B+tree.
  1576  type SortedMap[K, V any] struct {
  1577  	size     int                 // total number of key/value pairs
  1578  	root     sortedMapNode[K, V] // root of b+tree
  1579  	comparer Comparer[K]
  1580  }
  1582  // NewSortedMap returns a new instance of SortedMap. If comparer is nil then
  1583  // a default comparer is set after the first key is inserted. Default comparers
  1584  // exist for int, string, and byte slice keys.
  1585  func NewSortedMap[K, V any](comparer Comparer[K]) *SortedMap[K, V] {
  1586  	return &SortedMap[K, V]{
  1587  		comparer: comparer,
  1588  	}
  1589  }
  1591  // NewSortedMapOf returns a new instance of SortedMap, containing a map of provided entries.
  1592  //
  1593  // If comparer is nil then a default comparer is set after the first key is inserted. Default comparers
  1594  // exist for int, string, and byte slice keys.
  1595  func NewSortedMapOf[K comparable, V any](comparer Comparer[K], entries map[K]V) *SortedMap[K, V] {
  1596  	m := &SortedMap[K, V]{
  1597  		comparer: comparer,
  1598  	}
  1599  	for k, v := range entries {
  1600  		m.set(k, v, true)
  1601  	}
  1602  	return m
  1603  }
  1605  // Len returns the number of elements in the sorted map.
  1606  func (m *SortedMap[K, V]) Len() int {
  1607  	return m.size
  1608  }
  1610  // Get returns the value for a given key and a flag indicating if the key is set.
  1611  // The flag can be used to distinguish between a nil-set key versus an unset key.
  1612  func (m *SortedMap[K, V]) Get(key K) (V, bool) {
  1613  	if m.root == nil {
  1614  		var v V
  1615  		return v, false
  1616  	}
  1617  	return m.root.get(key, m.comparer)
  1618  }
  1620  // Set returns a copy of the map with the key set to the given value.
  1621  func (m *SortedMap[K, V]) Set(key K, value V) *SortedMap[K, V] {
  1622  	return m.set(key, value, false)
  1623  }
  1625  func (m *SortedMap[K, V]) set(key K, value V, mutable bool) *SortedMap[K, V] {
  1626  	// Set a comparer on the first value if one does not already exist.
  1627  	comparer := m.comparer
  1628  	if comparer == nil {
  1629  		comparer = NewComparer(key)
  1630  	}
  1632  	// Create copy, if necessary.
  1633  	other := m
  1634  	if !mutable {
  1635  		other = m.clone()
  1636  	}
  1637  	other.comparer = comparer
  1639  	// If no values are set then initialize with a leaf node.
  1640  	if m.root == nil {
  1641  		other.size = 1
  1642  		other.root = &sortedMapLeafNode[K, V]{entries: []mapEntry[K, V]{{key: key, value: value}}}
  1643  		return other
  1644  	}
  1646  	// Otherwise delegate to root node.
  1647  	// If a split occurs then grow the tree from the root.
  1648  	var resized bool
  1649  	newRoot, splitNode := m.root.set(key, value, comparer, mutable, &resized)
  1650  	if splitNode != nil {
  1651  		newRoot = newSortedMapBranchNode(newRoot, splitNode)
  1652  	}
  1654  	// Update root and size (if resized).
  1655  	other.size = m.size
  1656  	other.root = newRoot
  1657  	if resized {
  1658  		other.size++
  1659  	}
  1660  	return other
  1661  }
  1663  // Delete returns a copy of the map with the key removed.
  1664  // Returns the original map if key does not exist.
  1665  func (m *SortedMap[K, V]) Delete(key K) *SortedMap[K, V] {
  1666  	return m.delete(key, false)
  1667  }
  1669  func (m *SortedMap[K, V]) delete(key K, mutable bool) *SortedMap[K, V] {
  1670  	// Return original map if no keys exist.
  1671  	if m.root == nil {
  1672  		return m
  1673  	}
  1675  	// If the delete did not change the node then return the original map.
  1676  	var resized bool
  1677  	newRoot := m.root.delete(key, m.comparer, mutable, &resized)
  1678  	if !resized {
  1679  		return m
  1680  	}
  1682  	// Create copy, if necessary.
  1683  	other := m
  1684  	if !mutable {
  1685  		other = m.clone()
  1686  	}
  1688  	// Update root and size.
  1689  	other.size = m.size - 1
  1690  	other.root = newRoot
  1691  	return other
  1692  }
  1694  // clone returns a shallow copy of m.
  1695  func (m *SortedMap[K, V]) clone() *SortedMap[K, V] {
  1696  	other := *m
  1697  	return &other
  1698  }
  1700  // Iterator returns a new iterator for this map positioned at the first key.
  1701  func (m *SortedMap[K, V]) Iterator() *SortedMapIterator[K, V] {
  1702  	itr := &SortedMapIterator[K, V]{m: m}
  1703  	itr.First()
  1704  	return itr
  1705  }
  1707  // SortedMapBuilder represents an efficient builder for creating sorted maps.
  1708  type SortedMapBuilder[K, V any] struct {
  1709  	m *SortedMap[K, V] // current state
  1710  }
  1712  // NewSortedMapBuilder returns a new instance of SortedMapBuilder.
  1713  func NewSortedMapBuilder[K, V any](comparer Comparer[K]) *SortedMapBuilder[K, V] {
  1714  	return &SortedMapBuilder[K, V]{m: NewSortedMap[K, V](comparer)}
  1715  }
  1717  // SortedMap returns the current copy of the map.
  1718  // The returned map is safe to use even if after the builder continues to be used.
  1719  func (b *SortedMapBuilder[K, V]) Map() *SortedMap[K, V] {
  1720  	assert(b.m != nil, "immutable.SortedMapBuilder.Map(): duplicate call to fetch map")
  1721  	m := b.m
  1722  	b.m = nil
  1723  	return m
  1724  }
  1726  // Len returns the number of elements in the underlying map.
  1727  func (b *SortedMapBuilder[K, V]) Len() int {
  1728  	assert(b.m != nil, "immutable.SortedMapBuilder: builder invalid after Map() invocation")
  1729  	return b.m.Len()
  1730  }
  1732  // Get returns the value for the given key.
  1733  func (b *SortedMapBuilder[K, V]) Get(key K) (value V, ok bool) {
  1734  	assert(b.m != nil, "immutable.SortedMapBuilder: builder invalid after Map() invocation")
  1735  	return b.m.Get(key)
  1736  }
  1738  // Set sets the value of the given key. See SortedMap.Set() for additional details.
  1739  func (b *SortedMapBuilder[K, V]) Set(key K, value V) {
  1740  	assert(b.m != nil, "immutable.SortedMapBuilder: builder invalid after Map() invocation")
  1741  	b.m = b.m.set(key, value, true)
  1742  }
  1744  // Delete removes the given key. See SortedMap.Delete() for additional details.
  1745  func (b *SortedMapBuilder[K, V]) Delete(key K) {
  1746  	assert(b.m != nil, "immutable.SortedMapBuilder: builder invalid after Map() invocation")
  1747  	b.m = b.m.delete(key, true)
  1748  }
  1750  // Iterator returns a new iterator for the underlying map positioned at the first key.
  1751  func (b *SortedMapBuilder[K, V]) Iterator() *SortedMapIterator[K, V] {
  1752  	assert(b.m != nil, "immutable.SortedMapBuilder: builder invalid after Map() invocation")
  1753  	return b.m.Iterator()
  1754  }
  1756  // sortedMapNode represents a branch or leaf node in the sorted map.
  1757  type sortedMapNode[K, V any] interface {
  1758  	minKey() K
  1759  	indexOf(key K, c Comparer[K]) int
  1760  	get(key K, c Comparer[K]) (value V, ok bool)
  1761  	set(key K, value V, c Comparer[K], mutable bool, resized *bool) (sortedMapNode[K, V], sortedMapNode[K, V])
  1762  	delete(key K, c Comparer[K], mutable bool, resized *bool) sortedMapNode[K, V]
  1763  }
  1765  var _ sortedMapNode[string, any] = (*sortedMapBranchNode[string, any])(nil)
  1766  var _ sortedMapNode[string, any] = (*sortedMapLeafNode[string, any])(nil)
  1768  // sortedMapBranchNode represents a branch in the sorted map.
  1769  type sortedMapBranchNode[K, V any] struct {
  1770  	elems []sortedMapBranchElem[K, V]
  1771  }
  1773  // newSortedMapBranchNode returns a new branch node with the given child nodes.
  1774  func newSortedMapBranchNode[K, V any](children ...sortedMapNode[K, V]) *sortedMapBranchNode[K, V] {
  1775  	// Fetch min keys for every child.
  1776  	elems := make([]sortedMapBranchElem[K, V], len(children))
  1777  	for i, child := range children {
  1778  		elems[i] = sortedMapBranchElem[K, V]{
  1779  			key:  child.minKey(),
  1780  			node: child,
  1781  		}
  1782  	}
  1784  	return &sortedMapBranchNode[K, V]{elems: elems}
  1785  }
  1787  // minKey returns the lowest key stored in this node's tree.
  1788  func (n *sortedMapBranchNode[K, V]) minKey() K {
  1789  	return n.elems[0].node.minKey()
  1790  }
  1792  // indexOf returns the index of the key within the child nodes.
  1793  func (n *sortedMapBranchNode[K, V]) indexOf(key K, c Comparer[K]) int {
  1794  	if idx := sort.Search(len(n.elems), func(i int) bool { return c.Compare(n.elems[i].key, key) == 1 }); idx > 0 {
  1795  		return idx - 1
  1796  	}
  1797  	return 0
  1798  }
  1800  // get returns the value for the given key.
  1801  func (n *sortedMapBranchNode[K, V]) get(key K, c Comparer[K]) (value V, ok bool) {
  1802  	idx := n.indexOf(key, c)
  1803  	return n.elems[idx].node.get(key, c)
  1804  }
  1806  // set returns a copy of the node with the key set to the given value.
  1807  func (n *sortedMapBranchNode[K, V]) set(key K, value V, c Comparer[K], mutable bool, resized *bool) (sortedMapNode[K, V], sortedMapNode[K, V]) {
  1808  	idx := n.indexOf(key, c)
  1810  	// Delegate insert to child node.
  1811  	newNode, splitNode := n.elems[idx].node.set(key, value, c, mutable, resized)
  1813  	// Update in-place, if mutable.
  1814  	if mutable {
  1815  		n.elems[idx] = sortedMapBranchElem[K, V]{key: newNode.minKey(), node: newNode}
  1816  		if splitNode != nil {
  1817  			n.elems = append(n.elems, sortedMapBranchElem[K, V]{})
  1818  			copy(n.elems[idx+1:], n.elems[idx:])
  1819  			n.elems[idx+1] = sortedMapBranchElem[K, V]{key: splitNode.minKey(), node: splitNode}
  1820  		}
  1822  		// If the child splits and we have no more room then we split too.
  1823  		if len(n.elems) > sortedMapNodeSize {
  1824  			splitIdx := len(n.elems) / 2
  1825  			newNode := &sortedMapBranchNode[K, V]{elems: n.elems[:splitIdx:splitIdx]}
  1826  			splitNode := &sortedMapBranchNode[K, V]{elems: n.elems[splitIdx:]}
  1827  			return newNode, splitNode
  1828  		}
  1829  		return n, nil
  1830  	}
  1832  	// If no split occurs, copy branch and update keys.
  1833  	// If the child splits, insert new key/child into copy of branch.
  1834  	var other sortedMapBranchNode[K, V]
  1835  	if splitNode == nil {
  1836  		other.elems = make([]sortedMapBranchElem[K, V], len(n.elems))
  1837  		copy(other.elems, n.elems)
  1838  		other.elems[idx] = sortedMapBranchElem[K, V]{
  1839  			key:  newNode.minKey(),
  1840  			node: newNode,
  1841  		}
  1842  	} else {
  1843  		other.elems = make([]sortedMapBranchElem[K, V], len(n.elems)+1)
  1844  		copy(other.elems[:idx], n.elems[:idx])
  1845  		copy(other.elems[idx+1:], n.elems[idx:])
  1846  		other.elems[idx] = sortedMapBranchElem[K, V]{
  1847  			key:  newNode.minKey(),
  1848  			node: newNode,
  1849  		}
  1850  		other.elems[idx+1] = sortedMapBranchElem[K, V]{
  1851  			key:  splitNode.minKey(),
  1852  			node: splitNode,
  1853  		}
  1854  	}
  1856  	// If the child splits and we have no more room then we split too.
  1857  	if len(other.elems) > sortedMapNodeSize {
  1858  		splitIdx := len(other.elems) / 2
  1859  		newNode := &sortedMapBranchNode[K, V]{elems: other.elems[:splitIdx:splitIdx]}
  1860  		splitNode := &sortedMapBranchNode[K, V]{elems: other.elems[splitIdx:]}
  1861  		return newNode, splitNode
  1862  	}
  1864  	// Otherwise return the new branch node with the updated entry.
  1865  	return &other, nil
  1866  }
  1868  // delete returns a node with the key removed. Returns the same node if the key
  1869  // does not exist. Returns nil if all child nodes are removed.
  1870  func (n *sortedMapBranchNode[K, V]) delete(key K, c Comparer[K], mutable bool, resized *bool) sortedMapNode[K, V] {
  1871  	idx := n.indexOf(key, c)
  1873  	// Return original node if child has not changed.
  1874  	newNode := n.elems[idx].node.delete(key, c, mutable, resized)
  1875  	if !*resized {
  1876  		return n
  1877  	}
  1879  	// Remove child if it is now nil.
  1880  	if newNode == nil {
  1881  		// If this node will become empty then simply return nil.
  1882  		if len(n.elems) == 1 {
  1883  			return nil
  1884  		}
  1886  		// If mutable, update in-place.
  1887  		if mutable {
  1888  			copy(n.elems[idx:], n.elems[idx+1:])
  1889  			n.elems[len(n.elems)-1] = sortedMapBranchElem[K, V]{}
  1890  			n.elems = n.elems[:len(n.elems)-1]
  1891  			return n
  1892  		}
  1894  		// Return a copy without the given node.
  1895  		other := &sortedMapBranchNode[K, V]{elems: make([]sortedMapBranchElem[K, V], len(n.elems)-1)}
  1896  		copy(other.elems[:idx], n.elems[:idx])
  1897  		copy(other.elems[idx:], n.elems[idx+1:])
  1898  		return other
  1899  	}
  1901  	// If mutable, update in-place.
  1902  	if mutable {
  1903  		n.elems[idx] = sortedMapBranchElem[K, V]{key: newNode.minKey(), node: newNode}
  1904  		return n
  1905  	}
  1907  	// Return a copy with the updated node.
  1908  	other := &sortedMapBranchNode[K, V]{elems: make([]sortedMapBranchElem[K, V], len(n.elems))}
  1909  	copy(other.elems, n.elems)
  1910  	other.elems[idx] = sortedMapBranchElem[K, V]{
  1911  		key:  newNode.minKey(),
  1912  		node: newNode,
  1913  	}
  1914  	return other
  1915  }
  1917  type sortedMapBranchElem[K, V any] struct {
  1918  	key  K
  1919  	node sortedMapNode[K, V]
  1920  }
  1922  // sortedMapLeafNode represents a leaf node in the sorted map.
  1923  type sortedMapLeafNode[K, V any] struct {
  1924  	entries []mapEntry[K, V]
  1925  }
  1927  // minKey returns the first key stored in this node.
  1928  func (n *sortedMapLeafNode[K, V]) minKey() K {
  1929  	return n.entries[0].key
  1930  }
  1932  // indexOf returns the index of the given key.
  1933  func (n *sortedMapLeafNode[K, V]) indexOf(key K, c Comparer[K]) int {
  1934  	return sort.Search(len(n.entries), func(i int) bool {
  1935  		return c.Compare(n.entries[i].key, key) != -1 // GTE
  1936  	})
  1937  }
  1939  // get returns the value of the given key.
  1940  func (n *sortedMapLeafNode[K, V]) get(key K, c Comparer[K]) (value V, ok bool) {
  1941  	idx := n.indexOf(key, c)
  1943  	// If the index is beyond the entry count or the key is not equal then return 'not found'.
  1944  	if idx == len(n.entries) || c.Compare(n.entries[idx].key, key) != 0 {
  1945  		return value, false
  1946  	}
  1948  	// If the key matches then return its value.
  1949  	return n.entries[idx].value, true
  1950  }
  1952  // set returns a copy of node with the key set to the given value. If the update
  1953  // causes the node to grow beyond the maximum size then it is split in two.
  1954  func (n *sortedMapLeafNode[K, V]) set(key K, value V, c Comparer[K], mutable bool, resized *bool) (sortedMapNode[K, V], sortedMapNode[K, V]) {
  1955  	// Find the insertion index for the key.
  1956  	idx := n.indexOf(key, c)
  1957  	exists := idx < len(n.entries) && c.Compare(n.entries[idx].key, key) == 0
  1959  	// Update in-place, if mutable.
  1960  	if mutable {
  1961  		if !exists {
  1962  			*resized = true
  1963  			n.entries = append(n.entries, mapEntry[K, V]{})
  1964  			copy(n.entries[idx+1:], n.entries[idx:])
  1965  		}
  1966  		n.entries[idx] = mapEntry[K, V]{key: key, value: value}
  1968  		// If the key doesn't exist and we exceed our max allowed values then split.
  1969  		if len(n.entries) > sortedMapNodeSize {
  1970  			splitIdx := len(n.entries) / 2
  1971  			newNode := &sortedMapLeafNode[K, V]{entries: n.entries[:splitIdx:splitIdx]}
  1972  			splitNode := &sortedMapLeafNode[K, V]{entries: n.entries[splitIdx:]}
  1973  			return newNode, splitNode
  1974  		}
  1975  		return n, nil
  1976  	}
  1978  	// If the key matches then simply return a copy with the entry overridden.
  1979  	// If there is no match then insert new entry and mark as resized.
  1980  	var newEntries []mapEntry[K, V]
  1981  	if exists {
  1982  		newEntries = make([]mapEntry[K, V], len(n.entries))
  1983  		copy(newEntries, n.entries)
  1984  		newEntries[idx] = mapEntry[K, V]{key: key, value: value}
  1985  	} else {
  1986  		*resized = true
  1987  		newEntries = make([]mapEntry[K, V], len(n.entries)+1)
  1988  		copy(newEntries[:idx], n.entries[:idx])
  1989  		newEntries[idx] = mapEntry[K, V]{key: key, value: value}
  1990  		copy(newEntries[idx+1:], n.entries[idx:])
  1991  	}
  1993  	// If the key doesn't exist and we exceed our max allowed values then split.
  1994  	if len(newEntries) > sortedMapNodeSize {
  1995  		splitIdx := len(newEntries) / 2
  1996  		newNode := &sortedMapLeafNode[K, V]{entries: newEntries[:splitIdx:splitIdx]}
  1997  		splitNode := &sortedMapLeafNode[K, V]{entries: newEntries[splitIdx:]}
  1998  		return newNode, splitNode
  1999  	}
  2001  	// Otherwise return the new leaf node with the updated entry.
  2002  	return &sortedMapLeafNode[K, V]{entries: newEntries}, nil
  2003  }
  2005  // delete returns a copy of node with key removed. Returns the original node if
  2006  // the key does not exist. Returns nil if the removed key is the last remaining key.
  2007  func (n *sortedMapLeafNode[K, V]) delete(key K, c Comparer[K], mutable bool, resized *bool) sortedMapNode[K, V] {
  2008  	idx := n.indexOf(key, c)
  2010  	// Return original node if key is not found.
  2011  	if idx >= len(n.entries) || c.Compare(n.entries[idx].key, key) != 0 {
  2012  		return n
  2013  	}
  2014  	*resized = true
  2016  	// If this is the last entry then return nil.
  2017  	if len(n.entries) == 1 {
  2018  		return nil
  2019  	}
  2021  	// Update in-place, if mutable.
  2022  	if mutable {
  2023  		copy(n.entries[idx:], n.entries[idx+1:])
  2024  		n.entries[len(n.entries)-1] = mapEntry[K, V]{}
  2025  		n.entries = n.entries[:len(n.entries)-1]
  2026  		return n
  2027  	}
  2029  	// Return copy of node with entry removed.
  2030  	other := &sortedMapLeafNode[K, V]{entries: make([]mapEntry[K, V], len(n.entries)-1)}
  2031  	copy(other.entries[:idx], n.entries[:idx])
  2032  	copy(other.entries[idx:], n.entries[idx+1:])
  2033  	return other
  2034  }
  2036  // SortedMapIterator represents an iterator over a sorted map.
  2037  // Iteration can occur in natural or reverse order based on use of Next() or Prev().
  2038  type SortedMapIterator[K, V any] struct {
  2039  	m *SortedMap[K, V] // source map
  2041  	stack [32]sortedMapIteratorElem[K, V] // search stack
  2042  	depth int                             // stack depth
  2043  }
  2045  // Done returns true if no more key/value pairs remain in the iterator.
  2046  func (itr *SortedMapIterator[K, V]) Done() bool {
  2047  	return itr.depth == -1
  2048  }
  2050  // First moves the iterator to the first key/value pair.
  2051  func (itr *SortedMapIterator[K, V]) First() {
  2052  	if itr.m.root == nil {
  2053  		itr.depth = -1
  2054  		return
  2055  	}
  2056  	itr.stack[0] = sortedMapIteratorElem[K, V]{node: itr.m.root}
  2057  	itr.depth = 0
  2058  	itr.first()
  2059  }
  2061  // Last moves the iterator to the last key/value pair.
  2062  func (itr *SortedMapIterator[K, V]) Last() {
  2063  	if itr.m.root == nil {
  2064  		itr.depth = -1
  2065  		return
  2066  	}
  2067  	itr.stack[0] = sortedMapIteratorElem[K, V]{node: itr.m.root}
  2068  	itr.depth = 0
  2069  	itr.last()
  2070  }
  2072  // Seek moves the iterator position to the given key in the map.
  2073  // If the key does not exist then the next key is used. If no more keys exist
  2074  // then the iteartor is marked as done.
  2075  func (itr *SortedMapIterator[K, V]) Seek(key K) {
  2076  	if itr.m.root == nil {
  2077  		itr.depth = -1
  2078  		return
  2079  	}
  2080  	itr.stack[0] = sortedMapIteratorElem[K, V]{node: itr.m.root}
  2081  	itr.depth = 0
  2082  	itr.seek(key)
  2083  }
  2085  // Next returns the current key/value pair and moves the iterator forward.
  2086  // Returns a nil key if the there are no more elements to return.
  2087  func (itr *SortedMapIterator[K, V]) Next() (key K, value V, ok bool) {
  2088  	// Return nil key if iteration is complete.
  2089  	if itr.Done() {
  2090  		return key, value, false
  2091  	}
  2093  	// Retrieve current key/value pair.
  2094  	leafElem := &itr.stack[itr.depth]
  2095  	leafNode := leafElem.node.(*sortedMapLeafNode[K, V])
  2096  	leafEntry := &leafNode.entries[leafElem.index]
  2097  	key, value = leafEntry.key, leafEntry.value
  2099  	// Move to the next available key/value pair.
  2100  	itr.next()
  2102  	// Only occurs when iterator is done.
  2103  	return key, value, true
  2104  }
  2106  // next moves to the next key. If no keys are after then depth is set to -1.
  2107  func (itr *SortedMapIterator[K, V]) next() {
  2108  	for ; itr.depth >= 0; itr.depth-- {
  2109  		elem := &itr.stack[itr.depth]
  2111  		switch node := elem.node.(type) {
  2112  		case *sortedMapLeafNode[K, V]:
  2113  			if elem.index < len(node.entries)-1 {
  2114  				elem.index++
  2115  				return
  2116  			}
  2117  		case *sortedMapBranchNode[K, V]:
  2118  			if elem.index < len(node.elems)-1 {
  2119  				elem.index++
  2120  				itr.stack[itr.depth+1].node = node.elems[elem.index].node
  2121  				itr.depth++
  2122  				itr.first()
  2123  				return
  2124  			}
  2125  		}
  2126  	}
  2127  }
  2129  // Prev returns the current key/value pair and moves the iterator backward.
  2130  // Returns a nil key if the there are no more elements to return.
  2131  func (itr *SortedMapIterator[K, V]) Prev() (key K, value V, ok bool) {
  2132  	// Return nil key if iteration is complete.
  2133  	if itr.Done() {
  2134  		return key, value, false
  2135  	}
  2137  	// Retrieve current key/value pair.
  2138  	leafElem := &itr.stack[itr.depth]
  2139  	leafNode := leafElem.node.(*sortedMapLeafNode[K, V])
  2140  	leafEntry := &leafNode.entries[leafElem.index]
  2141  	key, value = leafEntry.key, leafEntry.value
  2143  	itr.prev()
  2144  	return key, value, true
  2145  }
  2147  // prev moves to the previous key. If no keys are before then depth is set to -1.
  2148  func (itr *SortedMapIterator[K, V]) prev() {
  2149  	for ; itr.depth >= 0; itr.depth-- {
  2150  		elem := &itr.stack[itr.depth]
  2152  		switch node := elem.node.(type) {
  2153  		case *sortedMapLeafNode[K, V]:
  2154  			if elem.index > 0 {
  2155  				elem.index--
  2156  				return
  2157  			}
  2158  		case *sortedMapBranchNode[K, V]:
  2159  			if elem.index > 0 {
  2160  				elem.index--
  2161  				itr.stack[itr.depth+1].node = node.elems[elem.index].node
  2162  				itr.depth++
  2163  				itr.last()
  2164  				return
  2165  			}
  2166  		}
  2167  	}
  2168  }
  2170  // first positions the stack to the leftmost key from the current depth.
  2171  // Elements and indexes below the current depth are assumed to be correct.
  2172  func (itr *SortedMapIterator[K, V]) first() {
  2173  	for {
  2174  		elem := &itr.stack[itr.depth]
  2175  		elem.index = 0
  2177  		switch node := elem.node.(type) {
  2178  		case *sortedMapBranchNode[K, V]:
  2179  			itr.stack[itr.depth+1] = sortedMapIteratorElem[K, V]{node: node.elems[elem.index].node}
  2180  			itr.depth++
  2181  		case *sortedMapLeafNode[K, V]:
  2182  			return
  2183  		}
  2184  	}
  2185  }
  2187  // last positions the stack to the rightmost key from the current depth.
  2188  // Elements and indexes below the current depth are assumed to be correct.
  2189  func (itr *SortedMapIterator[K, V]) last() {
  2190  	for {
  2191  		elem := &itr.stack[itr.depth]
  2193  		switch node := elem.node.(type) {
  2194  		case *sortedMapBranchNode[K, V]:
  2195  			elem.index = len(node.elems) - 1
  2196  			itr.stack[itr.depth+1] = sortedMapIteratorElem[K, V]{node: node.elems[elem.index].node}
  2197  			itr.depth++
  2198  		case *sortedMapLeafNode[K, V]:
  2199  			elem.index = len(node.entries) - 1
  2200  			return
  2201  		}
  2202  	}
  2203  }
  2205  // seek positions the stack to the given key from the current depth.
  2206  // Elements and indexes below the current depth are assumed to be correct.
  2207  func (itr *SortedMapIterator[K, V]) seek(key K) {
  2208  	for {
  2209  		elem := &itr.stack[itr.depth]
  2210  		elem.index = elem.node.indexOf(key, itr.m.comparer)
  2212  		switch node := elem.node.(type) {
  2213  		case *sortedMapBranchNode[K, V]:
  2214  			itr.stack[itr.depth+1] = sortedMapIteratorElem[K, V]{node: node.elems[elem.index].node}
  2215  			itr.depth++
  2216  		case *sortedMapLeafNode[K, V]:
  2217  			if elem.index == len(node.entries) {
  2218  				itr.next()
  2219  			}
  2220  			return
  2221  		}
  2222  	}
  2223  }
  2225  // sortedMapIteratorElem represents node/index pair in the SortedMapIterator stack.
  2226  type sortedMapIteratorElem[K, V any] struct {
  2227  	node  sortedMapNode[K, V]
  2228  	index int
  2229  }
  2231  // Hasher hashes keys and checks them for equality.
  2232  type Hasher[K any] interface {
  2233  	// Computes a hash for key.
  2234  	Hash(key K) uint32
  2236  	// Returns true if a and b are equal.
  2237  	Equal(a, b K) bool
  2238  }
  2240  // NewHasher returns the built-in hasher for a given key type.
  2241  func NewHasher[K any](key K) Hasher[K] {
  2242  	// Attempt to use non-reflection based hasher first.
  2243  	switch (any(key)).(type) {
  2244  	case int, int8, int16, int32, int64, uint, uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64, uintptr, string:
  2245  		return &defaultHasher[K]{}
  2246  	}
  2248  	// Fallback to reflection-based hasher otherwise.
  2249  	// This is used when caller wraps a type around a primitive type.
  2250  	switch reflect.TypeOf(key).Kind() {
  2251  	case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64, reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Uintptr, reflect.String:
  2252  		return &reflectHasher[K]{}
  2253  	}
  2255  	// If no hashers match then panic.
  2256  	// This is a compile time issue so it should not return an error.
  2257  	panic(fmt.Sprintf("immutable.NewHasher: must set hasher for %T type", key))
  2258  }
  2260  // Hash returns a hash for value.
  2261  func hashString(value string) uint32 {
  2262  	var hash uint32
  2263  	for i, value := 0, value; i < len(value); i++ {
  2264  		hash = 31*hash + uint32(value[i])
  2265  	}
  2266  	return hash
  2267  }
  2269  // reflectIntHasher implements a reflection-based Hasher for keys.
  2270  type reflectHasher[K any] struct{}
  2272  // Hash returns a hash for key.
  2273  func (h *reflectHasher[K]) Hash(key K) uint32 {
  2274  	switch reflect.TypeOf(key).Kind() {
  2275  	case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
  2276  		return hashUint64(uint64(reflect.ValueOf(key).Int()))
  2277  	case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Uintptr:
  2278  		return hashUint64(reflect.ValueOf(key).Uint())
  2279  	case reflect.String:
  2280  		var hash uint32
  2281  		s := reflect.ValueOf(key).String()
  2282  		for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
  2283  			hash = 31*hash + uint32(s[i])
  2284  		}
  2285  		return hash
  2286  	}
  2287  	panic(fmt.Sprintf("immutable.reflectHasher.Hash: reflectHasher does not support %T type", key))
  2288  }
  2290  // Equal returns true if a is equal to b. Otherwise returns false.
  2291  // Panics if a and b are not int-ish or string-ish.
  2292  func (h *reflectHasher[K]) Equal(a, b K) bool {
  2293  	switch reflect.TypeOf(a).Kind() {
  2294  	case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
  2295  		return reflect.ValueOf(a).Int() == reflect.ValueOf(b).Int()
  2296  	case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Uintptr:
  2297  		return reflect.ValueOf(a).Uint() == reflect.ValueOf(b).Uint()
  2298  	case reflect.String:
  2299  		return reflect.ValueOf(a).String() == reflect.ValueOf(b).String()
  2300  	}
  2301  	panic(fmt.Sprintf("immutable.reflectHasher.Equal: reflectHasher does not support %T type", a))
  2303  }
  2305  // hashUint64 returns a 32-bit hash for a 64-bit value.
  2306  func hashUint64(value uint64) uint32 {
  2307  	hash := value
  2308  	for value > 0xffffffff {
  2309  		value /= 0xffffffff
  2310  		hash ^= value
  2311  	}
  2312  	return uint32(hash)
  2313  }
  2315  // defaultHasher implements Hasher.
  2316  type defaultHasher[K any] struct{}
  2318  // Hash returns a hash for key.
  2319  func (h *defaultHasher[K]) Hash(key K) uint32 {
  2320  	switch x := (any(key)).(type) {
  2321  	case int:
  2322  		return hashUint64(uint64(x))
  2323  	case int8:
  2324  		return hashUint64(uint64(x))
  2325  	case int16:
  2326  		return hashUint64(uint64(x))
  2327  	case int32:
  2328  		return hashUint64(uint64(x))
  2329  	case int64:
  2330  		return hashUint64(uint64(x))
  2331  	case uint:
  2332  		return hashUint64(uint64(x))
  2333  	case uint8:
  2334  		return hashUint64(uint64(x))
  2335  	case uint16:
  2336  		return hashUint64(uint64(x))
  2337  	case uint32:
  2338  		return hashUint64(uint64(x))
  2339  	case uint64:
  2340  		return hashUint64(uint64(x))
  2341  	case uintptr:
  2342  		return hashUint64(uint64(x))
  2343  	case string:
  2344  		return hashString(x)
  2345  	}
  2346  	panic(fmt.Sprintf("immutable.defaultHasher.Hash: must set comparer for %T type", key))
  2347  }
  2349  // Equal returns true if a is equal to b. Otherwise returns false.
  2350  // Panics if a and b are not comparable.
  2351  func (h *defaultHasher[K]) Equal(a, b K) bool {
  2352  	return any(a) == any(b)
  2353  }
  2355  // Comparer allows the comparison of two keys for the purpose of sorting.
  2356  type Comparer[K any] interface {
  2357  	// Returns -1 if a is less than b, returns 1 if a is greater than b,
  2358  	// and returns 0 if a is equal to b.
  2359  	Compare(a, b K) int
  2360  }
  2362  // NewComparer returns the built-in comparer for a given key type.
  2363  // Note that only int-ish and string-ish types are supported, despite the 'comparable' constraint.
  2364  // Attempts to use other types will result in a panic - users should define their own Comparers for these cases.
  2365  func NewComparer[K any](key K) Comparer[K] {
  2366  	// Attempt to use non-reflection based comparer first.
  2367  	switch (any(key)).(type) {
  2368  	case int, int8, int16, int32, int64, uint, uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64, uintptr, string:
  2369  		return &defaultComparer[K]{}
  2370  	}
  2371  	// Fallback to reflection-based comparer otherwise.
  2372  	// This is used when caller wraps a type around a primitive type.
  2373  	switch reflect.TypeOf(key).Kind() {
  2374  	case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64, reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Uintptr, reflect.String:
  2375  		return &reflectComparer[K]{}
  2376  	}
  2377  	// If no comparers match then panic.
  2378  	// This is a compile time issue so it should not return an error.
  2379  	panic(fmt.Sprintf("immutable.NewComparer: must set comparer for %T type", key))
  2380  }
  2382  // defaultComparer compares two values (int-ish and string-ish types are supported). Implements Comparer.
  2383  type defaultComparer[K any] struct{}
  2385  // Compare returns -1 if a is less than b, returns 1 if a is greater than b, and
  2386  // returns 0 if a is equal to b. Panic if a or b is not a string or int* type
  2387  func (c *defaultComparer[K]) Compare(i K, j K) int {
  2388  	switch x := (any(i)).(type) {
  2389  	case int:
  2390  		return defaultCompare(x, (any(j)).(int))
  2391  	case int8:
  2392  		return defaultCompare(x, (any(j)).(int8))
  2393  	case int16:
  2394  		return defaultCompare(x, (any(j)).(int16))
  2395  	case int32:
  2396  		return defaultCompare(x, (any(j)).(int32))
  2397  	case int64:
  2398  		return defaultCompare(x, (any(j)).(int64))
  2399  	case uint:
  2400  		return defaultCompare(x, (any(j)).(uint))
  2401  	case uint8:
  2402  		return defaultCompare(x, (any(j)).(uint8))
  2403  	case uint16:
  2404  		return defaultCompare(x, (any(j)).(uint16))
  2405  	case uint32:
  2406  		return defaultCompare(x, (any(j)).(uint32))
  2407  	case uint64:
  2408  		return defaultCompare(x, (any(j)).(uint64))
  2409  	case uintptr:
  2410  		return defaultCompare(x, (any(j)).(uintptr))
  2411  	case string:
  2412  		return defaultCompare(x, (any(j)).(string))
  2413  	}
  2414  	panic(fmt.Sprintf("immutable.defaultComparer: must set comparer for %T type", i))
  2415  }
  2417  // defaultCompare only operates on constraints.Ordered.
  2418  // For other types, users should bring their own comparers
  2419  func defaultCompare[K constraints.Ordered](i, j K) int {
  2420  	if i < j {
  2421  		return -1
  2422  	} else if i > j {
  2423  		return 1
  2424  	}
  2425  	return 0
  2426  }
  2428  // reflectIntComparer compares two values using reflection. Implements Comparer.
  2429  type reflectComparer[K any] struct{}
  2431  // Compare returns -1 if a is less than b, returns 1 if a is greater than b, and
  2432  // returns 0 if a is equal to b. Panic if a or b is not an int-ish or string-ish type.
  2433  func (c *reflectComparer[K]) Compare(a, b K) int {
  2434  	switch reflect.TypeOf(a).Kind() {
  2435  	case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
  2436  		if i, j := reflect.ValueOf(a).Int(), reflect.ValueOf(b).Int(); i < j {
  2437  			return -1
  2438  		} else if i > j {
  2439  			return 1
  2440  		}
  2441  		return 0
  2442  	case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Uintptr:
  2443  		if i, j := reflect.ValueOf(a).Uint(), reflect.ValueOf(b).Uint(); i < j {
  2444  			return -1
  2445  		} else if i > j {
  2446  			return 1
  2447  		}
  2448  		return 0
  2449  	case reflect.String:
  2450  		return strings.Compare(reflect.ValueOf(a).String(), reflect.ValueOf(b).String())
  2451  	}
  2452  	panic(fmt.Sprintf("immutable.reflectComparer.Compare: must set comparer for %T type", a))
  2453  }
  2455  func assert(condition bool, message string) {
  2456  	if !condition {
  2457  		panic(message)
  2458  	}
  2459  }

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