# Copyright 2014 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. load("//go/private:common.bzl", "executable_path") load("//go/private:nogo.bzl", "go_register_nogo") load("//go/private/skylib/lib:versions.bzl", "versions") load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:utils.bzl", "patch", "read_user_netrc", "use_netrc") MIN_SUPPORTED_VERSION = (1, 14, 0) def _go_host_sdk_impl(ctx): goroot = _detect_host_sdk(ctx) platform = _detect_sdk_platform(ctx, goroot) version = _detect_sdk_version(ctx, goroot) _sdk_build_file(ctx, platform, version, experiments = ctx.attr.experiments) _local_sdk(ctx, goroot) go_host_sdk_rule = repository_rule( implementation = _go_host_sdk_impl, environ = ["GOROOT"], attrs = { "version": attr.string(), "experiments": attr.string_list( doc = "Go experiments to enable via GOEXPERIMENT", ), "_sdk_build_file": attr.label( default = Label("//go/private:BUILD.sdk.bazel"), ), }, ) def go_host_sdk(name, register_toolchains = True, **kwargs): go_host_sdk_rule(name = name, **kwargs) _go_toolchains( name = name + "_toolchains", sdk_repo = name, sdk_type = "host", sdk_version = kwargs.get("version"), goos = kwargs.get("goos"), goarch = kwargs.get("goarch"), ) if register_toolchains: _register_toolchains(name) def _go_download_sdk_impl(ctx): if not ctx.attr.goos and not ctx.attr.goarch: goos, goarch = detect_host_platform(ctx) else: if not ctx.attr.goos: fail("goarch set but goos not set") if not ctx.attr.goarch: fail("goos set but goarch not set") goos, goarch = ctx.attr.goos, ctx.attr.goarch platform = goos + "_" + goarch version = ctx.attr.version sdks = ctx.attr.sdks if not version: if ctx.attr.patches: fail("a single version must be specified to apply patches") if not sdks: # If sdks was unspecified, download a full list of files. # If version was unspecified, pick the latest version. # Even if version was specified, we need to download the file list # to find the SHA-256 sum. If we don't have it, Bazel won't cache # the downloaded archive. if not version: ctx.report_progress("Finding latest Go version") else: ctx.report_progress("Finding Go SHA-256 sums") ctx.download( url = [ "https://go.dev/dl/?mode=json&include=all", "https://golang.google.cn/dl/?mode=json&include=all", ], output = "versions.json", ) data = ctx.read("versions.json") sdks_by_version = _parse_versions_json(data) if not version: highest_version = None for v in sdks_by_version.keys(): pv = parse_version(v) if not pv or _version_is_prerelease(pv): # skip parse errors and pre-release versions continue if not highest_version or _version_less(highest_version, pv): highest_version = pv if not highest_version: fail("did not find any Go versions in https://go.dev/dl/?mode=json") version = _version_string(highest_version) if version not in sdks_by_version: fail("did not find version {} in https://go.dev/dl/?mode=json".format(version)) sdks = sdks_by_version[version] if platform not in sdks: fail("unsupported platform {}".format(platform)) filename, sha256 = sdks[platform] _remote_sdk(ctx, [url.format(filename) for url in ctx.attr.urls], ctx.attr.strip_prefix, sha256) patch(ctx, patch_args = _get_patch_args(ctx.attr.patch_strip)) detected_version = _detect_sdk_version(ctx, ".") _sdk_build_file(ctx, platform, detected_version, experiments = ctx.attr.experiments) if not ctx.attr.sdks and not ctx.attr.version: # Returning this makes Bazel print a message that 'version' must be # specified for a reproducible build. return { "name": ctx.attr.name, "goos": ctx.attr.goos, "goarch": ctx.attr.goarch, "sdks": ctx.attr.sdks, "urls": ctx.attr.urls, "version": version, "strip_prefix": ctx.attr.strip_prefix, } return None go_download_sdk_rule = repository_rule( implementation = _go_download_sdk_impl, attrs = { "goos": attr.string(), "goarch": attr.string(), "sdks": attr.string_list_dict(), "experiments": attr.string_list( doc = "Go experiments to enable via GOEXPERIMENT", ), "urls": attr.string_list(default = ["https://dl.google.com/go/{}"]), "version": attr.string(), "strip_prefix": attr.string(default = "go"), "patches": attr.label_list( doc = "A list of patches to apply to the SDK after downloading it", ), "patch_strip": attr.int( default = 0, doc = "The number of leading path segments to be stripped from the file name in the patches.", ), "_sdk_build_file": attr.label( default = Label("//go/private:BUILD.sdk.bazel"), ), }, ) def _define_version_constants(version, prefix = ""): pv = parse_version(version) if pv == None or len(pv) < 3: fail("error parsing sdk version: " + version) major, minor, patch = pv[0], pv[1], pv[2] prerelease = pv[3] if len(pv) > 3 else "" return """ {prefix}MAJOR_VERSION = "{major}" {prefix}MINOR_VERSION = "{minor}" {prefix}PATCH_VERSION = "{patch}" {prefix}PRERELEASE_SUFFIX = "{prerelease}" """.format( prefix = prefix, major = major, minor = minor, patch = patch, prerelease = prerelease, ) def _to_constant_name(s): # Prefix with _ as identifiers are not allowed to start with numbers. return "_" + "".join([c if c.isalnum() else "_" for c in s.elems()]).upper() def _get_patch_args(patch_strip): if patch_strip: return ["-p{}".format(patch_strip)] return [] def go_toolchains_single_definition(ctx, *, prefix, goos, goarch, sdk_repo, sdk_type, sdk_version): if not goos and not goarch: goos, goarch = detect_host_platform(ctx) else: if not goos: fail("goarch set but goos not set") if not goarch: fail("goos set but goarch not set") chunks = [] loads = [] identifier_prefix = _to_constant_name(prefix) # If a sdk_version attribute is provided, use that version. This avoids # eagerly fetching the SDK repository. But if it's not provided, we have # no choice and must load version constants from the version.bzl file that # _sdk_build_file creates. This will trigger an eager fetch. if sdk_version: chunks.append(_define_version_constants(sdk_version, prefix = identifier_prefix)) else: loads.append("""load( "@{sdk_repo}//:version.bzl", {identifier_prefix}MAJOR_VERSION = "MAJOR_VERSION", {identifier_prefix}MINOR_VERSION = "MINOR_VERSION", {identifier_prefix}PATCH_VERSION = "PATCH_VERSION", {identifier_prefix}PRERELEASE_SUFFIX = "PRERELEASE_SUFFIX", ) """.format( sdk_repo = sdk_repo, identifier_prefix = identifier_prefix, )) chunks.append("""declare_bazel_toolchains( prefix = "{prefix}", go_toolchain_repo = "@{sdk_repo}", host_goarch = "{goarch}", host_goos = "{goos}", major = {identifier_prefix}MAJOR_VERSION, minor = {identifier_prefix}MINOR_VERSION, patch = {identifier_prefix}PATCH_VERSION, prerelease = {identifier_prefix}PRERELEASE_SUFFIX, sdk_type = "{sdk_type}", ) """.format( prefix = prefix, identifier_prefix = identifier_prefix, sdk_repo = sdk_repo, goarch = goarch, goos = goos, sdk_type = sdk_type, )) return struct( loads = loads, chunks = chunks, ) def go_toolchains_build_file_content( ctx, prefixes, geese, goarchs, sdk_repos, sdk_types, sdk_versions): if not _have_same_length(prefixes, geese, goarchs, sdk_repos, sdk_types, sdk_versions): fail("all lists must have the same length") loads = [ """load("@io_bazel_rules_go//go/private:go_toolchain.bzl", "declare_bazel_toolchains")""", ] chunks = [ """package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])""", ] for i in range(len(geese)): definition = go_toolchains_single_definition( ctx, prefix = prefixes[i], goos = geese[i], goarch = goarchs[i], sdk_repo = sdk_repos[i], sdk_type = sdk_types[i], sdk_version = sdk_versions[i], ) loads.extend(definition.loads) chunks.extend(definition.chunks) return "\n".join(loads + chunks) def _go_multiple_toolchains_impl(ctx): ctx.file( "BUILD.bazel", go_toolchains_build_file_content( ctx, prefixes = ctx.attr.prefixes, geese = ctx.attr.geese, goarchs = ctx.attr.goarchs, sdk_repos = ctx.attr.sdk_repos, sdk_types = ctx.attr.sdk_types, sdk_versions = ctx.attr.sdk_versions, ), executable = False, ) go_multiple_toolchains = repository_rule( implementation = _go_multiple_toolchains_impl, attrs = { "prefixes": attr.string_list(mandatory = True), "sdk_repos": attr.string_list(mandatory = True), "sdk_types": attr.string_list(mandatory = True), "sdk_versions": attr.string_list(mandatory = True), "geese": attr.string_list(mandatory = True), "goarchs": attr.string_list(mandatory = True), }, ) def _go_toolchains(name, sdk_repo, sdk_type, sdk_version = None, goos = None, goarch = None): go_multiple_toolchains( name = name, prefixes = [""], geese = [goos or ""], goarchs = [goarch or ""], sdk_repos = [sdk_repo], sdk_types = [sdk_type], sdk_versions = [sdk_version or ""], ) def go_download_sdk(name, register_toolchains = True, **kwargs): go_download_sdk_rule(name = name, **kwargs) _go_toolchains( name = name + "_toolchains", sdk_repo = name, sdk_type = "remote", sdk_version = kwargs.get("version"), goos = kwargs.get("goos"), goarch = kwargs.get("goarch"), ) if register_toolchains: _register_toolchains(name) def _go_local_sdk_impl(ctx): goroot = ctx.attr.path platform = _detect_sdk_platform(ctx, goroot) version = _detect_sdk_version(ctx, goroot) _sdk_build_file(ctx, platform, version, ctx.attr.experiments) _local_sdk(ctx, goroot) _go_local_sdk = repository_rule( implementation = _go_local_sdk_impl, attrs = { "path": attr.string(), "version": attr.string(), "experiments": attr.string_list( doc = "Go experiments to enable via GOEXPERIMENT", ), "_sdk_build_file": attr.label( default = Label("//go/private:BUILD.sdk.bazel"), ), }, ) def go_local_sdk(name, register_toolchains = True, **kwargs): _go_local_sdk(name = name, **kwargs) _go_toolchains( name = name + "_toolchains", sdk_repo = name, sdk_type = "remote", sdk_version = kwargs.get("version"), goos = kwargs.get("goos"), goarch = kwargs.get("goarch"), ) if register_toolchains: _register_toolchains(name) def _go_wrap_sdk_impl(ctx): if not ctx.attr.root_file and not ctx.attr.root_files: fail("either root_file or root_files must be provided") if ctx.attr.root_file and ctx.attr.root_files: fail("root_file and root_files cannot be both provided") if ctx.attr.root_file: root_file = ctx.attr.root_file else: goos, goarch = detect_host_platform(ctx) platform = goos + "_" + goarch if platform not in ctx.attr.root_files: fail("unsupported platform {}".format(platform)) root_file = Label(ctx.attr.root_files[platform]) goroot = str(ctx.path(root_file).dirname) platform = _detect_sdk_platform(ctx, goroot) version = _detect_sdk_version(ctx, goroot) _sdk_build_file(ctx, platform, version, ctx.attr.experiments) _local_sdk(ctx, goroot) _go_wrap_sdk = repository_rule( implementation = _go_wrap_sdk_impl, attrs = { "root_file": attr.label( mandatory = False, doc = "A file in the SDK root direcotry. Used to determine GOROOT.", ), "root_files": attr.string_dict( mandatory = False, doc = "A set of mappings from the host platform to a file in the SDK's root directory", ), "version": attr.string(), "experiments": attr.string_list( doc = "Go experiments to enable via GOEXPERIMENT", ), "_sdk_build_file": attr.label( default = Label("//go/private:BUILD.sdk.bazel"), ), }, ) def go_wrap_sdk(name, register_toolchains = True, **kwargs): _go_wrap_sdk(name = name, **kwargs) _go_toolchains( name = name + "_toolchains", sdk_repo = name, sdk_type = "remote", sdk_version = kwargs.get("version"), goos = kwargs.get("goos"), goarch = kwargs.get("goarch"), ) if register_toolchains: _register_toolchains(name) def _register_toolchains(repo): native.register_toolchains("@{}_toolchains//:all".format(repo)) def _remote_sdk(ctx, urls, strip_prefix, sha256): if len(urls) == 0: fail("no urls specified") host_goos, _ = detect_host_platform(ctx) ctx.report_progress("Downloading and extracting Go toolchain") auth = use_netrc(read_user_netrc(ctx), urls, {}) # TODO(#2771): After bazelbuild/bazel#18448 is merged and available in # the minimum supported version of Bazel, remove the workarounds below. # # Go ships archives containing some non-ASCII file names, used in # test cases for Go's build system. Bazel has a bug extracting these # archives on certain file systems (macOS AFS at least, possibly also # Docker on macOS with a bind mount). # # For .tar.gz files (available for most platforms), we work around this bug # by using the system tar instead of ctx.download_and_extract. # # For .zip files, we use ctx.download_and_extract but with rename_files, # changing certain paths that trigger the bug. This is only available # in Bazel 6.0.0+ (bazelbuild/bazel#16052). The only situation where # .zip files are needed seems to be a macOS host using a Windows toolchain # for remote execution. if urls[0].endswith(".tar.gz"): if strip_prefix != "go": fail("strip_prefix not supported") ctx.download( url = urls, sha256 = sha256, output = "go_sdk.tar.gz", auth = auth, ) res = ctx.execute(["tar", "-xf", "go_sdk.tar.gz", "--strip-components=1"]) if res.return_code: fail("error extracting Go SDK:\n" + res.stdout + res.stderr) ctx.delete("go_sdk.tar.gz") elif (urls[0].endswith(".zip") and host_goos != "windows" and # Development versions of Bazel have an empty version string. We assume that they are # more recent than the version that introduced rename_files. versions.is_at_least("6.0.0", versions.get() or "6.0.0")): ctx.download_and_extract( url = urls, stripPrefix = strip_prefix, sha256 = sha256, rename_files = { "go/test/fixedbugs/issue27836.dir/\336foo.go": "go/test/fixedbugs/issue27836.dir/thfoo.go", "go/test/fixedbugs/issue27836.dir/\336main.go": "go/test/fixedbugs/issue27836.dir/thmain.go", }, auth = auth, ) else: ctx.download_and_extract( url = urls, stripPrefix = strip_prefix, sha256 = sha256, auth = auth, ) def _local_sdk(ctx, path): for entry in ctx.path(path).readdir(): if ctx.path(entry.basename).exists: continue ctx.symlink(entry, entry.basename) def _sdk_build_file(ctx, platform, version, experiments): ctx.file("ROOT") goos, _, goarch = platform.partition("_") pv = parse_version(version) if pv != None and pv[1] >= 20: # Turn off coverageredesign GOEXPERIMENT on 1.20+ # until rules_go is updated to work with the # coverage redesign. if not "nocoverageredesign" in experiments and not "coverageredesign" in experiments: experiments = experiments + ["nocoverageredesign"] ctx.template( "BUILD.bazel", ctx.path(ctx.attr._sdk_build_file), executable = False, substitutions = { "{goos}": goos, "{goarch}": goarch, "{exe}": ".exe" if goos == "windows" else "", "{version}": version, "{experiments}": repr(experiments), }, ) ctx.file( "version.bzl", executable = False, content = _define_version_constants(version), ) def detect_host_platform(ctx): goos = ctx.os.name if goos == "mac os x": goos = "darwin" elif goos.startswith("windows"): goos = "windows" goarch = ctx.os.arch if goarch == "aarch64": goarch = "arm64" elif goarch == "x86_64": goarch = "amd64" return goos, goarch def _detect_host_sdk(ctx): root = "@invalid@" if "GOROOT" in ctx.os.environ: return ctx.os.environ["GOROOT"] res = ctx.execute([executable_path(ctx, "go"), "env", "GOROOT"]) if res.return_code: fail("Could not detect host go version") root = res.stdout.strip() if not root: fail("host go version failed to report it's GOROOT") return root def _detect_sdk_platform(ctx, goroot): path = ctx.path(goroot + "/pkg/tool") if not path.exists: fail("Could not detect SDK platform: failed to find " + str(path)) tool_entries = path.readdir() platforms = [] for f in tool_entries: if f.basename.find("_") >= 0: platforms.append(f.basename) if len(platforms) == 0: fail("Could not detect SDK platform: found no platforms in %s" % path) if len(platforms) > 1: fail("Could not detect SDK platform: found multiple platforms %s in %s" % (platforms, path)) return platforms[0] def _detect_sdk_version(ctx, goroot): version_file_path = goroot + "/VERSION" if ctx.path(version_file_path).exists: # VERSION file has version prefixed by go, eg. go1.18.3 # 1.21: The version is the first line version_line = ctx.read(version_file_path).splitlines()[0] version = version_line[2:] if ctx.attr.version and ctx.attr.version != version: fail("SDK is version %s, but version %s was expected" % (version, ctx.attr.version)) return version # The top-level VERSION file does not exist in all Go SDK distributions, e.g. those shipped by Debian or Fedora. # Falling back to running "go version" go_binary_path = goroot + "/bin/go" result = ctx.execute([go_binary_path, "version"]) if result.return_code != 0: fail("Could not detect SDK version: '%s version' exited with exit code %d" % (go_binary_path, result.return_code)) # go version output is of the form "go version go1.18.3 linux/amd64" or "go # version devel go1.19-fd1b5904ae Tue Mar 22 21:38:10 2022 +0000 # linux/amd64". See the following links for how this output is generated: # - https://github.com/golang/go/blob/2bdb5c57f1efcbddab536028d053798e35de6226/src/cmd/go/internal/version/version.go#L75 # - https://github.com/golang/go/blob/2bdb5c57f1efcbddab536028d053798e35de6226/src/cmd/dist/build.go#L333 # # Read the third word, or the fourth word if the third word is "devel", to # find the version number. output_parts = result.stdout.split(" ") if len(output_parts) > 2 and output_parts[2].startswith("go"): version = output_parts[2][len("go"):] elif len(output_parts) > 3 and output_parts[2] == "devel" and output_parts[3].startswith("go"): version = output_parts[3][len("go"):] else: fail("Could not parse SDK version from '%s version' output: %s" % (go_binary_path, result.stdout)) if parse_version(version) == None: fail("Could not parse SDK version from '%s version' output: %s" % (go_binary_path, result.stdout)) if ctx.attr.version and ctx.attr.version != version: fail("SDK is version %s, but version %s was expected" % (version, ctx.attr.version)) return version def _parse_versions_json(data): """Parses version metadata returned by go.dev. Args: data: the contents of the file downloaded from https://go.dev/dl/?mode=json. We assume the file is valid JSON, is spaced and indented, and is in a particular format. Return: A dict mapping version strings (like "1.15.5") to dicts mapping platform names (like "linux_amd64") to pairs of filenames (like "go1.15.5.linux-amd64.tar.gz") and hex-encoded SHA-256 sums. """ sdks = json.decode(data) return { sdk["version"][len("go"):]: { "%s_%s" % (file["os"], file["arch"]): ( file["filename"], file["sha256"], ) for file in sdk["files"] if file["kind"] == "archive" } for sdk in sdks } def parse_version(version): """Parses a version string like "1.15.5" and returns a tuple of numbers or None""" l, r = 0, 0 parsed = [] for c in version.elems(): if c == ".": if l == r: # empty component return None parsed.append(int(version[l:r])) r += 1 l = r continue if c.isdigit(): r += 1 continue # pre-release suffix break if l == r: # empty component return None parsed.append(int(version[l:r])) if len(parsed) == 2: # first minor version, like (1, 15) parsed.append(0) if len(parsed) != 3: # too many or too few components return None if r < len(version): # pre-release suffix parsed.append(version[r:]) return tuple(parsed) def _version_is_prerelease(v): return len(v) > 3 def _version_less(a, b): if a[:3] < b[:3]: return True if a[:3] > b[:3]: return False if len(a) > len(b): return True if len(a) < len(b) or len(a) == 3: return False return a[3:] < b[3:] def _version_string(v): suffix = v[3] if _version_is_prerelease(v) else "" if v[-1] == 0: v = v[:-1] return ".".join([str(n) for n in v]) + suffix def _have_same_length(*lists): if not lists: fail("expected at least one list") return len({len(l): None for l in lists}) == 1 def go_register_toolchains(version = None, nogo = None, go_version = None, experiments = None): """See /go/toolchains.rst#go-register-toolchains for full documentation.""" if not version: version = go_version # old name sdk_kinds = ("go_download_sdk_rule", "go_host_sdk_rule", "_go_local_sdk", "_go_wrap_sdk") existing_rules = native.existing_rules() sdk_rules = [r for r in existing_rules.values() if r["kind"] in sdk_kinds] if len(sdk_rules) == 0 and "go_sdk" in existing_rules: # may be local_repository in bazel_tests. sdk_rules.append(existing_rules["go_sdk"]) if version and len(sdk_rules) > 0: fail("go_register_toolchains: version set after go sdk rule declared ({})".format(", ".join([r["name"] for r in sdk_rules]))) if len(sdk_rules) == 0: if not version: fail('go_register_toolchains: version must be a string like "1.15.5" or "host"') elif version == "host": go_host_sdk(name = "go_sdk", experiments = experiments) else: pv = parse_version(version) if not pv: fail('go_register_toolchains: version must be a string like "1.15.5" or "host"') if _version_less(pv, MIN_SUPPORTED_VERSION): print("DEPRECATED: Go versions before {} are not supported and may not work".format(_version_string(MIN_SUPPORTED_VERSION))) go_download_sdk( name = "go_sdk", version = version, experiments = experiments, ) if nogo: # Override default definition in go_rules_dependencies(). go_register_nogo( name = "io_bazel_rules_nogo", nogo = nogo, )