
Text file src/github.com/bazelbuild/rules_go/go/private/rules/library.bzl

Documentation: github.com/bazelbuild/rules_go/go/private/rules

     1# Copyright 2014 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
     3# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     4# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     5# You may obtain a copy of the License at
     7#    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
     9# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    10# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    11# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    12# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    13# limitations under the License.
    16    "//go/private:common.bzl",
    17    "GO_TOOLCHAIN",
    18    "asm_exts",
    19    "cgo_exts",
    20    "go_exts",
    23    "//go/private:context.bzl",
    24    "go_context",
    27    "//go/private:providers.bzl",
    28    "GoLibrary",
    31    "//go/private/rules:transition.bzl",
    32    "non_go_transition",
    35def _go_library_impl(ctx):
    36    """Implements the go_library() rule."""
    37    go = go_context(ctx)
    38    library = go.new_library(go)
    39    source = go.library_to_source(go, ctx.attr, library, ctx.coverage_instrumented())
    40    archive = go.archive(go, source)
    42    return [
    43        library,
    44        source,
    45        archive,
    46        DefaultInfo(
    47            files = depset([archive.data.file]),
    48        ),
    49        coverage_common.instrumented_files_info(
    50            ctx,
    51            source_attributes = ["srcs"],
    52            dependency_attributes = ["data", "deps", "embed", "embedsrcs"],
    53            extensions = ["go"],
    54        ),
    55        OutputGroupInfo(
    56            cgo_exports = archive.cgo_exports,
    57            compilation_outputs = [archive.data.file],
    58        ),
    59    ]
    61go_library = rule(
    62    _go_library_impl,
    63    attrs = {
    64        "data": attr.label_list(
    65            allow_files = True,
    66            cfg = non_go_transition,
    67            doc = """
    68            List of files needed by this rule at run-time.
    69            This may include data files needed or other programs that may be executed.
    70            The [bazel] package may be used to locate run files; they may appear in different places
    71            depending on the operating system and environment. See [data dependencies] for more information on data files.
    72            """,
    73        ),
    74        "srcs": attr.label_list(
    75            allow_files = go_exts + asm_exts + cgo_exts,
    76            cfg = non_go_transition,
    77            doc = """
    78            The list of Go source files that are compiled to create the package.
    79            Only `.go` and `.s` files are permitted, unless the `cgo` attribute is set,
    80            in which case, `.c .cc .cpp .cxx .h .hh .hpp .hxx .inc .m .mm` files are also permitted.
    81            Files may be filtered at build time using Go [build constraints].
    82            """,
    83        ),
    84        "deps": attr.label_list(
    85            providers = [GoLibrary],
    86            doc = """
    87            List of Go libraries this package imports directly.
    88            These may be `go_library` rules or compatible rules with the [GoLibrary] provider.
    89            """,
    90        ),
    91        "importpath": attr.string(
    92            doc = """
    93            The source import path of this library. Other libraries can import this library using this path.
    94            This must either be specified in `go_library` or inherited from one of the libraries in `embed`.
    95            """,
    96        ),
    97        "importmap": attr.string(
    98            doc = """
    99            The actual import path of this library. By default, this is `importpath`. This is mostly only visible to the compiler and linker,
   100            but it may also be seen in stack traces. This must be unique among packages passed to the linker.
   101            It may be set to something different than `importpath` to prevent conflicts between multiple packages
   102            with the same path (for example, from different vendor directories).
   103            """,
   104        ),
   105        "importpath_aliases": attr.string_list(
   106        ),  # experimental, undocumented
   107        "embed": attr.label_list(
   108            providers = [GoLibrary],
   109            doc = """
   110            List of Go libraries whose sources should be compiled together with this package's sources.
   111            Labels listed here must name `go_library`, `go_proto_library`, or other compatible targets with
   112            the [GoLibrary] and [GoSource] providers. Embedded libraries must have the same `importpath` as the embedding library.
   113            At most one embedded library may have `cgo = True`, and the embedding library may not also have `cgo = True`.
   114            See [Embedding] for more information.
   115            """,
   116        ),
   117        "embedsrcs": attr.label_list(
   118            allow_files = True,
   119            cfg = non_go_transition,
   120            doc = """
   121            The list of files that may be embedded into the compiled package using `//go:embed`
   122            directives. All files must be in the same logical directory or a subdirectory as source files.
   123            All source files containing `//go:embed` directives must be in the same logical directory.
   124            It's okay to mix static and generated source files and static and generated embeddable files.
   125            """,
   126        ),
   127        "gc_goopts": attr.string_list(
   128            doc = """
   129            List of flags to add to the Go compilation command when using the gc compiler.
   130            Subject to ["Make variable"] substitution and [Bourne shell tokenization].
   131            """,
   132        ),
   133        "x_defs": attr.string_dict(
   134            doc = """
   135            Map of defines to add to the go link command. See [Defines and stamping] for examples of how to use these.
   136            """,
   137        ),
   138        "cgo": attr.bool(
   139            doc = """
   140            If `True`, the package may contain [cgo] code, and `srcs` may contain C, C++, Objective-C, and Objective-C++ files
   141            and non-Go assembly files. When cgo is enabled, these files will be compiled with the C/C++ toolchain and
   142            included in the package. Note that this attribute does not force cgo to be enabled. Cgo is enabled for
   143            non-cross-compiling builds when a C/C++ toolchain is configured.
   144            """,
   145        ),
   146        "cdeps": attr.label_list(
   147            cfg = non_go_transition,
   148            doc = """
   149            List of other libraries that the c code depends on.
   150            This can be anything that would be allowed in [cc_library deps] Only valid if `cgo = True`.
   151            """,
   152        ),
   153        "cppopts": attr.string_list(
   154            doc = """
   155            List of flags to add to the C/C++ preprocessor command.
   156            Subject to ["Make variable"] substitution and [Bourne shell tokenization].
   157            Only valid if `cgo = True`.
   158            """,
   159        ),
   160        "copts": attr.string_list(
   161            doc = """
   162            List of flags to add to the C compilation command.
   163            Subject to ["Make variable"] substitution and [Bourne shell tokenization]. Only valid if `cgo = True`.
   164            """,
   165        ),
   166        "cxxopts": attr.string_list(
   167            doc = """
   168            List of flags to add to the C++ compilation command.
   169            Subject to ["Make variable"] substitution and [Bourne shell tokenization]. Only valid if `cgo = True`.
   170            """,
   171        ),
   172        "clinkopts": attr.string_list(
   173            doc = """
   174            List of flags to add to the C link command.
   175            Subject to ["Make variable"] substitution and [Bourne shell tokenization]. Only valid if `cgo = True`.
   176            """,
   177        ),
   178        "_go_context_data": attr.label(default = "//:go_context_data"),
   179        "_allowlist_function_transition": attr.label(
   180            default = "@bazel_tools//tools/allowlists/function_transition_allowlist",
   181        ),
   182    },
   183    toolchains = [GO_TOOLCHAIN],
   184    doc = """This builds a Go library from a set of source files that are all part of
   185    the same package.<br><br>
   186    ***Note:*** For targets generated by Gazelle, `name` is typically the last component of the path,
   187    or `go_default_library`, with the old naming convention.<br><br>
   188    **Providers:**
   189    <ul>
   190      <li>[GoLibrary]</li>
   191      <li>[GoSource]</li>
   192      <li>[GoArchive]</li>
   193    </ul>
   194    """,
   197# See docs/go/core/rules.md#go_library for full documentation.
   199go_tool_library = rule(
   200    _go_library_impl,
   201    attrs = {
   202        "data": attr.label_list(allow_files = True),
   203        "srcs": attr.label_list(allow_files = True),
   204        "deps": attr.label_list(providers = [GoLibrary]),
   205        "importpath": attr.string(),
   206        "importmap": attr.string(),
   207        "embed": attr.label_list(providers = [GoLibrary]),
   208        "gc_goopts": attr.string_list(),
   209        "x_defs": attr.string_dict(),
   210        "_go_config": attr.label(default = "//:go_config"),
   211        "_cgo_context_data": attr.label(default = "//:cgo_context_data_proxy"),
   212        "_stdlib": attr.label(default = "//:stdlib"),
   213    },
   214    toolchains = [GO_TOOLCHAIN],
   216# This is used instead of `go_library` for dependencies of the `nogo` rule and
   217# packages that are depended on implicitly by code generated within the Go rules.
   218# This avoids a bootstrapping problem.
   220# See docs/go/core/rules.md#go_tool_library for full documentation.

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